

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sharon - Happy Anniversary! Have a great day celebrating :) Men in general have a hard time admitting that they are not doing something right. Go to counseling without him because it will be helpful to you no matter what. he may change his mind.(((hugs)))

    Allison - You are so lucky that your microwave was still under warranty! That would have been a lot of money to pay out!

    Yanniejannie - we have you in our prayers! I wish I could be there for you, but know that you have all of us here thinking of you today (((hugs)))

    Heather - I can hardly wait to read your book! Enjoy the process of perfecting it:)

    Good morning everyone! I am up early to get my house in shape just in case we have a showing. then I will be finishing off my third week of strong lift 5 X 5. I will be taking pictures and measurements. I will do this every 3 weeks. I hope everyone has a great day!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Sharon - The Garden show is in Edmonton this weekend - March 19 -22 at the Edmonton Expo Centre. Google the show - arm yourself with some names of interesting vendors. Sounds like your DSIL needs to go with you and maybe find a new cookbook...lol. Have a good weekend.

    Joyce - Yes Sharon and I are about 7 hours apart. Unless you are my kids - who can be in Lethbridge in 5 hours. Gesh hey!! They have slowed down a bit though since DGD is in the backseat. DDIL's parents live in Lethbridge.

    Mary in MN - We usually get a couple of snow storms in late March and early April. It just makes everything so muddy in our yard. And the roads a little bit slick.

    Oh - today is the first day of spring!!! Happy spring everyone. Is there an eclipse happening - they are showing something on the news that can be seen from Scotland and Norway. I don't think we will see anything here - cloudy... and snow on the way.

    Okay must get a move on - I have to leave in hour and I need to make chili for DH and his crew.

    Take care everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I just weighed myself and found out that since Tuesday of this week 2.6 pounds! I haven't been doing anything different well, I haven't been eating 4 bags of whopper Robin eggs! but I have been doing the stronglifts 5x5 is the only exercise difference. maybe it is time to up my calorie count but MFP has me at 1260 calories. I did read that the women strong lifts usually have to eat somewhere between 2000 3000 calories because of the muscle. I definitely not going to go there until I get down to my goal weight.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning all!

    Yanniejannie, prayers for the best possible outcome on the biopsy.

    The school is not year round, but it starts earlier than any other school in the region. Pre-planning begins July 27 and students come back July 31. They go until mid-May with a fall, winter, and spring break. The teacher's baby is due mid-July. Getting up and walking before I go is going to be the hardest part. My natural body rhythm is to stay up until 12 or 1 and get up at 8. Luckily, it is hot as you-know-where that time of year, so we transition to walking early to beat the heat anyway.

    Meg, will they need to do a biopsy on the polyp from your cervix? Prayers for you, too.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    damnit - you crack me up, yeah, that one part is a big long hill fo sho! i stand up and pedal most times. and DON'T YOU HATE THAT?!! why do you even MAKE an appointment, that's why they call it an appointment!! that's why i looked for a new salon that was doing my hair for that very reason. LOVED her work but damnit damnit!!

    jmkmomm= sorry to hear about feeling so tired, i just can't imagine... take care of yourself.

    dreamwriter- i am sorry to hear about your marital problems, TRUST me i know... i am on my 4th marriage (trying to catch up to elizabeth taylor) and there is no good time to leave someone. if memory serves me correctly i left my 2nd husband a week b4 thanksgiving. our anniversary was 11-7-87 so it was right after that. i kept thinking, well then their's crhistmas, then there's valentines, then there's ...... there is only one life, this is it, there is no dress rehersal. do what is going to make you happy and bring you peace in life. if you have kids, DON'T stay with someone for the sake of the children. i am so glad my mom didn't do that. she left my dad when i was around 3 so i grew up without one and i am ok and they will be too.

    yannie - i want some valium, ship me some :0)

    fanncy - CONGRATS on that loss!
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    edited March 2015
    “Happy Spring!” she says, with snow falling outside the window. lol

    Good Morning, ladies!

    Sylvia - love those bowls! They really look nice in the poster. I’m always a little envious of people with artistic talents as I’m so bad I can’t make a stick figure look like a stick figure. I absolutely refuse to play Pictionary because I feel so bad for my partner when they have to try to figure out what I’m attempting to draw.

    Allison – I can’t believe the people you work with! I’m not sure I could be as gracious as you and hold my tongue. I'm thankful that I’ve haven't had to deal with something like that at work in a long time. When I first starting working there were a lot of “woman” that acted like “girls” on my shift and they were constantly going after each other. I think I usually just made some comment about how I thought I was out of Junior High School but I guess some people never outgrow it.

    I can understand your reluctance at leaving your father and DFIL if you should go to Florida but is there a chance you could relocate them also? From what I’ve gathered, you would really like to live in Florida but don’t want to leave them so maybe that is an option. I had friends that wanted to move and his mother was in facility here. They moved to Georgia and found a wonderful place for her, close to them, and less expensive so they could afford it and retire. As long as they lived in this area, he wasn’t able to afford to retire as the cost of living is so much higher. I think your desire to spend time with the elderly is so wonderful! This is something that is greatly needed and I’m sure you would make such a difference in their lives wherever you are.

    Jane – Great news that your daughter’s surgery went well and congratulations on your new place.

    Sassy and Pip – Great pictures of you with your DHs!

    Bedfordd – Big Congratulations on quitting smoking!!

    Heather – Can’t wait to read the book!

    Vicki – Sorry you didn’t get the job but I also firmly believe that things happen for a reason and a bigger plan is in the works than we can see. Maybe getting that job would have prevented you for being able to do what is intended for you. Hopefully, soon you will be able to look back and realize how getting that position would not have been the best for you. I know it is very hard to go through now and I hope you’re able to find some peace about it soon. Another thing, they will never admit it but age discrimination is alive and well. I’ve seen so many people get passed over for someone much younger and without the experience. They don’t want to fill a position with someone they think may be retiring within 10 years. They would rather have someone less qualified but working longer.
    Funny thing is, most of the younger employees choose to leave a position after a short time anyway. They are much more mobile in their careers.

    Yanniejannie – prayers for you while you wait for the results. Hope they come quickly and with good news.

    Joyce – enjoyed reading about your DD and the name Christina. I am also a Christina that has had a lot of names. My family and neighborhood friends always called me Tina. When I started school, I was informed that my ‘real’ name is Christina so that is what the teachers would be calling me. In school, the teacher and classmates would often shorten it to Chris, which I hated as there were three boys in my class with the name Chris, or some would call me Christy or Christine. Now, I’m always struggling with which name to use, Tina or Christina, and sometimes forget what I’ve told people. At work, I mostly go by Tina but my work email is Christina and people get confused as to what to call me. Sometimes when I have to list my name I’ll use either Tina or Christina, depending on if it may be used for legal purposes. I usually go with Tina because most people will call me Christine if I use Christina. They just don’t want to say that third syllable. lol. I also get asked now, “Is that with a K or a C?” Some people are spelling it now as Kyrstina or Kyrstyna. My sister named her daughter after me but we called her Chrissie growing up. In college, she went by either Chris or Christina but everyone in the family and childhood friends still call her Chrissie. It’s fun to know I’m not the only one with multiple names!

    Reading about the Polka brought back some wonderful memories. We grew up doing the Polka as my grandparents on my father’s side were first generation Germans to come to America. We had a large finished basement and my parents would put on the music and teach my sister and I how to Polka. We loved it! We would go to an Oktoberfest put on each year by a German Orphanage and they would have all kinds of food, dancers and of course the band. We would eat and dance all afternoon. The dancers would demonstrate some of the dances and then encourage the crowd to join in. There was a large German dance hall near us that was family owned that started out as a place for his German friends to gather and then expanded to be open to the public. During our college years, my sister and I would go every Friday and Saturday night to dance. I met my first husband there and he was part of a dance group called “Alt Washingtonia” which was a Bavarian Dance Club . Here is a link if anyone is interested - http://www.altwashingtonia.com. We would perform at local events and also travel to different areas. It was great fun and I even got a chance to dance with Bob Hope at the German Embassy in Washington D.C. I’m no longer with the group but still love to hear the music, eat the food and dance to Waltzes and Polkas. Can’t keep my toes from tapping when I hear that Oompah beat.

    Ok, I’ve run my mouth long enough for now.

    Welcome all of the new(er) ladies.

    Tina in Maryland

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Just sown radishes, salad leaves, parsley and peas. Not expecting them all to come up - that depends on what the weather does. And the pests! :laugh: I have put new batteries in the cat alarm, but I have no idea if it works! :ohwell: And fresh beer in the slug traps. Still, it was great to get out there in the sunshine with DH.

    We couldn't see the eclipse todsy because we had heavy cloud cover, but it did go darkish as if it was going to rain. Pity it wasn't this afternoon. A lot of people did have a great view. You have one in the USA in 2017.

    DH reading some more of my book outside in the sunshine.

    Tonight we have my smoky salmon fillets, (baked with chipotle paste and smoky drops) with frozen broad beans. New potatoes for DH. The magic ingredient is a sorrel sauce, made with the new leaves from the garden melted down and mixed with half fat creme fraiche. Amazing! Tastes really lemony.

    Grandchildren tomorrow! ! ! !

    Heather UK
  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    I'm sorry ladies I got to far behind to speak individually. We've been out enjoying the sunshine. Been out tidying and shifting things on my balcony readying it up for planting, drinking, relaxing. :D

    The apple tree story has gone down into the familys hall of fame stories. We could hear our parents laughing about that evening but if any of us went in the room one of our prospective moms would give us "The Look" banishing us so they could get back to laughing. lol

    I truly appreciate all the compliments I've received but lets be honest here... anyone can look 30ish in a grainy cell phone pic. ;) I do belong here, I do, I do, I really do! :p And to prove it I had Alex take one of me with his phone it is much clearer. Honestly, I really do hate my picture taken. You have to catch me in a laugh otherwise I get all stagey and cagey and want to be anywhere else but in front of that camera. lol I am one of those women where if there were 20 pictures took, I delete 19 of them...lol

    Yannie praying! Keep us informed
    Pip excellent job at keeping up with everyone!

    Prayers to all who need them be it work, health, family. Cheers to all who worked for it and achieved it! Hugz to the rest of us..... See you in my morning! Have a fabulous day Everyone!

    Sassy aus Austria
    • If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

    • Being Fat is Hard.
    Losing Weight is Hard.
    Maintenance is Hard.

    Choose Your Hard.

    me.jpg 45.8K
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning everyone!

    Meg: are you satisfied with the doctor’s advice?

    Jane: good news x 2!

    Yanniejannie: I’ve been a little out of it: sorry I missed saying something about your “cells”. Hope you will get good news soon.

    Um, Sassy: what are you holding in the photo?? :o

    So I had another “physical” day today going to the horse dentist and I am well and truly pooped (like I wasn’t before). Like, achy back, knees and feet pooped. I even woke up during the night with pain.
    He got the tooth and the root out; it took about an hour and a half because he was very careful not to break the root. There was, eh, a LOT of blood. (On the other hand, a horse HAS a lot of blood, so not to worry.) She now has a gaping hole in her mouth, which I have to try to rinse out daily, and she has painkillers. Apparently this kind of wound looks horrible but normally heals without any problems. Hope she doesn’t try to rear up to keep me from rinsing the hole out (that’s her party trick). If so I will have to use the twitch. I used to hate those, BTW, until I found out they actually work like acupuncture to dull pain signals.


    No eclipse to be seen; it was cloudy here. Seemed a bit darker outside than normal, but it was kind of a bust.

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:


  • watchingbella
    watchingbella Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all....Well I am back on the band wagon again.."yeah" I lost 30lbs last year with myfitnesspal, but gained 5 back at the holidays. It's been so hard to get back to my routine.."Logging My Fitness Pal" food, and walking/yoga. I hope this is an active group and look fwd to socializing and motivating. Sandy Southern Calif.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Sassy, you have beautiful hair. I, too, want to know what in the world you are holding.

    Just got off the phone with my wellness coach. Poopie doop! He says I have the food under control, the cardio under control, making good progress. Now I need to focus on weight training. I hate, hate, hate it! I promised I would try it once again. I really, really, really do need to make the right choices in "choosing my hard." He says that's the only way I'm going to up the fat burning. I know he's right, darn it!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    CynthiaT60 wrote: »
    Good morning everyone!

    Meg: are you satisfied with the doctor’s advice?

    Jane: good news x 2!

    Yanniejannie: I’ve been a little out of it: sorry I missed saying something about your “cells”. Hope you will get good news soon.

    Um, Sassy: what are you holding in the photo?? :o

    So I had another “physical” day today going to the horse dentist and I am well and truly pooped (like I wasn’t before). Like, achy back, knees and feet pooped. I even woke up during the night with pain.
    He got the tooth and the root out; it took about an hour and a half because he was very careful not to break the root. There was, eh, a LOT of blood. (On the other hand, a horse HAS a lot of blood, so not to worry.) She now has a gaping hole in her mouth, which I have to try to rinse out daily, and she has painkillers. Apparently this kind of wound looks horrible but normally heals without any problems. Hope she doesn’t try to rear up to keep me from rinsing the hole out (that’s her party trick). If so I will have to use the twitch. I used to hate those, BTW, until I found out they actually work like acupuncture to dull pain signals.


    No eclipse to be seen; it was cloudy here. Seemed a bit darker outside than normal, but it was kind of a bust.

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:


    Um, Sassy: what are you holding in the photo?? :o

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF!!finally got all the utilites etc done to new address.Need to work on packing still.
    Have a great day!!!
    hugs jane
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Another chilly, dreary day here. The kids came over for dinner last night which was fun. My son came too, and it was nice to see him getting out of the apartment for a little while. He seemed to be doing a little better than the last time I saw him, so I felt a little bit better myself. While they were there he got a text telling him that the elevator in the apartment building had broken and there were people trapped inside, so he was in no hurry to go home. The people got out, but it will be tomorrow before the elevator is fixed. He had to climb six flights of stairs to go home last night.

    The girls and I loved the Cinderella movie. It may not be Oscar-worthy, but it was a sweet movie. Pretty dresses, sparkly things, and a handsome prince. No shooting, explosions or walking dead. What more can you ask. Glad the little brother didn't go. He would have been bored out of his tiny little mind. Lady Rose from Downton Abbey was Cinderella and the kitchen maid, Daisy was one of the stepsisters. She was really funny.

    Hubby came to get me for lunch and we went to the music store to look for presents for DGD#1's birthday on the 26th. It's fun to wander around in a music store.

    I've spent the morning trying to wrangle a new primary care doctor. It's really hard! I tried to find a female doctor, but the only ones accepting new patients are osteopaths, and not MD's. Hubby doesn't want me to go with a DO. The hospital in Joplin has a doctor referral system, but they are ALL osteopaths. So, I expanded my search to include male doctors and got a few more options, but not many. I'm trying to use Healthgrades.com to narrow it down, but not all are listed on Healthgrades and some don't have reviews. What a pain in the tushy. It's hard to commit to somebody you've never met. And I have to fill out an application form and wait to see if they will accept me. Like I'm the one being interviewed. Grrr.

    One doctor's office had a recording saying they are closed in observance of the holiday. I didn't know today was a holiday.

    Well, I guess I should get some work done. I hope you are all having a fantastic day!


  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member

    Kim - N California
    : Thanks for the paint chip suggestion..very Clever!

    Vicki: Sorry about the job. Hopefully those who did the hiring will have to live with their decision. Hope all is well with your mom

    Joyce - Indiana: I love the creative books you made. What a wonderful way to store memories. They'll be very precious to your grandchildren someday!

    The last couple of days have been very busy with family, so it's taken me a while to read all the posts. I need to find better strategies for eating well when I have company as I end up eating more calories than I'd prefer.

    Thought for the day: If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. –Tony Robbins

    Carey in Edmonton
  • gogigi333
    gogigi333 Posts: 25 Member
    Just checking in again - wow this is a lot of posts to get through!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sassy - I am with everyone else, what that thing you are holding? ?? Maybe we could guess and the first one to get it right gets a prize! Swizzle stick?

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    MINI POT cigar pipe.. you know that's what everyone is thinking
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member

    Curling iron?
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    MINI POT cigar pipe.. you know that's what everyone is thinking
    Not me. o:)