My husband cheated on me...



  • Burt_Huttz
    Burt_Huttz Posts: 1,612 Member
    And a cold, damp wind blew through MFP that day. Everyone shuddered but they couldn't say exactly why.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    You shouldn't put the blame on yourself. You did nothing wrong, some people are just like that. Sometimes we do things and we don't get appreciated for them. Don't forget about karma. If ou're a good person, good things will come to you in time, if he's a bad person bad things will come to him in time. Right now, you just need time to focus on yourself and help your sister. That's most important. It will probably help you get your mind off this. If you ever need anyone to vent to, you can message me if you like. It helps to talk about things and get things off your shoulders.

    This is wrong on so many levels, I just can't.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited March 2015
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Sad thing is... you probably saw this coming from a mile away and did nothing about it. I bet you felt something wasn't right before you guys even got married.

    You can't just close up and say "how can i trust any man again?" truth is for me... there was this girl i liked a lot, i treated her well, her ex cheated on her coutnless times, treated her bad, verbally and mentally abusive. This girl and i got along great, i looked for more than a friendship. She would give me excuses, "I am not ready, idk what i want" then a month later she got with some other guy. Really upset me. Guess what? they got in to a fight and they broke up, she was upset about it. She's different, she has ADHD and not many people understand her. I honestly can't see any other guy putting up with her and being able to handle her. I tried again, things, but she still wasn't interested, she lead me on a bit this time.

    She tells me things like what you said, "how can i trust guys now?" I told her many times, you have to open up and trust, if you don't you're just going to shrivel up and die alone. Sure maybe a guy might come, may not work out, then another may not work out. But if you trust, there will be a guy who appreciates it and gives you what you want.

    I also told her many times, "a guy has a tendency to bs, and make himself greater than what he really is at first." It's kind of understandable, you're trying to win someone over. But the guys who are real, who are genuine. Don't do that, then they don't fit the womens ideal, "the knight in shining armor" and she fells for someone who is lying and bsing her.


    Good god, please let this guy be a troll. Otherwise I smell fedoras and neck beard a mile away.
    I know she doesn't like me like that, because I wasn't INTERESTED IN SEX with her. I liked her as a person. SO i fell in to the "Friends zone" maybe if i was a bit more sexual at first, things would have been different. I actually take the time to KNOW someone, before jumping in to relationships. I mean that's a big problem in our society... Isn't that the problem the OP had??? And a few other people who have posted. Maybe if I had a lamborgini, it would be different. Like in the video i posted early, the girl wasn't interested, but the first sign of money... She gets interested.

    My original post in my first post is that it takes time for people to get to know one another

    Getting to know someone in the context of dating is NOT the same thing as getting to know someone as a platonic friend outside the context of dating. Make your intentions known -beforehand- so your delusions of the "friendzone" and "nice guys finish last" won't happen.

    They don't want to date you? Deal with it. If you can't stand being friends with a chick without expecting something in return, cut that friendship off. Don't keep doing nice things expecting them to change their mind and see you as this awesome dude.

    You show one video demonstrating one or two chicks being materialistic. Is that what you think of ALL women?
    I did cut it off. I just feel kind of bad for her because i know the potential we could have had, but she missed out because of shallow views. she will always have problems, but it's karma. That's what it always is. but i do agree with you, let intentions be known up front, and get to know them differently. You're right. There are many more videos like the the one i shown.

    WTF is this? You are not the only man out there for her. She did what she knew was best for herself and thank god she did.

    WTF is wrong with you? You make it sound like you're some kind of martyr for even being interested in her and being willing to handle her. Don't feel bad for her - she did what is best for her. If she needs time to be single, let her be single. If she knows the kind of guy she wants and - SHOCKER! it's not an *kitten* like you - then let her go for it. Believe it or not, women do know what they want. Saying I don't know what I want is a very nice way of saying I know what I want, and it's not you.

    She will handle herself - most women, even if they have "issues" can take care of themselves. You don't need to be the martyr and in all honest you're not. The more you respond the bigger of an *kitten* you make yourself out to be. I'm very proud of her - as a woman - for not settling for you just because you've always been the silent best friend waiting in the background for her to have this epiphany that you're the one, which really is what it sounds like you've been doing. Plus it also sounds like you want someone who is completely dependent on you, so you don't really have to bring anything to the relationship except the guilty statements of "I take care of you" "No one else will get you" "You will be alone forever" "You don't have anyone else but me" etc etc. Does it make you feel like a big man to have a woman so dependent on you? That's what it sounds like you want by preying on someone who may have some disadvantages to begin with. That's childish and quite frankly disgusting.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Sad thing is... you probably saw this coming from a mile away and did nothing about it. I bet you felt something wasn't right before you guys even got married.

    You can't just close up and say "how can i trust any man again?" truth is for me... there was this girl i liked a lot, i treated her well, her ex cheated on her coutnless times, treated her bad, verbally and mentally abusive. This girl and i got along great, i looked for more than a friendship. She would give me excuses, "I am not ready, idk what i want" then a month later she got with some other guy. Really upset me. Guess what? they got in to a fight and they broke up, she was upset about it. She's different, she has ADHD and not many people understand her. I honestly can't see any other guy putting up with her and being able to handle her. I tried again, things, but she still wasn't interested, she lead me on a bit this time.

    She tells me things like what you said, "how can i trust guys now?" I told her many times, you have to open up and trust, if you don't you're just going to shrivel up and die alone. Sure maybe a guy might come, may not work out, then another may not work out. But if you trust, there will be a guy who appreciates it and gives you what you want.

    I also told her many times, "a guy has a tendency to bs, and make himself greater than what he really is at first." It's kind of understandable, you're trying to win someone over. But the guys who are real, who are genuine. Don't do that, then they don't fit the womens ideal, "the knight in shining armor" and she fells for someone who is lying and bsing her.


    Good god, please let this guy be a troll. Otherwise I smell fedoras and neck beard a mile away.
    I know she doesn't like me like that, because I wasn't INTERESTED IN SEX with her. I liked her as a person. SO i fell in to the "Friends zone" maybe if i was a bit more sexual at first, things would have been different. I actually take the time to KNOW someone, before jumping in to relationships. I mean that's a big problem in our society... Isn't that the problem the OP had??? And a few other people who have posted. Maybe if I had a lamborgini, it would be different. Like in the video i posted early, the girl wasn't interested, but the first sign of money... She gets interested.

    My original post in my first post is that it takes time for people to get to know one another

    Getting to know someone in the context of dating is NOT the same thing as getting to know someone as a platonic friend outside the context of dating. Make your intentions known -beforehand- so your delusions of the "friendzone" and "nice guys finish last" won't happen.

    They don't want to date you? Deal with it. If you can't stand being friends with a chick without expecting something in return, cut that friendship off. Don't keep doing nice things expecting them to change their mind and see you as this awesome dude.

    You show one video demonstrating one or two chicks being materialistic. Is that what you think of ALL women?
    I did cut it off. I just feel kind of bad for her because i know the potential we could have had, but she missed out because of shallow views. she will always have problems, but it's karma. That's what it always is. but i do agree with you, let intentions be known up front, and get to know them differently. You're right. There are many more videos like the the one i shown.

    A better thing to say, rather than "you saw this coming" is to encourage someone to work on themselves and search themselves for what they -really- want. Love can be blind to many, many things, including douchebagness. Having compassion for someone having a hard time with relationships is NOT saying they should have expected it.

    I reread my original post to see what the big deal is. I studied a lot of sociology between male and female interactions, mostly females. The best advice I ever came across twoards women was, "get rid of your long list of ideals and focus on how the person you're with makes you feel." That's what i was trying to communicate. I am not saying it's HER fault. I am saying next time around just be more aware. That's what i am trying to convey.

    and random side note. GIF's on MFP are so 2010...

    What made you think she had a long list of ideals? There are a lot of assumptions made on your part. Compatibility is certainly important, but a lot of differences can be put aside with enough love and passion.

    I agree with you, i thought about it... like if there was a girl who i wasn't physically attracted to. If she made me feel good and happy yeah i'd be with her. To answer your question, i don't think my response would be good for the OP so i am not going to answer it.

    I don't believe that if you knew a girl who you felt zero attraction to liked you that you would still "be with her". That is total bs. You are attracted to someone who does not find you attractive. That does not make her "broken" or "shallow". It's just life. Deal with it.

    I honestly thought about it, in my mind the situations/people i came up with, it was true. But honestly who knows, I'd have to be in that situation. There was a few married women on this site, who wanted to pursue something. But... obviously in that situation no.

    Side note has anyone reached out to the op yet or was i the only one?


    The only thing you should be reaching out for is a therapist.

    OKay i'll note that, "see someone who is hurting and suffering, don't try to help them, it means you're crazy and need psychological help. Action to take, anyone who tries to help the person, make fun of them, insult them and mock them. " And i need help? ok.

    Says the guy who's first reply stated the OP "saw it coming".

  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    I am so sorry. I wish I could give you a big bear hug. As far as i know, I have not gone through this but I feel for you, I really do. Luckily, you are still young and beautiful and have a lot to look forward to. I wish you luck and happiness!
  • Wiseandcurious
    Wiseandcurious Posts: 730 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    You shouldn't put the blame on yourself. You did nothing wrong, some people are just like that. Sometimes we do things and we don't get appreciated for them. Don't forget about karma. If ou're a good person, good things will come to you in time, if he's a bad person bad things will come to him in time. Right now, you just need time to focus on yourself and help your sister. That's most important. It will probably help you get your mind off this. If you ever need anyone to vent to, you can message me if you like. It helps to talk about things and get things off your shoulders.

    This just seriously upped the creepiness factor.

    I am changing my mind about this guy. I refused to see him as a creep and thought he was just confused by pop culture and struggling with some complex of his own. I see (from all his new posts, not just the above) he's seriously headed into the dark side.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    edited March 2015
    Dagnabbit. Broke my own DNE rule.

    Nothing to see here folks.

    Move along.

    Move along.
  • S0vi
    S0vi Posts: 29 Member
    Thank him for what he has done and have a funeral in your head for him. I am so sorry you are going through this. I hope that you are clean of anything his selfish irresponsible behavior may have created. PS. Don't mourn him, celebrate his departure.
  • JayRuby84
    JayRuby84 Posts: 557 Member
    I hope the STD screenings turn out in your favor. Focus on yourself and your own value and moving on. Maybe get a therapist and membership at a gym and talk/ lift your way to a new beginning. That "husband"....what a jerk.
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    OP, I'm so sorry to hear that, it is terrible. There is not much else I can say that hasn't already been said, I just want to offer my support. It sounds like you are one hell of a strong lady, and are handling this very well. Just stay strong. It can be difficult to trust again when you have been hurt so badly, but you will find someone worth trusting; it won't be quick and it won't be easy, but it will be worth the wait in the long run (and I speak from similar experiences).

    This is your time now, to discover who you are, who you want to be and what you really want out of life. See this as an opportunity.

    And ignore those people bashing you for coming to a forum for support; sometimes it's easier to speak to strangers, and unbiased ones, I totally get that :)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    OP, contact Cristina Morelli, Veronica Lario's lawyer.

    Best deal on the planet.
  • flomic
    flomic Posts: 5 Member
    :/ I'm so sorry... I've never quite gone through something that intense, but I've had a relationship suddenly end under poor circumstances. Figured I'd write a few things that helped me out, and hope that any of it can help you...

    My advice: Remember why you have to leave him, and find something to pour yourself into (be it studies, gym, etc.). For me, I poured myself into my studies and, looking back after a 5 year treck, it has turned out unbelievably well...

    An old instructor of mine gave me another piece of good advice: Don't feel bad for feeling bad. In such an emotional relationship, you will feel abused and hurt; and rightly so! Don't fight off his memory, but acknowledge it as something in the past (almost like a different person, as his good memories were from a different person who never would have done this). Accept any memories that flood back, and just let them pass through.

    Last bit: Find some good folks, be it friends, family, coworkers, classmates, religious folks, w/e... In my recovery I found that finding people of the same gender to hang out with was very important to get me back on my feet socially, and to support me when I had no one else. Ideally, this will be a stable group of people who will be able to be consistent in your life for a couple years (or longer or shorter). It is tough to branch out after being so betrayed (or was for me), but connecting with people who can be there for you means the world when "getting over someone."

    :/ Again, I am so sorry that you had to go through this. Wish you ALL the best, and sending positivities your way!

  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member

    What wasn't aimed at her? The "you probably saw it coming a mile away?" It was in your very first post. [/quote]

    ah yes i see it now. I was wondering where the OP was getting that from. Is it wrong for me to say that? Maybe she did maybe she didn't. I am not the type to get upset at people if they're being honest with me and sharing their opinion. Even if I don't agree with it. How many have insulted me and tried to belittle me through this entire topic? I don't' care i don't hold it against them.

    Many have said through the post they been in similar situations and they saw red flags all over the person. I have seen red flags over some people, Often people in these situations see red flags from a mile away. I am not putting the blame on the op, that's what my first post was about. I also said, many men bs women(which is true). I also said, that there will be a guy that would appreciate her. Yet everyone wants to focus on the negative and not the positive.

    ....Yes, it was wrong for you to say that. I've been following this thread with great interested, being well-read in psychology sociology (as you say you are), specializing in the minds of serial killers and serial rapists. Other people have done a very good job of pointing out exactly what is wrong with your mentality; assuming that ALL girls want 'a knight in shining armour', or a guy with money and a six-pack (I, for one, am incredibly independent and love a guy who will let me do things by myself and will treat me as an equal; I also love guys who are skinny and nerdy. And I am in the most amazingly loving relationship with a guy who respects that, and is more than happy with that because he is also independent). Assuming that because you are nice to a girl you are entitled to something. Assuming that there would be no other man who would be able to handle this woman so she should feel lucky that you would date her. Saying that there is no physical attraction there, yet you still want to be with her and tried very hard to be. You thinking that you know EXACTLY what she wants and what she is thinking, better than she does, and therefore thinking that you know what is best for her....

    These are all behaviours I have come across in my studies, and not good ones. Do some research on feminism if you truly want to find out about the female sex, to counter your very old-fashioned views. Look at all the amazing things strong women are doing in our society and think about what kind of a guy they would like. Women want a man who will make them feel confident and like they can take on the world, not a man who will molly-coddle them into insecurity or uselessness. At the end of the day, we live for ourselves; you will most likely never, EVER be the entire centre of some woman's world, because no man should ever be, so stop expecting that or thinking you are entitled to it and start treating women with the respect that they deserve; as strong, independent creatures who know their own minds and hearts far better than you ever will.

  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Mussronkey wrote: »
    I've lost family and friends. The weight loss that comes from the emotional toll would be great under different circumstances. The only way to heal is over time. That and gym, gym, and more gym. The routine of working out helps pass that time. It will get better!


    OP, I haven't been through the situation you've had to go through, but I have found, when dealing with my own pain, the gym really does help. The physical exertion helps me release that energy that's built up. Taking 30-60 minutes a day to focus on the workout and not the source of the pain helps my mind disengage and unwind. And the capacity for progress, whether it's knocking out a few more reps or adding a few more pounds to the weights, helps me get in the mindset of being able to look to the future and move forward.

    For me, those distractions and mind-games help me get through the dark times and help the healing process while continuing on my fitness path.

  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    A few months go by i got over it. We became friends again, closer then ever. They broke up(NO SURPRISE THERE), a few months go by we where drinking i brought up the relationship thing again,she said "idk why i didn't give you a chance" i said "what about now?" she's like, "idk what i want." i said, "only one way to find out, let me kiss you", she said "if i kiss you it's because i want to, not right now, i don't feel it now.", but the dynamics of our relationship changed we where flirting and it looked like things where going. I was to happen. One day we wher flirtign i was caressing her face and hair. She said, "i am not used to this, it's flattering. It's nice" (she never been with a guy who truly appreciated her.)


    This is the creepiest paragraph I've ever read on MFP.

    creepy: causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease.


    And just to inform you, the dynamics of courtship have changed in this day in age.

    So, you feel you can judge what others are feeling?

    That is a major part of your problem.

    Feelings are personal and subjective to the person. You don't get to tell them what they're feeling.

    I also found your post and described actions creepy and that's from your own viewpoint. I dread to think how the girl is feeling.

    Because of the kiss? All that stuff happened the same day. As I said, if it was such a problem, She wouldn't have woken me up to an invite to the city... Should i have just grabbed her and kissed her and possibly violated her? That would have been better? And honestly, i told her later, "i don't really care if i kiss you, i was just flirting with you." I honestly don't care if i did. It was more to test the water if anything.

    But i guess i should just have used her like other guys have, mentally abuse her and emotionally. Cheated on her like 4x like her ex did, and start arguing with her like the other guy she dated. Is that what you're recommending?

    Yet i been there for her through thick and thin, When you really care for someone they can do no wrong in your eyes. That's how she was to me, she did no wrong in my eyes. The whole world would be mad at her, because of how misunderstood she is, not me. But women don't want that obviously. But according to everyone, that's all wrong. Thanks for the advice.

    ETA: i know how she was feeling, I could see it on her face, when she would blush, smile, laugh...

    When you really love someone, you know that they can mess up and make mistakes but you love them anyways. You don't treat them as if they can do no wrong, you treat them with respect and allow them to know it's ok to make mistakes (within limits) and you'll still be there for them, you'll still accept them exactly as they are.

    Thinking they can do no wrong does cause blindness and the issues that "you should see coming", as you mentioned.
  • KathyMBragg
    KathyMBragg Posts: 48 Member
    Are these threads real??
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    Trolllllllllllllllllllllllllllll in the dungeon!
  • Burt_Huttz
    Burt_Huttz Posts: 1,612 Member
    writerkat wrote: »
    Are these threads real??

  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    lngrunert wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Sad thing is... you probably saw this coming from a mile away and did nothing about it. I bet you felt something wasn't right before you guys even got married.

    You can't just close up and say "how can i trust any man again?" truth is for me... there was this girl i liked a lot, i treated her well, her ex cheated on her coutnless times, treated her bad, verbally and mentally abusive. This girl and i got along great, i looked for more than a friendship. She would give me excuses, "I am not ready, idk what i want" then a month later she got with some other guy. Really upset me. Guess what? they got in to a fight and they broke up, she was upset about it. She's different, she has ADHD and not many people understand her. I honestly can't see any other guy putting up with her and being able to handle her. I tried again, things, but she still wasn't interested, she lead me on a bit this time.

    She tells me things like what you said, "how can i trust guys now?" I told her many times, you have to open up and trust, if you don't you're just going to shrivel up and die alone. Sure maybe a guy might come, may not work out, then another may not work out. But if you trust, there will be a guy who appreciates it and gives you what you want.

    I also told her many times, "a guy has a tendency to bs, and make himself greater than what he really is at first." It's kind of understandable, you're trying to win someone over. But the guys who are real, who are genuine. Don't do that, then they don't fit the womens ideal, "the knight in shining armor" and she fells for someone who is lying and bsing her.

    Of course, the inevitable "Women only like jerks and never appreciate nice guys" post. :neutral_face:

    This is not true. I'm a jerk and feel very under appreciated B) .
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    consistency - I am consistant

    Please for the love of all that is good and just tell me that you did this on purpose. Even if it isn't true, just tell me that it was intentional.

    Never mind. Don't tell me. I'm going to pretend that it was. Speak of it no more.
This discussion has been closed.