Pet Peeves @ Gym l v



  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    I hate when people won't stop talking in classes. I'm trying to hear the instructor and all I can hear is, "BLAH BLAH DIET HERBALIFE BABIEZZ LAWL". I also hate when people leave their phones in the middle of the floor during a class. One of these days I'm going to step on it and it's going to end up being my fault.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    You anti-judgement crowd realize that judging those who judge is passing judgement?

    This isn't the gym.

  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    When the gym supervisor for the cardio room brings in their dinner (usually McDonald's)

    Sorry for that.

    Not McDonald's but KFC

    Gross. Who eats crap like that if they are at or going to the gym. Ew.

    People who have figured out exactly how they can fit a Double Down into their day? Or cardio bunnies willing to sweat 600 calories out?

    Just a mini confession here. I'm not a cardio "bunny"... but I LIKE walking. I just like it. I also like strength training. I find both enjoyable. I don't like the term because ... why can't we all get along?

    I proudly call myself a cardio bunny. I start with a base of 1200 and earn my treats.

    If you don't like it, that's fine, but I didn't mean it in a rude way.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    Reading this thread brought back an odd memory from when I used to workout at a gym.

    Same guy every day on the stationary bike, riding full speed like the devil himself was after him. Hoodie pulled up so you couldn't see his face, bent over and dripping sweat all over the machine and the floor around him. (I would try to pick a bike far away because his sweat would just be flinging all around and get on you, too.) When he was done he'd just get off and walk away leaving his sweaty mess behind . . . . a minute later his girlfriend would run over with a towel and wipe off the machine. Seriously. Now THAT was cringe-worthy.

    That reminds me, I'm not too impressed by people who use their sweat towels to wipe down equipment.

    The guy on the treadmill next to me did that this morning.

  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    Still number 1 in my book... not re racking your weights.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    edited March 2015
    My pet peeves at the gym are people who ask me if I'm using a bench or spot I stopped using like 5-10 minutes ago even though they clearly saw me move to a new spot (though they probably might be thinking I'm doing interval training), people who try to talk to me when I'm on the treadmill, people who try to talk to me for unnecessary long periods of time (unless they're a friend or someone I find interesting, that's rare though), people who get in my way of me looking at the mirror to see if I'm doing a particular exercise right and people who try to take my spot even when there is my bottle AND a towel on the machine or bench to indicate to people that I'm still using it.

    Other than that, I don't really give a damn what other people do in the gym or what they wear....I'm more worried about myself. And no I'm not really antisocial, an introvert or shy; I'm actually an ambivert, I'm just really concentrated in my workout and don't have time to worry about petty things.

    You shouldn't be saving the spot to begin with. If you aren't using it, it is not yours.

    LOL people do it all the time and I don't you're telling me if I gotta use the bathroom and I'll be back in two minutes and I'm still not done with my exercise, I should relinquish my spot over to someone?.....LOL gtfo. That would be fine if I was just texting and someone wanted to get in on a workout with me but if I gotta use the bathroom and I'm not done with my exercise....nope.

    Yes, I am telling you that. Other people need to finish their workouts too. Some of us are in a hurry. Your time is not any more valuable than someone else's.

    Thanks for making the rest of us pick up your dirty towel when we need to use the space that you are hold up. If you were in my gym, you would come back to find your water bottle and towel in the garbage. I'd probably turn you in to the front desk too as any kind of supersetting is against the rules if anyone is waiting.
    My pet peeves at the gym are people who ask me if I'm using a bench or spot I stopped using like 5-10 minutes ago even though they clearly saw me move to a new spot (though they probably might be thinking I'm doing interval training), people who try to talk to me when I'm on the treadmill, people who try to talk to me for unnecessary long periods of time (unless they're a friend or someone I find interesting, that's rare though), people who get in my way of me looking at the mirror to see if I'm doing a particular exercise right and people who try to take my spot even when there is my bottle AND a towel on the machine or bench to indicate to people that I'm still using it.

    Other than that, I don't really give a damn what other people do in the gym or what they wear....I'm more worried about myself. And no I'm not really antisocial, an introvert or shy; I'm actually an ambivert, I'm just really concentrated in my workout and don't have time to worry about petty things.

    You shouldn't be saving the spot to begin with. If you aren't using it, it is not yours.

    LOL people do it all the time and I don't you're telling me if I gotta use the bathroom and I'll be back in two minutes and I'm still not done with my exercise, I should relinquish my spot over to someone?.....LOL gtfo. That would be fine if I was just texting and someone wanted to get in on a workout with me but if I gotta use the bathroom and I'm not done with my exercise....nope.

    Yes, I am telling you that. Other people need to finish their workouts too. Some of us are in a hurry. Your time is not any more valuable than someone else's.

    Thanks for making the rest of us pick up your dirty towel when we need to use the space that you are hold up. If you were in my gym, you would come back to find your water bottle and towel in the garbage. I'd probably turn you in to the front desk too as any kind of supersetting is against the rules if anyone is waiting.

    How about nope...I'll do what I want as other people have did the same thing I have (putting their stuff on a machine as an indicator of them still using it) and I don't complain and cry about it. If you want to use the machine I'm on, just ask and I'll gladly let you use it along with me. Don't be rude and touch my stuff if you're not allowed to. Sorry but nope. Go to Planet Fitness then (which I don't go to btw judging by your previous comment.....LOL). Not my problem. Maybe I'm just too hardcore for people like you as it seems like older people just *kitten* about this issue the most.

    I'm not old (hey thanks!) and I don't go to Planet Fitness. I go to an upscale private gym where supersetting is not allowed because it is rude and inefficient.

    You can't hold your spot. Use it or lose it. It's just basic manners.

    Umm...supersets are not rude...they're a totally normal and acceptable workout technique.
    And inefficient??? Hardly!!! Not only are they time savers (more exercises in less time due to active rest periods) but they also boost the intensity of the workout (greater pump if working the same muscle group in both exercises), increase the calorie burn by keeping the heart rate up, and some studies (according to an article I read on a while back) show that super setting opposing muscle groups results in greater power capacity for stronger lifts (hence better results).
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.
    It is going to backfire. And hopefully anyone who has a couple warnings on them isn't the one flagging because I think that won't end well at all.

    What people need to point out the frivolous flagging.
    runner475 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.

    Yup..I've noticed people have been flagging my comments too.

    I think they are upset at the comment and are flagging the comment per say as though to suggest they aren't agreeing.

    But that's not what the flag system is meant for. I have a feeling they aren't aware what goes on behind the scenes.

    Then say something to someone and maybe it will stop.

    Wait what?

    Are you asking me why I mentioned about flagging?

    I'm not following why you quoted me.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    When the gym supervisor for the cardio room brings in their dinner (usually McDonald's)

    Sorry for that.

    Not McDonald's but KFC

    Gross. Who eats crap like that if they are at or going to the gym. Ew.

    I do. Because I can.
    MrM27 wrote: »
    When the gym supervisor for the cardio room brings in their dinner (usually McDonald's)

    Sorry for that.

    Not McDonald's but KFC

    Gross. Who eats crap like that if they are at or going to the gym. Ew.

    People who have figured out exactly how they can fit a Double Down into their day? Or cardio bunnies willing to sweat 600 calories out?

    That stuff is gross and I don't think it's even real food. I don't see how those fatty maybe not even foods could help you do a double down or sweat out 600 calories? Not to mention, have you see what it does almost immediately to your blood, so gross.

    What does it do to our blood? And I've never had a double down

    Hight fat food straight to your bloodstream
    Sorry but that is no way a reputable source.

    Got any that isn't a blog?

    Also, that video doesn't even support your argument. Sorry.

    ...There is a second video, which was the one I was looking for, which the doctor talks about this yellowy liquid coming from his veins before getting his blood. Turned out he had just eaten a high fat lunch at the local fast food place.....

    Sorry, but this is the most idiotic post in this thread. Not even close.

    The only thing in your veins is blood. It is pretty much evenly mixed throughout your body. There is no chance that when drawing blood you would get a "yellowy liquid" from your vein. Zero chance. You will get blood. It isn't like looking at the dipstick in a car where you can stick a needle in your vein and pull it out to see how far up on the needle the "yellowy liquid" goes.

    Tell me, are you a phlebotomist?

    Oh, and PS, blood is not all that is in your veins, there is plac and arteries clogged by garbage diets.

    so you are saying that one 600 calorie meal from KFC is a "garbage diet"....or are you making a general statement based on assumptions that no one knows?

    Nope, I'm saying high fat fast foods are garbage, but most people who eat those things don't just stop there, they eat like that at home as well. So, garbage diets. Yes, I know there are exceptions to everything, but those foods are still high in fat and grease and can do a number on your digestive tract. If you're low on energy, grab some fruit, want a meal, have a huge salad.

    so the answer is that you are making assumptions based on what you think people are consuming.

    thanks for clarifying that.

    I love how you assume to know what the overall diet of every fast food eater is. That is a neat trick, and you will have to teach me how to do it someday.

    Nope, wrong yet again. There are key words that you seem to love to ignore, words like MOST, and the line where I said there were exceptions to this. So, you can keep trying to put words in my mouth, but if you look at the screen you would see these things, it seems like you have ADD.

    yea, it is pretty clear that you made a bunch of assumptions about people who eat fast food and then tired to extrapolate that to this thread where someone ate one meal from KFC. Unless, you have intimate knowledge of the diet of the instructor that the person is referring to...??

    and just because you used the qualifier "most" does not negate that you are making assumptions...

    I'm not making a bunch of assumptions about people who eat fast food! I was passing judgement on the FOOD ITSELF, I don't care what people eat, all I did was say that the food that was listed is gross to me. The rest of the conversation is mostly people being jerks just to be, trolling me, and/or bullying me. I answer your questions to the best of my ability, try to provide resources, and yet y'all say I'm wrong and say I'm doing all these things, etc. Get off it, I'm words on a screen, and you can put intent, malice, and whatever you want in there, but it doesn't make it true.

    I am just going to put what you said here..

    "Nope, I'm saying high fat fast foods are garbage, but most people who eat those things don't just stop there, they eat like that at home as well. So, garbage diets..."

    that is a pretty broad assumption that you made, which is basically that people who eat a high fat, fast food diet are "garbage dieters"...

    For those interested in the full text of what I said. "Nope, I'm saying high fat fast foods are garbage, but most people who eat those things don't just stop there, they eat like that at home as well. So, garbage diets. Yes, I know there are exceptions to everything, but those foods are still high in fat and grease and can do a number on your digestive tract. If you're low on energy, grab some fruit, want a meal, have a huge salad."

    It's not an assumption, it's a statistic, look it up and see where a high fat diet through fast food consumption will lead you, even if you only eat there once a week.

    just so you know..

    ... after a quote implies that there is more after the dots...So by doing that I was indicating that there was additional info afterwards. If I would of just put a singular period then that would of inferred it was the end of the quote.

    I just took the relevant sentence where you referred back to high fat fast food folks as "garbage dieters"

    I know what it means when ... begins or follows a quote, however, I wanted to make sure anyone reading knew what I had actually said, and that I DID NOT make assumptions and if you eat fast food you are eating garbage. I THINK fast food is gross, and that was all I was trying to say, but now people are putting words in my mouth, doing only partial quotes to make me look like I'm coming down on people who eat fast food. AS I said previously, I don't care what people eat, I think fast food is disgusting and gross and garbage and bad for your health even in small quantities.

    didn't you just do what you said you did not do??????????????????????
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »

    Setting up portable speakers so you can blast your own music instead of wearing headphones.

    My jaw is hanging down ... setting up their own speakers...what the actual what?!?!?!?!?! I'm getting a headache just imagining it.

    This happened in the pool at my gym once. A family came in and set up their own speakers to blast really inappropriate music. They tried to take over the lap lanes and have a pool party. At one point, somebody threw a ball at my head--it was the DAD. At first I thought that the parents were drunk, but they must have been very high...on what, I am not sure, but it was bad.

    I never saw them again after that. I'm pretty sure their membership was cancelled.
  • ScorpioJack_91
    ScorpioJack_91 Posts: 5,241 Member
    runner475 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.
    It is going to backfire. And hopefully anyone who has a couple warnings on them isn't the one flagging because I think that won't end well at all.

    What people need to point out the frivolous flagging.
    runner475 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.

    Yup..I've noticed people have been flagging my comments too.

    I think they are upset at the comment and are flagging the comment per say as though to suggest they aren't agreeing.

    But that's not what the flag system is meant for. I have a feeling they aren't aware what goes on behind the scenes.

    Then say something to someone and maybe it will stop.

    Wait what?

    Are you asking me why I mentioned about flagging?

    I'm not following why you quoted me.

    I've already got 19 abuse seriously? They're salty. Most of the comments I don't even insult anyone lol and alot of times I just like to joke around.
  • WitchofWashington
    WitchofWashington Posts: 158 Member
    runner475 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.
    It is going to backfire. And hopefully anyone who has a couple warnings on them isn't the one flagging because I think that won't end well at all.

    What people need to point out the frivolous flagging.
    runner475 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.

    Yup..I've noticed people have been flagging my comments too.

    I think they are upset at the comment and are flagging the comment per say as though to suggest they aren't agreeing.

    But that's not what the flag system is meant for. I have a feeling they aren't aware what goes on behind the scenes.

    Then say something to someone and maybe it will stop.

    Wait what?

    Are you asking me why I mentioned about flagging?

    I'm not following why you quoted me.

    He wants you to send the moderator team a message about the unnecessary flagging.
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    _QueenE_ wrote: »
    Same people on here talking about judging are probably in other threads sharing their pet peeves.

    Too true.
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    MizzMaamI1 wrote: »
    Okay okay, I definitely used the wrong word here (cringe).

    Not wiping equipment is what bothers me the most. I bring my own lysol wipes and always wipe before and after anyways but still.

    I am stealing your Lysol idea.
  • WitchofWashington
    WitchofWashington Posts: 158 Member
    edited March 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    When the gym supervisor for the cardio room brings in their dinner (usually McDonald's)

    Sorry for that.

    Not McDonald's but KFC

    Gross. Who eats crap like that if they are at or going to the gym. Ew.

    I do. Because I can.
    MrM27 wrote: »
    When the gym supervisor for the cardio room brings in their dinner (usually McDonald's)

    Sorry for that.

    Not McDonald's but KFC

    Gross. Who eats crap like that if they are at or going to the gym. Ew.

    People who have figured out exactly how they can fit a Double Down into their day? Or cardio bunnies willing to sweat 600 calories out?

    That stuff is gross and I don't think it's even real food. I don't see how those fatty maybe not even foods could help you do a double down or sweat out 600 calories? Not to mention, have you see what it does almost immediately to your blood, so gross.

    What does it do to our blood? And I've never had a double down

    Hight fat food straight to your bloodstream
    Sorry but that is no way a reputable source.

    Got any that isn't a blog?

    Also, that video doesn't even support your argument. Sorry.

    ...There is a second video, which was the one I was looking for, which the doctor talks about this yellowy liquid coming from his veins before getting his blood. Turned out he had just eaten a high fat lunch at the local fast food place.....

    Sorry, but this is the most idiotic post in this thread. Not even close.

    The only thing in your veins is blood. It is pretty much evenly mixed throughout your body. There is no chance that when drawing blood you would get a "yellowy liquid" from your vein. Zero chance. You will get blood. It isn't like looking at the dipstick in a car where you can stick a needle in your vein and pull it out to see how far up on the needle the "yellowy liquid" goes.

    Tell me, are you a phlebotomist?

    Oh, and PS, blood is not all that is in your veins, there is plac and arteries clogged by garbage diets.

    so you are saying that one 600 calorie meal from KFC is a "garbage diet"....or are you making a general statement based on assumptions that no one knows?

    Nope, I'm saying high fat fast foods are garbage, but most people who eat those things don't just stop there, they eat like that at home as well. So, garbage diets. Yes, I know there are exceptions to everything, but those foods are still high in fat and grease and can do a number on your digestive tract. If you're low on energy, grab some fruit, want a meal, have a huge salad.

    so the answer is that you are making assumptions based on what you think people are consuming.

    thanks for clarifying that.

    I love how you assume to know what the overall diet of every fast food eater is. That is a neat trick, and you will have to teach me how to do it someday.

    Nope, wrong yet again. There are key words that you seem to love to ignore, words like MOST, and the line where I said there were exceptions to this. So, you can keep trying to put words in my mouth, but if you look at the screen you would see these things, it seems like you have ADD.

    yea, it is pretty clear that you made a bunch of assumptions about people who eat fast food and then tired to extrapolate that to this thread where someone ate one meal from KFC. Unless, you have intimate knowledge of the diet of the instructor that the person is referring to...??

    and just because you used the qualifier "most" does not negate that you are making assumptions...

    I'm not making a bunch of assumptions about people who eat fast food! I was passing judgement on the FOOD ITSELF, I don't care what people eat, all I did was say that the food that was listed is gross to me. The rest of the conversation is mostly people being jerks just to be, trolling me, and/or bullying me. I answer your questions to the best of my ability, try to provide resources, and yet y'all say I'm wrong and say I'm doing all these things, etc. Get off it, I'm words on a screen, and you can put intent, malice, and whatever you want in there, but it doesn't make it true.

    I am just going to put what you said here..

    "Nope, I'm saying high fat fast foods are garbage, but most people who eat those things don't just stop there, they eat like that at home as well. So, garbage diets..."

    that is a pretty broad assumption that you made, which is basically that people who eat a high fat, fast food diet are "garbage dieters"...

    For those interested in the full text of what I said. "Nope, I'm saying high fat fast foods are garbage, but most people who eat those things don't just stop there, they eat like that at home as well. So, garbage diets. Yes, I know there are exceptions to everything, but those foods are still high in fat and grease and can do a number on your digestive tract. If you're low on energy, grab some fruit, want a meal, have a huge salad."

    It's not an assumption, it's a statistic, look it up and see where a high fat diet through fast food consumption will lead you, even if you only eat there once a week.

    just so you know..

    ... after a quote implies that there is more after the dots...So by doing that I was indicating that there was additional info afterwards. If I would of just put a singular period then that would of inferred it was the end of the quote.

    I just took the relevant sentence where you referred back to high fat fast food folks as "garbage dieters"

    I know what it means when ... begins or follows a quote, however, I wanted to make sure anyone reading knew what I had actually said, and that I DID NOT make assumptions and if you eat fast food you are eating garbage. I THINK fast food is gross, and that was all I was trying to say, but now people are putting words in my mouth, doing only partial quotes to make me look like I'm coming down on people who eat fast food. AS I said previously, I don't care what people eat, I think fast food is disgusting and gross and garbage and bad for your health even in small quantities.

    didn't you just do what you said you did not do??????????????????????

    No I didn't, once more I'm talking about the food and not the people consuming it. AGAIN this is just my opinion in regards to it being gross, disgusting, garbage, that is not healthy and bad for your body. I won't be eating it and that is why. How I feel about something applies to me and me alone, I don't care if you weigh 60 lbs and eat 20 chicken nuggets everyday, or your 400 lbs eating a whopper, I DON'T CARE. However, my opinion is that it's garbage, so my opinion is you're eating garbage if you are eating fast food, that's nothing against the person.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    runner475 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.
    It is going to backfire. And hopefully anyone who has a couple warnings on them isn't the one flagging because I think that won't end well at all.

    What people need to point out the frivolous flagging.
    runner475 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.

    Yup..I've noticed people have been flagging my comments too.

    I think they are upset at the comment and are flagging the comment per say as though to suggest they aren't agreeing.

    But that's not what the flag system is meant for. I have a feeling they aren't aware what goes on behind the scenes.

    Then say something to someone and maybe it will stop.

    Wait what?

    Are you asking me why I mentioned about flagging?

    I'm not following why you quoted me.

    I've already got 19 abuse seriously? They're salty. Most of the comments I don't even insult anyone lol and alot of times I just like to joke around.

    55 for me and there are users in the hundreds.
    You've got a flag-follower. Welcome to the new MFP forums.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.

    Must. Resist. Urge. To. Flag.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    When the gym supervisor for the cardio room brings in their dinner (usually McDonald's)

    Sorry for that.

    Not McDonald's but KFC

    Gross. Who eats crap like that if they are at or going to the gym. Ew.

    I do. Because I can.
    MrM27 wrote: »
    When the gym supervisor for the cardio room brings in their dinner (usually McDonald's)

    Sorry for that.

    Not McDonald's but KFC

    Gross. Who eats crap like that if they are at or going to the gym. Ew.

    People who have figured out exactly how they can fit a Double Down into their day? Or cardio bunnies willing to sweat 600 calories out?

    That stuff is gross and I don't think it's even real food. I don't see how those fatty maybe not even foods could help you do a double down or sweat out 600 calories? Not to mention, have you see what it does almost immediately to your blood, so gross.

    What does it do to our blood? And I've never had a double down

    Hight fat food straight to your bloodstream
    Sorry but that is no way a reputable source.

    Got any that isn't a blog?

    Also, that video doesn't even support your argument. Sorry.

    ...There is a second video, which was the one I was looking for, which the doctor talks about this yellowy liquid coming from his veins before getting his blood. Turned out he had just eaten a high fat lunch at the local fast food place.....

    Sorry, but this is the most idiotic post in this thread. Not even close.

    The only thing in your veins is blood. It is pretty much evenly mixed throughout your body. There is no chance that when drawing blood you would get a "yellowy liquid" from your vein. Zero chance. You will get blood. It isn't like looking at the dipstick in a car where you can stick a needle in your vein and pull it out to see how far up on the needle the "yellowy liquid" goes.

    Tell me, are you a phlebotomist?

    Oh, and PS, blood is not all that is in your veins, there is plac and arteries clogged by garbage diets.

    so you are saying that one 600 calorie meal from KFC is a "garbage diet"....or are you making a general statement based on assumptions that no one knows?

    Nope, I'm saying high fat fast foods are garbage, but most people who eat those things don't just stop there, they eat like that at home as well. So, garbage diets. Yes, I know there are exceptions to everything, but those foods are still high in fat and grease and can do a number on your digestive tract. If you're low on energy, grab some fruit, want a meal, have a huge salad.

    so the answer is that you are making assumptions based on what you think people are consuming.

    thanks for clarifying that.

    I love how you assume to know what the overall diet of every fast food eater is. That is a neat trick, and you will have to teach me how to do it someday.

    Nope, wrong yet again. There are key words that you seem to love to ignore, words like MOST, and the line where I said there were exceptions to this. So, you can keep trying to put words in my mouth, but if you look at the screen you would see these things, it seems like you have ADD.

    yea, it is pretty clear that you made a bunch of assumptions about people who eat fast food and then tired to extrapolate that to this thread where someone ate one meal from KFC. Unless, you have intimate knowledge of the diet of the instructor that the person is referring to...??

    and just because you used the qualifier "most" does not negate that you are making assumptions...

    I'm not making a bunch of assumptions about people who eat fast food! I was passing judgement on the FOOD ITSELF, I don't care what people eat, all I did was say that the food that was listed is gross to me. The rest of the conversation is mostly people being jerks just to be, trolling me, and/or bullying me. I answer your questions to the best of my ability, try to provide resources, and yet y'all say I'm wrong and say I'm doing all these things, etc. Get off it, I'm words on a screen, and you can put intent, malice, and whatever you want in there, but it doesn't make it true.

    I am just going to put what you said here..

    "Nope, I'm saying high fat fast foods are garbage, but most people who eat those things don't just stop there, they eat like that at home as well. So, garbage diets..."

    that is a pretty broad assumption that you made, which is basically that people who eat a high fat, fast food diet are "garbage dieters"...

    For those interested in the full text of what I said. "Nope, I'm saying high fat fast foods are garbage, but most people who eat those things don't just stop there, they eat like that at home as well. So, garbage diets. Yes, I know there are exceptions to everything, but those foods are still high in fat and grease and can do a number on your digestive tract. If you're low on energy, grab some fruit, want a meal, have a huge salad."

    It's not an assumption, it's a statistic, look it up and see where a high fat diet through fast food consumption will lead you, even if you only eat there once a week.

    just so you know..

    ... after a quote implies that there is more after the dots...So by doing that I was indicating that there was additional info afterwards. If I would of just put a singular period then that would of inferred it was the end of the quote.

    I just took the relevant sentence where you referred back to high fat fast food folks as "garbage dieters"

    I know what it means when ... begins or follows a quote, however, I wanted to make sure anyone reading knew what I had actually said, and that I DID NOT make assumptions and if you eat fast food you are eating garbage. I THINK fast food is gross, and that was all I was trying to say, but now people are putting words in my mouth, doing only partial quotes to make me look like I'm coming down on people who eat fast food. AS I said previously, I don't care what people eat, I think fast food is disgusting and gross and garbage and bad for your health even in small quantities.

    didn't you just do what you said you did not do??????????????????????

    No I didn't, once more I'm talking about the food and not the people consuming it. AGAIN this is just my opinion in regards to it being gross, disgusting, garbage, that is not healthy and bad for your body. I won't be eating it and that is why. How I feel about something applies to me and me alone, I don't care if you weigh 60 lbs and eat 20 chicken nuggets everyday, or your 400 lbs eating a whopper, I DON'T CARE. However, my opinion is that it's garbage, so my opinion is you're eating garbage if you are eating fast food, that's nothing against the person.

    but in your opinion that person is eating garbage and their diet would be garbage, yes?

    so you have just passed a value judgment on millions of people who eat fast food occasionally....
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.
    It is going to backfire. And hopefully anyone who has a couple warnings on them isn't the one flagging because I think that won't end well at all.

    What people need to point out the frivolous flagging.
    runner475 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.

    Yup..I've noticed people have been flagging my comments too.

    I think they are upset at the comment and are flagging the comment per say as though to suggest they aren't agreeing.

    But that's not what the flag system is meant for. I have a feeling they aren't aware what goes on behind the scenes.

    Then say something to someone and maybe it will stop.

    Wait what?

    Are you asking me why I mentioned about flagging?

    I'm not following why you quoted me.

    What I was saying was that if you're noticing all the frivolous flagging going on then point it out to a moderator. We have people that give out good advice been flagged for no reason. Members need to be shown that they can't flag without actual abuse taking place.

    I always report posts with inappropriate flagging. Since they've gone ahead and made a stance about how the flagging system should be used and stated that people can be warned and banned for inappropriately using it, it goes on the list just like other posts that break forum guidelines.