

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Toni, yes, my son is a single dad. The kids mom was in jail for a while because she shot a guy during a home invasion robbery that was part of a drug deal. She was one of the robbers/drug dealers. Anyway, she turned states evidence against her then husband and got out of jail on probation. She's living with her mom and dad and doesn't have a job or anything. So my son got full custody. He was letting the kids visit her, but that stopped when she started playing mind games with the kids and upsetting them. He is disabled with a very serious lung/liver disorder. They live in a TINY two bedroom apartment and have a very small disability income and food stamps and that's all. So it's really tough for them. He needs all the help he can get. And I didn't get to see the kids at all for six years, so I'm treasuring the time I get to spend with them now. My husband loves being a grandpa, too, and the kids adore him.

    This morning it was thundering and lightening when I woke up, and raining just a little, but it had stopped by the time I got there to take the kids to school, so we walked again. It was really nice. Cool and crisp air, and everything smelled so clean. The kids were all in good moods, so we had a nice walk to school.

    All this talk about tv shows when we were little made me remember too. I watched all of the ones you have mentioned, plus some of the local kids shows. The Wichita station had a show called "Major Astro", which was a guy dressed as an astronaut in a set decorated like a space ship. He would talk and then play cartoons. I don't remember which cartoons, but I think they were things about outer space or something. Anyway, I loved Major Astro! Many years later, when I was in my late 20's, I was working in an art supply store in Wichita, and he came into the store. He was really old, and really drunk, and still milking that Major Astro personna. He insisted on signing autographs, even though several of the kids working there didn't even know who he was. It was a little sad.

    I also loved My Friend Flicka and Sky King. And Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett. And there was one about a guy who drove an air boat in the everglades, but I don't remember the name of that one. My older brother went to Wichita once to watch a taping of Zorro, and came home with a zorro mask and cape. We were so jealous.

    I'm wearing my jeans today after wearing nothing but sweat pants for two months. So far it feels fine. No tummy pain.

    Well, gotta get busy. Have a great day!


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Oh, and Car 54 Where Are You, and Docktari (sp?) - the one about a vet in Africa and his family and all the wild animals. And Beverly Hillbillies. Some of those were at a later date, but not sure how late. All those years get mixed up together in my mind.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited March 2015
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning Ladies, Let us Be the reason someone smiles today.

    Carey, don’t beat yourself up about resting. Especially if you stay busy and active, your body needs time to rest and recoup. You should actually plan those days for yourself. You are doing great!

    Mary, thanks for telling me it’s not the weekend. *Tee hee hee *Now I know why none of my TV shows were on. Being gone for 3 days obviously threw me totally off the track. And I’m not even totally senile yet. :)

    Joyce, my DH had a wonderful Cardiologist in Charlotte before we moved. Not so much on bedside manner but very highly respected in the medical community. He told DH to never, never go off his Plavix (now on Effient) before a procedure, no matter what they told him. He said if there was bleeding, they were in a position to handle it but the effects of going off it, could be far worse. His cardiologist here said he didn't think it would hurt to go off for 2 or 3 days. They both keep him on it long after his stints and by-pass. Just an FYI.
    Your new jacket sounds great and yes you are worth it! You go girl and just flaunt it! ;)

    Sharon, I think going as the Fairy God Mother would be so cute. Can you wear the dress and just have the corset tied really loose? (Just thinking) I can't imagine how you got out of it by yourself.

    , I’m just so proud of you for bringing the book back to life. I hate that you pay attention to anything negative because you know we can never please everyone. I’m just sure that many will enjoy it and that is what I hope you can focus on. *Hugs*

    Peachstategal, good for you on meeting goals for yesterday. We can only take life one day at a time. Great walk too.

    Sylvia, go glad you can wear your jeans again. Things are looking up, finally.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I have to get moving. Going to do exercises then get cleaned up to go to lunch with DH. After that, hopefully I’ll hit the sale. Oh yes and the weight I lost over convention has stayed off. Yea!!!
    Have a wonderful day, my friends, whatever part of the week this is. I love you all. <3

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Oh you guys have gotten me thinking about more shows I watched as a kid, not a young one but later on. I don't think anyone has mentioned Ponderosa. I enjoyed the show but I never liked the lady who played the daughter. She was to prim, her hair so-so. Now Heath, he was handsome! My three sons, Flying nun, Gidget, then later on came I dream of Genie, oh, what was the name of the real pretty lady who was married to the guy that her Mom could never get his name right. She was a witch. And what do the kids watch now? I'm sure some of the shows are good but I don't like all of the supernatural stuff. Watched Dancing with the stars tonight, was so sorry to see the couple be eliminated especially after they got good scores tonight. It's all part of the game.

    Joyce, Indiana

    you are thinking of The Big Valley, where the girl was prim (a young linda evans). Ponderosa was the ranch they named from another series, Bonanza
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Joyce - I'm glad that you bought yourself that jacket! You deserve to have something cute and stylish with all the hard work that you have been putting in!

    Sharon - glad that you had a better time than expected at your DB, it is nice to go somewhere and be able to eat healthy.

    Beth - congratulations on 600 days! That shows a lot of dedication and commitment to change. Good for you!

    Carol - yea! I am glad that your appointment went well. I remember those days of having to go outside and turn the antenna and my parents yelling back and forth...

    Sylvia - awesome that you are feeling well enough to put your jeans on! I forgot all about Car 54!

    Janet - it's a good thing when you don't know what day it is! That always was my first sign that I was really on vacation!

    Well I have a busy day today. Driving my DSIL to the repair shop to get her car evaluation. Then shopping, lunch, and back home! Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • ellefenton
    ellefenton Posts: 12 Member
    Oh, and Car 54 Where Are You, and Docktari (sp?) - the one about a vet in Africa and his family and all the wild animals. And Beverly Hillbillies. Some of those were at a later date, but not sure how late. All those years get mixed up together in my mind.

    Did the African Vet have a cross-eyed lion in it named Clarence? I would get my nieces & nephew crawling around acting it out (we were close in age) and David was always Clarence.
    Elle, Ontario
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    So I headed off to work yesterday, sat down to do my timesheet, checked to make sure I had used all my vacation days before yearend on March 31st…… I had planned to take Wed off as a vacation day to look after my DGD while her parents work, that should have finished my annual vacation…. AND…I can’t count….!!!! …… So I am home for the rest of the week. Unplanned vacation. I am a little rigid with self so this has thrown me into a little bit of a tizzy. Good grief… I may be here checking on everyone a lot!!! No…. better make a list and get caught up on things so I am free for scrapbooking retreat in the end of April.

    Oh I remember Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, Beverly Hillbillies and Walt Disney.

    Pip – you spoil your Floyd man!! And I don’t remember when Sesame Street started either. My kids watched it when they were young – and I will be 56 in July.

    Yannie – thank goodness your “pimple” has finally been looked into. I have a couple of mystery items too… My Dr. has brushed it off. I think I will take your advice and be very persistent with her for a referral to a dermatologist.

    CarolNC – my big squeeze is in three weeks. They are watching a “fat lump” that has been biopsied and marked. I have had 6 mammograms in 3 years. This one should be my all clear one, I hope …..

    TNToni – congrats on your loss at TOPS.

    Terri – isn’t that just terrible that the sugar snap peas can’t call louder than the pretzel/cheese things!! For me it is cheezies. Oh wait!! They don’t have Hawkins cheezies in the US. Only in Canada hey! Sorry people ....Cheezies are so bad for me.

    Sylvia – good to know you are feeling better. The birthday party sounds like it will be so much fun. And girls so do love glitter. My little DGD has soo many tutu’s 

    Katla – my persistent headache went away when I cut out added sugar. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Tina – Like you I drive a far distance to work – only an hour though. I have 38 years with the company but have only made that drive for the last 19 years. I like my job but Yes retirement is coming.

    Carey – Some days we just need to learn to say no the polite way….. back a few posts I seen some advice I am going to try. “Let me check my calendar” and “That doesn’t work for me right now”

    Toni in Tennessee – YES I watched Gunsmoke. So many of these shows I remember!! 

    Barbie – I watched Dancing with the Stars for the first time last night. All I could keep thinking was …. I am so jealous – they are such beautiful graceful dancers!! AND look at all those calories they are burning!!!

    Joyce in Indiana – Bewitched….. I remember that show. Awe Grandmaille you have a great memory to remember those names.

    Sharon in Edmonton – Sounds like you were on your best behaviour. So good of you to find some support for DSIL's Parkinson’s. Strange disease it is. A friend of mine got it when he was 52, yet my uncle showed no signs of it until he was 80. Go figure. I hope everything goes well with you this week (((hugs))).

    Sorry for the long post everyone - but I am slightly procrastinating - remember at the beginning - these are unscheduled days at home - I Didn't HAVE A PLAN ...

    Okay - I am going - I told myself I would walk on my rebounder during the Marilyn show. Then my exercise would be 1/2 done for today. the other half will be a walk outside with my doggie darling... sun is shinning and the snow has stopped.

    later everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Okay all you people with great memories!! What was the show with the 2 motorcycle cops in California?
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    lilymay - that's Chips
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    and just wanted to add that my being cold unfortunately, is not due to my weight loss, I've ALWAYS been that way, even when I was at my heaviest, i'm sad to say.

    today it was really raining! I am glad that I like riding in the rain...
  • aroar2014
    aroar2014 Posts: 5 Member
    never posted before - have to say this looks like a fun group.
    - I've been trying to manage on my own and am feeling like I need to branch out a little bit.
    - I love reading everyone's goals. Working on my own right now!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Since DH was a bonehead yesterday and brought home supper for himself and DS, and not me, I took my Dad out for Chinese. Kinda' sad because it was less than delicious, and we are the only 2 that enjoy Chinese, so it was a treat.

    My hotel room for Country USA is booked and paid for. I won tickets for Tuesday through Saturday in June in Oshkosh, because my youngest sister asked me to take her. We are staying at a Wyndham Suite. She gets migranes and is only allowed to call in sick twice per month, so she better keep her job so she can pay for close to her 1/2.

    I did a little research on Hemp Hearts, and there is no guarantee of a negative drug screen if needed, so I am glad I only bought a $3.00 bag, because I will have to stop eating them, just to be safe.

    I allowed DS to have gelato from Whole Foods, now he wants to know how soon we can go back. I swear that kid is an expert on gelato. I'm sorry I ever introduced him to it sometimes.

    With our contest at work, the goal was to lose 20 pounds by June 1st. Well, I lost 7 pounds so far, 1 of the ladies gained 6, and the other won't say how she's doing. I better kick it into a higher gear, or we are likely to all lose the contest. Makes me kinda' sad, because I am significantly older than the other 2, so they could really increase their exercise and pass me by in a snap. Work on exercise as much as possible. I think I have myself convinced - thanks for listening.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    aroar2014 wrote: »
    never posted before - have to say this looks like a fun group.
    - I've been trying to manage on my own and am feeling like I need to branch out a little bit.
    - I love reading everyone's goals. Working on my own right now!

    sweet! welcome!
    I on the other hand don't need to be here but I stick around for the hell of it :0)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Elle, YES, I forgot all about Clarence! I loved that lion!

    There was also a show about a helicopter, something like Whirlybirds? Can't remember the name of it. Or it might have been part of the show about the airboat in the everglades. Hmmm. Have to google it and see what I can find. Yep, it was Whirlybirds, 1957-1960.

    Aroar2014 - welcome! It's so hard to do this alone. Good thing you found us! We are all doing it together. What can we call you, and where are you from? Tell us all about yourself.

    I just finished mopping the floor in the studio so we can have the party in there tomorrow night. I'm stopping at Party City in Joplin to get some decorations and baking the cake tonight after swim lessons. She has asked for angel food, so I guess I will bake two cakes so there will be enough for 12-14 kids plus family.

    I decorated one of the new t-shirts with a Hello Kitty design, and looked at it this morning once it had dried. She is going to LOVE IT. Usually her shirts have to come from the ladies section and they don't make cute little-girl designs on those, so she is going to be really surprised. She loves Hello Kitty. The skirt is like a tutu on the outside with a Hello Kitty pattern all over it. Underneath that is a pink polka-dot inner skirt. And the shirt is pink and I got pink shorts/leggings to go underneath. It really looks like it was a set. It's going to be so cute on her! She seldom gets to dress like a young girl. There are two more t-shirts and I will help her do her own designs on those. We went shopping for swim suits last night and the biggest one in the girls department was way too small, so she wound up with one from the women's department. It was the only one we could find without padded cups.

    Well, I'm goofing off again. Back to it!

  • ellefenton
    ellefenton Posts: 12 Member
    Oh dear; there's a niggle in my chest from feeling guilty. I've been a RegN working in mental health all my life and the reason I'm off work is depression. In my role of patient (self) advocacy, is it OK if we think of Gladys Kravitz as pathologically nosey instead of crazy?
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Peachstatgal - thanks for the compliments! I am so pleased that you are ticking off a few goals. I love the days when I wash my hair and get some makeup on - unfortunately that doesn't happen often.

    When I was a young teenager I was absolutely obsessed with tv heroes, most of them American. All the cowboys of course, but also 77 Sunset Strip, Route 66, Dr Kildare. I kept a scrapbook and still have it in a box under the stairs. My all time favourite was GUNSLINGER. I am still word perfect on the theme song. Does anyone remember it? Tony Young as "Cord". My relationship with my heroes is a book in itself! ! ! ! Talk about erotic fantasies! :blushing:
    I can also remember the business with the aerial. At one stage we had an indoor one and if you walked about with it to get a signal you ended up having to stay there with your arm in mid air! :laugh: My dad was grest at adjusting the "horizontal hold" and the "vertical hold". He could fiddle around in the back of the tv with a plastic knitting needle.

    Just watched a fabulous film called 20 FEET FROM STARDOM. It's about backing singers, mainly black women, who were fabulous singers but never became stars and the reasons for that. It really spoke to my situation with my writing and not being able to break through. My London friend also reminded me one of the extremely talented singers who didn't have the temperament. I am pleased to say that one or two of them have come into the limelight now they are nearly 70! ! ! ! ! Hope for us all! Our time has come! I got it from Lovefilm.

    DH cooking tonight. Chinese Pork Stirfry. No rice for me but plenty of veg. :happy:
    I did some extra recumbent bike riding before the film so I can eat today. Yoga is never enough calories!

    Lots of love, Heather in hailing Hampshire UK
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    I think Gladys was always thought something was going on next door, so she was always snooping ...lol...

    Yes - I did my 30 minutes on the rebounder with weights. So I can check in here. I set the timer for 15 mins. Then I am going to make a few dozen mini meatballs. Some for lunch (the sawmill is running today so men to feed :( ...) and some for the freezer.

    Welcome to all the newbies... the more the merrier.

    And Pip... I would miss you if you left. You are uplifting.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • ellefenton
    ellefenton Posts: 12 Member
    cityjaneLondon; I recently watched 20 Feet From Fame and loved it too. I could not believe they actually used that one singer's voice on hit records without crediting her! It's so nice that she was eventually inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
  • ellefenton
    ellefenton Posts: 12 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    I think Gladys was always thought something was going on next door, so she was always snooping ...lol...

    Yes - I did my 30 minutes on the rebounder with weights. So I can check in here. I set the timer for 15 mins. Then I am going to make a few dozen mini meatballs. Some for lunch (the sawmill is running today so men to feed :( ...) and some for the freezer.

    Welcome to all the newbies... the more the merrier.

    And Pip... I would miss you if you left. You are uplifting.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan

    awwwwwwwwwwww.. thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blush: