200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm weighing in this week at 198.6 (it's only down 0.6 pounds but it's way better than what the scale said on Friday).

    Welcome Jennifer!

    Kendal: My Sundays are mostly lazy but at least this weekend I lowered my calorie consumption to meet the lack of movement. Way to keep your calories in check!
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    Thanks for the warm welcome!

    I understand that the challenge started last weekend (Mother's Day), please use 223.4 as my starting weight because I decided not to weigh-in during Mother's Day weekend. Too many issues going on then!
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Noelle - Congrats on retiring the jeans! I can't wait to retire my first set of clothes. I hope you had a good weekend with your mom.

    Lacey - Sometimes the best moments with the other half are the quiet moments spent together. My partner and I don't get those very often because of our schedules and I treasure the one's we do get. I'm glad to hear Gracie is feeling better and hopefully it won't knock you out for too long.

    Hallie - I'm so glad you had a great time with prom!

    Jennifer - Welcome and congrats on the weight loss so far!

    Sunday check-in - 2126 cal burned/1441 cal consumed/685 cal deficit, rest day so no workout.

    I may finally have motivated my partner to join me at the gym. As of 30 min ago she still wants to go to Zumba class when we get off work in the morning. Fingers crossed her night stays not busy so she'll still feel up to it. I, on the other hand, would like to just go home, take some pain killers, and snuggle up to the heating pad. I'm having some major low back pain right now. I'm pretty sure it's pre-TOM and I've had it since Thursday. I'm so ready to start just so the pain goes away.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Sunday: 2443 Calories burned (it was a light Insanity day)/ 1839 calories consumed/ 604 calorie deficit.

    The Hubbs took Sofie in for her annual check-up/ rabies vaccine/ etc this morning. He dropped her off at home with a weird look on his face. (I had asked him how the appointment went) He said she did great and she's healthy and then he dropped his voice (I think so the dog didn't hear him) and he said, "She's 105.4 pounds, maybe we should feed her a bit less." Dude! My dog is heavier than some adult people I know! (Ok, she's a BIG Bernese Mountain Dog- but DAMN!!!) I guess we'll be doing twice daily walks for a while till she slims down.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Quick check-in for Sunday... 2344 burned and 2354 consumed. My only exercise was riding the lawn mower for 90 min to do the.backyard - I burned 350 cals so I'll take it. You know it's a good day when you try the tractor which spent all winter outside and it starts on the first try!!! Sorry no time to respond to everyone...
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Totally forgot to include my small NSV. I put on a sleep shirt that I haven't worn in a few months, mostly because it looked and felt like sausage casing, and it was very loose and gave the illusion of a bit of an hour-glass figure. Yippee!!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Happy monday, all!!!! *grumble*grumble*

    Okay, we're going to go with Friday's weigh-in as my weekends are just god awful and I think Fridays are my best representation. 223.8

    By the way, you know those MiO ads on the side there? I bought some this weekend (peach mango) and it's actually quite tasty.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    And this is what I get for NOT getting on my laptop this weekend! I'll never catch up! Welcome everybody, I'll eventually learn all of your names!

    Crystal-*hugs* Praying for you sweetie! You deserve SO much better! And if the gym is what gets you moving, then go for it!

    Hallie-glad prom was awesome!! Woo hoo!!

    Kendal-glad the pic is back!

    Amy-yay, scale, starting to go right direction!

    My scale is NOT going in the right direction! Blah! 230 is my weigh in! Up a lb from last Monday ! I was good with food this weekend, but not so good on exercising! And TOM is still lingering, so I'll just hope next week is better! I'm home now, laundry is caught up. I can start on my vitamins again & Zumba! I have my own fridge again & have space to buy all the stuff I need to prefix food so I won't buy junk!

    OK, work is SUPER busy today! BBQ festival was this weekend & I stayed away, but paperwork is showing it! Blah! TTYL!!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Well exactly as I expected, I missed all kinds of action on here over the weekend. My coworker is on vaca this week, so I might be pretty sparse all week since I have twice the normal workload. (ick)

    I am not going to even begin to try to respond to everyone, but I did want to take a second for Crystal. I know you've already gotten some amazing advice from other girls on here, but I just wanted to put my two sense in also.
    I haven't been cheated on by an ex before, but I very much know what its like to be in a relationship where my worth wasn't valued. My ex, who actually proposed to me and I turned down, was extremely emotionally abusive.... I spent the majority of the time in the relationship thinking I was too fat, too clumsy, too ignorant, etc... and all just because of what he said to me and the way he treated me. Its a vicious cycle, because then you start to believe that you are getting what you deserve or will never find anyone better out there who will actually love you back. I think the big thing I can say to you Crystal is be strong. Be strong for you, and have confidence and faith in the incredible woman that you are, and amazing things will come. And Kendall is right, you should get chased. Because you deserve that. When Chris and I first started dating he showed up at my job every day for 8 days straight during Hannukah with gifts for me. And neither of us are Jewish. He just said that it seemed like an awesome excuse to buy me stuff. And to this day, 5 years later, he still looks at me and treats me like I'm something incredible. So a lot of times I feel like I'm something incredible! And I wouldn't have ever had that or found that if I had stayed with my ex, which I was very close to doing because I wasn't sure of my worth. The only other thing I can say is trust is an absolute must to have in a relationship, and once its gone, getting it back is d@mned near impossible. So be careful there. And just know that we are all here for you, and will be here with you through this. You have do have faith that the thing that is best for you is still out there, and that you deserve to find it.

    Phew. That's my schpeel.

    Amy, I'm glad to hear that you are seeing all the amazing progress you have made, even if the scale doesn't care to reflect it. Your ability to stay positive and strong is so inspirational, and it makes me really proud of you. (that's weird to say, I know. But I don't know how else to convey how much you impress me).

    My weekend was C-R-A-Z-Y. Way too much drinking on Friday night.... we got to Chicago around 10, had some drinks at the apartment, and then walked to a private karaoke lounge.... so you get a private room for you and your friends to sing karaoke. And it is trouble... we were there until 2:30 and then still up until like 5:30. It was fun... my throat still hurts from all the singing/yelling on Friday night. On Saturday night we went a French restaurant called Cafe Absinthe... so good. Seriously, like lick-up-the-sauce-from-my-plate-cuz-I-don't-want-to-miss-a-drop good. We also did some shopping in Lakeview, mostly because my favorite hat store is there. I like hats the way most girls like shoes. I'm addicted.

    Obviously I didn't work out on Saturday but I had doubled up P90X last week in preparation for it. Last night we got home around 8:30 and I mustered up the gumption to do Kenpo while Chris tended to the laundry, so I'm back on track. Did X Stretch this morning and will hopefully be mowing the lawn this afternoon if the weather cooperates, and then tomorrow I start recovery week for month 2.

    Ok, lots of work to get to. Have a great day girls!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hola ladies!

    I'm not weighing in until next Sunday when I start P90x. If its here on time. It started in Sacramento CA, then went all the way north to Kent WA and now has to come back down...lol. So it should be here in a couple days. Yeay!

    tonight I need to go home and clean the kitchen, do the bathrooms and pick up in general. I felt so horrible yesterday...aching, crappy, cold symptoms. Today I feel so much better even though I'm still stuffy..but the aches are gone Thank God.
    So this week after work we are cleaning up the house, and I need to get that office cleared out and in shape so I can use it to do the work outs in. This weekend we are getting all of our stuff ready for the yard sale we are going to have memorial day weekend.

    I'm super behind so talk later>
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Nava - Thank you so much, you are a doll. New or not your support means everything. *hugs*

    Amy - Yea, we've tried the whole "only talk about Charlotte" deal and somehow it always gets awkward and then we start talking about us. I wish it was as easy done as said.

    Hailie - I'm so glad you enjoyed prom! Can't wait to see the pics. :happy:

    Welcome Jennifer! You found the right group of gals going through the exact same struggles and we're always here for ya!

    Karen - Thank you, I'm hoping with some time, a lot of shoulders to lean on, vent to, cry on, and a lotta gym time to keep myself occupied and working towards this goal will make things easier in the long run. *hugs*

    Kerry - At times I know I deserve better but you're right. I fall right back into that same mentality time and time again that maybe this is what I deserve, the best I can get, and so on. It's hard to break that cycle when you're so convinced that it's the truth. And no matter how much I try to tell myself otherwise, it's hard to TRULY convince yourself until you feel ready to believe it I suppose. I have been going to counselling and as much as I do love him, I think a lot of my issues boil down to my own self-esteem and fear of having a broken family. I realize that those are not good reasons to continue trying to force a relationship and I've been trying to get over that but what I went through in my childhood (constant fighting, custody battles, etc), I fear that we'll just perpetuate that. I *KNOW* things can be different, but right now it's so hard for me to see. *sigh*

    I love you all and thank you SO much for being my interweb shoulders. Lol.

    I've been doing pretty well on the weight loss front. I think I confused myself with weigh in times so I'm just going to wait 'til next weigh in (although I was still down another 2 lbs as of last week :happy: ) I re-adjusted my goals to 150 lbs and it knocked my daily calories to 1280... I think I might die, lol. On the bright side, if I ever want to eat again, it just means I better get my @$$ moving! Hahaha.

    I'm torn lately because I want to lose this weight as quickly as possible (who doesn't) but I worry that pushing myself too hard too soon will make it harder in the long run for me to break a plateau when I reach one. I guess when I think about the fact that I go to the gym and spend 30 minutes to an hour on the elliptical 4-5 times a week, start the C25K, am restricting calories to 1280 in addition to my personal trainer and doing strength training 3 times a week, when I do plateau, what really could I do more? Because of this thinking, I have toned it back a little bit. Some days I skip the gym and elliptical and go for a brisk walk around the lake instead. Still gets me moving but not pushing hardcore. What do you ladies think? Plus, I don't really want to burn myself out and end up giving up because I'm so darn exhausted...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I got to work at 8:30 this morning. At 9:05 the power went out. By 10am they evacuated the building. Finally, by 11:30 they told us we could go home. There were conflicting stories, but there was water in a room with electronics (our IT system I think). And also, they couldn't get the back up generator working.

    They actually had the nerve to ask if I had unlimited free minutes on my cell phone to see if I could work from home. Even if I DID, they can't make me use my personal phone for work. Plus, I left my laptop inside the building and they weren't letting anyone back in.

  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    I'm checking in! My starting weight was 159.4 and my weigh-in this week was 158.2. A few beers less and I could have done 2 pounds, dang! LOL
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hello all! I miss all sorts of chatty goodness when I'm away! No surprise that I didn't venture onto MFP while my parents were on town, but I'm back on the wagon, albeit briefly before I leave for a business trip to Denver until Saturday. Oy!

    So, I wanted to get some challenge business out of the way, and then I'll work on recapping my life over the past few days while I've been away. I've tried to scroll back over the past several pages and get everyone's weight. Also, catch all the newbies-- some I might have missed, or if you didn't post a weight, I didn't count you.

    These are the folks who's weights I have for this week:

    This are the ones I still need weigh-ins for:

    I'll post this week's numbers either later tonight or tomorrow, so get them in! *cracks whip* If you don't see your name on either list, I've somehow missed you. Let me know your numbers!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    So, weekend went well. It was craptastic weather, which bummed me out, so I didn't get to spend much time outside with my parents. It was hot on Friday and we took Emma to the dog park for a while, which she enjoyed, until she hit a mud puddle, and she had to be hosed down when we got home. Those of you on FB who are friends have seen the crazy Emma shots. Eating wasn't quite as bad as I expected it to be. Even so, definitely using my Friday weight of 177.6 as my weight this week. That's a stay from last week, which is fine. We went to dinner twice and brunch, and did get this to die for strawberry rhubarb crumble, that I have a wee bit left of in the fridge and am going to indulge tonight. Because of the rain this weekend, I didn't get my long 10-12 mile run in, throwing my training off the rails again. UGH. This half is going to be ugly. At this point, I just hope to finish the mofo.

    So yes, I'm off to Colorado tomorrow afternoon through Saturday afternoon, which doesn't bode well for keeping on a decent food/exercise schedule, but I'll do the best that I can.

    On the dating front, the guy I saw last week asked me on a second outing, but it'll have to wait until I come back, but it was nice of him to ask, and I'm looking forward to it. At this point, I'm sort of ambivalent on him, so I'm hoping a second date will sway me in one direction or the other.

    ETA: Crap, this is the top post on a new page. Please go to my previous post right before this about my weigh in call outs for this week.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'm passing till next Sunday.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    DOOD! I just responded to EVERYONE and it freaking got deleted!! Blarg.

    Kristina: I'm glad you had a nice weekend with the 'rents. Cool on the Date #2 with the guy. When's your half?

    Cristina: Nice loss this week.

    Kendal: Yay for a free day. Enjoy it. And eff that crap about using your own cell phone to work from home.

    Lacey: I'm glad you're feeling better.

    Kerry: Sounds like you had a good weekend. WTG getting your P90X workouts in (and doubles, no less) - that's hardcore. What kind of hats do you collect?

    Karen: I bet that pound isn't a "real" pound since you're on your TOM.

    Nava: I normally suck over the weekends too. Let's motivate each other to do better over the weekends so we can have a happy Monday morning (relatively speaking).

    megruder: What a GREAT NSV!!!

    Victoria: Yay for starting up on the first try!

    I did my morning walk, my Insanity Max Plyo workout and then an afternoon walk with my chubby dog. I've taken to calling her "chubby puppy" and both The Hubbs and The Kid have taken offense. I told them it's ok as we chubby biznatches gotta stick together. LOL.

    The extra walk with the dog burned more calories than I was prepared to eat though so my deficit for today might be bigger than I'd like. Since I've changed my macronutrient breakdown to 40/30/30, I am NEVER hungry. It makes it hard to eat when you aren't hungry.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- thanks for the heads up. Putting you down as a pass

    Amy- my half is on june 5th. So not ready.
  • kingfisher16
    kingfisher16 Posts: 2 Member
    Down 2 lbs this week. I was hoping for a little more but I'll take it. I exceeded my exercise goals for the week and I am pretty proud of that.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Got home a little early as my last client canceled and pulled out my bike, pumped up the tires and took a short 3 mile ride - I'm whipped!!! My tush hurts, my arms are shaking, this sucks. I was hoping to start biking an hour in the mornings with a friend but I can see that I need to work up to an hour. Last year we were going 10 miles in an hour... It took me 30 min to go 3 miles - I can almost run as fast as I bike... And now I have to change, go get mom's dog and meet her at THE HILL... Yes, for some crazy reason I've scheduled my hill running for this evening... I now see why cross training is so important.

    Crystal - it's good that you are taking walks and doing other things so that you don't get burned out.

    Congrats to everyone that lost this week. Welcome to all the new faces and I'll try to find some time this week to reply to everyone.
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