

  • dearmrsowl
    dearmrsowl Posts: 151 Member
    edited April 2015
    uptownplum wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    uptownplum wrote: »
    This thread is cheaper than therapy.

    Sometimes, a little voice in the back of my head tells me not to bother losing weight because I have a very large wardrobe, thanks to a retail job in college. I shudder to think how much it'll cost to replace it all if I drop 5 or 6 sizes. (I try to remind myself that being fat costs more, but dammit, it's hard.)

    Me too! Seriously, I have beautiful clothing that I truly love and I'm 27ish pounds down. My old clothes is starting to fall off of me. I know in my heart that I'm supposed to donate it or get rid of it but... I love it! It feels so dumb to admit that but it is true.

    I'm still committed but I'll be sad to see some of my lovely clothing go.

    I have had my favorite stuff tailored. If it's good quality it's worth it.

    My mother is actually a seamstress, but because of this I know it isn't worth it for certain items ... for example, a suit jacket will have the front pockets and seams in the wrong place if you're going from a size 18 to a 12 or 14. But, I do have her fix some things, like shortening the shoulders on a shirt to get some more life out of it.

    I'm working on getting out of debt at the same time I'm trying to lose weight (I know, overkill much?) and I'm trying to remind myself that the world won't end if I make an exception to buying an all-new wardrobe when I reach my target size and weight. I'm saving a few bucks here and there along the way, but with so many money goals, it won't be a large enough lump sum to go on the shopping spree I'm imagining. It's simultaneously motivating and demotivating lol.

    I had a terrible anxiety attack last night because I tried on some clothes and a lot of things are already too big. Right now I barely have the money to pay for health insurance so thinking about buying a new wardrobe makes me seriously consider to stop working on losing weight for another year until I have a stable job.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    After four days away, I am finally caught up on this thread. I avoided commenting over the last 3+ hours because I wanted to get through everything. Matthew McConaughey is sexy as hell! Someone, I can’t remember who, said he doesn’t wear deodorant. Here’s the thing, I don’t know anything about his private life and don’t want to. I just want him to smile and look pretty! I would probably still think Tom Cruise was hot if he would have kept his private life private!
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    uptownplum wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    uptownplum wrote: »
    This thread is cheaper than therapy.

    Sometimes, a little voice in the back of my head tells me not to bother losing weight because I have a very large wardrobe, thanks to a retail job in college. I shudder to think how much it'll cost to replace it all if I drop 5 or 6 sizes. (I try to remind myself that being fat costs more, but dammit, it's hard.)

    Me too! Seriously, I have beautiful clothing that I truly love and I'm 27ish pounds down. My old clothes is starting to fall off of me. I know in my heart that I'm supposed to donate it or get rid of it but... I love it! It feels so dumb to admit that but it is true.

    I'm still committed but I'll be sad to see some of my lovely clothing go.

    I have had my favorite stuff tailored. If it's good quality it's worth it.

    My mother is actually a seamstress, but because of this I know it isn't worth it for certain items ... for example, a suit jacket will have the front pockets and seams in the wrong place if you're going from a size 18 to a 12 or 14. But, I do have her fix some things, like shortening the shoulders on a shirt to get some more life out of it.

    I'm working on getting out of debt at the same time I'm trying to lose weight (I know, overkill much?) and I'm trying to remind myself that the world won't end if I make an exception to buying an all-new wardrobe when I reach my target size and weight. I'm saving a few bucks here and there along the way, but with so many money goals, it won't be a large enough lump sum to go on the shopping spree I'm imagining. It's simultaneously motivating and demotivating lol.

    I had a terrible anxiety attack last night because I tried on some clothes and a lot of things are already to big. Right now I barely have the money to pay for health insurance so thinking about buying a new wardrobe makes me seriously consider to stop working on losing weight for another year until I have a stable job.

    Do you know anyone who does any kind of sewing that you could barter with? They tailor a few things for you, maybe you help them clean out their garage - that sort of thing.
  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    uptownplum wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    uptownplum wrote: »
    This thread is cheaper than therapy.

    Sometimes, a little voice in the back of my head tells me not to bother losing weight because I have a very large wardrobe, thanks to a retail job in college. I shudder to think how much it'll cost to replace it all if I drop 5 or 6 sizes. (I try to remind myself that being fat costs more, but dammit, it's hard.)

    Me too! Seriously, I have beautiful clothing that I truly love and I'm 27ish pounds down. My old clothes is starting to fall off of me. I know in my heart that I'm supposed to donate it or get rid of it but... I love it! It feels so dumb to admit that but it is true.

    I'm still committed but I'll be sad to see some of my lovely clothing go.

    I have had my favorite stuff tailored. If it's good quality it's worth it.

    My mother is actually a seamstress, but because of this I know it isn't worth it for certain items ... for example, a suit jacket will have the front pockets and seams in the wrong place if you're going from a size 18 to a 12 or 14. But, I do have her fix some things, like shortening the shoulders on a shirt to get some more life out of it.

    I'm working on getting out of debt at the same time I'm trying to lose weight (I know, overkill much?) and I'm trying to remind myself that the world won't end if I make an exception to buying an all-new wardrobe when I reach my target size and weight. I'm saving a few bucks here and there along the way, but with so many money goals, it won't be a large enough lump sum to go on the shopping spree I'm imagining. It's simultaneously motivating and demotivating lol.

    I had a terrible anxiety attack last night because I tried on some clothes and a lot of things are already to big. Right now I barely have the money to pay for health insurance so thinking about buying a new wardrobe makes me seriously consider to stop working on losing weight for another year until I have a stable job.

    Consignment shops and thrift stores are your friend! Also...friends are your friend...nearly all of my friends or family members have been my size or smaller so we've all just hoarded clothes and passed it around. I swear there is a skirt that my mom, two sisters, and I have been passing back and forth for 8 years. I believe it is finally too big for all of us...

    I'd also consider a few staple pieces that are easy to a shift dress or a slouchy sweater you could belt. Not sure if you have a Forever 21 in your area but basic cami's are $1.80 always, leggings are super cheap and basic cardi's are only a couple bucks.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Confession: the women's restroom toilet is 'backed up', and I'm not sure I wasn't the one to blame :no_mouth:

    LOL :)

    On the bright side (yes, there *is* such a thing, when it comes to toilet 'blockage'), *you* aren't 'backed up' (!) (is anyone else hearing some faint background music in the form of Kool and the Gang's happy-time classic, "Celebrate" -- ? ;) ), and appear to be getting enough fiber (if you're not, it remains an impressive feat, regardless -- how many people do you know who could alter functioning of an 'appliance' by simply 'going about their day' (?!) -- seriously, be proud! -- "hey, y'know how well my body's waste elimination physiology is working? -- so well that, in fact, I just clogged a toilet!" -- 'own' it, I say! :smiley:)...

    Edited to Add: In the hopes that this might make you feel better, or otherwise not embarrassed, I thought I'd offer a confessional truth of my own -- and that is... that I cannot count how many times I've clogged a toilet (!), and my home toilet, specifically... low-flush models were all the rage, but they didn't take into account the 'workload' that might be associated with 'taking care of business' for humans ingesting fiber in 'more than sufficient' (and sometimes downright accidentally impressive and somewhat mindboggling) amounts... there are times when I'm ready to heave the darn thing out a window (the toilet that is, not the waste product (in case there was any confusion ;) )), and scream aloud, and for all the world to hear, "Is it too much to ask that a toilet do its freaking JOB?!!!"... though on the bright side, I feel like awarding my intestinal tract a kind of Gold medal, given how first-place-worthy its 'performance' is (realizing, of course, that the day when any sort of Olympics involving this as an 'Event' is somewhere long into the future... :) )

    LOL, okay THAT made me laugh. Thank you. I have gone from internally embarrassed and externally wondering 'oh my, who could have done that' - to internally proud of my impressively efficient elimination (to paraphrase your eloquent assessment of the situation). I will probably stick with my external reaction though, haha.
  • TheVogonVegan
    TheVogonVegan Posts: 75 Member
    Deannjay wrote: »
    When I first started working out, I couldn't get through a normal workout video so I did senior citizen workouts until I built up my endurance. I know...embarrassing.

    I did too! Senior citizens workout videos or "limited range of motion/disability" workouts...I was embarrassed too, but as I like to say to my friends who ask why I bother working out if I'm not doing P90X or whatever: "No matter how slow you run, you'll always lap those people still on the couch." They make fun of me for not doing hardcore workouts...but then they do no workout at all, so I just laugh. XD
  • dearmrsowl
    dearmrsowl Posts: 151 Member
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    uptownplum wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    uptownplum wrote: »
    This thread is cheaper than therapy.

    Sometimes, a little voice in the back of my head tells me not to bother losing weight because I have a very large wardrobe, thanks to a retail job in college. I shudder to think how much it'll cost to replace it all if I drop 5 or 6 sizes. (I try to remind myself that being fat costs more, but dammit, it's hard.)

    Me too! Seriously, I have beautiful clothing that I truly love and I'm 27ish pounds down. My old clothes is starting to fall off of me. I know in my heart that I'm supposed to donate it or get rid of it but... I love it! It feels so dumb to admit that but it is true.

    I'm still committed but I'll be sad to see some of my lovely clothing go.

    I have had my favorite stuff tailored. If it's good quality it's worth it.

    My mother is actually a seamstress, but because of this I know it isn't worth it for certain items ... for example, a suit jacket will have the front pockets and seams in the wrong place if you're going from a size 18 to a 12 or 14. But, I do have her fix some things, like shortening the shoulders on a shirt to get some more life out of it.

    I'm working on getting out of debt at the same time I'm trying to lose weight (I know, overkill much?) and I'm trying to remind myself that the world won't end if I make an exception to buying an all-new wardrobe when I reach my target size and weight. I'm saving a few bucks here and there along the way, but with so many money goals, it won't be a large enough lump sum to go on the shopping spree I'm imagining. It's simultaneously motivating and demotivating lol.

    I had a terrible anxiety attack last night because I tried on some clothes and a lot of things are already to big. Right now I barely have the money to pay for health insurance so thinking about buying a new wardrobe makes me seriously consider to stop working on losing weight for another year until I have a stable job.

    Do you know anyone who does any kind of sewing that you could barter with? They tailor a few things for you, maybe you help them clean out their garage - that sort of thing.

    Unfortunately not but I could try altering it myself, at least my shirts.

    fitfatty88 wrote: »
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    uptownplum wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    uptownplum wrote: »
    This thread is cheaper than therapy.

    Sometimes, a little voice in the back of my head tells me not to bother losing weight because I have a very large wardrobe, thanks to a retail job in college. I shudder to think how much it'll cost to replace it all if I drop 5 or 6 sizes. (I try to remind myself that being fat costs more, but dammit, it's hard.)

    Me too! Seriously, I have beautiful clothing that I truly love and I'm 27ish pounds down. My old clothes is starting to fall off of me. I know in my heart that I'm supposed to donate it or get rid of it but... I love it! It feels so dumb to admit that but it is true.

    I'm still committed but I'll be sad to see some of my lovely clothing go.

    I have had my favorite stuff tailored. If it's good quality it's worth it.

    My mother is actually a seamstress, but because of this I know it isn't worth it for certain items ... for example, a suit jacket will have the front pockets and seams in the wrong place if you're going from a size 18 to a 12 or 14. But, I do have her fix some things, like shortening the shoulders on a shirt to get some more life out of it.

    I'm working on getting out of debt at the same time I'm trying to lose weight (I know, overkill much?) and I'm trying to remind myself that the world won't end if I make an exception to buying an all-new wardrobe when I reach my target size and weight. I'm saving a few bucks here and there along the way, but with so many money goals, it won't be a large enough lump sum to go on the shopping spree I'm imagining. It's simultaneously motivating and demotivating lol.

    I had a terrible anxiety attack last night because I tried on some clothes and a lot of things are already to big. Right now I barely have the money to pay for health insurance so thinking about buying a new wardrobe makes me seriously consider to stop working on losing weight for another year until I have a stable job.

    Consignment shops and thrift stores are your friend! Also...friends are your friend...nearly all of my friends or family members have been my size or smaller so we've all just hoarded clothes and passed it around. I swear there is a skirt that my mom, two sisters, and I have been passing back and forth for 8 years. I believe it is finally too big for all of us...

    I'd also consider a few staple pieces that are easy to a shift dress or a slouchy sweater you could belt. Not sure if you have a Forever 21 in your area but basic cami's are $1.80 always, leggings are super cheap and basic cardi's are only a couple bucks.

    Thrift stores are so expensive where I live because they only sell brand-name clothes but they have some all female flea markets in my area that I could check out, thank you for making me remember that :) I guess the only thing I will really have to invest in will be new underwear.

  • c_leeee
    c_leeee Posts: 144 Member
    I cannot stand people that equate a person's weight with their worth. I have a person in my life who has said very nasty things to me in the past about me being overweight, I know that the next time that I see this person he will be a lot nicer to me because I've lost almost 50lbs.

    I think what I really hate is the fact that his nasty comments are a huge source of motivation for me because I never want to hear those things again.
  • piercetheveill
    Although my "MyFitnessPal"'s calorie consumption tracker is at (max) 1200, I'm doing the Healthy Skinny Girl diet, which, on day one, starts at 900 calories. Of course I've gone past 900, and I feel extremely guilty for doing it. :/
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    I want a weight lifting belt, straps and 2 hours at the gym instead of taking my kid to mandatory practice.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    Confession #1 I wanted to go to bed an hour ago but couldn't because I wanted to finish reading all the comments in this thread.
    Confession #2 When I get paid next week I will spend way too much on that White Chocolate Peanut Butter due to me living in Germany and having to order it online. Even though I don't know what it tastes like I'm craving it.
    Confession #3 I'm afraid to jump in on this thread because this is my first post ever on MFP and an English speaking community.

    I've stayed up later than I intended because of this thread.

    You're in good company, I'll also be spending way too much to get a jar of that stuff. I've had white chocolate Reese's PB cups and LOVE them, I'm sure I'll love White Chocolate Wonderful too. Oh, and I'll be getting pumpkin Pop Tarts as well, which just compounds the madness.

    Welcome to the warmest, fuzziest, most therapeutic thread on MFP!

    Nice arm post! Looking good! The sit on the floor weight workout is working!

    Thank you! :)

    It's a really easy way to fit in a nice little workout... I think @BZAH10 should copyright it, make a workout DVD and rake in $$ :p

    YES! Then I can keep up with this thread AND make money at the same time. Great idea!

    Can I volunteer to be one of the demonstrators in the video? I can be the "needs improvement" model. :D

    Oh, you can BE the person in the video. I hate taking pictures and would absolutely not want to see myself in a video working out. I can devise the program and you can instruct it, deal?

    Deal! Except it seems to me there is always more than one person demonstrating the workouts... usually different levels of expertise. So we need more fitness models, not just me solo.

    And what a great reason to buy new workout outfits (which is the only clothing I can possibly justify buying these days, lol)!
  • TheVogonVegan
    TheVogonVegan Posts: 75 Member
    c_leeee wrote: »
    I cannot stand people that equate a person's weight with their worth. I have a person in my life who has said very nasty things to me in the past about me being overweight, I know that the next time that I see this person he will be a lot nicer to me because I've lost almost 50lbs.

    I think what I really hate is the fact that his nasty comments are a huge source of motivation for me because I never want to hear those things again.

    I feel much the same...Part of the reason I got in the frame of mind to lose weight was that after spending a year in China around some of the smallest people ever in my little city and being "The Great White Whale" over there I got really self conscious about it. Chinese culture dictates that it is not rude to walk up to a total stranger and comment on their weight so I got multiple times a day street harassment about being fat and even though it's totally shallow I just want to go back there as a smaller person and be like: "There, now shut up and mind your own business!" XD The negative comments really inspired me...from a distance and in retrospect. While I was there they just made me eat more and cry over my inadequacies. >.>
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Although my "MyFitnessPal"'s calorie consumption tracker is at (max) 1200, I'm doing the Healthy Skinny Girl diet, which, on day one, starts at 900 calories. Of course I've gone past 900, and I feel extremely guilty for doing it. :/

    People need to do what's good for them individually but....confession below
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Although my "MyFitnessPal"'s calorie consumption tracker is at (max) 1200, I'm doing the Healthy Skinny Girl diet, which, on day one, starts at 900 calories. Of course I've gone past 900, and I feel extremely guilty for doing it. :/

    Not judging, but is there a particular reason you chose this diet? It seems harsh and just from day one, you are already feeling guilty? There's no reason to go down that low in calories, and definitely no reason to feel guilty when you can't stick to that unattainable and unhealthy goal.

    Why not try for a smaller deficit and find a workout or activity that you love doing. That will take you miles further than a diet that is already chipping away at your mental health. (Trust me, you don't want to go further down that road.)
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    uptownplum wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    uptownplum wrote: »
    This thread is cheaper than therapy.

    Sometimes, a little voice in the back of my head tells me not to bother losing weight because I have a very large wardrobe, thanks to a retail job in college. I shudder to think how much it'll cost to replace it all if I drop 5 or 6 sizes. (I try to remind myself that being fat costs more, but dammit, it's hard.)

    Me too! Seriously, I have beautiful clothing that I truly love and I'm 27ish pounds down. My old clothes is starting to fall off of me. I know in my heart that I'm supposed to donate it or get rid of it but... I love it! It feels so dumb to admit that but it is true.

    I'm still committed but I'll be sad to see some of my lovely clothing go.

    I have had my favorite stuff tailored. If it's good quality it's worth it.

    My mother is actually a seamstress, but because of this I know it isn't worth it for certain items ... for example, a suit jacket will have the front pockets and seams in the wrong place if you're going from a size 18 to a 12 or 14. But, I do have her fix some things, like shortening the shoulders on a shirt to get some more life out of it.

    I'm working on getting out of debt at the same time I'm trying to lose weight (I know, overkill much?) and I'm trying to remind myself that the world won't end if I make an exception to buying an all-new wardrobe when I reach my target size and weight. I'm saving a few bucks here and there along the way, but with so many money goals, it won't be a large enough lump sum to go on the shopping spree I'm imagining. It's simultaneously motivating and demotivating lol.

    I had a terrible anxiety attack last night because I tried on some clothes and a lot of things are already to big. Right now I barely have the money to pay for health insurance so thinking about buying a new wardrobe makes me seriously consider to stop working on losing weight for another year until I have a stable job.

    Do you know anyone who does any kind of sewing that you could barter with? They tailor a few things for you, maybe you help them clean out their garage - that sort of thing.

    Unfortunately not but I could try altering it myself, at least my shirts.

    It's actually not very difficult to add a small button and a loop to the back of most shirts in order to gather the extra material into a "pleat" of sorts. That can definitely extend their use.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Edited to Add: In the hopes that this might make you feel better, or otherwise not embarrassed, I thought I'd offer a confessional truth of my own -- and that is... that I cannot count how many times I've clogged a toilet (!), and my home toilet, specifically... low-flush models were all the rage, but they didn't take into account the 'workload' that might be associated with 'taking care of business' for humans ingesting fiber in 'more than sufficient' (and sometimes downright accidentally impressive and somewhat mindboggling) amounts... there are times when I'm ready to heave the darn thing out a window (the toilet that is, not the waste product (in case there was any confusion ;) )), and scream aloud, and for all the world to hear, "Is it too much to ask that a toilet do its freaking JOB?!!!"... though on the bright side, I feel like awarding my intestinal tract a kind of Gold medal, given how first-place-worthy its 'performance' is (realizing, of course, that the day when any sort of Olympics involving this as an 'Event' is somewhere long into the future... :) )

    Yep. I put a low-flush in when I renovated the upstairs bathroom and fortunately haven't gotten around to upgrading the downstairs toilet yet. Not sure I will either, as there are some days I will deliberately avoid the upstairs one, fearing that it may not be up to the task. B)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Although my "MyFitnessPal"'s calorie consumption tracker is at (max) 1200, I'm doing the Healthy Skinny Girl diet, which, on day one, starts at 900 calories. Of course I've gone past 900, and I feel extremely guilty for doing it. :/

    Totally not judging, but 900 calories is NOT enough. Especially if you are doing any exercise on top of that. You are only 18 years old. Learn this early and your life will be much easier. Buy a food scale. Weigh your food. Eat 1200 calories net (after exercise calories are subtracted.) If not, you are going to starve and then binge when you can't maintain that anymore. Be kind to yourself. Lose the weight slowly. Do it the right way. <3
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    I've been binging for the past ~5 days or so.
    But this morning I ate a bagel and some blueberries without eating anything else! Usually I would have decided that that was too many calories and given up on the entire day. So this was progress! I feel kind of ridiculous congratulating myself on doing normal human things like "eating a bagel" and "actually getting up and showering" but whatever.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member

    These people who are into outlandish conspiracy theories really baffle me.
    My favorite is the people who don't believe in Finland. They believe in evolution and the moon landing and laugh at the people who believe the illuminati-reptilian-overlords-type-of-thing. They just believe that Finland is a conspiracy.

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member

    These people who are into outlandish conspiracy theories really baffle me.
    My favorite is the people who don't believe in Finland. They believe in evolution and the moon landing and laugh at the people who believe the illuminati-reptilian-overlords-type-of-thing. They just believe that Finland is a conspiracy.


    Side note: My penpal is from Turku. Where do my letters go?