Vegan hate



  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    rolom3 wrote: »
    So I've noticed :# Nice to see there are non vegans who don't!

    Your diet, your choice. Stay away from my Wise Onion Rings and we'll be fine. ;)

  • adamitri
    adamitri Posts: 614 Member
    adamitri wrote: »
    _John_ wrote: »
    adamitri wrote: »
    I've always wondered why vegetarians and vegans have no problem eating plants? Are they not alive? Do they not spawn?

    there are fruititarians now...

    Vegetarians hear this all the time, normally by people who would flip out if I beheaded some puppies in their back yard, yet they carelessly behead millions of innocent blades of grass each week as they mow the yard. Same thing, right?

    Seriously, I beleive that a pig or cow or chicken has awareness of what is happening to it, can feel fear and pain, can form social bonds, can suffer. I'm not persuaded that harming a being like this is the same as cutting off a head of broccoli. Plants are amazing and complex living things, but I don't believe broccoli has that ability to be self aware and to feel pain. If some day I prove to be wrong, maybe I can be a fruitatarian. :) Regardless, I am still doing more good for the plants by not eating animals, since a lot of plants are grown each year to feed the herbivores that humans mostly eat. More plants died in the making of your steak than will die in the making of my salad....I'm just cutting out the middleman (middle-cow?)

    I guess if that makes you feel better.

    No, it doesn't really. I'm not the one allegedly worried about the feelings of plants. I'm just saying that if the people who harass me about "Oh the plants" really meant that then they would be happy to know that I am saving more plants on a plant-based diet. Not that they really do care--most of them anyway. Most are just trying to find a way to portray me as a hypocrite.

    But see, that's where my thinking goes. Not towards you, but someone preaches at me about eating a living being when they themselves turn around and eat a living being but it's okay because they believe that what they're eating doesn't feel pain.
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    There actually have been reports (I haven't validated them personally) that seem to suggest that vegetarian and vegan lifestyles can contribute to more animal deaths by acre. Cultivating plants can cause the death of many small rodents, for example, during harvest.

    But again, I will reiterate that I care not what diet people choose to embrace so long as they don't force their views on me and my diet choices. Unless I am asked for my professional opinion as an RN.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    alvina0607 wrote: »
    Usually people are fine when they learn I'm vegetarian. The problem and tension rise up when they ask why.

    I never really understood why people ask for the reasoning unless they want to start a debate. Vegan? Great, we'll find something for you to eat.

    Actually, we're running a festival (no vegans have register, but there are several vegetarians). I'm far more annoyed by the people who under food restrictions list a whole host of things they don't like to eat (onions, mushrooms, etc) as opposed to the vegetarians of the guy deathly allergic to nuts...
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    DaneanP wrote: »
    There actually have been reports (I haven't validated them personally) that seem to suggest that vegetarian and vegan lifestyles can contribute to more animal deaths by acre. Cultivating plants can cause the death of many small rodents, for example, during harvest.

    But again, I will reiterate that I care not what diet people choose to embrace so long as they don't force their views on me and my diet choices. Unless I am asked for my professional opinion as an RN.

    probably depend on whether you are talking about eating vegan or living vegan. Just eating vegan maybe I could see that, but living vegan in all aspects I'm not sure. Would be interesting to know though.

  • Docbanana2002
    Docbanana2002 Posts: 357 Member
    edited April 2015
    adamitri wrote: »

    But see, that's where my thinking goes. Not towards you, but someone preaches at me about eating a living being when they themselves turn around and eat a living being but it's okay because they believe that what they're eating doesn't feel pain.

    I can't help but wondering if you've misunderstood them. I've known a lot of people who are pretty preachy vegans (online mostly) but I've never heard one who makes blanket statements about all living things. Animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, viruses, they are all living. The ones we care about are the ones who are SENTIENT beings which includes only the animal kingdom. Though you will hear some discussion among us about whether certain animals like insects and some sea critters fall into that "sentient" category, I've not known anyone to put plants in the sentient category.

    The point is NOT to just keep all the alive things alive because we want them all alive. The point is to live in a way that doesn't cause needless suffering to other beings that are capable of suffering.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    You eat your way, I'll eat mine: I don't get mad unless someone starts trying to tell me what I should do. Assuming you don't do that, they're just being spazzes.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited April 2015
    Serah87 wrote: »
    Every vegan I met would always comment when I eat meat or making some type gagging noise!!!

    Me I don't give a crap what you eat!!!

    take out the word EVERY, you know good and well that you wouldn't know someone was vegan unless they told you, so you can't with 100% surety say EVERY vegan you met did this, because you wouldn't know unless they told you. Just like you can't say every gay person you've met because not everyone advertises they are gay. Also I am not Vegan, I just try to be fair to others and not prejudge based on a few.

    Only few people I know that are vegans and yes they do this, that's why I said "every" vegan I know.

  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    I've only done a limited search but found this article. I'll be honest to say I haven't vetted it so it could be bunk. See what you all think:
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited April 2015
    Serah87 wrote: »
    Serah87 wrote: »
    Every vegan I met would always comment when I eat meat or making some type gagging noise!!!

    Me I don't give a crap what you eat!!!

    take out the word EVERY, you know good and well that you wouldn't know someone was vegan unless they told you, so you can't with 100% surety say EVERY vegan you met did this, because you wouldn't know unless they told you. Just like you can't say every gay person you've met because not everyone advertises they are gay. Also I am not Vegan, I just try to be fair to others and not prejudge based on a few.

    Only few people I know that are vegans and yes they do this, that's why I said "every" vegan I know.

    you said every vegan you have met NOT know. You have probably met people that were vegan and you didn't know. Meeting and knowing are different. Say what you mean and mean what you say if you don't want what you say to be misconstrued or taken the way you said it. If you meant it the other way don't get defensive just say Oops, that's not the way I meant it, simple.

  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    Serah87 wrote: »
    Every vegan I met would always comment when I eat meat or making some type gagging noise!!!

    Me I don't give a crap what you eat!!!

    take out the word EVERY, you know good and well that you wouldn't know someone was vegan unless they told you, so you can't with 100% surety say EVERY vegan you met did this, because you wouldn't know unless they told you. Just like you can't say every gay person you've met because not everyone advertises they are gay. Also I am not Vegan, I just try to be fair to others and not prejudge based on a few.

    Only few people I know that are vegans and yes they do this, that's why I said "every" vegan I know.

    you said every vegan you have met NOT know. You have probably met people that were vegan and you didn't know. Meeting and knowing are different. Say what you mean and mean what you say if you don't want what you say to be misconstrued.
    Wow, ok whatever. LOL
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    A friend of mine went vegan.

    I asked him if he was having his testicles removed or just disabled and he called me an idiot.

    Then we went back to making crude and/or sexist remarks about common female acquaintances and all was once again well in the world.

    True story.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited April 2015
    Serah87 wrote: »
    Serah87 wrote: »
    Serah87 wrote: »
    Every vegan I met would always comment when I eat meat or making some type gagging noise!!!

    Me I don't give a crap what you eat!!!

    take out the word EVERY, you know good and well that you wouldn't know someone was vegan unless they told you, so you can't with 100% surety say EVERY vegan you met did this, because you wouldn't know unless they told you. Just like you can't say every gay person you've met because not everyone advertises they are gay. Also I am not Vegan, I just try to be fair to others and not prejudge based on a few.

    Only few people I know that are vegans and yes they do this, that's why I said "every" vegan I know.

    you said every vegan you have met NOT know. You have probably met people that were vegan and you didn't know. Meeting and knowing are different. Say what you mean and mean what you say if you don't want what you say to be misconstrued.
    Wow, ok whatever. LOL

    Nothing to be shocked about

    interestingly my 18yo stepson says "whatever" also, he does it when he doesn't want to acknowledge and take responsibility for himself or things he has said or that maybe what the other person has said has some value.
  • lydiakitten
    lydiakitten Posts: 132 Member
    edited April 2015
    auddii wrote: »
    alvina0607 wrote: »
    Usually people are fine when they learn I'm vegetarian. The problem and tension rise up when they ask why.

    I never really understood why people ask for the reasoning unless they want to start a debate. Vegan? Great, we'll find something for you to eat.

    Actually, we're running a festival (no vegans have register, but there are several vegetarians). I'm far more annoyed by the people who under food restrictions list a whole host of things they don't like to eat (onions, mushrooms, etc) as opposed to the vegetarians or the guy deathly allergic to nuts...

    I agree completely on the second part. As I mentioned before, I gladly accommodate vegan friends and my vegetarian partner.

    However, I do have something to add on the first part. I think that asking why is a legitimate question; I don't get insulted when people ask me why I tattooed myself or why I take certain meds. If I'm going to be your friend/lover or whatnot, I am going to want to know your opinions, your moral rules, your beliefs, your viewpoints, your history; if you think there is a global conspiracy against vegans or if you think that milking a cow is of the same ethical gravity as stealing kidneys from the homeless, or that "chemicals are bad for our bodies", then I want to know. Because it means we disagree very strongly on some things, and probably can not become too close. Not at all to say all vegans think that way, but I have met some who do, and my issue there is not with their veganism, but with their bizarre beliefs, technophobia, paranoia and skewed moral compass.

    (Not to mention the superiority complex that sometimes occurs, like the person e a few pages back telling us we secretly all envy them.)

    Still, I don't think the annoying as*****le percentages is higher than in other social subgroups, like bodybuilders, Apple fans, weaboos or whatnot. Every categorization of human beings contains a number of as*****les.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    alvina0607 wrote: »
    Usually people are fine when they learn I'm vegetarian. The problem and tension rise up when they ask why.

    I never really understood why people ask for the reasoning unless they want to start a debate. Vegan? Great, we'll find something for you to eat.

    Actually, we're running a festival (no vegans have register, but there are several vegetarians). I'm far more annoyed by the people who under food restrictions list a whole host of things they don't like to eat (onions, mushrooms, etc) as opposed to the vegetarians or the guy deathly allergic to nuts...

    I agree completely on the second part. As I mentioned before, I gladly accommodate vegan friends and my vegetarian partner.

    However, I do have something to add on the first part. I think that asking why is a legitimate question; I don't get insulted when people ask me why I tattooed myself or why I take certain meds. If I'm going to be your friend/lover or whatnot, I am going to want to know your opinions, your moral rules, your beliefs, your viewpoints, your history; if you think there is a global conspiracy against vegans or if you think that milking a cow is of the same ethical gravity as stealing kidneys from the homeless, or that "chemicals are bad for our bodies", then I want to know. Because it means we disagree very strongly on some things, and probably can not become too close. Not at all to say all vegans think that way, but I have met some who do, and my issue there is not with their veganism, but with their bizarre beliefs, technophobia, paranoia and skewed moral compass.

    (Not to mention the superiority complex that sometimes occurs, like the person e a few pages back telling us we secretly all envy them.)

    Still, I don't think the annoying as*****le percentages is higher than in other social subgroups, like bodybuilders, Apple fans, weaboos or whatnot. Every categorization of human beings contains a number of as*****les.

    Yeah, I guess I could see a discussion between friends, but it seems that more people have issues with random acquaintances and not actual friends (because my friend is going to be someone who accepts that I'm different and doesn't constantly tell me that I'm doing something wrong and I have to be just like them).
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,645 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    alvina0607 wrote: »
    Usually people are fine when they learn I'm vegetarian. The problem and tension rise up when they ask why.

    I never really understood why people ask for the reasoning unless they want to start a debate. Vegan? Great, we'll find something for you to eat.

    Actually, we're running a festival (no vegans have register, but there are several vegetarians). I'm far more annoyed by the people who under food restrictions list a whole host of things they don't like to eat (onions, mushrooms, etc) as opposed to the vegetarians or the guy deathly allergic to nuts...

    I agree completely on the second part. As I mentioned before, I gladly accommodate vegan friends and my vegetarian partner.

    However, I do have something to add on the first part. I think that asking why is a legitimate question; I don't get insulted when people ask me why I tattooed myself or why I take certain meds. If I'm going to be your friend/lover or whatnot, I am going to want to know your opinions, your moral rules, your beliefs, your viewpoints, your history; if you think there is a global conspiracy against vegans or if you think that milking a cow is of the same ethical gravity as stealing kidneys from the homeless, or that "chemicals are bad for our bodies", then I want to know. Because it means we disagree very strongly on some things, and probably can not become too close. Not at all to say all vegans think that way, but I have met some who do, and my issue there is not with their veganism, but with their bizarre beliefs, technophobia, paranoia and skewed moral compass.

    (Not to mention the superiority complex that sometimes occurs, like the person e a few pages back telling us we secretly all envy them.)

    Still, I don't think the annoying as*****le percentages is higher than in other social subgroups, like bodybuilders, Apple fans, weaboos or whatnot. Every categorization of human beings contains a number of as*****les.

    yeah, I don't understand apple fans...there are much tastier options that are FAR more nutritious per calorie.
  • MJ_Watson
    MJ_Watson Posts: 180 Member
    I'm so confused by the repeated comparison of veganism and gayness in this thread. Like, are people under the impression that I made the choice to fondle boobies for humanitarian reason? Because I can assure you, I was born with these hands.

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    MJ_Watson wrote: »
    I'm so confused by the repeated comparison of veganism and gayness in this thread. Like, are people under the impression that I made the choice to fondle boobies for humanitarian reason? Because I can assure you, I was born with these hands.

    I'm just loving the choice of gif with this post...
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,645 Member
    MJ_Watson wrote: »
    I'm so confused by the repeated comparison of veganism and gayness in this thread. Like, are people under the impression that I made the choice to fondle boobies for humanitarian reason? Because I can assure you, I was born with these hands.


  • MJ_Watson
    MJ_Watson Posts: 180 Member
    _John_ wrote: »
    MJ_Watson wrote: »
    I'm so confused by the repeated comparison of veganism and gayness in this thread. Like, are people under the impression that I made the choice to fondle boobies for humanitarian reason? Because I can assure you, I was born with these hands.



    Wait, this thread isn't about to derail, is it?
