

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    How does MFP help you?

    I only supply the most truest answers.

    You are a mess! A funny mess!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    I'm probably losing too much weight a month (10 lbs a month so far) I feel like I'm eating enough but I think I am over-exercising. I did so much cardio that it just melts away everything. I want to do this in a sustainable way but I'm just so focused that I think I might be over-doing it.

    Wish I had this problem!
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    ayreka7 wrote: »
    My confession: I really really really want to get drunk, lol. I have a problem binging after a night of drinking and the amount of calories in drinks are just so much that I gave them up. I tried vodka and soda water but i still ate a lot and then the next day to take care of the hangover. I don't crave chocolate or salty things, I crave booze... in high doses.

    this is why i switched from hard ciders to vodka and diet cran with a splash of diet sprite. it's like a light spritzer! plus i only need about half as many for that oh so lovely drunk feeling o:)
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    I've finally caught up.

    No confessions but

    1) i signed up to climb Ben Nevis in July. Feeling very pumped but nervous. Hoping i can make enough in sponsorship to take part.

    2) broached the subject of eating disorder with my girlfriend, and then completely backed out and shut it down. Total coward.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    How does MFP help you?

    I only supply the most truest answers.

    OJ, you are awesome! <3>:)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    DISCLAIMER: drink responsibly

    I'm gonna leave this here. do what you want with it. I gotta go hit walmart for their 50% easter leftovers.

    Peeps Vodka

    Hmmm, I was saving the Peeps I have for my son's birthday, but...
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    I confess that I tried on a tank top last night, then came home and almost immediately tried out @BZAH10's shoulder work out. I used 2.5lb weights and quite literally felt the burn.

    Welcome to the club! Hope you'll join us (err.. think it's just me at this point) making the non-perky shoulder workout video. :)

    Yes please! I have broad shoulders but very doughy arms. I'll be the asthmatic girl in the way back, struggling to keep up.

    Trust me, you won't be struggling to keep up if I'm the instructor. However, you may well be hypnotized by the batwings flapping away merrily on my twiggy arms.

    That's it. I'm totally in on this. Shoulder workout commences tonight! (I remember the routine, but how often was this going down?)

    Too bad I can't get away with doing it at work. That would be a much more productive use of my time most days.

    I admit I started incorporating this into my workout as well :)

    Did mine tonight.

    And you're now in the video too ;)

    Count me in the video, too. You definitely can feel the burn.
    I'll confess that I think I'm tough - I lift heavy (for me, realistically once a week) - so I was sure it was going to be nothing. I was wrong ;)

    You're IN!! :) Happy to have you aboard!

    (I just wanted to bump my favouritist ever thread back to page 1 where it belongs... I get sad when I see it on page 2)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »

    LOL. I almost spit out of my coffee. But I thought the exact same thing when I saw the thread title.

    81Katz wrote: »

    Thanks! I'm already at 1000 calories and it's 7.30am. And I have dinner logged at 1800, and that's only if I have a bit of everything. Going to be one of those days. My confession - despite that I'm still considering getting cake for lunch.

    Happy Birthday!!!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member

    Are you an authorized retailer of the The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM)? If not, I'll have to ask you to remit your licensing fee, retailer fee, and initial stocking fee post haste!

    I want a franchise!!!
  • LilLuLu4
    LilLuLu4 Posts: 29 Member
    Confession: I saw a lady running at the gym today with no bra on, just a camisole. Though she wasn't big-boobed, I still couldn't help but think how uncomfortable I would feel doing that!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    My confession for the day: Thursday is the only night of the week where I don't have to be somewhere, and last night I wasted it watching....

    Alex Cross

    That movie is freakin' terrible! I rarely sit down and watch a movie and I was hugely disappointed with this one. The acting was terrible, the writing was so stilted. I am usually not very judgemental at movies, but blech! Other super terrible movies (I think we've done this once before, but oh well): The Truman Show, The Village, Sex Tape - didn't finish that one, too stupid.
  • cranor130
    cranor130 Posts: 65 Member
    i gained 2 pounds back. UGH
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    My confession for the day: Thursday is the only night of the week where I don't have to be somewhere, and last night I wasted it watching....

    Alex Cross

    That movie is freakin' terrible! I rarely sit down and watch a movie and I was hugely disappointed with this one. The acting was terrible, the writing was so stilted. I am usually not very judgemental at movies, but blech! Other super terrible movies (I think we've done this once before, but oh well): The Truman Show, The Village, Sex Tape - didn't finish that one, too stupid.

    I fell asleep through District 9 last weekend. It was so ridiculous I thought my time was better spent catching up on some ZZzzzz's
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    Also, I hoard food. I can't have just one pack, box, tea, etc of something I like, I have to have 10 stored away in case I never see it again in stores. But I went through liking something a lot many times and having it discontinued, so that may be why I do that. I've been scarred by the food people.

    i totally do this too. all of my cupboards and freezer are packed to the max. mine is more of, "this is on sale, plus i have coupons, so it's only 75 cents! i must buy 10!!!"
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    My confession for the day: Thursday is the only night of the week where I don't have to be somewhere, and last night I wasted it watching....

    Alex Cross

    That movie is freakin' terrible! I rarely sit down and watch a movie and I was hugely disappointed with this one. The acting was terrible, the writing was so stilted. I am usually not very judgemental at movies, but blech! Other super terrible movies (I think we've done this once before, but oh well): The Truman Show, The Village, Sex Tape - didn't finish that one, too stupid.

    I fell asleep through District 9 last weekend. It was so ridiculous I thought my time was better spent catching up on some ZZzzzz's

    The only reason I sat through the entirety of District 9, I was really hoping to see some of those Shrimp People getting naked, or at least, some sort of Messiah leading an army of intelligent shrimp people to blow up earth.

  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    81Katz wrote: »

    Happy Birthday!!
  • LuckyMe2017
    LuckyMe2017 Posts: 454 Member
    Probably TMI, but for the first time in life, I look forward to my TOM because I drop a few pounds of water.
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Confession-- if the 'Adipose' pill from Dr. Who was real I would take that in a heartbeat, even knowing that some weird little alien fatbabies would be somehow popping out of me overnight.

    harpsdesire, I should perhaps be embarrassed to inform you of the following reality... that not only have I never seen a Dr. Who episode (am suddenly hearing imagined-in-my-mind gasps from afar), but there hadn't been any single allusion to the show (and specifically, that I had crossed paths with) which triggered my desire to watch said show, let alone resulted in my feeling practically *compelled* to do so... until now.

    That day has arrived, thanks to you! :)

    Alas, and as though you have somehow been a sci-fi 'matchmaker' of sorts (accidental though it may be), your mention of "weird little alien fatbabies" -- let alone, their in any way "popping out of" *anything* overnight -- was apparently the kind of fascinating whatnot (albeit a somewhat intriguingly disturbing one, at that ;), and replete with one heckuva what-might-it-look-like 'visual') that ultimately 'did the seemingly impossible'... not only did your happenstance mention of such result in my thinking something along the lines of, ~'okay, that's it -- I have *got* to see this show...', but I also 'couldn't help myself', and Googled the darn episode, along with explanatory miscellany...

    ...and you can only imagine my reaction to reading the following words (from the Tardis Data Core subset of the Dr. Who wiki) --
    The Adipose were a race of vaguely humanoid blobs of fat.

    Biology :: Young Adipose were hand-sized, marshmallow-shaped beings, composed almost entirely of fat. They had two eyes and a mouth, two arms with webbed hands and two stumpy legs. Most Adipose had what appeared to be a single tooth.

    Life cycle :: The Adipose reproduced on Nursery Worlds. When on Earth, the Adipose's development was started when a pill from Adipose Industries was ingested. The young Adipose would grow, collecting fat from around the body. Every night, the Adipose would then be born and leave the body. They could convert other material into fat; however, this practice was not good for their health. Alternative materials included the bones, organs, muscles and many other human tissues. In emergencies, this was used to dispose of people by turning them completely into Adipose.

    -- (my internal reaction as I read that = "...oh, my... what?!... wow... cool... what the... holy... interesting... OMG...")

    ...and with *that*, I was freaking *hooked* (I simply *must* see this show!)... :)

    My failed attempt to 'not get sucked into' the vortex-ified 'world' of yet another sci-fi franchise has now met with its seemingly pre-destined demise... in this context, the fait accompli -esque mantra of "resistance is *will* be assimilated..." (no truer (or more freak-out-ishly creepy, monotonically uttered) words were ever spoken by the almighty Borg, of Star Trek lore) would seem to be my 'fate' (as well as that of many others), when in the 'orbit' of the 'gravitational pull' of the 'world' of Dr. Who.

    (All that being said, the unexpected detour into learning of Dr. Who's Adipose beings has taken me right back to thinking about marshmallows, unfortunately... and while this could result in my having a nightmare tonight, perhaps involving a Peeps contingent commanding an army of marshmallows-the-size-of-dolls'-heads, courtesy of memory-based 'crosstalk' happening in my mind, while dreaming, that's a small price to pay for having experienced my 'watershed moment', when it comes to 'triggered onset' of Dr. Who viewing... ;) )

    ...but in the end, my pending addiction to Dr. Who, sparked in passing while catching up on the neverending stream of fun posts in this thread (and which include countless bits of interesting insight, helpful responses, playful banter, smile and/or laugh-inducing retorts, and confessions ranging from the utterly delightful and oh-so-comically-human -to- would-hesitate-admitting-this-to-anyone examples of bravery that are met so often with confirmation of said confession-based specific(s) being understandable, and/or that others feel, think, and/or do 'the same' thing, too), this all just goes to show... that 'going to Confession' (here, anyway :) ) can lead to all kinds of unexpectedly lifechanging moments...! :)

    (Thank You!)

    Welcome to the fandom ;) That is indeed the most eloquent submission to the irresistable community of Whovians I've ever had the pleasure of reading!

    Just don't watch the one with the Weeping Angels. Scares the S*** out of me every time and I can't walk past a statue without keeping my eyes on it. Just don't look into their eyes...


    I have screen grabs from that Doctor Who weeping angel recording as a screen saver set to go off in intervals. So it looks like she is getting closer.

    Yea I've heard about this, I think I would end up a crying mess if I saw that...

    Well, it does freak me out a little bit, but in a good way. Or at least in a way that I appreciate. ;)

    Ha ha it's funny, out of all the creatures and episodes of Dr.Who it's only the Weeping Angels that get me. And maybe the Vashta Nerada (yes, I did have to Google the spelling). Possibly because they seem reasonably plausible...

    I will be sleeping with the lights on tonight, thank you very much
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Happy birthday, Francl27!

    My confession: this thread fell to page 2 and I panicked that it had been deleted for some reason.