Might as well starve!



  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Sorry for the swearing. Just needed to get it off my chest. People won't understand unless they still live with a family who eat unhealthily.

    Move out. Then you don't live with them anymore and can make your own choices.

    I'm still recovering from agoraphobia. I have made many achievements, but unfortunately this is not an option currently.

    Sounds like you should just appreciate that your family allows you to live there and eat the food they buy. I suffer from agoraphobia and at some point in life you have to do thing that cause you severe anxiety.

    Do you know my life story? No. Do you know what I do most days? Go out. I have a social life. I have friends. I have pushed myself many a time and succeeded. As a fellow agoraphobic, you should know that you can't just move out like that. My friend who is a retired child psychologist knows that you have to take it in small steps. You cannot walk before you run. If you do, you'll eventually just go backwards. Anyway this is MAJORLY OFF TOPIC.

    I'm sure it's a good 'small step' for you to go to the grocery store. I have severe anxiety and major depressive disorder, and was in an abusive relationship that once I got out of (still sometimes have problems with) I was in a state where I even had trouble recognising the need to change once I wet myself...outside...in public. And now I am the carer and spend my days looking after my dad. Did I get there whining like a child? No. Do you know what I did most days to get past it? I got the hell up and wrote a list of all the things I thought a person should be able to do and then every day I did at least one of them - I shopped some days, some days I just changed my socks... I now cook for the household every day using the money I claimed from benefit, recognising I was in no state to work. I later began visiting my dad daily because I realized he was struggling to do the things I had needed help with and now I get paid for that.

    Go to a shop and stop being rude to your mother. You can ask her to go with you if it's too hard to face the store alone, and most stores are open late - they tend to be mostly empty after about 8pm.

    Sorry for the image I just feel she needs a reality check guys.

    What an inspiring story!

    I blooming hope she sees it that way! Since being on mfp I've started to think I should write a book "When Angela decided to get some balls and also went to Tesco by herself that time."

    Hahahaha I'd totally buy a book with that title @notquitenorm
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Sorry for the swearing. Just needed to get it off my chest. People won't understand unless they still live with a family who eat unhealthily.

    Move out. Then you don't live with them anymore and can make your own choices.

    I'm still recovering from agoraphobia. I have made many achievements, but unfortunately this is not an option currently.

    Sounds like you should just appreciate that your family allows you to live there and eat the food they buy. I suffer from agoraphobia and at some point in life you have to do thing that cause you severe anxiety.

    Do you know my life story? No. Do you know what I do most days? Go out. I have a social life. I have friends. I have pushed myself many a time and succeeded. As a fellow agoraphobic, you should know that you can't just move out like that. My friend who is a retired child psychologist knows that you have to take it in small steps. You cannot walk before you run. If you do, you'll eventually just go backwards. Anyway this is MAJORLY OFF TOPIC.

    Do you have a job? You didn't mention that in your rant, or are you in school? And the word is "unhealthy". I'd like to meet your mom, she sounds a like a genuine sweet lady who deserves a little RESPECT. You should look up the definition of the word and stop being a spoiled, selfish, brat.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Sorry for the swearing. Just needed to get it off my chest. People won't understand unless they still live with a family who eat unhealthily.

    Move out. Then you don't live with them anymore and can make your own choices.

    I'm still recovering from agoraphobia. I have made many achievements, but unfortunately this is not an option currently.

    Sounds like you should just appreciate that your family allows you to live there and eat the food they buy. I suffer from agoraphobia and at some point in life you have to do thing that cause you severe anxiety.

    Do you know my life story? No. Do you know what I do most days? Go out. I have a social life. I have friends. I have pushed myself many a time and succeeded. As a fellow agoraphobic, you should know that you can't just move out like that. My friend who is a retired child psychologist knows that you have to take it in small steps. You cannot walk before you run. If you do, you'll eventually just go backwards. Anyway this is MAJORLY OFF TOPIC.

    For future reference do not use a retired professional to prove a point. It doesn't help your case at all.

  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    OP, I just looked at your diary.

    ALL YOU EAT is potato chips and soda.

    And you're bitching about your mom making you chicken nuggets and fries?

    Oh dear....
    For what the OP had eaten in snacks, drinks and desert (calorie wise), she could have had what mom offered for dinner??? It's about choices.

  • cmcdonald525
    cmcdonald525 Posts: 140 Member
    Op: I can sympathize..... Kinda. But there is a different way to handle it.

    Due to unforeseen circumstances my husband and I lost our apartment and had to move back in with my in laws. The normal diet around here consists of chips, popcorn, chicken fried steak, fried anything really. And my father in law is a grumpy old cowboy set in his ways and unwilling to change his eating habits. Everyone here is pretty overweight and fine being that way (except my husband. He has that crazy skinny gene and just doesn't gain weight). I am the only one here trying to be healthier, and I am making do with what we have here. Every so often my father in law, who knows my fitness goals, makes everyone a huge, delicious, calorie filled breakfast. It takes up almost half my daily calories. But you know what? He does it out of love. It's one of his ways of showing he cares, and you best believe I eat every bite. I may end up taking a long walk afterwards and eating a bag of frozen veggies for lunch, but it's worth it. He took the time and effort to do something nice, so I'm going to appreciate it. Find a way to make it fit, it's always possible. Heck, we took our kids to chuck e cheese yesterday. I ate for pieces of pizza and some chocolate and was still under my calorie goals, plus completely full. Just because you want to improve your body, it doesn't mean you have to be on a health kick. As many others have said, you can lose weight while eating chicken nuggets.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    Lexicpt wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    And then you heated it in your easy bake oven.

    I almost peed my pants.

    Yeah, because that's how I cook things when I have other things to attend to and don't want to spend all day waiting around in a kitchen in hot weather waiting for an actual oven to cook two pieces of fish. It's called being smart and eco-friendly.

    Also FYI, if you found it that funny, you might want to see a doc. Not humourous whatsoever.

    That was for real? For real you use an Easy Bake Oven? I thought it was sarcasm.

    Wowser. I am impressed.

    Wait, wut? For real?

    Isn't it in the 50s or 60s in England right now? Poppycock! 60s aren't Easy Bake weather.
  • Whittedo
    Whittedo Posts: 352 Member
    I totally sympathise with you. I also suffer from angoraphobia. If I see one of these I immediately turn into an obnoxious spoiled brat and resort to profanity to get my point accross as well!!
  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Sorry for the swearing. Just needed to get it off my chest. People won't understand unless they still live with a family who eat unhealthily.

    Move out. Then you don't live with them anymore and can make your own choices.

    I'm still recovering from agoraphobia. I have made many achievements, but unfortunately this is not an option currently.

    Sounds like you should just appreciate that your family allows you to live there and eat the food they buy. I suffer from agoraphobia and at some point in life you have to do thing that cause you severe anxiety.

    Do you know my life story? No. Do you know what I do most days? Go out. I have a social life. I have friends. I have pushed myself many a time and succeeded. As a fellow agoraphobic, you should know that you can't just move out like that. My friend who is a retired child psychologist knows that you have to take it in small steps. You cannot walk before you run. If you do, you'll eventually just go backwards. Anyway this is MAJORLY OFF TOPIC.

    I'm sure it's a good 'small step' for you to go to the grocery store. I have severe anxiety and major depressive disorder, and was in an abusive relationship that once I got out of (still sometimes have problems with) I was in a state where I even had trouble recognising the need to change once I wet myself...outside...in public. And now I am the carer and spend my days looking after my dad. Did I get there whining like a child? No. Do you know what I did most days to get past it? I got the hell up and wrote a list of all the things I thought a person should be able to do and then every day I did at least one of them - I shopped some days, some days I just changed my socks... I now cook for the household every day using the money I claimed from benefit, recognising I was in no state to work. I later began visiting my dad daily because I realized he was struggling to do the things I had needed help with and now I get paid for that.

    Go to a shop and stop being rude to your mother. You can ask her to go with you if it's too hard to face the store alone, and most stores are open late - they tend to be mostly empty after about 8pm.

    Sorry for the image I just feel she needs a reality check guys.

    What an inspiring story!

    I blooming hope she sees it that way! Since being on mfp I've started to think I should write a book "When Angela decided to get some balls and also went to Tesco by herself that time."

    Hahahaha I'd totally buy a book with that title @notquitenorm

  • NotQuiteNorm
    NotQuiteNorm Posts: 283 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Sorry for the swearing. Just needed to get it off my chest. People won't understand unless they still live with a family who eat unhealthily.

    Move out. Then you don't live with them anymore and can make your own choices.

    I'm still recovering from agoraphobia. I have made many achievements, but unfortunately this is not an option currently.

    Sounds like you should just appreciate that your family allows you to live there and eat the food they buy. I suffer from agoraphobia and at some point in life you have to do thing that cause you severe anxiety.

    Do you know my life story? No. Do you know what I do most days? Go out. I have a social life. I have friends. I have pushed myself many a time and succeeded. As a fellow agoraphobic, you should know that you can't just move out like that. My friend who is a retired child psychologist knows that you have to take it in small steps. You cannot walk before you run. If you do, you'll eventually just go backwards. Anyway this is MAJORLY OFF TOPIC.

    I'm sure it's a good 'small step' for you to go to the grocery store. I have severe anxiety and major depressive disorder, and was in an abusive relationship that once I got out of (still sometimes have problems with) I was in a state where I even had trouble recognising the need to change once I wet myself...outside...in public. And now I am the carer and spend my days looking after my dad. Did I get there whining like a child? No. Do you know what I did most days to get past it? I got the hell up and wrote a list of all the things I thought a person should be able to do and then every day I did at least one of them - I shopped some days, some days I just changed my socks... I now cook for the household every day using the money I claimed from benefit, recognising I was in no state to work. I later began visiting my dad daily because I realized he was struggling to do the things I had needed help with and now I get paid for that.

    Go to a shop and stop being rude to your mother. You can ask her to go with you if it's too hard to face the store alone, and most stores are open late - they tend to be mostly empty after about 8pm.

    Sorry for the image I just feel she needs a reality check guys.

    What an inspiring story!

    I blooming hope she sees it that way! Since being on mfp I've started to think I should write a book "When Angela decided to get some balls and also went to Tesco by herself that time."

    Hahahaha I'd totally buy a book with that title @notquitenorm

    :sunglasses: my first ever get rich quick scheme!
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    736 calories for snacks and drinks. That could "alone" make for a decent serving of nuggets and fries. Add some veg and Yummy happy tummy.

    You can do this. Just rethink some choices your making throughout the day.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    Lexicpt wrote: »
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    And then you heated it in your easy bake oven.

    I almost peed my pants.

    Yeah, because that's how I cook things when I have other things to attend to and don't want to spend all day waiting around in a kitchen in hot weather waiting for an actual oven to cook two pieces of fish. It's called being smart and eco-friendly.

    Also FYI, if you found it that funny, you might want to see a doc. Not humourous whatsoever.

    That was for real? For real you use an Easy Bake Oven? I thought it was sarcasm.

    Wowser. I am impressed.

    Wait, wut? For real?

    Isn't it in the 50s or 60s in England right now? Poppycock! 60s aren't Easy Bake weather.

    In her defense...it isn't quite like the Easy Bake Ovens...similar principle though.


    I actually saw something similar to this at Home Depot on the clearance rake today...something about cooking in a glass bowl.

  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Scary my son is a year younger than you and supports himself... time to grow up and accept some personal responsibility and stop being a spoiled brat
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
This discussion has been closed.