

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    mskurski wrote: »
    Ok, here it goes.... AGAIN no judgements. I didn't care what i looked like for a solid year or how much I ate. I could eat a whole large pizza w everything on it BY MYSELF. I could eat a whole box of cookies and 1/2 gal milk in one sitting. I use to go to all you can eat buffets and go up at least 3-6 times, I ate until I was stuffed like thankgiving stuffed for a year. I gained 65 lbs and every time i start feeling good, I go off my diet and gain again, and when I do... I gain twice as much as loss. Reason? I lost my son a year ago.... And struggling to care again. Really wanting to change this time.

    No judgment. I am so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine that. Just take care of yourself!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    mskurski wrote: »
    Ok, here it goes.... AGAIN no judgements. I didn't care what i looked like for a solid year or how much I ate. I could eat a whole large pizza w everything on it BY MYSELF. I could eat a whole box of cookies and 1/2 gal milk in one sitting. I use to go to all you can eat buffets and go up at least 3-6 times, I ate until I was stuffed like thankgiving stuffed for a year. I gained 65 lbs and every time i start feeling good, I go off my diet and gain again, and when I do... I gain twice as much as loss. Reason? I lost my son a year ago.... And struggling to care again. Really wanting to change this time.

    I'm so sorry :(
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    mskurski wrote: »
    Ok, here it goes.... AGAIN no judgements. I didn't care what i looked like for a solid year or how much I ate. I could eat a whole large pizza w everything on it BY MYSELF. I could eat a whole box of cookies and 1/2 gal milk in one sitting. I use to go to all you can eat buffets and go up at least 3-6 times, I ate until I was stuffed like thankgiving stuffed for a year. I gained 65 lbs and every time i start feeling good, I go off my diet and gain again, and when I do... I gain twice as much as loss. Reason? I lost my son a year ago.... And struggling to care again. Really wanting to change this time.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Be kind to yourself.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »

    Haven't decided if this one is going up in flames or not, but it might!

    There it goes...

    I am so glad that wasn't deleted after it was closed (do they do that) that was truly hysterical. That girl is delusional. And why do they keep coming back after they starting getting shot to h**l? BTW, I do swear like her... maybe I should stop. The 'swear like a sailor' kind of stopped me. Oh, well, I live in NJ, I clearly can't help myself (wink/wink).
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    mziegler01 wrote: »
    paulaviki wrote: »
    My confession today is that I chew the skin around my nails on my fingers, when I'm not chewing them I pick them. It looks gross and it hurts but I can't stop doing it. I'm nearly 33 and have been doing it since I was about 11. Every now and again I stop it but then I always start up again. Nasty habit! :(

    My husband and I both do this. We try to get each other to stop, but we can't stop ourselves. XD Don't feel too bad, apparently about 10% of the population does it. It's called dermatophagia.

    I do this too, to the point where it HURTS. I cannot stop. Pick, pick, pick. I managed to make myself stop for like 3 weeks. It was awesome, except.... I was a total *kitten*. Beyond mean.

    I used to pick my face and arms (acne) horribly. Pictures of me in my early teens are scary, I look like some kind of victim of ... something. Big nasty sores. Luckily (and shockingly) my face didn't scar. I had bad acne into my 30's (stress) and could never keep my hands off of it. I took Accutane, went to a psychologist (dermatologist told my mother it was psychological not physical), etc. It got better but was never good. Then I started the 'eat for life' or 'eat to live' diet (something like that), cut out cheese and ... acne disappeared. I have nearly perfect skin now. If only my teenage self had known... Growing up in Wisconsin didn't help. I LOVE cheese. Never eat it now. When I do, within days I break out.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    My confession: I'M A FRAUD!!
    I spend too much time here every day, doling out advice and encouragement, telling people about CICO, how to succeed, etc etc etc....

    I have not lost any weight (that I have kept off) in SIX MONTHS.

    That's right, I have "maintained" (read: lost weight, then stuffed my fat face) for half a year. It's a miracle I haven't actually gained.

    I'm complacent, and I make excuses, and I'm basically just being totally crap at this weight loss thing. And you know what? I RESENT knowing how much I know about weight loss, because in the past, I'd have "mixed it up" byt going for a "kickstart" and doing a few weeks of shakes, or majorly low carb, or chowing down some "Fatblaster Max". And now I know that all there is for it is to stop being an *kitten* about it and get it done.

    And I'm writing ALL this knowing I'm about to go on a 5 day holiday which I will AGAIN use as an excuse to say "I'll get back to it next week, this is special circumstances, I don't have much of a choice what I eat, so stuff it."

    I need a damn good slapping.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    mskurski wrote: »
    Ok, here it goes.... AGAIN no judgements. I didn't care what i looked like for a solid year or how much I ate. I could eat a whole large pizza w everything on it BY MYSELF. I could eat a whole box of cookies and 1/2 gal milk in one sitting. I use to go to all you can eat buffets and go up at least 3-6 times, I ate until I was stuffed like thankgiving stuffed for a year. I gained 65 lbs and every time i start feeling good, I go off my diet and gain again, and when I do... I gain twice as much as loss. Reason? I lost my son a year ago.... And struggling to care again. Really wanting to change this time.

    I'm so sorry for your loss.

    I had the opposite reaction when my mother was dying and after she passed away... I pretty much stopped eating. Grief counselling really helped me.
  • krystalmcm
    krystalmcm Posts: 4 Member
    mskurski wrote: »
    Ok, here it goes.... AGAIN no judgements. I didn't care what i looked like for a solid year or how much I ate. I could eat a whole large pizza w everything on it BY MYSELF. I could eat a whole box of cookies and 1/2 gal milk in one sitting. I use to go to all you can eat buffets and go up at least 3-6 times, I ate until I was stuffed like thankgiving stuffed for a year. I gained 65 lbs and every time i start feeling good, I go off my diet and gain again, and when I do... I gain twice as much as loss. Reason? I lost my son a year ago.... And struggling to care again. Really wanting to change this time.
    Omg. I'm so sorry to hear that. It must be so hard, and I don't have any good advice, but I'm sure he loves you and want you to take care of yourself. Maybe find away to be inspired by him to get healthy. *sending good vibes your way*

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Basically undid all the progress I made all week in 2 days. because you know..

    shadow cake and biryani and mango lassi

    I had to look up all three of those items. The last two look like they are offered at Indian restaurants only. The cake, too? We only have one Indian restaurant here. I tried it once, but wasn't sure what to order (vegetarian and low carb). Any suggestions from the expert?

    oh no, Shadow Cake was from the bakery on Friday night, biryani and mango lassi were from the indian restaurant.

    I had friends who were Indian in High School and they always ate the most aromatic foods delicious smelling foods.

    As an adult I just go into the restaurant ask the host what they're having that night for dinner and I'll usually go with that. The host always knows what's the best ;)

    For vegetarian dishes I'd start with some Vegetable Samosas and Cauliflower Pakoras entree would be Onion Naan and Vegetable biryani

    low carb is out the window :/

    Mmmmm that sounds so good. one of my fav Indian restaurant lunch buffets by my work closed and it is now a brick oven pizza place. I hadn't been there in over a year on the account my lunches are spent in the gym but I was still sad to see it go. Mmmmmmm pakora!!!

  • ScarletShopaholic
    ScarletShopaholic Posts: 169 Member
    My confession: I'M A FRAUD!!
    I spend too much time here every day, doling out advice and encouragement, telling people about CICO, how to succeed, etc etc etc....

    I have not lost any weight (that I have kept off) in SIX MONTHS.

    That's right, I have "maintained" (read: lost weight, then stuffed my fat face) for half a year. It's a miracle I haven't actually gained.

    I'm complacent, and I make excuses, and I'm basically just being totally crap at this weight loss thing. And you know what? I RESENT knowing how much I know about weight loss, because in the past, I'd have "mixed it up" byt going for a "kickstart" and doing a few weeks of shakes, or majorly low carb, or chowing down some "Fatblaster Max". And now I know that all there is for it is to stop being an *kitten* about it and get it done.

    And I'm writing ALL this knowing I'm about to go on a 5 day holiday which I will AGAIN use as an excuse to say "I'll get back to it next week, this is special circumstances, I don't have much of a choice what I eat, so stuff it."

    I need a damn good slapping.

    In that case me too, the slapping that is - fall off the wagon, get back on dive head first off into plates full of food! Put weight on, lose weight. It's hard to be consistent when you realise it has to a forever thing and you really just want to stuff your face :(. Well this is me anyway.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    mskurski wrote: »
    Ok, here it goes.... AGAIN no judgements. I didn't care what i looked like for a solid year or how much I ate. I could eat a whole large pizza w everything on it BY MYSELF. I could eat a whole box of cookies and 1/2 gal milk in one sitting. I use to go to all you can eat buffets and go up at least 3-6 times, I ate until I was stuffed like thankgiving stuffed for a year. I gained 65 lbs and every time i start feeling good, I go off my diet and gain again, and when I do... I gain twice as much as loss. Reason? I lost my son a year ago.... And struggling to care again. Really wanting to change this time.

    I'm sorry for your loss. <3 Take care.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Here are my thoughts/confessions for the day (I haven't caught up on the thread yet as I am at post time stamp 11:31 (AgentOrangeJuice).

    1. I've been going to more free fitness classes at work. Thursdays are a Hatha Flow and today I did a Muscle Madness class. I realized I really need to work on my core because I suck at pelvic peels (a.k.a. reverse curls). I am utterly amazed at my yoga instructor's ability to use her abs and curl her middle with such precision and grace as she moves from a pelvic peel/reverse curl into shoulder stand. She kind of reminds me of a caterpillar. We did the pelvic curl in the muscle madness class today and I now know that I need to work on this (along with planks because I can barely hold a plank for 15 breaths). Both my instructors are at least 20 years my senior and I am in awe as to how lean and fit they are. It is SO impressive.

    2. I am judging, silently in my head of course, people who do not wear long enough shirts to cover their belly (I am not talking a about those that are slender enough to pull off a midriff look from the 90's but those who are at least an XXXL) . I mean seriously, didn't you look in the mirror before you left the house and realize that your clothing was inappropriate? I saw said gentleman on Thursday while getting a taco at Mucho Burrito whose gut was drooping out from the bottom of his shirt, as well as an older lady on the train home today. I felt bad for the older lady as she had slacks and a blouse on but the blouse was tight and about 2" from the waist of her pant! (and she went to work that way which is why I felt bad for her) Sorry... that was probably too judgey.

    3. Hubby got stuck on a work call as I was dishing out dinner. I didn't mind it because I was able to take less food and not have listen to him tell me I am not eating enough and that I should eat more. As a result, I am within my calorie goal (which I reduced) for a second day in a row!. I have started to pre log again so that I don't over eat at dinner which has been my issue of late.
  • shawnaes91
    shawnaes91 Posts: 60 Member
    I find myself constantly thinking about calories. I pre-log a lot of my food. At breakfast I'll log what I'm eating and log for lunch since I know what I'll be packing to bring with me to work. It helps me see how many calories I can (or can't!) eat during the day, as sometimes I'll find a small snack.
    I also go to bed really early, and that helps with my late night snacking issue. How many 22 year olds so you know who go to bed at 8-8:30 every night?!

    Um, not 22, but I put my kiddo to bed at 7:45 and head straight to bed. I usually read for an hour or so, but yeah, totally in bed by 8:00.

    I do this too. But I put my daughter to bed at 7:30 so I could have quite time before having to go to bed to get up at 4:30 at work. Sadly these days 8:00 bedtime isn't happening for me.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    edited April 2015
    paulaviki wrote: »
    My confession today is that I chew the skin around my nails on my fingers, when I'm not chewing them I pick them. It looks gross and it hurts but I can't stop doing it. I'm nearly 33 and have been doing it since I was about 11. Every now and again I stop it but then I always start up again. Nasty habit! :(
    I did this a lot until I replaced the habit with filing my nails. It temporarily came back full force during my stay in the hospital.

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Appetite Suppressants

    Because, sage advice is sage.

    I really don't like sage. Why can't we ever have advice thyme instead of sage advice?
  • Sam_LJackson
    Sam_LJackson Posts: 26 Member
    I've been plucking my eyebrows for years and they're still the worst. I have no eyebrow game at all. If I don't pluck them at all, one is higher than the other and I look permanently quizzical. The situation in my (two year old) profile pic is especially bad (sharpie-brows) but honestly they're not getting much better.

    & I'm too cheap to pay a professional to manage my situation.

    How do some women make their eyebrows look so good? Magic.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    I've been plucking my eyebrows for years and they're still the worst. I have no eyebrow game at all. If I don't pluck them at all, one is higher than the other and I look permanently quizzical. The situation in my (two year old) profile pic is especially bad (sharpie-brows) but honestly they're not getting much better.

    & I'm too cheap to pay a professional to manage my situation.

    How do some women make their eyebrows look so good? Magic.

    I'm sorry Miss Jackson.
  • Sam_LJackson
    Sam_LJackson Posts: 26 Member
    I'm sorry Miss Jackson.

    I am for real!

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    My confession: I'M A FRAUD!!
    I spend too much time here every day, doling out advice and encouragement, telling people about CICO, how to succeed, etc etc etc....

    I have not lost any weight (that I have kept off) in SIX MONTHS.

    That's right, I have "maintained" (read: lost weight, then stuffed my fat face) for half a year. It's a miracle I haven't actually gained.

    I'm complacent, and I make excuses, and I'm basically just being totally crap at this weight loss thing. And you know what? I RESENT knowing how much I know about weight loss, because in the past, I'd have "mixed it up" byt going for a "kickstart" and doing a few weeks of shakes, or majorly low carb, or chowing down some "Fatblaster Max". And now I know that all there is for it is to stop being an *kitten* about it and get it done.

    And I'm writing ALL this knowing I'm about to go on a 5 day holiday which I will AGAIN use as an excuse to say "I'll get back to it next week, this is special circumstances, I don't have much of a choice what I eat, so stuff it."

    I need a damn good slapping.

    I don't call that being a fraud at all. You give great advice. And you've maintained, not gained, which IS a success.

    You won't enjoy your holiday if you're busy beating yourself up... so be kind to you.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Today was really hard for me because it's my dad's birthday. He passed away last year and I'm still struggling to come to terms with it. Took a long walk after work and ended up in a grocery store buying sausage and peppers (his favorite). I miss him terribly and feel guilty for not spending as much time with him as I should have. I want to ask him things I never got to and never will be able to. Everyone, hug your families tight and don't take them for granted :)