
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    annette_15 wrote: »
    annette_15 wrote: »
    Sometimes I feel like all my posts are invisible, cause no one ever replies to them :/

    annette-15, if it makes you feel any better, my (playfully silly) posts are seemingly not only invisible, but likely largely unread (though I understand that)... if your posts are relatively short (as in, nowhere near the length of mine), they'll definitely be read (and are)... worry not... your posts are not invisible, and are definitely being read... mine, on the other hand, would seem to be trapped within some sort of 'cloaking device', such that their presence, just off the starboard 'side' of the thread, is known only by occasional passersby, who all but 'bump into' them (and once 'seeing' any given one, are not averse to reading its length)... yes, my posts would seem to be more like tumbleweed making its way down the empty 'main street' of a 'ghost town'... on a windy day... with a tornado 'fast closing in'... though possibly 'drifting' to another 'town' anyway, all on their own... (c'est la vie...)

    Edited to Add: my long posts are kinda like that Mindy Kaling commercial, where she ultimately comes to think she's invisible, and that no one can see her... and my ever receiving a reply is like the end of the commercial, where she's surprised(/startled) to find that someone sees her... ;)

    Thanks.. I'll admit to skipping ur posts a lot. Maybe its ur way of writing, but as a non native english speaker (not that this should be an excuse, cause my english is perfectly fine), I just have a hard time reading ur posts. You know how some books are just harder to read than others? Yeah..idk why, sorry, I'll try to make more of an effort from now on :kissing_heart:

    I confess that I also skip your posts, since they are always soooo long and I only have so much time to waste at work. I, however, have nothing against you...just long posts.

    While on the subject, there is one person (I will never tell) on this thread that I despise!

    It's probably me - b/c I am not a Rider fan... :p but I think we agree on a lot of other stuff!
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    I confess I don't log Ketchup. For no particular reason I just won't log it.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    vmlabute wrote: »
    I wear the same jeans over and over until they get dirty...then I have to wash them

    I can't imagine. After one or two wears, my jeans are too loose to wear. I wash every piece of clothing, every time I wear it unless I only wore it for a couple of hours. Workout gear, I wash every time. I do re-use my towels, though.

    This has become my issue right now. I used to go a week or so wearing the same jeans.
  • plasticineporters
    plasticineporters Posts: 12 Member
    I went to pizza hut last week and ate a full margharita pizza to myself, no breaks. As well as pasta as a side.
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    jlnoble513 wrote: »
    @AngryViking1970 what does turkey bacon taste like? I'm scared to try it lol. I don't like turkey bacon? LOL It doesn't taste like turkey, but it has a different texture than regular bacon for sure. It's much firmer and doesn't really get crispy. Try it!

    But not really. I have decided that it's not worth the few calories I save. Life is too short!

    This is the truest statement I've heard in quite some time! I feel 100% the same way. I'll save calories somewhere else. When I want bacon, I want BACON!
    I'll second that! I use this mentality with butter vs. margarine, cream vs. creamer, and whipped cream vs. cool whip. I would rather have the real stuff than the "fake".

    My husband makes the BEST homemade whipped cream I've EVER tasted. He refuses to buy Cool Whip. And I can't even remember the last time I bought margarine. It's nothing but the real stuff in our house.

    But does he *churn* the butter -- ? ;) Because if he's willing to *make* homemade whipped cream, and refuses to buy/stomach/condone margarine, then the *least* he could do is *make* 'homemade' butter... (if not, he's simply not 'on board' with homemade, or 'keepin' it real', and has from this day forth relinquished his right to listen to the theme song of RealStuff-idians the world over... ("ain't nothin' but the real thing, baby... ain't nothin' but the reeeeal thing..." (with apologies to Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell ;) )))...

    Oh, wait... I just checked details of the relevant "Behind The Song" specifics, at, and (what are the odds?!)... as it turns out, that 1960s classic that I just began (type-)'singing', mere moments ago, was actually inspired by a woman whose husband made homemade whipped cream (!), and who steadfastly defended their right to eat real butter -- though (and this is the kicker) no mention is made of said husband actually *churning* the butter... and thus... I think we can let your husband off the hook...


    P.S. Not long ago, I race-read caught up on the thread... and while there are several posts I want to reply to, I felt compelled to quickly address the almighty Non-Churned Butter Conspiracy (a MoHousdon-ian gem... ;) ), what with its being such a pressing(/churning) matter of importance... ;P
  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member

    It's comforting to know that other people eat the whole bag, box, or package of something sometimes. It's like you can't help it. You buy it with the intention of eating the serving size, but cravings take over, and it's gone.

    This is really good to know that I am not alone in this. I will eat entire bags of things if they are in my house. I can not have chips, sweets, or anything of that sort in my house or I will eat it all.

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    annette_15 wrote: »
    annette_15 wrote: »
    Sometimes I feel like all my posts are invisible, cause no one ever replies to them :/

    annette-15, if it makes you feel any better, my (playfully silly) posts are seemingly not only invisible, but likely largely unread (though I understand that)... if your posts are relatively short (as in, nowhere near the length of mine), they'll definitely be read (and are)... worry not... your posts are not invisible, and are definitely being read... mine, on the other hand, would seem to be trapped within some sort of 'cloaking device', such that their presence, just off the starboard 'side' of the thread, is known only by occasional passersby, who all but 'bump into' them (and once 'seeing' any given one, are not averse to reading its length)... yes, my posts would seem to be more like tumbleweed making its way down the empty 'main street' of a 'ghost town'... on a windy day... with a tornado 'fast closing in'... though possibly 'drifting' to another 'town' anyway, all on their own... (c'est la vie...)

    Edited to Add: my long posts are kinda like that Mindy Kaling commercial, where she ultimately comes to think she's invisible, and that no one can see her... and my ever receiving a reply is like the end of the commercial, where she's surprised(/startled) to find that someone sees her... ;)

    Thanks.. I'll admit to skipping ur posts a lot. Maybe its ur way of writing, but as a non native english speaker (not that this should be an excuse, cause my english is perfectly fine), I just have a hard time reading ur posts. You know how some books are just harder to read than others? Yeah..idk why, sorry, I'll try to make more of an effort from now on :kissing_heart:

    I confess that I also skip your posts, since they are always soooo long and I only have so much time to waste at work. I, however, have nothing against you...just long posts.

    While on the subject, there is one person (I will never tell) on this thread that I despise!

    Ladybug you can't confess something like that! Haha now everyone will be secretly wondering if it's him/her you're speaking about!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    vmlabute wrote: »
    I wear the same jeans over and over until they get dirty...then I have to wash them

    I can't imagine. After one or two wears, my jeans are too loose to wear. I wash every piece of clothing, every time I wear it unless I only wore it for a couple of hours. Workout gear, I wash every time. I do re-use my towels, though.

    This has become my issue right now. I used to go a week or so wearing the same jeans.

    I've always wished I could re-wear the same jeans but I can't stand the wrinkles behind the knees and at the thighs that jeans get frome when you wear them. I'm a wash after every time I wear kind of gal :)
  • pmsing
    pmsing Posts: 1 Member
    I follow a LCHF lifestyle....when I mentally crave something sweet I can easily so a can of heavy whipped cream. :/
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I walked the treadmill at lunch to add calories so I could eat my Arbuckle Mountain Fried Pies cherry pie for dessert tonight. I do not regret this decision.

    You did NOT just link that! I didn't need a visual. *drool

    Were you drooling at the cowboy in the background or the little fruit filled wontons?

    The food, of course! I'm not a cowboy type. I'm a Dwayne "The Rock' Johnson type. :p

    Where is the "Like" button when I need it?!

  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    cskone38 wrote: »
    When I go to the gym, I watch the sexy sexy women. I look at those "assets" jigglin in them Yoga pants/tights, and I use it as motivation. I figure if I keep at it on this treadmill, eventually I'll have a sexy body and I'll get to bang hot lil mama's like them!

    Let me assure you that if you use the term "bang", you could look like Jesse Williams and women would still avoid you. This isn't a's a sad fact.

    Not judging, but totally creeped me out. Makes me want to re-think trying to get that sexy body.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    I have a phone interview tomorrow for a job, and I'm super nervous about it. I've been out of work for a long time, I really need a job (and this one sounds pretty good), and I haven't interviewed in about 5 years. I know, logically, that even if I totally blow it, I'm in no worse position than I am now...but my stomach is still jumping around like crazy. :/

    Good luck! You can do it. At least they can't see how nervous you are when you're on the phone. Be confident.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    ZenSakura wrote: »
    Confession: I'm more self-conscious about my ginormous forehead than I am about being morbidly obese. Don't get me wrong, I hate the excess weight and am diligently working on losing it, forehead makes me feel like a freak of nature.

    I have a ginormous forehead too...and I have a really whacky brain surgery scar under the skin on my forehead that makes a very unattractive lump. One of the surgical screws holding my head together sticks out a bit. When I get down to around my current weight, it starts to show a lot more.

    So...things could be freakier!

    The weird part is that most people don't even seem to notice. When I mention that I've had brain surgery, people act surprised. Apparently the only person who notices my forehead is me. :)
  • whereslisa
    whereslisa Posts: 38 Member
    I have a lot of embarrassing things lol. I like to get naked and stand in front of the mirror and suck in while holding my stomach up so I can see what I look like skinny... LOL.

    I also lie to my nutritionist/doctor about not drinking coffee and not eating potatoes... I drink coffee and do eat potatoes...

    And I like to do the math over and over and over again to make sure how many calories I'm eating and how many I'm burning is correct for the amount of weight I want to lose, I mean I will do this like 8 times a day. Then I get sad because of how much I have left to lose and eat a spoonful of peanut butter at 3am while watching my 600 pound life.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    edited April 2015
    festerw wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    jlnoble513 wrote: »
    @AngryViking1970 what does turkey bacon taste like? I'm scared to try it lol. I don't like turkey bacon? LOL It doesn't taste like turkey, but it has a different texture than regular bacon for sure. It's much firmer and doesn't really get crispy. Try it!

    But not really. I have decided that it's not worth the few calories I save. Life is too short!

    This is the truest statement I've heard in quite some time! I feel 100% the same way. I'll save calories somewhere else. When I want bacon, I want BACON!
    I'll second that! I use this mentality with butter vs. margarine, cream vs. creamer, and whipped cream vs. cool whip. I would rather have the real stuff than the "fake".
    I usually go for the real instead of a substitute, but I really do prefer turkey bacon. It's always a mess to cook regular (albeit delicious) bacon and when I order it out, it's usually all floppy and super gross.

    Hubby and I ate turkey bacon for quite some time due to it being less greasy. To treat ourselves, we bought the real stuff (a nice applewood smoked thick slice) and I forgot how good the real stuff was. We've now switched back to real bacon and I have been experimenting with different cooking methods. I lined the inside and top of a broiler pan with tin foil and cut small slits in the top layer for the grease to drip into the bottom of the pan and placed it in the oven. It cooked it nice & crispy but was still a mess w/ the tin foil. Last week I made a little packet w/ double layer tin foil and laid the bacon inside. I closed up the packet and used a fork to poke holes on either side and the put in on the BBQ. the first time I did it, the heat was too high and I burned it, the second time I tried it, i lowered the heat and it worked perfectly! the little holes allow the grease to drip out slowly and you get nice crispy bacon. You have to make sure the flames aren't too high otherwise it can start a fire and you just need to keep an eye on it. once it was done, I just put the bacon on some paper towel and left the tin foil on the BBQ to let the remaining grease cool & harden - then through it all way.

    This only works if you don't save the bacon grease for other cooking. I would like to but hubby thinks it's disgusting.

    A grill with a drip pan works great, I can do bacon on my Traeger by just throwing it on the rack.

    We are going to be buying one next time we are in the States - they are way to expensive in Canada. We had a Bradley smoker which worked okay but we both like the concept of the Traeger more.

    Don't tell my hubby, but I'm getting him a Traeger for Father's Day. ;) Maybe I'll cook him some real bacon on it.

    @quiksylver296 Don't waste your money on a Traeger. Go for a Green Mountain instead. Here's a link to buy one from a company with outstanding customer service.

    Not sure why the link didn't work but trust me.

  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    I confess I don't log Ketchup. For no particular reason I just won't log it.

    MFP has murdered my love of ketchup. I am now forced to siracha everything. Oh man I miss ketchup, but I fear if I have some I will just pour the whole bottle down my throat I love it so much.

    Here is a lil backwards confession. I miss my fat gut every time I take a bath. It was like a perfect table to lay my computer, or book, or whatever on while i soaked for hours. Now that I am 25lbs less (!!!) barely anything sticks out of the water and I have to hold everything up.
  • This content has been removed.
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    I confess I don't log Ketchup. For no particular reason I just won't log it.

    MFP has murdered my love of ketchup. I am now forced to siracha everything. Oh man I miss ketchup, but I fear if I have some I will just pour the whole bottle down my throat I love it so much.

    Here is a lil backwards confession. I miss my fat gut every time I take a bath. It was like a perfect table to lay my computer, or book, or whatever on while i soaked for hours. Now that I am 25lbs less (!!!) barely anything sticks out of the water and I have to hold everything up.

    I am sooo the opposite of this, I love being able to get all of me under the water... had not been able to in about 30 years until recently losing 60+ lbs.
  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    I confess I don't log Ketchup. For no particular reason I just won't log it.

    MFP has murdered my love of ketchup. I am now forced to siracha everything. Oh man I miss ketchup, but I fear if I have some I will just pour the whole bottle down my throat I love it so much.

    Here is a lil backwards confession. I miss my fat gut every time I take a bath. It was like a perfect table to lay my computer, or book, or whatever on while i soaked for hours. Now that I am 25lbs less (!!!) barely anything sticks out of the water and I have to hold everything up.

    I am sooo the opposite of this, I love being able to get all of me under the water... had not been able to in about 30 years until recently losing 60+ lbs.

    That is some amazing weightloss there. Go you!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    I recently discovered chocolate coated popcorn. This is not good news.

    Chocolate covered jujubes

    ! -- (wait, *what*?!!!)

    This... is such a foreign 'concept'...and in reading of its existence, feels as though I've just learned that some previously-understood, unwritten 'rule', about something 'fundamental' in the universe, has just been discovered to be false... (guess what? -- it turns out you *can* divide by zero!... <--- you might as well have just 'announced' *that*, the utter shockwave-inducing consequence of finding out that jujubes have now had a 'hey, you got jujubes in my chocolate!', Reese's-like 'big bang' moment, was *that* stunning (and summarily shattered my previous understanding of what would constitute viable 'chocolate-coverable, candy concoction compatibility complexes (jujubes and chocolate...?...! -- it's almost 'sci-fi' -like, it's so 'otherworldly'...! :) ))...

    ythannah, I'm a fan of chocolate, and have historically been a fan of jujubes... but I'm gonna 'need a moment' to let this one sink in... ;)

    There was entirely too much bacon in this thread, IMHO. It needed another injection of chocolate.

    It's funny you mention that, because something I thought, but somehow refrained from conveying (perhaps I received a telepathic signal from you? :P ), was that the only way to make those chocolate covered jujubes any better would be to wrap them in bacon...! (I'm not kidding -- that actually crossed my mind... :) )

    (An associated reality, however, would be the likely subsequent need to freaking toothpick-ize them, and *that's* not gonna happen (unless they're served as appetizers at some party for which the attendees are prepared to 'expect the unexpected' (though it still might warrant having them sign liability waivers, what with the pending shock being of such non-trivial 'magnitude' ;) ))...

    I read your posts, but I don't have time to reply to everything. Although I'm wondering why 2 of your posts on an earlier page were flagged??? Any idea why?

    I read the posts and why all the (( )) ) ( ()) (() )() ( )) () () () )( )( ((( ))) )) ) (( ( )) )( ()( )( ) ()() ()() just sayin.

    @AgentOrangeJuice I have skipped every single one. I don't have time to read a novel every time when I have 5-10 pages to catch up on. Sorry.

  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    I confess I don't log Ketchup. For no particular reason I just won't log it.

    MFP has murdered my love of ketchup. I am now forced to siracha everything. Oh man I miss ketchup, but I fear if I have some I will just pour the whole bottle down my throat I love it so much.

    Here is a lil backwards confession. I miss my fat gut every time I take a bath. It was like a perfect table to lay my computer, or book, or whatever on while i soaked for hours. Now that I am 25lbs less (!!!) barely anything sticks out of the water and I have to hold everything up.

    I am sooo the opposite of this, I love being able to get all of me under the water... had not been able to in about 30 years until recently losing 60+ lbs.

    That is some amazing weightloss there. Go you!

    Thanks, it has been almost 9 months since I started and MFP has been a real help!
  • cranor130
    cranor130 Posts: 65 Member
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    I confess I don't log Ketchup. For no particular reason I just won't log it.

    MFP has murdered my love of ketchup. I am now forced to siracha everything. Oh man I miss ketchup, but I fear if I have some I will just pour the whole bottle down my throat I love it so much.

    Here is a lil backwards confession. I miss my fat gut every time I take a bath. It was like a perfect table to lay my computer, or book, or whatever on while i soaked for hours. Now that I am 25lbs less (!!!) barely anything sticks out of the water and I have to hold everything up.

  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    If anyone remembers my confession about Restaurant Manager that wants to buy cakes when we have 3 full time bakers. Well he's been pretty short/crappy with me ever since he had to make a quarter sheet cake. He went so far as to duck behind a wall thinking I didn't see him, one day.

    He called me on my cell phone yesterday while I was out at lunch and when I answered I said

    "This is my personal cellphone, call me back on my office line."

    He made an exasperated noise and hung up.

    He calls back 10 seconds later, "you're not in the office."

    I said " I know, I'm at lunch, talk to you later."

  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    vmlabute wrote: »
    I wear the same jeans over and over until they get dirty...then I have to wash them

    I can't imagine. After one or two wears, my jeans are too loose to wear. I wash every piece of clothing, every time I wear it unless I only wore it for a couple of hours. Workout gear, I wash every time. I do re-use my towels, though.

    This has become my issue right now. I used to go a week or so wearing the same jeans.

    I've always wished I could re-wear the same jeans but I can't stand the wrinkles behind the knees and at the thighs that jeans get frome when you wear them. I'm a wash after every time I wear kind of gal :)

    I don't mind the wrinkles, but I have the lycra issue BZAH10 mentioned. I can size down in a waist but not my thighs, so if I don't wash my jeans more often they slip down when I sit. I hate over washing because make the jeans lose color sooner (I wear dark jeans).
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    If anyone remembers my confession about Restaurant Manager that wants to buy cakes when we have 3 full time bakers. Well he's been pretty short/crappy with me ever since he had to make a quarter sheet cake. He went so far as to duck behind a wall thinking I didn't see him, one day.

    He called me on my cell phone yesterday while I was out at lunch and when I answered I said

    "This is my personal cellphone, call me back on my office line."

    He made an exasperated noise and hung up.

    He calls back 10 seconds later, "you're not in the office."

    I said " I know, I'm at lunch, talk to you later."

    Bwahahahahaaa! But did he call back after lunch?
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    vmlabute wrote: »
    I wear the same jeans over and over until they get dirty...then I have to wash them

    I can't imagine. After one or two wears, my jeans are too loose to wear. I wash every piece of clothing, every time I wear it unless I only wore it for a couple of hours. Workout gear, I wash every time. I do re-use my towels, though.

    This has become my issue right now. I used to go a week or so wearing the same jeans.

    I've always wished I could re-wear the same jeans but I can't stand the wrinkles behind the knees and at the thighs that jeans get frome when you wear them. I'm a wash after every time I wear kind of gal :)

    I don't mind the wrinkles, but I have the lycra issue BZAH10 mentioned. I can size down in a waist but not my thighs, so if I don't wash my jeans more often they slip down when I sit. I hate over washing because make the jeans lose color sooner (I wear dark jeans).

    Like buttoned.
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    If anyone remembers my confession about Restaurant Manager that wants to buy cakes when we have 3 full time bakers. Well he's been pretty short/crappy with me ever since he had to make a quarter sheet cake. He went so far as to duck behind a wall thinking I didn't see him, one day.

    He called me on my cell phone yesterday while I was out at lunch and when I answered I said

    "This is my personal cellphone, call me back on my office line."

    He made an exasperated noise and hung up.

    He calls back 10 seconds later, "you're not in the office."

    I said " I know, I'm at lunch, talk to you later."
    Now, Where is that LIKE button at??
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    Confession: I did not pack a proper lunch today so I was reduced to eating Greek yogurt for lunch. Because I just need to have something crunchy sometimes, I bought a package of cheddar cheese crackers from my work vending machine. One of the crackers is pretty much crumbs. This makes me a lot sadder than I care to admit.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If anyone remembers my confession about Restaurant Manager that wants to buy cakes when we have 3 full time bakers. Well he's been pretty short/crappy with me ever since he had to make a quarter sheet cake. He went so far as to duck behind a wall thinking I didn't see him, one day.

    He called me on my cell phone yesterday while I was out at lunch and when I answered I said

    "This is my personal cellphone, call me back on my office line."

    He made an exasperated noise and hung up.

    He calls back 10 seconds later, "you're not in the office."

    I said " I know, I'm at lunch, talk to you later."

    Hahahahaha. You are awesome.

    That reminds me of when I worked in a pretty hyped bakery with great reviews and a (pain in the ***) chef who prided himself in making everything from scratch... until I found out that some of his products he actually bought frozen from somewhere else and used a mix for his cakes. I don't quite trust 'homemade' things now...
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    whereslisa wrote: »
    I have a lot of embarrassing things lol. I like to get naked and stand in front of the mirror and suck in while holding my stomach up so I can see what I look like skinny... LOL.

    I also lie to my nutritionist/doctor about not drinking coffee and not eating potatoes... I drink coffee and do eat potatoes...

    And I like to do the math over and over and over again to make sure how many calories I'm eating and how many I'm burning is correct for the amount of weight I want to lose, I mean I will do this like 8 times a day. Then I get sad because of how much I have left to lose and eat a spoonful of peanut butter at 3am while watching my 600 pound life.

    What's wrong with coffee and potatoes? I suppose what you put in the coffee and on the potatoes (baked and loaded with butter & sour cream) or fried into french fries makes a difference. Just nosy, really. I personally do not eat peanut butter, but I can assure you you are not the only one that eats it by the spoonful. Baby steps - keep moving forward and celebrate your progress!