

  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    In honor of q4... some username about piano music ;)...'s suggestion about page 409 and cleaning products, I confess that I have no idea what "Formula 409" is. Or was it "Product 409"...?

    Susieq_1994, thank you so much for 'picking up the baton' (and in two figurative senses, it turns out! ;) ), and ushering in a symphony of posts regarding cleaning products -- and with some posts appearing on page 409! (Which felt like I was 'living the dream' -- ! :smiley: )

    Truth be told, it resulted in my learning of a cleaning product I now feel compelled to try (there's one that "sprays out blue/purple-ish" -- ?!!! -- that'd make cleaning a kind of *party*! ;) (Now they just need to figure out how to 'silly string'-ize it! :) ))

    Oh, and there was also that interesting unexpected bit about "strong rubbing grip"(s), and the seemingly inevitable (you folks didn't let me down! ;P ), mild-as-could-possibly-be, ever-so-brief, toe-dipped-into-the-water -like, moderately 'modest' :blush: 'detour'... into... the 'gutter'... >:) ...which followed in the wake of AOJ's rather unexpected (and yet not so surpising afterall ;) ) 'conclusion' regarding his use of a Magic Eraser (there is a specific pun which lurks, and whose 'presence' it pains me not to reveal, but for the sake of decorum, I shall maintain the dignified illusion of its 'invisibility' ;) )...

    ...however, knowing AOJ's delightfully mischievous nature, he likely knew *exactly* what would (ultimately) ensue, in the wake of his perhaps-feigned ;) 'innocent' 'disclosure' regarding grip strength, and his superhuman capacity to utterly obliterate a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, and in one fell 'swipe' (pun intended ;P )... but, alas, we would expect nothing less from this font of smiles and laughter! :)
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member


    PeachyPlum's post in the discussion referenced below is a 'must see'... ;)

  • michelle3or
    michelle3or Posts: 17 Member
    For the first time in 100 days of diligent calorie counting, I did a quick-add of calories. This was National Librarians week and on top of that, tonight was my Book Club meeting. Yesterday I ate 4 chocolate cupcakes. Today I had another cupcake, most of a package of pepperidge farm montauk cookies, and tons of goodies at book club. I feel so horribly bloated! And so ashamed. I had worked so hard to lose my weight and had recently begun maintenance. I suck at maintenance. :(
  • alexib
    alexib Posts: 45 Member
    Earlier this week I ate 3 snack-ish packs of Oreos in one day, 2 right after the other. Major sugar rush that ended with me taking a nap and skipping out on getting ahead in my school work. UGH -_- I don't even like Oreos like that, well I didn't, I guess I do now. I felt terrible and didn't log it, I was much too embarrassed. I also ate a bag of lucky country strawberry licorice earlier that day, it's way too good can't moderate it.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Not a confession but a rant: my diet has been good for the last few weeks and I've worked out like a *kitten*. My reward? Nada nothing nyet. Not a single lb lost :( I know weight loss isn't linear but it could've thrown me a motivational bone

    *breathes* must not binge away disappointed feelings
  • IggyIgglesworth
    So confession seemed as good a place as any of why there is no sex counting for calorie burning? Even if we went with the lowest number listed in the studies- would it not worth be entering the activity. or is this just to taboo or is there some implication fat folks do not have sex? etc... Asking based on this info on the net- ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
  • SmellyHippy
    SmellyHippy Posts: 47 Member
    I went over my calorie goal by 1000 calories today, and I'm STILL hungry
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    Did that taste as disgusting as it sounds?

    Lol sadly no, it seemed to do the trick, but I FELT disgusting afterwards. Though it's kind of funny now.

    Mix on serving of cottage cheese with some Hershey cocoa powder and some sweetener (splenda, stevia, sweet N low etc.) Stevia is my sweetener of choice. Mix those together and BOOM. Delicious chocolaty treat packed with protein and low in calories

    I confess that cottage cheese reminds me of baby milk vomit
  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 244 Member
    edited April 2015

    Office Lunch and End of Financial Year Party - Uh Oh....

    In my defence this is rare and I did bank calories/kilojoules to allow for most of it.... but before seeing it like this I never would have given it a seconds thought. This is my maintenance kilojoules (approx 7000) for two whole days!!
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    I sometimes check the "missed connections" section of Craigslist in my area in the secret hope that someone will post about seeing me, thinking that I was cute, and wishing that they'd talked to me. It's silly, I know, and if anyone actually did post anything that I thought was about me, I'd never answer. But still...

    I blame all the romantic comedies that I'm hopelessly addicted to. :)

    One morning I was walking from the train to work and a man asked me if I wanted to get coffee. I turned him down, I was not interested in him, I have a boyfriend, it was before 8am and I needed to get to work. But this lead to a discussion of ways we'd been asked out, my personal favourite was when someone wrote his email address in a book I was about to buy after starting talking in the bookshop. But a girl I worked with had had a message, not on Craigslist, but in a magazine or paper, saying you were the girl in the robot t-shirt, I was the guy talking to you... She didn't contact him! I thought having been the subject of one of these was pretty cool though.
    lalabrucey wrote: »
    The sound of *very* heavy breathers irritates me. I know I should be more tolerant but there is a woman at one of the supermarkets I visit who is scowling permanently while scanning groceries and all I hear is 'hmphhhh hmphhhh humphhhh...' almost in a perfect rhythm - drives me to distraction!

    I find it the worst on conference calls. We have one man, he never mutes, but regularly sounds like he's just got back from a half marathon, that or he's REALLY enjoying the call! And he never uses mute, even when there's loads of people on.
  • veevee1950
    veevee1950 Posts: 19 Member
    My confession: A very long time ago I was craving, really, really craving chocolate. None in the house so ate 4 squares of Laxettes (almost tastes like chocolate) Certainly got rid of everything the next day lol.
  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: I told a hard boiled egg "F--- you" and threw it in the garbage because it would not peel.
    Pfft, this is why I don't make them often even though I love them.
    add some salt to water you cook your eggs in - it helps to peel it much easier :smile:
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    tiona83 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I feel like a loser because I don't ever really have any GOOD confessions for this oh, so worthy thread, but here goes.

    Confession 1: I packed an awesome lunch today and wanted to devour it before 11 this morning. I don't take lunch until 1. I managed to make it until noon, but now I'm sad because my food is over. I often get sad when my food is over.

    Confession 2: I totally had Dr. Pepper last night with my Auntie Anne's pretzel bites and didn't log it. Oops. >:)

    My youngest (8) has a bad habit of taking bites out of her lunch why she packs it. The school policy is no junk food (crisps/chips, chocolate, cookies/biscuits) so it's not like it's something sweet. Came down stairs yesterday and she had half her sandwich gone. This was after her breakfast.

    Errrrr, what?! How is that even enforced and why? I'm all for encouraging healthy habits, but this seems a bit extreme.

    My children's school is the same. I'm used to it now.
  • stinegulliksen
    stinegulliksen Posts: 39 Member
    I managed to eat a whole 160g bag of chips, as well as two candybars last night... over 1400 calories of junk.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member

    Is this thread about diet and exercise confessions, or just about anything? (I wasn't going to read through 411 pages to see when it changed).
    - I don't measure my portions, I just guess, so I am pretty sure my calories are not right.
    - oh, and I HATE beets! Just typing this gave me the huzzes.

    It can be Anything!

    I was at work reading this thread and didn't get a chance to look at all the dresses from modcloth and 1861 so I spent a few hours after dinner. I love what I saw but feel that I need to hit my gw first (I don't want to buy fancy stuff only to shrink more and it become too big). I was also browsing all the leggings and tights from sock dreams. Now all I want to do is go on a massive shopping spree for dresses, leggings/tights, and cute shoes.
    All the discussion on clothes last night sent me to Marshalls on way home. Ended up with 2 cute skirts, a few sweaters and 2 exercise items. Oh and super cute black sandals. The skirts and sweaters I justify as looking good at work. Work clothes are always allowed. No excuse for the like 450th exercise jacket I now own.
  • nicknacknooks
    My scale is tared to 5 pounds above zero.

    It makes me feel better that I get to subtract 5 off the reading.

    I'm trying this!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member


    PeachyPlum's post in the discussion referenced below is a 'must see'... ;)


    I can't keep peanut butter in my house. I eat all of it. I do keep the powdered stuff but only eat it when craving something sweet. I'll mix up 2 tbsp of it. Takes care of the cravings but isn't good enough to indulge in.
  • nicknacknooks
    Not a confession but a rant: my diet has been good for the last few weeks and I've worked out like a *kitten*. My reward? Nada nothing nyet. Not a single lb lost :( I know weight loss isn't linear but it could've thrown me a motivational bone

    *breathes* must not binge away disappointed feelings

    Keep at it - it'll be worth it in the end (says she who accidently puts too much Nutella on the toast for her sons & "has" to lick it. I know... I know.)
  • nicknacknooks
    Not a confession but a rant: my diet has been good for the last few weeks and I've worked out like a *kitten*. My reward? Nada nothing nyet. Not a single lb lost :( I know weight loss isn't linear but it could've thrown me a motivational bone

    *breathes* must not binge away disappointed feelings

    Keep at it - it'll be worth it in the end (says she who accidently puts too much Nutella on the toast for her sons & "has" to lick it. I know... I know.)

    To confirm - lick the spoon, not the toast.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Enjoying early morning post breakfast back in bed cat petting extravaganza before I need to start my day. Much purring is involved.