

  • ambauer73
    ambauer73 Posts: 1 Member
    I stopped buying snacky foods to try and curb my 7 to 10 pm "grazing". Last night I mowed down a plate of cheese and crackers.

    I keep some sugar free jello and sugar free cool whip on hand at all times. It helps my evening "grazing" with minimal calories
  • angeltilo
    angeltilo Posts: 44 Member
    Ive been over eating to compensate, for quitting smoking
    You are doing yourself a much bigger favor by quitting smoking so eating a little extra is no big. One thing that really helped me when I quit was going to the gym- I couldn't think of smoking when I was on a workout high and it relieved the stress from quitting. Good job!

  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    I don't watch the walking dead, so I have no idea what you all are talking about!

    I am definitely with you all on the judging people who can't drive stick. Although I sometimes wonder why were we're so stubborn about it here in Britain, there are plenty of bad drivers who could probably benefit from not having to worry about gears... Although, some people seem to worry about nothing at all in their automatics, driving along, coffee in one hand, phone in the other.

    Confession: some *kitten* was totally flirting with my work crush today and I was totally gritting my teeth.
  • ethim
    ethim Posts: 134 Member
    Rashmi411 wrote: »
    I am now 170lbs I spent 2 years going from 191 to 123. I had the help of a fabulous online trainer. I ate 2 cinnabons yesterday with at least 64 grams of carbs each. My exercise has been off. I;ve been feeling sad that my ex died. My current boyfriend calls me names. We broke up when I was 135lbs. I started going out with him again at 151. He calls me fatty or fat *kitten*, thunder thighs. I know I am responsible for my weight. My exercising was so strong when I lost weight the first time. Many days I get hungry and eat over the limit. My preparation isn't the best. Plus I am drinking 2-3 glasses of water. I know I can turn this around. My fitnesspal helped me once but its so easy to gain weight back. The biggest thing I've said is I'll start tomorrow. That's BS. I will not say that again to let me be unhealthy today. I got this...

    Sounds like you're having a rough time. No judgement but if your bf calls you those kinda names (even as a joke) it might be time to take a relationship rethink. Losing weight can be tough - maybe focus on eating low cal foods that are filling so you are hitting you daily calorie goal (plus check that isn't too low!) before worrying about water/exercise/etc?
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    edited April 2015
    Russandol wrote: »
    1) I spent most of Friday evening and Sunday reading this thread. I'm now up to page 250.
    Greetings from 'the future'... ;)

    Russandol wrote: »
    I often worry that I'm a thread-killer. I think the last three threads I participated in died after my comment. :( I'f I kill this one too, I'm so sorry!
    Worry not, Russandol... if there is anyone who risks being a 'thread-killer', 'twould be moi ;) -- though not due to any specific thing, topic, concept, or confession conveyed... no, the 'killing' of a thread in the wake of any post-related 'aftermath', and if associated with something which 'emanated from' my fingertips, would be a result of the sheer computing power required to 'process' the length of some of my posts (and their 'truckload of text'), let alone the proliferation of punctuation 'necessitated' by the perpetual parenthetic 'portals into the unknown', which 'litter' lengthy posts as though some sort of 'parentheses storm' had 'touched down'... yes, *those* posts have 'thread-killer' 'written all over them' (albeit invisibly), and carry the potential risk of not only 'killing' any thread to which they've been posted, but could very well bring *the entire MFP site* 'down for the count', such is the prospect for a 'participatory paralysis' predicament, as portended by any potentially processing-power -plagued, paragraphically-plastered playful post that is peppered with punctuation... (plausible? -- possibly... possible? -- perhaps... perhaps-ibly? ;P -- positively 'pretend'))... ;)
  • angeltilo
    angeltilo Posts: 44 Member
    Okay, here goes. I started this journey for a lot of really good reasons, health, family, an oath I took, etc... but the real driving force was romance.

    I was done with the singles game.

    I met my honey two years ago, and now that we plan to move together I feel like I've achieved the victory I came here for.

    He adores me no matter what size I am, so why does it even matter?

    It's just not as motivating to lose weight for health as it was to lose weight for my Viking in Bloody Armor.

    Fortunately somewhere along the way I picked up some really good habits, healthy eating and exercising along the way, so my apathy doesn't really show as much to the eyes as it does the mind.

    He says when he gets here he's going to "Accelerate my fitness" which is actually kind of exciting.

    About 3 years into I've kept the weight off no matter what the starting motivation, so I've done well either way.

    I am happy for you losing weight and finding your guy! I quit smoking for the same reason- I didn't want to have to date a smoker b/c I smoked. My husband thinks I'm pretty no matter what but I want to lose weight for our life together!
  • angeltilo
    angeltilo Posts: 44 Member
    I leave an laughable remnant of Ben and Jerry's Americone Dream in the cup just so I can tell myself I didn't eat the whole pint.

    Oh isn't that the serving instructions? LOL I do the same thing!

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    lemurcat, that wonderful anecdote is yet another reminder to me of how much fun it is to see random bits of conversation become 'pivot points'/'launch pads' to all kinds of unexpected whatnot... and in this case... from stick shift -to- a-foreign-rental-car-that-neither-party-can-'officially'-drive -to- Turkish CHiPs! -to- acting-scene-worthy-of-a-guest-stint-on-Inside-The-Actors-Studio! -to- taking-the-scenic-route-while-driving-through-Asia: bad-idea-edition -- cool! :smiley:

    Heh, thanks for reading and responding to my post!

    The scenic route part of that trip--as well as adventures on the overnight train to Ankara and why one should never trust the Let's Go! guide's endorsement of a hotel for being extremely inexpensive (although it was, in fact, extremely inexpensive) will have to wait until later topics that lead to such a digression. ;-)
  • Britxclarity
    Britxclarity Posts: 235 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    kayfaei wrote: »
    A couple of pages ago someone mentioned I should try some Dark chocolate dreams wonder peanut butter. I was at the store and it caught my eye so I got it today. I haven't tried it yet! but thank you for the suggestion. The reason I didn't eat it was cause I was in the kitchen and about to add some fruit with it and my sister comes in with a iced fudge brownie that she bought from the store and asked if i wanted a peice.. I haven't had cake/brownie since I started on April 1st and its my most fav dessert. So I got a piece. MFP says 1/2 piece is 260 cals.. I tried to make the piece a perfect square. who knows who much it was.

    Which brings me to something else.. I finally ordered a food scale - just waiting to pick it up from Wal-mart. But once I get it.. and I weigh my meats/pasta/and breads/veggies.. Do I have to create a new dish for each? to put the oz/grams? Is that how it works? Cause what ive been doing without a food scale is using the bar code scanner - and i just guessitmate on the grams or Oz's that OTHER people have done. and the calories.. Do you just still add how many calories are in one serving and MFP will calculate the cal's according to how many servings you have?

    You find entries in grams or ounces. If you can't find it, either you make it yourself, or you just check how many grams '1/2 cup' is and do the math (so if a serving of 1/2 cup is 80g, and you have 60g in your plate, you do 60/80 and enter 0.75 serving. By now I know what the gram serving size is for pretty much everything in my kitchen because I'm too lazy to make entries for everything...

    My confession - I think it's serious BS that the US is getting all the Marvel movies a week after Europe. NOT FAIR. *throws a 2yo tantrum*

    I haven't dared counting exactly how much in the red I was last week after all, but I'm guessing probably 3200 calories or something... although I was more active that week, so I'm hoping it will make up for some of it. I'd say it's ok and I can do better this week but my period still hasn't shown up and I'm afraid it's going to be another of those days (I did take a pregnancy test yesterday just in case, but nope).

    Thank you! that seems to be so much simplier! I just have to remember to divide it.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    Confession: I have always wanted to buy ONE car brand new. I know it doesn't make economic sense, but I still wanted to. The confession is that we did that last September, a 2014 Mitsubishi Mirage. 100 miles on it. I'm ticked off because we bought the car as a commuter car for my new job - it gets almost 50 miles to the gallon. But it has zero cool factor. It is a stick shift and has no luxury features. That is NOT what I planned on wasting my one new car buy on.

    Confession: I judge people who don't know how to drive a stick shift. I feel internally smug and superior towards them.

    Me, too! When we bought this car, the girl working at the car lot had to have someone else pull it into the garage because she didn't know how to drive a stick. I was thinking, 'you gotta be freakin' kidding me! You work at a freakin' car lot!"

    I have a friend who went to trade school to be a diesel mechanic, and wound up working at an oil change place. Didn't know how to drive stick.

    Actually, I've had a few experiences at oil change places where the techs couldn't drive my car. *insert smug feelings here*
    I'm quite pleased that in our family the 'learning to drive car' is my husband's old stick shift Ford Focus, so all three of my kids will be able to drive stick. We're Brits living in Canada, so for us it's completely normal to drive stick (manual), but a lot of people can't.

    My husband taught me how to drive a stick with a Ford Focus. HAHA
  • angeltilo
    angeltilo Posts: 44 Member
    Most days, I really don't care if I am forever fat and unhealthy. I don't care if I have a heart attack and die. Then I think about how, if I did, my kids, although grown, would be devastated so I continue. And it just pisses me off.

    LOL Your honesty is awesome! You look great though. :)

  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Confession: I have always wanted to buy ONE car brand new. I know it doesn't make economic sense, but I still wanted to. The confession is that we did that last September, a 2014 Mitsubishi Mirage. 100 miles on it. I'm ticked off because we bought the car as a commuter car for my new job - it gets almost 50 miles to the gallon. But it has zero cool factor. It is a stick shift and has no luxury features. That is NOT what I planned on wasting my one new car buy on.

    We got two brand new cars, courtesy (sort of) of a car wreck I had. The wreck occurred in my husband's car (not my fault), so that had to be replaced and given that we got good value in the writeoff, we were able to pony up the remainder in cash for a brand new, super unfancy 4-cyclinder Hyundai Sonata (2008). Then, after a couple years of dealing with crap, and in conjunction with me agreeing to never seek further medical expenses, we got a very nice payout from our insurance company due to our uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. Had to go to mediation and play hardball, but it was worth it. At that point we upgraded my ooooold minivan (bought used in 2003), for a nicer new Honda Odyssey (a 2009 model), which seats 8 (our family of 6 plus two, this was a big deal to me). That one actually turned out to be a lemon of sorts and 8-9 months later Honda replaced it for us, and they no longer had ANY 2009's in the continental US in the color we had (and I refused to budge on this), so we got a 2010.


    I'm glad you're alright, but that accident looks terrible.
  • ethim
    ethim Posts: 134 Member
    edited April 2015
    All this talk of cars - need to confess I can't legally drive and therefore don't. Mind you, I've never bothered to take the test as I kinda hate it! So far I haven't needed to - I walk/cycle/bus/train.

    ETA: Was taught to use a manual though!
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    sydkins432 wrote: »
    I haven't gone over my calorie intake in over 50 days. My fitbit says i burn between 2300 and 3000 calories a day and I have only lost 5 pounds. I think they're is something wrong with me, but I am afraid to go to the doctor.

    How much weight do you have to lose? Are you tracking your food on a digital food scale to make sure you're eating the correct portion?

    Are you sure your fitbit is correct? I ran a marathon yesterday and only burned 2673 calories (46K steps). Unless you are running marathons every day or doing some other extended extreme exercise, your fitbit might be giving you inaccurate information...

    Also, how tall/heavy are you? Is your stride length logged correctly?
  • Britxclarity
    Britxclarity Posts: 235 Member
    Emmatyan wrote: »
    1. I used to edit my photos to make myself look slim. Like every single one of them. Now I don't, I post photos right away wothout editing. But when I show them to people "Look how much slimmer I got" I receive "Wait, but you haven't been fat at all!".
    2. During periods I don't keep my diet and eat a lot of sweets. Then I feel guilty about it.
    3. While working quite a lot on my body, very often I can't help thinking that this is all pointless. Whatever body I have, I will never love myself and, moreover, nobody will love me. What made me think weight matters?
    That's actually how I think to.. I can confess that I have trouble loving myself and the way I look.. its why I want to change..I've had boyfriends in the past who seems to accept me for me but always while I was with them in the back of my mind I'm thinking " I don't love how big I am.. what makes me think they will love me as well" It's probably why I'm single now to be honest.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    I'm feeling really fat today. I AM fat for my natural body type. And I don't end up "curvy", either. I'm naturally fairly thin, so fat just looks lumpy and weird on me. :/ I'm trying pretty hard not to care. I've been doing pretty well in the not-caring department lately, so I hope I can snap out of it. I just want to fit into my clothes already without feeling like an overstuffed doll.
  • emleelovesyou
    emleelovesyou Posts: 1 Member
    This Is Just To Say

    I have eaten
    the plums
    that were in
    the icebox

    and which
    you were probably
    for breakfast

    Forgive me
    they were delicious
    so sweet
    and so cold

    - WC Williams

    This is actually the best poem and I'm glad someone else knows it. :smiley:
  • ethim
    ethim Posts: 134 Member
    I start my new job on Wednesday and I'm super excited cause all I've done the last four months is exercise, try to find a job, and watch tv/read.

    Congrats and good luck!
  • jennifermaxwell1018
    I feel really guilty if I eat more than 1,700 calories a day. I'm honest with my log so it's not like I'm cheating myself, but that guilt will eat me alive one day.
  • ethim
    ethim Posts: 134 Member
    It's stupid o'clock in the morning I have insomnia again (and also wanted to catch up on this thread). I want something to help me drift off to sleep but am paranoid that meditations/soothing music etc. found on the internet will have hidden messages in them that I'll be too zoned out to be aware of... I know it's ridiculous!