

  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    It's late and I'm not hungry but I feel like I should eat something, so I'm considering having tea and cookies for dinner.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    I'm nowhere near my goal weight, but I am officially in maintenance now. The eagle-eyed among you will know why (I posted about my motivation many pages back). I'm on cloud 9.


    Congratulations! Woo hoo!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    peleroja wrote: »

    But that leads to a confession that I do put a splash of cold water in my super-strong coffee to cool it down for maximum immediate gulbability, and that grosses most people out too.

    I make coffee ice cubes so I can drink it immediately, without the sad dilution side effect!

    This is brilliant
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    I like Arby's Horsey sauce on their curly fries. :blush:

    When I was a kid I would go to Arby's and get a roast beef sandwich and load it up with horseradish sauce. LOVE IT.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    @HollandOats - I do tartar sauce on my fries, and that's basically just mayo with pickles and extra salt. And I use a 1:1 ratio of tartar to fry. Restaurants always look at me crazy but it's super delicious.

    I do this too. In seafood restaurants will order fries with extra tartar sauce. I use the fries to scoop the tartar sauce into my mouth essentially. :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Yeah, that is a nasty illness. Way earlier in the thread we were talking about serial killers and I said I knew a girl that was attacked by the local one we had. It was a savage attack and she was in the hospital for weeks and weeks, and neither of her parents visited her even once, because they were both just drunk all the make matters worse, her mother was a nasty drunk and when she was finally able to go home, her mother would get drunk and yell nasty stuff at her about hoping she caught AIDS from the rape and stuff. It was pretty tragic.....
    That's horrible! But I can totally relate.

    Had something similar happen (to a much lesser degree!) when I was 16 and had to have emergency surgery... as in, saw the doctor at 4 PM and surgery booked for 11 PM that night... my parents brought me to the hospital, provided the insurance info, and left. They told the nurse to call and let them know how my surgery turned out. Their excuse was "We have to get up for work in the morning" but it was really all about not missing any drinking that evening.

    I was sexually assaulted by an older male coworker when I was 17 and didn't tell my parents, for fear of hearing negative and unsupportive comments.

    I can relate to that because my mother did that to me! I was about 13 and was vomiting all day and in a lot of pain. A friend had slept over the night before, and by morning when she was leaving I headed over to the ER. My mother checked me in, and then left. I spent hours and hours in an ER room, puking my brains out and passing out over and over. The surgeon said I needed my appendix out, but they could not find my parents to sign the surgery consent. This was the mid 80's so before cell phones etc. My friend that had slept over stopped in with her mom that evening because they had been calling the house and could not get anyone so they came to the ER to see if I was still there. I vaguely remember seeing them between passing out. My friend's mother lost her mind when she realized I was there alone and that they hospital could not find my parents. She actually went out and hunted them down on her own. They were out at a restaurant having dinner. My father had come home from work, and my mother did not even tell him I was at the hospital or anything. I remember the DR reaming her out, and her excuse was that she was diabetic and needed dinner. REALLY? Grab a sandwich, wtf. Not only that, but she was gone for hours and hours before that.

    Because they had to wait so long, my appendix burst while they were taking it out, I ended up in hospital for three weeks with a nasty infection and my scar is HUGE! My mother was a complete asshat. That is one of the lesser things she did to me......

    These stories are so sad. I didn't have a great relationship with my mom (and dad to some extent) and they affected my entire life but so many of these are flat out abuse and make angry. I am not a hugging person but hugs to all!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    These last few days of being sad have been pretty revealing about my unhealthy relationship with food... I just want to eat until I don't feel anything but full. The lifelong habit of medicating with food is lurking around me. I didn't log the last couple of days, and I know I probably ate over maintenance, but I'm happy that I managed to avoid sitting on the couch and eating bags (plural...) of chips and cookies.

    Back on track today. Even if everything else is haywire, I am going to be kind to myself and not eat until I feel sick.

    This is something I am currently going through myself. My MIL is very ill and it looks like they may not be able to do anything for her. I am close to her as I lost my own mom when I was 26. So I am somewhat self medicating with food and trying to stop myself from doing that at the same time. I didn't log at all yesterday, but I am trying to do better today and deal with the emotions another.

    I am struggling with this myself over my horse. While that may not seem as sad and traumatic as a human this guy is the love of my life. I am just grateful I can spend some quality time with him in the last few weeks of his life. I am grazing him right now. But when I leave I will want to eat and drink to fill the sad places. Some days I resist. And some I don't then have that guilt and disgust with myself to deal with too. But I think we have to forgive ourselves and just keep moving forward. I do believe in the phrase that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Yay over 400 posts to catch up on haha... there goes the next couple of hours :joy:
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I'm one of those people who take selfies and post them on Facebook now. Scary thought.

    Loving the new picture!
  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    I bought some wrapped chocolate candies at the bulk store. Can't remember the brand name, there is nothing whatsoever on the wrapper... so I'm not logging them, dammit!

    Well, technically, I'd have to go back to the bulk store to get the name of them anyway. And that could be dangerous.

    I go to a Polish bakery/store in town, and they have open bins of wrapped chocolates, all different flavors. Whenever I buy a mixed bag of them, I tell myself that they don't have calories because I don't speak Polish and I can't read the labels. ;)
  • redd_87
    redd_87 Posts: 53 Member
    First off, I absolutely love this thread! Sometimes I think the best support for ANYTHING is realizing you're not the only one. I've been reading all 4 million pages of this thread (while I should be doing homework) for the last 5 hours, not to mention the last few days since I found it so I figured I'd post too. I'm very awful at communication and "sharing my feelings" so this is the first time I've admitted most of these things to anyone but myself.

    -I support and am all for "everything in moderation" but can't do it myself to save my life! One bite of a trigger food and I can't stop. Instead, I refrain from eating them when they are around me (ie work) or buying them when I am shopping. Things that are not safe in my house: Peanut butter, Tagalongs, and cookie dough. I've switched over to PB2 cuz a) it's just not as good as real PB and b) it's much harder to mindlessly overeat. The other two I simply don't allow myself to have... out of sight, out of mind works very well for me and I am a very successful "healthy" eater because of this.

    -I always buy low/no fat/sugar things simply because they're lower in calories, not because I want to limit them.

    -I'm a volume eater so I bulk up on low calorie items (veggies are my go-to) in order to be able to eat more (hence the previous confession).

    -I'm constantly rethinking the amount of calories I'm supposed to eat. I usually put myself at 1200 calories then worry that I'm eating too little but at the same time paranoid that I'll gain if I eat above. (I'm currently working on 13-1400 cals per day, with the intent of sticking with it for at least 3 weeks to see what happens.)

    -I'm 115# and the epitome of skinny fat due to unhealthy weight loss ~5 years ago with no exercise. (Currently working on changing that, and so far seems to be working.)

    -I have a horrible body image and still think I'm fat most of the time (quite possibly due to being skinny fat).

    -I see heavier people and think they look thinner than me. Actually, I see most people as thinner than me.

    -I wish I didn't compare myself to other people and I am working on changing that.

    -I'm offended when people tell me I need to "fatten up", eat a cheeseburger, or that I'm too skinny. I also don't like it when I hear fat jokes or weight related shaming of any kind.

    -I get irritated when having to explain over and over again that this is a lifestyle, not a diet, and I will always count my calories, eat healthy, and workout because that is how I function best, and I am happy doing it. Not to mention, the battle is not done simply because you've reached your goal weight. ["But you're skinny; you don't need to do that anymore!"]

    -I feel guilty with my success this far because I am part of an obese family and the smallest in my family.

    Please note: with all the previously mentioned things, I am still a very optimistic and motivated person. I love the feeling of eating healthy (I'm a lover of all fruit and green veggies) and working out, and I love myself aside from my poor body image. I use the high feeling that I get from working out and eating healthy as a focus point so I can focus less on my poor self image, and it certainly helps me to have a higher self esteem in general :)

    Thanks for reading and thanks for this thread!

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Me too. Sometimes I feel my brain is my worst enemy :( I've started telling myself ''You're beautiful'' or ''You're cute'' or whatever when I go out, attempting to condition myself to actually believe it. I've been told that if you tell yourself enough times, eventually you'll start thinking it's true :tongue:

    Well if that is you in your avatar pic, I think you are very pretty. :) You need to believe in yourself.

    Oh and now I want some bubble tea too.

    I can't sleep so I'm on here trying to catch up on the thread.
    I'm behind right now and missed this comment! Thank you, I appreciate it :) Yesterday I was walking around in a sweater even though it was pretty hot because I was embarrassed about my arms. Today I realized that was kind of dumb. How many people look at other people and think ''That girl has some weird arms!!!"?

    Also I'm surprised by how many people think bubble tea is or sounds gross! Tapioca is delicious, I've always loved the pudding myself :tongue: I also love the texture. I admit, at first I thought I hated bubble tea when I got some in New York for the first time. I tried it again a couple years later in Montreal, a different flavor, and loved it. Now I've tried almost all of the milky varieties... now I'm craving it again.

    I have some bat wings with loose skin on my arms... and the right arm is actually worse. The irony is that it's what bothered me the most when I started losing, and I still have them, even though my arms are pretty muscular otherwise (well, as muscular as I like them). I don't even care anymore, I'm going sleeveless all the time. But yeah you'll never see me in a bikini... there are limits, lol!

    I agree though, you're very pretty, so don't let that stop you.
    You rock those muscular arms!! I admit I didn't know what "bat wings" were and had to look it up. I think I have a pair of those as well. I'm sure no one notices these things as much as the person with the body. I remember being very embarrassed about acne, and telling my boyfriend, and he said he didn't even notice I had acne until I said something :neutral: I'm trying to get comfortable enough to the point where I can wear a binkini again, but first I think I'm going to have to really bring up my self confidence and NOT CARE what other people think (easier said than done)!!

    And thanks so much for making me smile. I'll try not to doubt you guys too much. I really, genuinely appreciate it.

    The only people who notice my arm fat is my older niece & nephew. My niece when she was 5-6 would go around & tell people how much she loved my arm fat because it was soft like a pillow.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I finally bought the Sam's Choice Coffee and Donuts ice cream yesterday and even though I had no calories left, I ate a serving. I regret nothing. Who was it that brought that up? Quiksylver? You're terrible. LOL

    The glaze is the best part:D.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    I hereby dedicate this burger to @HollandOats, with all it's mayo and bacon awesomeness. I only regret I'm out of avocado.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    redd_87 wrote: »
    -I'm 115# and the epitome of skinny fat due to unhealthy weight loss ~5 years ago with no exercise. (Currently working on changing that, and so far seems to be working.)

    Welcome! And, if you haven't heard this already... weight lifting is the cure.

    Seriously. I guess if you had to put a label on it, what I'm doing is a "recomp" since I'm not disciplined enough to do bulk/cut cycles, but the results are starting to really impress me.
  • redd_87
    redd_87 Posts: 53 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    redd_87 wrote: »
    -I'm 115# and the epitome of skinny fat due to unhealthy weight loss ~5 years ago with no exercise. (Currently working on changing that, and so far seems to be working.)

    Welcome! And, if you haven't heard this already... weight lifting is the cure.

    Seriously. I guess if you had to put a label on it, what I'm doing is a "recomp" since I'm not disciplined enough to do bulk/cut cycles, but the results are starting to really impress me.

    Thank you! I've read about body recomp here on the forums and have researched it a little bit on my own and I would absolutely LOVE to get into lifting, but from what I understand it needs to be done at the gym or with the proper equipment at home? I avoid the gym because I tend to get very anxious in public places with a lot of people and I don't exactly have the finances or space for a home gym at the moment. I have looked into it though, and plan on it once I'm able. Can body weight exercises have similar results? I'm currently working my way through Body Revolution using 5-10# dumbbells, because that's what I have!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Oh btw, for anyone wondering. I got a job offer this morning. It's going to be amazing walking out of this place in a couple of weeks with my paycheck, and 100 hours of vacation time in a check too. WOOT WOOT

    I'M SO BEHIND!!! CONGRATULATIONS! That is awesome!!!

    @AgentOrangeJuice huge high five!

  • almondbutterbay
    almondbutterbay Posts: 221 Member
    Tonight's dirty secret: I just ate two eggs but didn't want to go over my calorie goal since this is the first day in a good long time that I actually stayed under the goal instead of going like 1000 calories over the goal, so I logged one of the eggs as eaten tomorrow. I feel successful.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    redd_87 wrote: »
    First off, I absolutely love this thread! Sometimes I think the best support for ANYTHING is realizing you're not the only one. I've been reading all 4 million pages of this thread (while I should be doing homework) for the last 5 hours, not to mention the last few days since I found it so I figured I'd post too. I'm very awful at communication and "sharing my feelings" so this is the first time I've admitted most of these things to anyone but myself.

    -I support and am all for "everything in moderation" but can't do it myself to save my life! One bite of a trigger food and I can't stop. Instead, I refrain from eating them when they are around me (ie work) or buying them when I am shopping. Things that are not safe in my house: Peanut butter, Tagalongs, and cookie dough. I've switched over to PB2 cuz a) it's just not as good as real PB and b) it's much harder to mindlessly overeat. The other two I simply don't allow myself to have... out of sight, out of mind works very well for me and I am a very successful "healthy" eater because of this.

    -I always buy low/no fat/sugar things simply because they're lower in calories, not because I want to limit them.

    -I'm a volume eater so I bulk up on low calorie items (veggies are my go-to) in order to be able to eat more (hence the previous confession).

    -I'm constantly rethinking the amount of calories I'm supposed to eat. I usually put myself at 1200 calories then worry that I'm eating too little but at the same time paranoid that I'll gain if I eat above. (I'm currently working on 13-1400 cals per day, with the intent of sticking with it for at least 3 weeks to see what happens.)

    -I'm 115# and the epitome of skinny fat due to unhealthy weight loss ~5 years ago with no exercise. (Currently working on changing that, and so far seems to be working.)

    -I have a horrible body image and still think I'm fat most of the time (quite possibly due to being skinny fat).

    -I see heavier people and think they look thinner than me. Actually, I see most people as thinner than me.

    -I wish I didn't compare myself to other people and I am working on changing that.

    -I'm offended when people tell me I need to "fatten up", eat a cheeseburger, or that I'm too skinny. I also don't like it when I hear fat jokes or weight related shaming of any kind.

    -I get irritated when having to explain over and over again that this is a lifestyle, not a diet, and I will always count my calories, eat healthy, and workout because that is how I function best, and I am happy doing it. Not to mention, the battle is not done simply because you've reached your goal weight. ["But you're skinny; you don't need to do that anymore!"]

    -I feel guilty with my success this far because I am part of an obese family and the smallest in my family.

    Please note: with all the previously mentioned things, I am still a very optimistic and motivated person. I love the feeling of eating healthy (I'm a lover of all fruit and green veggies) and working out, and I love myself aside from my poor body image. I use the high feeling that I get from working out and eating healthy as a focus point so I can focus less on my poor self image, and it certainly helps me to have a higher self esteem in general :)

    Thanks for reading and thanks for this thread!

    Welcome! The best thing about this thread is you can tell us all anything that you can't tell your closest friends and family in real life. It's cathartic.
  • missy2492
    missy2492 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm so happy to hear about these confessions. We all have them. I binge on food sometimes. I'm addicted! I've tried every diet possible. I'm in Weight Watchers now. On my third week and this week I've eaten so much crap. I also have hypothyroidism so basically weight loss sucks. My downfall now is wheat things (almost whole box) with a half pound of bagel dip! It brings such pleasure eating your favorite foods.