
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Not sure why quoting isn't working. Jealous. My husband is only 6'2".

    I may have severely messed up the quote tags in my last post.

    And don't be jealous. It's a PITA buying clothes for him, especially as all his height is in his legs and he's not a "big" guy... try finding 38" inseam pants in a normal size waist. Most of the Big & Tall sizing seems to be for waists in the 40" and 50" ranges.

    ^^^^^This^^^^. Try finding a 42 waist with a 40 inseam! the big and tall stores don't make clothes for tall and thin. Hubby needs a large tall and has to order almost everything online and we just pray it fits because we have to order from the American online stores such as JCP or Haggard (and have to pay for shipping and duties). If it doesn't fit, we often have to pay return shipping. Kohls has a good online selection for large tall shirts as well as pants but the don't ship to Canada. When it comes to clothes shopping, he wished he never lost the weight (389 to 279) because when he was heavier, he could find clothes w/o an issue. Lets not even talk about finding track or sweat pants for the gym. We've even tried calling suppliers directly. Just can't find them.

    I've been ordering a lot, mostly tops, from King Size Direct and Casual Male XL. Carhartt has a tall size range that he really likes, but he's a pretty casual dresser. We have to get him a suit for a wedding this year and I'm just dreading it.

    I couldn't find flannel sleep pants or fleece pants with a long enough inseam so I ended up making them myself. The fleece pants ended up super long (I forgot that they aren't worn as high as regular pants) and he keeps saying, "I've never had pants that were too long for me before" :D
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    There was a girl at the gym two nights ago who was wearing a tank top that said

    Sweating until the Wedding on the front and

    08/26/16 on the back..

    I couldn't help but think, I HOPE HE'S WORTH ALL THAT GURLLLLL

    Ya know what's sad? THAT is all about HER. She wants to look her best which is understandable but please care about yourself and your husband just as much, if not more, after the wedding. The marriage is much more important than the wedding day. Okay that was judgy. Sorry.

    The girl was fit, it was a vanity shirt definitely.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Not sure why quoting isn't working. Jealous. My husband is only 6'2".

    I may have severely messed up the quote tags in my last post.

    And don't be jealous. It's a PITA buying clothes for him, especially as all his height is in his legs and he's not a "big" guy... try finding 38" inseam pants in a normal size waist. Most of the Big & Tall sizing seems to be for waists in the 40" and 50" ranges.

    ^^^^^This^^^^. Try finding a 42 waist with a 40 inseam! the big and tall stores don't make clothes for tall and thin. Hubby needs a large tall and has to order almost everything online and we just pray it fits because we have to order from the American online stores such as JCP or Haggard (and have to pay for shipping and duties). If it doesn't fit, we often have to pay return shipping. Kohls has a good online selection for large tall shirts as well as pants but the don't ship to Canada. When it comes to clothes shopping, he wished he never lost the weight (389 to 279) because when he was heavier, he could find clothes w/o an issue. Lets not even talk about finding track or sweat pants for the gym. We've even tried calling suppliers directly. Just can't find them.

    I've been ordering a lot, mostly tops, from King Size Direct and Casual Male XL. Carhartt has a tall size range that he really likes, but he's a pretty casual dresser. We have to get him a suit for a wedding this year and I'm just dreading it.

    I couldn't find flannel sleep pants or fleece pants with a long enough inseam so I ended up making them myself. The fleece pants ended up super long (I forgot that they aren't worn as high as regular pants) and he keeps saying, "I've never had pants that were too long for me before" :D

    I wish I knew how to sew. I tried making a pair of boxers in Jr. High home ec class. It was a nightmare. My seams weren't straight and my hems were all uneven. I am not sure if I would even try to attempt it.

  • ethim
    ethim Posts: 134 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    The hard hitting questions

    Sometimes, I have to ask the hard hitting questions.

    Uh oh, people are getting upset! I thought there was something wrong with the thread. I guess I've never seen a thread with that many posts and no avatars. Careful - that might get you banned and we all wouldn't want that!

    If it gets to hot, maybe I'll go as SecretAgentLemonade

    Well, you're going to have to alert us if you change your name because like I've said before, I cannot even keep up with your avatars! What is this new one? I'll have to go look on your profile page...


  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    shannonbun wrote: »
    Confession: one of my roommates wigged out, made up lies about me, peaced out for 2 days, and moved out while I (and my other roommate) was at class. And I really don't even care that she's going off the deep end. There's less than a month left of school and she's pulling this ridiculous attention seeking stuff... I probably *should* care, but I've only got sarcastic apathy.

    And I might be going over my calories tonight to celebrate... Haha whoops

    You might appreciate this link... A blog that I read did an afternoon chat about the worst roommates ever. Some of the stories are so funny, but whoa, also horrifying.

    Warning: not for the squeamish.

  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    ethim wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    The hard hitting questions

    Sometimes, I have to ask the hard hitting questions.

    Uh oh, people are getting upset! I thought there was something wrong with the thread. I guess I've never seen a thread with that many posts and no avatars. Careful - that might get you banned and we all wouldn't want that!

    If it gets to hot, maybe I'll go as SecretAgentLemonade

    Well, you're going to have to alert us if you change your name because like I've said before, I cannot even keep up with your avatars! What is this new one? I'll have to go look on your profile page...



    I like to think people come here for my avatars as much as the confessions and conversations
  • metermaid11
    metermaid11 Posts: 31 Member
    Just caught up on this thread after a week away because we can't randomly internet at work anymore.

    Confession: When the news first hit about our new rules at work my first thought was about this thread and I was far sadder than I should've been.

    Adding to the discussion from a few pages ago about names and nicknames: my name is Rita (named after the Beatles song hence my name here) and when I was younger I had a really good friend named Rosa. Together we were known as Rosarita refried beans :/

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Not sure why quoting isn't working. Jealous. My husband is only 6'2".

    I may have severely messed up the quote tags in my last post.

    And don't be jealous. It's a PITA buying clothes for him, especially as all his height is in his legs and he's not a "big" guy... try finding 38" inseam pants in a normal size waist. Most of the Big & Tall sizing seems to be for waists in the 40" and 50" ranges.

    ^^^^^This^^^^. Try finding a 42 waist with a 40 inseam! the big and tall stores don't make clothes for tall and thin. Hubby needs a large tall and has to order almost everything online and we just pray it fits because we have to order from the American online stores such as JCP or Haggard (and have to pay for shipping and duties). If it doesn't fit, we often have to pay return shipping. Kohls has a good online selection for large tall shirts as well as pants but the don't ship to Canada. When it comes to clothes shopping, he wished he never lost the weight (389 to 279) because when he was heavier, he could find clothes w/o an issue. Lets not even talk about finding track or sweat pants for the gym. We've even tried calling suppliers directly. Just can't find them.

    I've been ordering a lot, mostly tops, from King Size Direct and Casual Male XL. Carhartt has a tall size range that he really likes, but he's a pretty casual dresser. We have to get him a suit for a wedding this year and I'm just dreading it.

    I couldn't find flannel sleep pants or fleece pants with a long enough inseam so I ended up making them myself. The fleece pants ended up super long (I forgot that they aren't worn as high as regular pants) and he keeps saying, "I've never had pants that were too long for me before" :D

    I wish I knew how to sew. I tried making a pair of boxers in Jr. High home ec class. It was a nightmare. My seams weren't straight and my hems were all uneven. I am not sure if I would even try to attempt it.

    My mum, who was a total domestic goddess, did all my sewing projects in home ec. She got really good marks, lol.

    I'm no Suzy Homemaker for sure but I must have absorbed something from those classes because I can sew. Or maybe I just inherited the gene from her. It was kind of a necessity for me in my younger day because I had the same tall-skinny thing going on and the clothing selection was nothing like it is now. If I wanted something that fit decently, I had to make it myself.
  • I've stopped working out for the past 4 months because of college exams stressing me out and tonight i ate 5 pieces of pizza :((( uugghh i just feel really unmotivated and constantly exhausted because of work and school, any advice?
  • ethim
    ethim Posts: 134 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    New confession. I know, I'm supposed to be all rah rah bacon about everything, because keto. I just saw a post on fb of bacon wrapped oreos.


    I think I'm going to keep that picture around for any time I want to completely kill my appetite. (no offense if you're into that sorta thing)

    Oh yes - that just grossed(sp?) me out.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    dornessiti wrote: »
    I've stopped working out for the past 4 months because of college exams stressing me out and tonight i ate 5 pieces of pizza :((( uugghh i just feel really unmotivated and constantly exhausted because of work and school, any advice?

    For me, exercising helps me to be more focused and sleep better. That helps me with my school work and helps my focus. I would try to establish a routine, exercising a couple times a week and stick to it for a while, then eventually add more as you are able.
  • DressedInDreams
    DressedInDreams Posts: 96 Member
    Eww to bacon wrapped Oreos. They look so nasty.
  • cranor130
    cranor130 Posts: 65 Member
    ethim wrote: »
    I'm depressed and fretful because I'm going in for minor surgery tomorrow and I'm really nervous because I've never had a general before, and as a result I was less than tactful with my husband and hurt his feelings and now I feel like crap and a total jerk about that on top of being fretful and nervous about tomorrow.

    Good luck, I hope it goes smoothly.

    I wish you a speedy recovery.

  • koza_loc
    koza_loc Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I'm having an extremely hard time with losing and breastfeeding. All you hear is stories about how women lose all their weight breastfeeding.. And here I am at 8 months postpartum and exclusivly BFing and I haven't shift weight (lost) since November. I binged over the holidays, and even then I didn't gain a single pound. I guess it's a good thing but I would love to stop maintaining weight and would love to start losing! :(
  • schelly81
    schelly81 Posts: 161 Member
    MidwaysT wrote: »
    Probably TMI, but for the first time in life, I look forward to my TOM because I drop a few pounds of water.

    me too! I swear I'm the only girl I know that is at their lowest weight during my TOM

  • infinitysmuse
    infinitysmuse Posts: 68 Member
    Ok, the bacon wrapped oreos are indeed repulsive looking...
    2 confessions:
    Ive been dieting since jan 1, and tonight i decided i NEEDED hot wings. Havent had them since weightloss journey began, and they were the most delicious things ever!
    And i am addicted to binge watching netflix, even if i dont like the show i will finish the seasons rapidly, instead of sleeping. Which is why there is no tv in my bedroom :)
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Im happy I lost my period a couple of years ago, but also worried something might be wrong. I've had all tests imaginable done, doctors say its fine, im still ovulating and it will get back to normal eventually. They think its a mix of hormones getting all outta whack when i started dieting, probably over exercising and under eating in the beginning, combined with having a few accidents causing me to take the plan B pill twice in a month lol. I've now maintained for 2 years at BMI of 21 or so with no sign of it. Hmm. No TOM for me tho :D
  • knt217
    knt217 Posts: 115 Member
    edited April 2015
    I ate Indian takeout tonight with my husband. He was supposed to be out of town, and I had my meal all planned...but then he didn't leave and I didn't have dinner for both of us and he wanted Indian, so I caved. I have no idea how many calories I ate. I probably had about a cup or cup and a half of rice, half a pint container of chicken tikki masala, and a half order of naan. I logged it picking the highest values and think I put in overestimated quantities. It was good, but I feel guilty, and I'm still hungry.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Happy Birthday Lbuehrle8!

    Thank you @marissafit06!
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    knt217 wrote: »
    I ate Indian takeout tonight with my husband. He was supposed to be out of town, and I had my meal all planned...but then he didn't leave and I didn't have dinner for both of us and he wanted Indian, so I caved. I have no idea how many calories I ate. I probably had about a cup or cup and a half of rice, half a pint container of chicken tikki masala, and a half order of naan. I logged it picking the highest values and think I put in overestimated quantities. It was good, but I feel guilty, and I'm still hungry.

    Did you have mango lassi? Not having one is the only thing to feel guilty about