

  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    knt217 wrote: »
    knt217 wrote: »
    I ate Indian takeout tonight with my husband. He was supposed to be out of town, and I had my meal all planned...but then he didn't leave and I didn't have dinner for both of us and he wanted Indian, so I caved. I have no idea how many calories I ate. I probably had about a cup or cup and a half of rice, half a pint container of chicken tikki masala, and a half order of naan. I logged it picking the highest values and think I put in overestimated quantities. It was good, but I feel guilty, and I'm still hungry.

    Did you have mango lassi? Not having one is the only thing to feel guilty about

    I don't even know what that is! :/

    well now you know what to ask for next time, it's a mango drink.
  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 244 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    As promised, here are pictures of my pet pig. Hopefully these are not super huge, I consider it a success if I get them posted without screwing it all up.

    Shortly after I got her. (Notice the WoW on my laptop...I used to be a huge WoW player...part of how I got huge lol) She still smiles just like this when she's happy.

    Some mini pig, huh? lol

    Those bacon oreos look super gross. :neutral:

    Aww I love her smile!

    Such a gentle happy looking wee thing, made me smile, thank you :)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    As promised, here are pictures of my pet pig. Hopefully these are not super huge, I consider it a success if I get them posted without screwing it all up.

    Shortly after I got her. (Notice the WoW on my laptop...I used to be a huge WoW player...part of how I got huge lol) She still smiles just like this when she's happy.

    Some mini pig, huh? lol

    Those bacon oreos look super gross. :neutral:

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited April 2015
    I watch my 600 lb life and feel secretly superior. It shows that there are people a lot bigger than I am. (I know, I'm sorry)

    It's alright. I watch Jeramy Kyle so I can instantly feel better about my life. I think that is why they make those programs. It's not to help the people on the show, it helps the millions of people watching it. Everyone collectively thinks "thank f*** I'm not her/him"
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited April 2015
    double post. Morning everyone! My SO woke me up at 7am on a Saturday to go to work and I was really looking forward to sleeping in, but I'm awake now so I thought I would catch up with this.

    Just realised, everyone goes to bed when I wake up. That's upsetting. :disappointed:
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    My guy friends tease me and say I would make a great housewife. And honestly, I agree with them. I would totally be an amazing housewife.

    If that is true @GalactusEmpire , you are every woman's dream.
  • adieann7
    adieann7 Posts: 2 Member
    I am unable to keep Nutella in the house because I eat it by the spoonful until it's gone...
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    @GalactusEmpire marry me, I will leave my hubby ASAP

    @IAmTheGlue omg your pig is so cute. Also I recognize that WoW on your screen, that wasn't THAT long ago!
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    @IAmTheGlue I am so jealous. I wanted a pet pig since I read Babe when I was about 7. When I tell people IRL they assume I want a little micro one which will stay small-dog-size forever, but althoughh piglets are cute, I am definitely in it for having a big fat hog in the end. I love pigs.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Snuck a peak at someone's diary earlier and saw Quest bars, which made me crave them even though I've never had them (anyone else ever feel the same way about something?). Anyway... I started looking them up on Amazon and they're SO EXPENSIVE. Can anyone recommend these things? Are they good enough to justify their price? What flavor is the best? So curious.

    White Chocolate Raspberry & Cookie Dough are my favorites.
  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I'm a 35 year old woman, and I LOVE The Vampire Diaries. There. I said it.

    It's my guilty pleasure too and I'm 37! Loved the books and enjoy watching it with my 14 yo daughter. I have a very soft spot for Ian Somerhalder...
    Also Johnny Depp is my favourite actor ever! He could act out the ohine book this guy and he can be so versatile - with Finding Neverland and Dead Man on one side and Pirates of the Carribean and Mr Wonka on the other.

  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    double post. Morning everyone! My SO woke me up at 7am on a Saturday to go to work and I was really looking forward to sleeping in, but I'm awake now so I thought I would catch up with this.

    Just realised, everyone goes to bed when I wake up. That's upsetting. :disappointed:

    I'm in UK as well and have the same problem often :neutral:

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Also, I hoard food. I can't have just one pack, box, tea, etc of something I like, I have to have 10 stored away in case I never see it again in stores. But I went through liking something a lot many times and having it discontinued, so that may be why I do that. I've been scarred by the food people.

    I totally do this too. all of my cupboards and freezer are packed to the max. mine is more of, "this is on sale, plus i have coupons, so it's only 75 cents! i must buy 10!!!"

    I also do this for both those reasons each of you posted.....I have a walk in pantry with several shelving units that my friends call "The Store"

    I have been told in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse they are coming to my house as we can all be well fed and clean for about a year......

    totally! my one close friend said that she's hiking to my house because not only does she know that she'll be well fed, but also always have clean teeth and deodorant!! lol

    This is so me! My husband calls me a food hoarder, but I'm also a hygiene-item-hoarder. Just as an example, I currently have:
    • About 5 kilos (yes, KILOS) of oats
    • About 3 kilos of peanut butter
    • About 5 boxes of tea "in case we run out and the store doesn't have the one I like"
    • Around 7 large bags of bread in the fridge and freezer
    • Around 7 spare deodorants
    • Around 4 spare family-sized bars of Dettol soap
    • Around 2 (of each) extra bottles of shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, lotion...

    And there are only two of us in this house! ;)

    Editing to add... And don't even get me STARTED on canned goods and packaged soups...

    I have a minimum of 30 bottles of each, laundry soap, dish soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, hand soap and about 12 boxes of dryer sheets.

    We use three different types of deodorant and I have about 25 of each one.

    About a dozen toothpaste and brushes.

    At least a dozen boxes of tea and 10-30 of most food items we use on a regular basis.

    I actually make sure the pantry is shut when new people are in my house so they do not see it.

    You've definitely got ME beat hollow! Next time my husband teases, I'll refer him to this post. ;)
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    Awww...I'm glad that you all liked my Petunia. She's a peach.

    That was when the Mists of Pandaria expansion first came out. I'm thinking it was about 2 1/2 years ago and pigs are full grown at 4 years so she's going to get a bit bigger. :)
  • shawnaes91
    shawnaes91 Posts: 60 Member
    My mom was just writing me how she needs to lose weight and doesn't now wat to do since shes got a bad back and knees.
    I told her to use myfitnesspal and to monitor her calories and log what she eats an stick to what it tells you to loose for your height and age. I also suggested she buy a scale and to measure her food out.

    I really hope she takes my advice. shes 200 pounds has diabetes, high blood pressure, and his cholesterol, she also has sleep apnea. I also told her any kind of movement would be helpful even if it was just walking at the slowest setting on a treadmill while she watches tv.

    I'm hoping she listens. :(
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    My sister in law is a total c word. She is mean and nasty and just horrible. Well anyway the other day I overheard her telling my mother in law that my weight loss won't last and the only reason I'm doing it is to compete with her. (not true)
    So i swapped the labels for her salt and sugar. And I may have accidentally switched off the freezer. No regrets at all
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    My guy friends tease me and say I would make a great housewife stay-at-home parent. And honestly, I agree with them. I would totally be an amazing housewife stay-at-home parent.

    +1 - I *kitten* rock at the following:
    • Laundry - all stages, including folding and putting away
    • Dishes
    • Cooking
    • Lunch Prep - I pack my lunch and my wife's lunch every day
    • Grocery Shopping
    • Meal Planning
    • Cleaning
    • Kid Doodies Duties
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Also, I hoard food. I can't have just one pack, box, tea, etc of something I like, I have to have 10 stored away in case I never see it again in stores. But I went through liking something a lot many times and having it discontinued, so that may be why I do that. I've been scarred by the food people.

    I totally do this too. all of my cupboards and freezer are packed to the max. mine is more of, "this is on sale, plus i have coupons, so it's only 75 cents! i must buy 10!!!"

    I also do this for both those reasons each of you posted.....I have a walk in pantry with several shelving units that my friends call "The Store"

    I have been told in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse they are coming to my house as we can all be well fed and clean for about a year......

    totally! my one close friend said that she's hiking to my house because not only does she know that she'll be well fed, but also always have clean teeth and deodorant!! lol

    This is so me! My husband calls me a food hoarder, but I'm also a hygiene-item-hoarder. Just as an example, I currently have:
    • About 5 kilos (yes, KILOS) of oats
    • About 3 kilos of peanut butter
    • About 5 boxes of tea "in case we run out and the store doesn't have the one I like"
    • Around 7 large bags of bread in the fridge and freezer
    • Around 7 spare deodorants
    • Around 4 spare family-sized bars of Dettol soap
    • Around 2 (of each) extra bottles of shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, lotion...

    And there are only two of us in this house! ;)

    Editing to add... And don't even get me STARTED on canned goods and packaged soups...

    I have a minimum of 30 bottles of each, laundry soap, dish soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, hand soap and about 12 boxes of dryer sheets.

    We use three different types of deodorant and I have about 25 of each one.

    About a dozen toothpaste and brushes.

    At least a dozen boxes of tea and 10-30 of most food items we use on a regular basis.

    I actually make sure the pantry is shut when new people are in my house so they do not see it.

    Costco FTW!!!!!!
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    My sister in law is a total c word. She is mean and nasty and just horrible. Well anyway the other day I overheard her telling my mother in law that my weight loss won't last and the only reason I'm doing it is to compete with her. (not true)
    So i swapped the labels for her salt and sugar. And I may have accidentally switched off the freezer. No regrets at all

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    That little piggy is too much for me to handle. I've been looking at minipig videos for a few months now and they are SO SO CUTE!!! I saw one little guy who was being given a bath...

    Just the cutest thing. I have a much harder time eating pork now!!!