

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I haven't been tracking (on purpose), or exercising (not on purpose), or eating lunch or sleeping well (also not on purpose) for about a week now as I have been super stressed with work. I weighed my self this morning and was a pound down. But I had pizza for dinner tonight. Saturday is my regular weigh day and if it bounces back up because of my increased sodium, I am going to record today's weight to log the loss.

    That's why I don't have 'weigh in days'. I just weigh myself when I feel like it and log the lowest weight each month.
    Confession: I am resenting my family that is talking about getting another dog already when the one we lost hasn't even been dead a full 48 hours yet.

    I also feel guilty for not seeing the signs of her bladder stones when we could have done something about them.

    I'm so sorry for your dog. But I kinda get it... I don't like waiting either. I need to feed the void, if it makes sense.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I haven't been tracking (on purpose), or exercising (not on purpose), or eating lunch or sleeping well (also not on purpose) for about a week now as I have been super stressed with work. I weighed my self this morning and was a pound down. But I had pizza for dinner tonight. Saturday is my regular weigh day and if it bounces back up because of my increased sodium, I am going to record today's weight to log the loss.

    That's why I don't have 'weigh in days'. I just weigh myself when I feel like it and log the lowest weight each month.
    Confession: I am resenting my family that is talking about getting another dog already when the one we lost hasn't even been dead a full 48 hours yet.

    I also feel guilty for not seeing the signs of her bladder stones when we could have done something about them.

    I'm so sorry for your dog. But I kinda get it... I don't like waiting either. I need to feed the void, if it makes sense.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tomorrow I will be in training all day. This makes me sad for 3 reasons.

    1. I have no idea what we'll be served for lunch so I can't log it accurately.
    2. I won't be able to be on here at all.
    3. Since I do my HIIT at my office, I'll be missing tomorrow's workout.

    I am, however, looking forward to being out of the office for the day and getting paid for it, also...FREE LUNCH!!! B)

    Curious, what kind of HIIT do you do at the office?

    @kellienw335 We had an extra room in our building so my boss turned it into a workout room. He hired a trainer from a local gym to come in and set up interval stations and teach us how to do each exercise. Every other Tuesday, he comes back to switch out one of the stations. Best part, it's 100% FREE! My boss covers everything. I absolutely love it and don't understand why everyone at doesn't participate.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Heehee, thanks, we tend to think that when listening to the complaints of our monogamous friends but all relationships take work, friends family, partners but we tend to take them all for granted :(

    Exactly! Which is why I'm sitting here thinking you may actually be a few steps ahead in being so conscious and deliberate about those aspects of your relationship, whereas the rest of us in more traditional partnerships just sit back and think it will all magically work out because "we're in luuuurve", at least when we're younger. (Coming from someone who got married at the age of 20, because I thought I knew it all)

    I got married at 20, to a 22 year old man and we immediately had a kid (4 weeks later, actually, lol). 3 more kids and nearly 15 years later, we still love each other, but the fact that we're still together is down to hard work and nothing but.

    I got married at 18 to my high school sweetheart. On June 4 this year we will celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary. It does take work and a lot of being flexible with the desires of the other person (mostly my husband is a saint at this) Our marriage is not perfect but we love each other and our kids/grandkids and that is what matters most to both of us, so we keep working at it.

    I should confess that I am also bi and my husband knows I have to indulge in that side of my sexuality from time to time, so that probably makes it even harder for him (hence the saint comment).

    Congratulations on what is clearly a great relationship and for both of you knowing what works and how to keep it strong. So many people lie to each other about what they want, and in the end it never works out. I am always amazed at long term relationships, as I see so few of them that are still going strong and still in love. Its nice to know they are out there!

    I have been with my husband for 17 years and I still don't understand how people "fall out of love". He is the most amazing man I have ever met and makes me laugh every day. The best part of my day is when I get to go home from work and see him. We work in opposite directions and once in awhile, the timing works that we meet at the access road to our town...I still get butterflies when that happens!

    Adorable. My husband and I have been together 15 years next month and I can't imagine a life of any substance without him. That's not to say we don't fight, because we do, regularly, but it's never been anything we can't make it through. He's the most compassionate, selfless, hardworking person I've ever met and I'm honored to be his wife.

    That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard a wife say about her husband.

    I truly do feel that way. Maybe I should write for Hallmark. :)

  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Confession: I am resenting my family that is talking about getting another dog already when the one we lost hasn't even been dead a full 48 hours yet.

    I also feel guilty for not seeing the signs of her bladder stones when we could have done something about them.

    I'm so sorry about your dog. I know how hard it is to lose an animal. :(
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member

    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I laugh because I don't have to send my 'kids' to college or buy them a car. ;)

    In the meantime they're free labor, though. Even better, when they're really little, they think folding laundry and unloading the dishwasher is actually fun :p

    I haven't cleaned a bathroom or ran the vacuum in 15 years (the oldest is 31) my two youngest are 15 and 16. I am going to miss them when they move out in a couple of years. I will have to pay for a cleaning service. The older children's SOs rave about their cooking and house keeping abilities. I told the kids when I was raising them, I was teaching them life skills. I lied, I just taught them to do the jobs I didn't like. ;)

    Great parenting!

  • cranor130
    cranor130 Posts: 65 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: I am resenting my family that is talking about getting another dog already when the one we lost hasn't even been dead a full 48 hours yet.

    I also feel guilty for not seeing the signs of her bladder stones when we could have done something about them.

    I'm so sorry about your dog. I know how hard it is to lose an animal. :(

    Lilaclovebird: I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved companion.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Why anyone would want to live in Chicago is beyond me. You suffer through Hoth in the winter(I hate the snow) and then Rishi in the summer. BLEH!

    I don't like places where you take a shower to cool off, and then you just don't dry off.

    I know the weather sucks but Chicago is such a fun city! I always think of it as a cleaner New York haha. So much to do, see, and eat! For some people that probably balances out with the weather!

    I lived in Chicago for 5 years. Love the city but I don't miss the winters. I would love to move back but I realize that those winters contributed to my weight gain while I was there. Depressing. I'll just be happy to visit.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Why anyone would want to live in Chicago is beyond me. You suffer through Hoth in the winter(I hate the snow) and then Rishi in the summer. BLEH!

    I don't like places where you take a shower to cool off, and then you just don't dry off.

    I know the weather sucks but Chicago is such a fun city! I always think of it as a cleaner New York haha. So much to do, see, and eat! For some people that probably balances out with the weather!
    I loved both cities so much though New York is so much more expensive. We are still trying to decide where to go for our annual football trip and Chicago is on the list. I just don't know if I can do the 22 hour drive again (hubby has issues flying)

    Oh hell no. That would not work for me. If it's longer than 4-5 hours, I'm flying. I'd just have to tell the hubby to pick me up at the airport the next day. Lol
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    salembambi wrote: »
    its made me lol that other Canadians think that Canada doesnt have products other countries dont

    thats my confession

    also maple cookies are a million times better than oreos

    Maple fudge is. I'm not sure I've ever had a maple cookie.

    Lots of things are better than oreos, though. As an American I don't think oreos are some exemplar of the best of American cuisine or anything.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    My best friend in high school was Canadian, and she used to get really mad at me aboot saying "Canadian Bacon" instead of ham. She also tried to make me eat ketchup chips. This has been a brief message about what I know about Canadian food.

    haha. You don't have ketchup chips?

    I have never even heard of ketchup chips until today.

    The fact that Canada actually has products other countries don't blows my mind.

    I've never been in Canada (I live near Chicago)... We were supposed to go to Niagara Falls this month, but canceled it due to family issues. I was mostly excited because I've interacted with so many Canadians on this thread!

    That's part of the reason I'm excited for my trip to Arizona in a few weeks. (Okay, mostly it's the food I'm excited about lol).

    Speaking of, as I have never been to Arizona, is there anyone here that can recommend things to do/see? I am going to be in Maricopa, so anything that's within a few hours drive would be great.

    I lived in Tucson for 3 years as a kid. The Desert Museum is pretty cool. You should also go to Eegees and don't eat the food, but get one of their frozen fruit drinks. The best part of Arizona in my opinion is that they don't have many tall buildings (or trees) so their light pollution is nil. You can see the stars so much better down there. Def do that. Also, prepare to feel like you are going to die from the heat. It hits you like a wall.

    I am worried about this, as I don't handle heat very well. Hmm, I guess I'd better go shopping since I think I only own one pair of shorts... maybe two.

    Actually, it's a dry heat, so it is very livable. That kind of heat in a humid climate is what will kill you! My oldest son went to college in AZ and will be teaching there this fall and my youngest son and my dad go twice a year to Phoenix for the NASCAR races. All of them say the heat there doesn't bother them and they are all the types to have the AC on full-blast during the summer at home. I can attest to it as well. It's not nearly as bad as you think! I think Vegas is worse.

    I don't think Vegas is that bad, either, but I'm always cold. We flew in from Vegas to Chicago in the summer, and it was in the 100's when we left, in the 70's when we landed in the middle of the night, but it felt 10x's worse in Chicago than it did in Vegas.

    Yep, that's how I am, too. I can handle the AZ and CO heat just fine. Went to a June wedding in NC several years ago and was miserable! Yucko. I think it's the heavy air. I'm used to high altitude.

    Arizona and Las Vegas can both be 'hot havens' in August, depending (especially if/when in Arizona during its monsoon season)... but Chicago -- holy crap, Chicago -- Chicago in the summer (and whether a hot day in June, July, or August) involves heat being trapped between tall buildings, and when combined with humidity, is the most suffocating, exhausting, and miserable heat I've ever experienced in my life -- and I've experienced over 108-degrees-F days in Arizona (and it wasn't "dry" heat), as well as incredibly hot and humid/muggy/air-so-thick-it's-hard-to-breathe days in the Midwest that took a high-90s-F day into an extremely uncomfortable form of 105+_F heat index... but a hot and humid day spent trying to exist outside for more than 5 minutes, while making one's way from one place to another, amidst Chicago's packed-to-the-gills buildings, was the most strenuous and physically 'trying', felt-like-I-was-going-to-pass-out form of difficulty-existing-outdoors heat I've *ever* experienced... (and I thought I'd experienced "heat" before)... now, when I hear about news reports of heat-related deaths in Chicago, it not only makes sense to me, and seems to constitute a perpetually-every-summer tragic reality... but in some ways, it surprises me that the numbers aren't higher...

    Chicago hasn't been that hot in recent years. But it also must just be what bothers you, because the real heat in dry places seems much hotter to me than Chicago's summers, even the hottest days. Now, Memphis that August I was there beat both of them, and I suspect many places in the deep South where the humidity beats Chicago and you don't have the relief of the lake would.

    I was in Chicago in the summer of '95 and one of the issues was that unlike most places with extreme heat lots of people didn't have air conditioning (and the structure wasn't set up to deal with that kind of weather because it is uncommon, kind of like how southern cities often deal poorly with snow). In fact, I didn't have air conditioning at the time. (I still always prefer summer to winter.)

    There were social elements to the deaths--excellent Reader article about how it happened. I couldn't find that, but here's something similar:

    Dreadful summer, though, no question.
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    So, hubby bought me an iPhone 4s for mother's day (should arrive by Tuesday!) and I'm clueless on how they work haha. Anyone care to enlighten me?
    *I guess I should add I'm currently using an LG android phone so I'm a little familiar with smartphones, just not iPhones lol.)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Pretty similar. I think the iPhone is more intuitive. (I switched from a Droid to an iPhone, but I already had other Apple gadgets.) I expect you'll love it!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Akkkk! Startled!

    My 49 lb 10 year old standard poodle just brought me a mouse. She wanted to bring it in the house (no thanks!) She nicely dropped it outside and I praised her and gave her a carrot. She loves those! Now to go get rid of dead mouse.
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    edited May 2015
    My best friend in high school was Canadian, and she used to get really mad at me aboot saying "Canadian Bacon" instead of ham. She also tried to make me eat ketchup chips. This has been a brief message about what I know about Canadian food.

    Aboot! Ha!

    Don't want to seem dense, but do Canadians not call it Canadian Bacon?

    Hahaha I had a laugh at this. No, I don't. No one I do does either (from Canada). What about American cheddar? I see that often in recipes and wonder if people say american cheddar or just cheddar/cheese!? Haha, I feel dense too...

    ETA OMG I just realized people say Canadian bacon for back bacon...bahahaha I thought they meant just regular bacon. lmao. a no. lol
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Never heard "American cheddar." Cheddar is cheddar.

    There is American cheese (those Kraft wrapped squares), but I wouldn't wave the flag for that stuff. ;-)
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    Okay, there are no salt n vinegar chips in the states?!? :o

    Also, I'm Canadian and have no idea what peameal bacon is. Or peameal ham...whatever that nasty pic was lol.

    The bacon pic-the straight perfect pieces are sold in packages here, and the bigger "loose" cut kind is usually from the butcher shop. Much better...
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Of course there are salt n vinegar chips in the States! I don't like them though...
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    I'm saying "f it" to exercise today. My TOM came two days early and I feel like crap, got some bad news, and it's hot and I don't feel like getting sweaty. Since I had to work out indoors all winter, if I want to exercise, I prefer to do it outside at this point. Maybe I'll go ride my bike later when it cools down. I wanna eat like crap, but I probably won't let that happen.

    Hope you feel better today!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    The only out there variety of chips I've had were chocolate covered Lays, pretty good tbh.

    I really want to buy some Cheetos and mix em with Nutella.

    Chocolate covered potato chips are amazing.