Quitting Smoking and Dieting Support



  • star1783
    star1783 Posts: 13 Member
    Starting NOW no more smoking! This is going to be hard, but it doesn't make me feel good. And, really isn't good for my health. It's hard because hubby smokes. But, I know I can do this. Because I've done it before. Just have to change my habbits!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    awesome job on deciding to quit!!! i'm on my 3rd week and it's getting really easy :) i had the gum and e-cigs to help me out during that first "hell week", but i'm off the gum and barely need the e-cig anymore. GOOD LUCK!!!

    Time Smoke-Free: 14 days, 20 hours, 25 minutes and 27 seconds
  • JanW01
    JanW01 Posts: 91 Member
    Smoke-Free: 9 days, 5 hours, 56 minutes and 48 seconds

    Cigarettes NOT smoked: 185

    Lifetime Saved: 1 day, 9 hours

    Money Saved: $31.88

    Day 7 was tough but things are better now. :smile:
  • pearlof69
    pearlof69 Posts: 80 Member
    Well done you for your weight loss so far and well done you for deciding the time has come to give up the *kitten*. I totally agree with @melliebell. I smoked for over 20 years, a 20 day habit and when I decided to give up, instead of eating a bar of chocolate when I fancied a *kitten*, I ate a raw carrot instead. I also found the nicotine replacement gum a great help but if you think you can cold turkey then go for it. I became addicted to the nicotine gum and spent another 2 years weaning myself off them. Good luck, you can do it. You have proved you have the willpower already.
  • AbFab2011
    AbFab2011 Posts: 14 Member
    Well done for giving up!

    I gave up 10 weeks ago (apart from one cigarette that I had on a night out 3&1/2 weeks ago - but I haven't had one since!) Ayway, I nearly went stir-crazy in the first week of quitting! My advice to anyone thinking of quitting is to give up when you a coupe of days where you don't have anything too important to do that requires lots & lots of concentration as it's really hard - I found that out the hard way! :) I went cold turkey, on a whim one day (not necessarily the best way to go about it), but basically kept myself busy every time I wanted a cigarette. My partner said she didn't see me properly for about 6 weeks (and we live together!) I sometimes still forget that I don't smoke & go to have a cigarette or think of it but it's less & less now. My partner still smokes but has been really supportive & goes in another room or outside to smoke.

    I have put some weight on since I gave up but I have been exercising a lot as well & I am hoping that if I get better at tracking how many calories I eat & try to stick to my goals that I will lose some weight! I have been doing the Davina Aerobic Fit / Kick Fit DVDs since January & recently took up jogging (building it up slowly with run/walk recovery time) & am hoping to run the 10KM race for life in July. Who knows one day I may even run a marathon?! (LOL!) The crazy thing is I never thought I could run/jog & I thought I would hate it but in Januray I decided that this year I was going to try to get fit. I did the Davina DVD in January & I got really sweaty & couldn't breathe properly & had to stop for break 1/2 way through - now I can do it without breaking into much of a sweat, so that's a sign I must be getting healthier (even if I have put on weight since then from giving up smoking & eating rubbish if that makes sense).

    Good luck to everyone trying to give up smoking - you can do it! I did :)
  • star1783
    star1783 Posts: 13 Member
    I broke down... :(
    Smoking really makes me feel sick. So I guess that's a good thing. Cause I don't wanna feel sick! SO NO MORE!
  • star1783
    star1783 Posts: 13 Member
    I know too just like diet...this isn't going to be easy, but enough is enough! :)
    I love gum, so that's a great idea! Thanks!
  • krb731
    krb731 Posts: 76 Member
    Just start again. Don't kick yourself too hard. :happy:
  • star1783
    star1783 Posts: 13 Member
    Today was a smoke free day! :) Yay! I feel great about it!:bigsmile:
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    Today was a smoke free day! :) Yay! I feel great about it!:bigsmile:

    Good job on not smoking!!

    Tomorrow is day 18 for me, still using the e-cigs, but down to the "ultra light" strength. It's pretty awesome :)
  • JanW01
    JanW01 Posts: 91 Member
    Today was a smoke free day! :) Yay! I feel great about it!:bigsmile:
    :smile: well done!

    Smoke-Free: 11 days, 7 hours, 30 minutes and 7 seconds

    Cigarettes NOT smoked: 226

    Lifetime Saved: 1 day, 17 hours
  • donnaeve8
    donnaeve8 Posts: 113 Member
    Still going strong here. While it's not getting easier, it's not getting worse either. I'm sure in time I won't even think about it

    Time Smoke-Free: 10 days, 2 hours, 44 minutes and 40 seconds
    Is this still your
    Med Plan? Yes No

    Cigarettes NOT smoked: 152

    Lifetime Saved: 1 day, 3 hours
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    Time Smoke-Free: 18 days, 9 hours, 23 minutes and 19 seconds

    Cigarettes NOT smoked: 129

    Lifetime Saved: 23 hours

    Money Saved: $63.00

    AWESOME!!! =)

    how's everybody doin??? im doin great, i think i might try to run a little bit today. i'm still using the "ultra light" strength e-cigs a couple times a day. no cravings, but i still have the mood swings. i'm still not going to the bathroom as much as i'd like, and i think i'm getting "quit zits" too lol oh well
  • leshagen
    leshagen Posts: 36
    I started smoking in college "to lose weight". My roommate and I would have a cig instead of a snack and that was probably one of the dumbest decisions I've ever made. Within 4 years, I was smoking a pack a day, and did so for 3 years. When I got married, my husband was not a smoker and hated the habit, but did not ask me to quit, he asked if I could cut down a little, and so I did. The first year of our marriage I smoked 3 cigs a day (basically, breakfast, lunch and dinner time) and it worked for me. But the day I found out I was pregnant with our first child, I quit cold turkey and never looked back. But....nine years and 4 kids later, I was stressed out about our cross-country move (or at least used that as an excuse) and started back again. It took me 3 years to kick the habit AGAIN. But one day we were watching tv and an public service announcement came on about the dangers of smoking. My 11 year old son looks at me and said "Smoking cigarettes can kill you?" I answered him yes, and he just looked at me with this expression on his face like, 'why are you doing it then?'. I felt ashamed of myself at that moment and wondered what kind of example I was settiing for my kids. I quit the very next day, cold turkey, again, and never went back. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I cried, I got depressed, I gained weight. But I survived. That was Jan 2001. I have been smoke-free for 10 years now. Yay me! And although I still crave one every once in a while, it's not enough to make me go back. I love my family, and I want to be around as long as I can. Sorry I rambled on and on, but just want you to know that it's not impossible. I'm rooting for you! GOOD LUCK!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    hey guys :) im on day 20 and save 1 whole day of my life! in another couple of weeks i'll have made up the money that i spent on e-cigs and gum!

    i'm going to a family party today and i'm going to see all my cousins who smoke. i have NO fear of being tempted. i'm actually excited to go outside with them and show off my my e-cigarette lol. i know they're gonna be really shocked because they know how much i loved to smoke. maybe i can motivate a couple of them to think about quitting! i really haven't been getting any cravings. the only thing that's been happening is that TINY panic feeling when i remember that i don't smoke. i just grab the e-cig, take a couple puffs (that's all i need now) and i'm good.

    i ran around my back yard yesterday with my dog and i didn't feel like i was as out of breath as i should have been. i've definitely noticed a difference. i can run the 2 flights of stairs from my basement to my room without wanting to die! it's probably a combo of the weight loss AND quitting smoking, but either way, it's an awesome feeling :)

    how is everyone doing?? i hope everyone is doing well! stay quit! it's awesome :)
  • krb731
    krb731 Posts: 76 Member
    I slipped. After over 100days, I freaking slipped. Saturday night I was in a car accident and smoked a half a cigarette. Here is what I learned. It didn't settle me down. It tasted awful. The next day I felt ill. I'm still disappointed in myself but I am l glad that I don't have the urge to run out and buy a pack.

    So here is my question. Since I've been counting my days of not smoking, do I have to start over? I don't want to but it seems like I would be cheating if I don't.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    From someone who's at around the same point. - 3 months +.

    I look at it t his way.
    100 days was the amount of days since you were a smoker. Someone who smoked a bunch of cigarettes in a day.

    You had a stressful experience. You thought it might help, it didn't.
    I would still be proud and say it's 100 days since you've been a smoker. not 100 days since you had a drag off a smoke.
  • Lttlbird
    Lttlbird Posts: 51
    Smoke-Free: 39 Days, 11 hrs, 45 min
    Cigarettes NOT smoked: 390
    Money Saved: $80

    I smoked for 25 yrs and really never tried to quit. Fact was, I loved smoking and knew I'd fail if I tried to quit. My mom passed away suddenly from a heart attack last September and was a smoker for about 45 yrs. I knew I had to quit. This was my sign. I started Chantix on 4/8/11 and quit 4/15/11. It's definitely hard. I've gained about 10 lbs. I forgot to take the Chantix yesterday and didn't notice that the cravings were worse, so I am not going to take it and see how I do. I really don't want to smoke. I've been trying to think about it like an alcoholic thinks about drinking - I can't even have a drag. I have to do this for me!!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i just hit 3 weeks yesterday. sunday was a really good day. i went to visit my old job where everyone smokes. i even went outside with some of them on their cigarette break and it didn't bother me! it still smelled good, but i didn't want to have one. even later that night i went to my cousins' house and they smoked in front of me too :) i had my e-cig with me but i didn't really need it. it was great. i was worried about being in front of people who smoked, but it wasn't so bad.

    krb731 - you quit smoking a long time ago, you just had a little mess up. don't feel bad about that half a cig after the accident. the important thing is that you didn't enjoy it and you have no desire to go back :)
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    Great job craft338. Still right behind you and will hit 3 weeks tomorrow!
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