

  • ChipChocolatePancake
    ChipChocolatePancake Posts: 77 Member
    I don't mind the scars on my ankle and shoulder at all. Actually, I'm kinda bummed at how much the shoulder scar has faded.

    Scars ARE kind of badass!
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    I confess that I change the serving sizes on other user's submissions all the time. If everything on the label matches what I have except the entry says 1 cup, 1 serving or something stupid I will change it to grams with the other measurement stuck off to the side sad and lonely in parenthesis. I also confess that I used to enter food items the same way (I didn't share with the public) and I had to go remake all of them when I got a better food scale and discovered the power of grams. :p
    The last time I tried this, MFP didn't let me update entries if all I did was change the serving size. Thanks for getting me to try again. :wink:

    I had it glitching on me not too long ago where it wouldn't let me swap it. It seemed to go back to normal a couple of days later, but I admit I haven't had to change any recently. I wish you good luck because I like being able to fix it! :)
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I have a random request for a confession. Why do some people who are on here regularly not have pics in their avatar? I get not using a real pic I sure won't but why not a pet or a scene or something?

    Lazy. I'm going with I got lazy.

  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I have a random request for a confession. Why do some people who are on here regularly not have pics in their avatar? I get not using a real pic I sure won't but why not a pet or a scene or something?

    I was a lurker for awhile and didn't feel it necessary. Then I found this thread and started "getting to know" some of you and recognizing you by your avatar. That made me realize the importance, so I added a photo to my account (once I figured out how).
  • margfish
    margfish Posts: 41 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Third confession - made a quiche from scratch. Forgot to weigh the pan before putting the crust in. Now I'm going to have to eyeball my servings. I HATE that.

    Cut all your servings at once and pre-wrap them so they're ready to grab and reheat in the morning. Then you can weigh them all anyway. That's what I'd do; I also HATE guesstimating, especially when you probably went to a lot of effort to make a delicious dish!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok, everyone.... WHICH EXERCISE MACHINE SHOULD I USE AT THE GYM? I'm staying away from the weights for now... thinking about going over there with the bulky guys gives me severe anxiety. What's your favorite cardio machine to use?

    As for a confession... I always work on Sundays. Today I went in and saw someone was already working in my place. Apparently I wasn't on the schedule today, probably by mistake. I definitely was not going to complain, and planned to spend the whole day out in the sun after going back to my apartment and grabbing a book. As soon as I got there, I was overcome with a wave of fatigue and had to fight sleep before practically kicking myself out of my apartment hours later. Now I'm a bit better... but what is up with that? I'm so tired of being sleepy all the time. I waste way too many days... and I'm only 21 years old. How am I going to be in ten years?

    Here's to hoping exercising regularly will help.

    Exercise will definitely help but try taking liquid b12. Someone mentioned it earlier and I can attest that taking it regularly does help with energy. I mostly run on the treadmill. I am one of those people who like the treadmill. I like to watch TV and zone out.
    Thanks! I think I'm going to try it out. I'm just sick of being in a constant state of exhaustion!

    And running on the treadmill while watching TV sounds like it would make working out a lot more fun. I want to invest in getting a treadmill or elliptical to put in my apartment, but I'm scared of annoying my downstairs neighbors. I do have a tiny stationary bike, but it doesn't feel like it works as well as I would like. I don't break out into a sweat until about 30 minutes in! And even then it's barely a sweat! My shirt from the gym today hardly had any dry spots. I feel pretty gross, but I haven't felt this good about myself in a long while. :) I need to make this into a habit.

    If you have downstairs neighbors skip the treadmill. I never lived below anyone before until I bought my condo and I can attest it's really annoying. I swear my upstairs neighbors keep their kids locked up all day and release them periodically to run maniacally over my head. Totally annoying. Thank god I am rarely home at any kind of a decent hour when small kids would be awake. I will never live under anyone again.
    Hahaha, I thought so! The couple above us just moved out, which I'm thankful for... because our bedroom was obviously below theirs and things could be... very... awkward. :confounded:

    Do any of you wax your legs? I bought a waxing kit and I'm hating it and the world. It made me realize that I suppose I don't deal with pain very well. It hurts and it never gets all of the hairs, and now the part of my leg that I waxed is sore and very red. No fun at all. Should I stick with shaving or is there a way to make this better? :(
    I think it's really hard to do it yourself because it hurts so much. Do you have a masochistic friend who would enjoy doing it for you?

    I got waxed ONCE and only once. It was a few days before going on vacation and I had a full leg and bikini wax. The actual process was pretty mortifying because I had a Brazilian (NO idea why I did that), although the lower legs hurt more than that area. Anyway, over the next 24 hours every hair follicle turned into a tiny pustule so that on vacation I looked like an infected and recently plucked chicken. Not sexy, or hot weather friendly. Also the leg hair started growing back 3 days after the waxing so I felt like a hairy freak.

    I do know people who swear by it though, but I think it depends on the person. I am able to successfully wax my 'stache - I have to hold onto the bathroom counter when I whip the strip off, but I've got used to it now.
    My mom would probably do it for me, but she's a plane ride away from here :( Then again, she's coming up for my graduation soon... so maybe I'll ask her!

    Also, yikes! Maybe waxing won't be for me after all. I'm waxing because I'm going on vacation as well, even though it's almost a month away at this point. I was told by someone that it took three months for hair to grow back, and I'm hoping for that.
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok, everyone.... WHICH EXERCISE MACHINE SHOULD I USE AT THE GYM? I'm staying away from the weights for now... thinking about going over there with the bulky guys gives me severe anxiety. What's your favorite cardio machine to use?

    As for a confession... I always work on Sundays. Today I went in and saw someone was already working in my place. Apparently I wasn't on the schedule today, probably by mistake. I definitely was not going to complain, and planned to spend the whole day out in the sun after going back to my apartment and grabbing a book. As soon as I got there, I was overcome with a wave of fatigue and had to fight sleep before practically kicking myself out of my apartment hours later. Now I'm a bit better... but what is up with that? I'm so tired of being sleepy all the time. I waste way too many days... and I'm only 21 years old. How am I going to be in ten years?

    Here's to hoping exercising regularly will help.

    Exercise will definitely help but try taking liquid b12. Someone mentioned it earlier and I can attest that taking it regularly does help with energy. I mostly run on the treadmill. I am one of those people who like the treadmill. I like to watch TV and zone out.
    Thanks! I think I'm going to try it out. I'm just sick of being in a constant state of exhaustion!

    And running on the treadmill while watching TV sounds like it would make working out a lot more fun. I want to invest in getting a treadmill or elliptical to put in my apartment, but I'm scared of annoying my downstairs neighbors. I do have a tiny stationary bike, but it doesn't feel like it works as well as I would like. I don't break out into a sweat until about 30 minutes in! And even then it's barely a sweat! My shirt from the gym today hardly had any dry spots. I feel pretty gross, but I haven't felt this good about myself in a long while. :) I need to make this into a habit.

    If you have downstairs neighbors skip the treadmill. I never lived below anyone before until I bought my condo and I can attest it's really annoying. I swear my upstairs neighbors keep their kids locked up all day and release them periodically to run maniacally over my head. Totally annoying. Thank god I am rarely home at any kind of a decent hour when small kids would be awake. I will never live under anyone again.
    Hahaha, I thought so! The couple above us just moved out, which I'm thankful for... because our bedroom was obviously below theirs and things could be... very... awkward. :confounded:

    Do any of you wax your legs? I bought a waxing kit and I'm hating it and the world. It made me realize that I suppose I don't deal with pain very well. It hurts and it never gets all of the hairs, and now the part of my leg that I waxed is sore and very red. No fun at all. Should I stick with shaving or is there a way to make this better? :(

    I get my arm pits waxed and brazillians I love it they're such life savers!! Legs, just stick to shaving those as I can't afford to have them waxed all the time and there is no way in hell I'd wax myself!
    I'm really scared to get a brazillian. I think I'd be so embarrassed :(

    It can be uncomfortable the first time but I love my esthetician she's great! It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it :) haha

    And @Francl27 I'm totally with you on the hair laser removal! I'd love to have that done one day!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    My sister lost a lot of weight and recently had plastic surgery (tummy tuck and arm lift). Scars or no scars, she looks FAB! She can now wear clothes a couple of sizes smaller just from the surgery.

    That's awesome! Did she have a long/difficult recovery time? That's another thing I'm super concerned about. I'm hoping to have the rest of the weight gone by the time I finish law school in 3 years, so I would be getting the surgery within my first few years at a law firm. I'm not entirely sure how lenient they are with sick leave, but I have a feeling I couldn't get more than a week or two off as a new associate.
    She went to Mexico for it (no judgement, remember) and was there 2.5 weeks, then worked from home for another week, so yes, it's definitely a commitment.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I don't mind the scars on my ankle and shoulder at all. Actually, I'm kinda bummed at how much the shoulder scar has faded.

    Scars ARE kind of badass!
    Agreed - scars are cool and interesting. I have to restrain myself from asking people about their scars because I know it's rude.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok, everyone.... WHICH EXERCISE MACHINE SHOULD I USE AT THE GYM? I'm staying away from the weights for now... thinking about going over there with the bulky guys gives me severe anxiety. What's your favorite cardio machine to use?

    As for a confession... I always work on Sundays. Today I went in and saw someone was already working in my place. Apparently I wasn't on the schedule today, probably by mistake. I definitely was not going to complain, and planned to spend the whole day out in the sun after going back to my apartment and grabbing a book. As soon as I got there, I was overcome with a wave of fatigue and had to fight sleep before practically kicking myself out of my apartment hours later. Now I'm a bit better... but what is up with that? I'm so tired of being sleepy all the time. I waste way too many days... and I'm only 21 years old. How am I going to be in ten years?

    Here's to hoping exercising regularly will help.

    Exercise will definitely help but try taking liquid b12. Someone mentioned it earlier and I can attest that taking it regularly does help with energy. I mostly run on the treadmill. I am one of those people who like the treadmill. I like to watch TV and zone out.
    Thanks! I think I'm going to try it out. I'm just sick of being in a constant state of exhaustion!

    And running on the treadmill while watching TV sounds like it would make working out a lot more fun. I want to invest in getting a treadmill or elliptical to put in my apartment, but I'm scared of annoying my downstairs neighbors. I do have a tiny stationary bike, but it doesn't feel like it works as well as I would like. I don't break out into a sweat until about 30 minutes in! And even then it's barely a sweat! My shirt from the gym today hardly had any dry spots. I feel pretty gross, but I haven't felt this good about myself in a long while. :) I need to make this into a habit.

    If you have downstairs neighbors skip the treadmill. I never lived below anyone before until I bought my condo and I can attest it's really annoying. I swear my upstairs neighbors keep their kids locked up all day and release them periodically to run maniacally over my head. Totally annoying. Thank god I am rarely home at any kind of a decent hour when small kids would be awake. I will never live under anyone again.
    Hahaha, I thought so! The couple above us just moved out, which I'm thankful for... because our bedroom was obviously below theirs and things could be... very... awkward. :confounded:

    Do any of you wax your legs? I bought a waxing kit and I'm hating it and the world. It made me realize that I suppose I don't deal with pain very well. It hurts and it never gets all of the hairs, and now the part of my leg that I waxed is sore and very red. No fun at all. Should I stick with shaving or is there a way to make this better? :(
    I think it's really hard to do it yourself because it hurts so much. Do you have a masochistic friend who would enjoy doing it for you?

    I got waxed ONCE and only once. It was a few days before going on vacation and I had a full leg and bikini wax. The actual process was pretty mortifying because I had a Brazilian (NO idea why I did that), although the lower legs hurt more than that area. Anyway, over the next 24 hours every hair follicle turned into a tiny pustule so that on vacation I looked like an infected and recently plucked chicken. Not sexy, or hot weather friendly. Also the leg hair started growing back 3 days after the waxing so I felt like a hairy freak.

    I do know people who swear by it though, but I think it depends on the person. I am able to successfully wax my 'stache - I have to hold onto the bathroom counter when I whip the strip off, but I've got used to it now.
    My mom would probably do it for me, but she's a plane ride away from here :( Then again, she's coming up for my graduation soon... so maybe I'll ask her!

    Also, yikes! Maybe waxing won't be for me after all. I'm waxing because I'm going on vacation as well, even though it's almost a month away at this point. I was told by someone that it took three months for hair to grow back, and I'm hoping for that.
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok, everyone.... WHICH EXERCISE MACHINE SHOULD I USE AT THE GYM? I'm staying away from the weights for now... thinking about going over there with the bulky guys gives me severe anxiety. What's your favorite cardio machine to use?

    As for a confession... I always work on Sundays. Today I went in and saw someone was already working in my place. Apparently I wasn't on the schedule today, probably by mistake. I definitely was not going to complain, and planned to spend the whole day out in the sun after going back to my apartment and grabbing a book. As soon as I got there, I was overcome with a wave of fatigue and had to fight sleep before practically kicking myself out of my apartment hours later. Now I'm a bit better... but what is up with that? I'm so tired of being sleepy all the time. I waste way too many days... and I'm only 21 years old. How am I going to be in ten years?

    Here's to hoping exercising regularly will help.

    Exercise will definitely help but try taking liquid b12. Someone mentioned it earlier and I can attest that taking it regularly does help with energy. I mostly run on the treadmill. I am one of those people who like the treadmill. I like to watch TV and zone out.
    Thanks! I think I'm going to try it out. I'm just sick of being in a constant state of exhaustion!

    And running on the treadmill while watching TV sounds like it would make working out a lot more fun. I want to invest in getting a treadmill or elliptical to put in my apartment, but I'm scared of annoying my downstairs neighbors. I do have a tiny stationary bike, but it doesn't feel like it works as well as I would like. I don't break out into a sweat until about 30 minutes in! And even then it's barely a sweat! My shirt from the gym today hardly had any dry spots. I feel pretty gross, but I haven't felt this good about myself in a long while. :) I need to make this into a habit.

    If you have downstairs neighbors skip the treadmill. I never lived below anyone before until I bought my condo and I can attest it's really annoying. I swear my upstairs neighbors keep their kids locked up all day and release them periodically to run maniacally over my head. Totally annoying. Thank god I am rarely home at any kind of a decent hour when small kids would be awake. I will never live under anyone again.
    Hahaha, I thought so! The couple above us just moved out, which I'm thankful for... because our bedroom was obviously below theirs and things could be... very... awkward. :confounded:

    Do any of you wax your legs? I bought a waxing kit and I'm hating it and the world. It made me realize that I suppose I don't deal with pain very well. It hurts and it never gets all of the hairs, and now the part of my leg that I waxed is sore and very red. No fun at all. Should I stick with shaving or is there a way to make this better? :(

    I get my arm pits waxed and brazillians I love it they're such life savers!! Legs, just stick to shaving those as I can't afford to have them waxed all the time and there is no way in hell I'd wax myself!
    I'm really scared to get a brazillian. I think I'd be so embarrassed :(

    It can be uncomfortable the first time but I love my esthetician she's great! It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it :) haha

    And @Francl27 I'm totally with you on the hair laser removal! I'd love to have that done one day!

    I had a pap smear for the first time last year and I'm fairly certain my face was the color of a tomato during the whole thing. So embarrassing! I dread going back :(

    Also, I never check my work schedule on Google Calendar because I am well aware of the days I work. Today, though, apparently I was off the schedule. This made me check next Sunday and I'm off then, too! My boss didn't even mention this to me. I just gave him my two weeks and they're training a new guy, so I suppose that's why. Not going to complain... Sunday, the worst day of the week, is no longer a day I have to work! YES!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok, everyone.... WHICH EXERCISE MACHINE SHOULD I USE AT THE GYM? I'm staying away from the weights for now... thinking about going over there with the bulky guys gives me severe anxiety. What's your favorite cardio machine to use?

    As for a confession... I always work on Sundays. Today I went in and saw someone was already working in my place. Apparently I wasn't on the schedule today, probably by mistake. I definitely was not going to complain, and planned to spend the whole day out in the sun after going back to my apartment and grabbing a book. As soon as I got there, I was overcome with a wave of fatigue and had to fight sleep before practically kicking myself out of my apartment hours later. Now I'm a bit better... but what is up with that? I'm so tired of being sleepy all the time. I waste way too many days... and I'm only 21 years old. How am I going to be in ten years?

    Here's to hoping exercising regularly will help.

    Exercise will definitely help but try taking liquid b12. Someone mentioned it earlier and I can attest that taking it regularly does help with energy. I mostly run on the treadmill. I am one of those people who like the treadmill. I like to watch TV and zone out.
    Thanks! I think I'm going to try it out. I'm just sick of being in a constant state of exhaustion!

    And running on the treadmill while watching TV sounds like it would make working out a lot more fun. I want to invest in getting a treadmill or elliptical to put in my apartment, but I'm scared of annoying my downstairs neighbors. I do have a tiny stationary bike, but it doesn't feel like it works as well as I would like. I don't break out into a sweat until about 30 minutes in! And even then it's barely a sweat! My shirt from the gym today hardly had any dry spots. I feel pretty gross, but I haven't felt this good about myself in a long while. :) I need to make this into a habit.

    If you have downstairs neighbors skip the treadmill. I never lived below anyone before until I bought my condo and I can attest it's really annoying. I swear my upstairs neighbors keep their kids locked up all day and release them periodically to run maniacally over my head. Totally annoying. Thank god I am rarely home at any kind of a decent hour when small kids would be awake. I will never live under anyone again.
    Hahaha, I thought so! The couple above us just moved out, which I'm thankful for... because our bedroom was obviously below theirs and things could be... very... awkward. :confounded:

    Do any of you wax your legs? I bought a waxing kit and I'm hating it and the world. It made me realize that I suppose I don't deal with pain very well. It hurts and it never gets all of the hairs, and now the part of my leg that I waxed is sore and very red. No fun at all. Should I stick with shaving or is there a way to make this better? :(
    I think it's really hard to do it yourself because it hurts so much. Do you have a masochistic friend who would enjoy doing it for you?

    I got waxed ONCE and only once. It was a few days before going on vacation and I had a full leg and bikini wax. The actual process was pretty mortifying because I had a Brazilian (NO idea why I did that), although the lower legs hurt more than that area. Anyway, over the next 24 hours every hair follicle turned into a tiny pustule so that on vacation I looked like an infected and recently plucked chicken. Not sexy, or hot weather friendly. Also the leg hair started growing back 3 days after the waxing so I felt like a hairy freak.

    I do know people who swear by it though, but I think it depends on the person. I am able to successfully wax my 'stache - I have to hold onto the bathroom counter when I whip the strip off, but I've got used to it now.
    My mom would probably do it for me, but she's a plane ride away from here :( Then again, she's coming up for my graduation soon... so maybe I'll ask her!

    Also, yikes! Maybe waxing won't be for me after all. I'm waxing because I'm going on vacation as well, even though it's almost a month away at this point. I was told by someone that it took three months for hair to grow back, and I'm hoping for that.
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok, everyone.... WHICH EXERCISE MACHINE SHOULD I USE AT THE GYM? I'm staying away from the weights for now... thinking about going over there with the bulky guys gives me severe anxiety. What's your favorite cardio machine to use?

    As for a confession... I always work on Sundays. Today I went in and saw someone was already working in my place. Apparently I wasn't on the schedule today, probably by mistake. I definitely was not going to complain, and planned to spend the whole day out in the sun after going back to my apartment and grabbing a book. As soon as I got there, I was overcome with a wave of fatigue and had to fight sleep before practically kicking myself out of my apartment hours later. Now I'm a bit better... but what is up with that? I'm so tired of being sleepy all the time. I waste way too many days... and I'm only 21 years old. How am I going to be in ten years?

    Here's to hoping exercising regularly will help.

    Exercise will definitely help but try taking liquid b12. Someone mentioned it earlier and I can attest that taking it regularly does help with energy. I mostly run on the treadmill. I am one of those people who like the treadmill. I like to watch TV and zone out.
    Thanks! I think I'm going to try it out. I'm just sick of being in a constant state of exhaustion!

    And running on the treadmill while watching TV sounds like it would make working out a lot more fun. I want to invest in getting a treadmill or elliptical to put in my apartment, but I'm scared of annoying my downstairs neighbors. I do have a tiny stationary bike, but it doesn't feel like it works as well as I would like. I don't break out into a sweat until about 30 minutes in! And even then it's barely a sweat! My shirt from the gym today hardly had any dry spots. I feel pretty gross, but I haven't felt this good about myself in a long while. :) I need to make this into a habit.

    If you have downstairs neighbors skip the treadmill. I never lived below anyone before until I bought my condo and I can attest it's really annoying. I swear my upstairs neighbors keep their kids locked up all day and release them periodically to run maniacally over my head. Totally annoying. Thank god I am rarely home at any kind of a decent hour when small kids would be awake. I will never live under anyone again.
    Hahaha, I thought so! The couple above us just moved out, which I'm thankful for... because our bedroom was obviously below theirs and things could be... very... awkward. :confounded:

    Do any of you wax your legs? I bought a waxing kit and I'm hating it and the world. It made me realize that I suppose I don't deal with pain very well. It hurts and it never gets all of the hairs, and now the part of my leg that I waxed is sore and very red. No fun at all. Should I stick with shaving or is there a way to make this better? :(

    I get my arm pits waxed and brazillians I love it they're such life savers!! Legs, just stick to shaving those as I can't afford to have them waxed all the time and there is no way in hell I'd wax myself!
    I'm really scared to get a brazillian. I think I'd be so embarrassed :(

    It can be uncomfortable the first time but I love my esthetician she's great! It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it :) haha

    And @Francl27 I'm totally with you on the hair laser removal! I'd love to have that done one day!

    I had a pap smear for the first time last year and I'm fairly certain my face was the color of a tomato during the whole thing. So embarrassing! I dread going back :(
    Eh, have a few kids and you'll whip your underwear off for anyone in a white coat who shows any interest in your girly bits.
    Also, have we scared off the men again?
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I don't mind the scars on my ankle and shoulder at all. Actually, I'm kinda bummed at how much the shoulder scar has faded.

    Scars ARE kind of badass!
    Agreed - scars are cool and interesting. I have to restrain myself from asking people about their scars because I know it's rude.

    Scars are tattoos with better stories. We saw that tshirt a couple of weeks ago.

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok, everyone.... WHICH EXERCISE MACHINE SHOULD I USE AT THE GYM? I'm staying away from the weights for now... thinking about going over there with the bulky guys gives me severe anxiety. What's your favorite cardio machine to use?

    As for a confession... I always work on Sundays. Today I went in and saw someone was already working in my place. Apparently I wasn't on the schedule today, probably by mistake. I definitely was not going to complain, and planned to spend the whole day out in the sun after going back to my apartment and grabbing a book. As soon as I got there, I was overcome with a wave of fatigue and had to fight sleep before practically kicking myself out of my apartment hours later. Now I'm a bit better... but what is up with that? I'm so tired of being sleepy all the time. I waste way too many days... and I'm only 21 years old. How am I going to be in ten years?

    Here's to hoping exercising regularly will help.

    Exercise will definitely help but try taking liquid b12. Someone mentioned it earlier and I can attest that taking it regularly does help with energy. I mostly run on the treadmill. I am one of those people who like the treadmill. I like to watch TV and zone out.
    Thanks! I think I'm going to try it out. I'm just sick of being in a constant state of exhaustion!

    And running on the treadmill while watching TV sounds like it would make working out a lot more fun. I want to invest in getting a treadmill or elliptical to put in my apartment, but I'm scared of annoying my downstairs neighbors. I do have a tiny stationary bike, but it doesn't feel like it works as well as I would like. I don't break out into a sweat until about 30 minutes in! And even then it's barely a sweat! My shirt from the gym today hardly had any dry spots. I feel pretty gross, but I haven't felt this good about myself in a long while. :) I need to make this into a habit.

    If you have downstairs neighbors skip the treadmill. I never lived below anyone before until I bought my condo and I can attest it's really annoying. I swear my upstairs neighbors keep their kids locked up all day and release them periodically to run maniacally over my head. Totally annoying. Thank god I am rarely home at any kind of a decent hour when small kids would be awake. I will never live under anyone again.
    Hahaha, I thought so! The couple above us just moved out, which I'm thankful for... because our bedroom was obviously below theirs and things could be... very... awkward. :confounded:

    Do any of you wax your legs? I bought a waxing kit and I'm hating it and the world. It made me realize that I suppose I don't deal with pain very well. It hurts and it never gets all of the hairs, and now the part of my leg that I waxed is sore and very red. No fun at all. Should I stick with shaving or is there a way to make this better? :(
    I think it's really hard to do it yourself because it hurts so much. Do you have a masochistic friend who would enjoy doing it for you?

    I got waxed ONCE and only once. It was a few days before going on vacation and I had a full leg and bikini wax. The actual process was pretty mortifying because I had a Brazilian (NO idea why I did that), although the lower legs hurt more than that area. Anyway, over the next 24 hours every hair follicle turned into a tiny pustule so that on vacation I looked like an infected and recently plucked chicken. Not sexy, or hot weather friendly. Also the leg hair started growing back 3 days after the waxing so I felt like a hairy freak.

    I do know people who swear by it though, but I think it depends on the person. I am able to successfully wax my 'stache - I have to hold onto the bathroom counter when I whip the strip off, but I've got used to it now.
    My mom would probably do it for me, but she's a plane ride away from here :( Then again, she's coming up for my graduation soon... so maybe I'll ask her!

    Also, yikes! Maybe waxing won't be for me after all. I'm waxing because I'm going on vacation as well, even though it's almost a month away at this point. I was told by someone that it took three months for hair to grow back, and I'm hoping for that.
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok, everyone.... WHICH EXERCISE MACHINE SHOULD I USE AT THE GYM? I'm staying away from the weights for now... thinking about going over there with the bulky guys gives me severe anxiety. What's your favorite cardio machine to use?

    As for a confession... I always work on Sundays. Today I went in and saw someone was already working in my place. Apparently I wasn't on the schedule today, probably by mistake. I definitely was not going to complain, and planned to spend the whole day out in the sun after going back to my apartment and grabbing a book. As soon as I got there, I was overcome with a wave of fatigue and had to fight sleep before practically kicking myself out of my apartment hours later. Now I'm a bit better... but what is up with that? I'm so tired of being sleepy all the time. I waste way too many days... and I'm only 21 years old. How am I going to be in ten years?

    Here's to hoping exercising regularly will help.

    Exercise will definitely help but try taking liquid b12. Someone mentioned it earlier and I can attest that taking it regularly does help with energy. I mostly run on the treadmill. I am one of those people who like the treadmill. I like to watch TV and zone out.
    Thanks! I think I'm going to try it out. I'm just sick of being in a constant state of exhaustion!

    And running on the treadmill while watching TV sounds like it would make working out a lot more fun. I want to invest in getting a treadmill or elliptical to put in my apartment, but I'm scared of annoying my downstairs neighbors. I do have a tiny stationary bike, but it doesn't feel like it works as well as I would like. I don't break out into a sweat until about 30 minutes in! And even then it's barely a sweat! My shirt from the gym today hardly had any dry spots. I feel pretty gross, but I haven't felt this good about myself in a long while. :) I need to make this into a habit.

    If you have downstairs neighbors skip the treadmill. I never lived below anyone before until I bought my condo and I can attest it's really annoying. I swear my upstairs neighbors keep their kids locked up all day and release them periodically to run maniacally over my head. Totally annoying. Thank god I am rarely home at any kind of a decent hour when small kids would be awake. I will never live under anyone again.
    Hahaha, I thought so! The couple above us just moved out, which I'm thankful for... because our bedroom was obviously below theirs and things could be... very... awkward. :confounded:

    Do any of you wax your legs? I bought a waxing kit and I'm hating it and the world. It made me realize that I suppose I don't deal with pain very well. It hurts and it never gets all of the hairs, and now the part of my leg that I waxed is sore and very red. No fun at all. Should I stick with shaving or is there a way to make this better? :(

    I get my arm pits waxed and brazillians I love it they're such life savers!! Legs, just stick to shaving those as I can't afford to have them waxed all the time and there is no way in hell I'd wax myself!
    I'm really scared to get a brazillian. I think I'd be so embarrassed :(

    It can be uncomfortable the first time but I love my esthetician she's great! It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it :) haha

    And @Francl27 I'm totally with you on the hair laser removal! I'd love to have that done one day!

    I had a pap smear for the first time last year and I'm fairly certain my face was the color of a tomato during the whole thing. So embarrassing! I dread going back :(
    Eh, have a few kids and you'll whip your underwear off for anyone in a white coat who shows any interest in your girly bits.
    Also, have we scared off the men again?

    Hahaha that's hilarious! I guess I'm different- I haven't had kids yet but that
    kind of thing doesn't bother me. I figure these doctors look at hoo haas all day they've seen it all! Same with estheticians- nothing new to them!

    And yes I'm sure the men folk are creeped out now, whoops!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »

    I'll add my amazement to that one. And the usual attack crew showed up.
    I do wonder how rare the actual special snowflake is? I mean genuine metabolic differences which make it super hard to either gain or lose weight when on a diet that would cause another body with the same stats to behave 'typically'. I know we always see 'We are all different' on the threads a lot, but actually we're pretty similar on the whole. Slight variations are expected, but I wonder how many people are way out of the realm of 'normal' without medical reasons.

    You can start with trying to figure out how many people are IR, but the issue there is a lot of people are for years without being diagnosed, because it takes a lot of jumping through hoops and a doctor knowledgeable enough to do the right tests. Most people who are can eat more calories on low carb than calories with carbs, and lose more weight - still at a deficit, but a much smaller one to make the same progress.

    On top of that there are conditions like lipedema, I think it's 1 in 10 women have it, might be higher, but it's abnormal fat deposits in your lower body, and no diet will get rid of them, no matter what the resident know-it-alls out there think. You can be anorexic and eat 300 calories a day, and still have the deposits in your legs, a size 00 on top and a size 18 on the bottom. The only way to get rid of it is through a specific kind of water assisted liposuction, and that only reduces what's already there, won't prevent new deposits from building after. Otherwise, best anyone can do is try to control it, which is usually the same therapies @ythannah and I have to use.

    Ours is lymphedema, the hereditary version, which is 1 in 100k people, while other people have the much more common secondary, which usually happens as a side effect from surgery or cancer treatment. If it's caught early, it can be controlled somewhat, but left undiagnosed and unattended, it can get really bad. Again, I can become anorexic and lose the majority of my body fat, but it doesn't get rid of the accumulated fluid, that requires a whole other protocol of medical treatments that may or may not help.

    There are other conditions with their own quirks that change the CO portion so drastically, the usual whining about it's CICO get over it just sounds clueless. Then factor in that a site like this will have a higher proportion of people with these kinds of medical issues, because people who don't have them are less likely to need a weight loss site to begin with.

    TL;DR: Probably a hell of a lot more than the usual suspects care to acknowledge.
    That's very interesting - especially the Wiki about Lipedema because the stage 1 woman looks a lot like me :/
    But what I was really referring to was how far the range of 'normal' goes - i.e. people with no medical conditions whose bodies don't behave like everyone elses. Is IR insulin resistant? I'm afraid I don't even really know what that means (off to Google...)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I have a random request for a confession. Why do some people who are on here regularly not have pics in their avatar? I get not using a real pic I sure won't but why not a pet or a scene or something?

    I was a lurker for awhile and didn't feel it necessary. Then I found this thread and started "getting to know" some of you and recognizing you by your avatar. That made me realize the importance, so I added a photo to my account (once I figured out how).

    I love your turtle!
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »

    I'll add my amazement to that one. And the usual attack crew showed up.
    I do wonder how rare the actual special snowflake is? I mean genuine metabolic differences which make it super hard to either gain or lose weight when on a diet that would cause another body with the same stats to behave 'typically'. I know we always see 'We are all different' on the threads a lot, but actually we're pretty similar on the whole. Slight variations are expected, but I wonder how many people are way out of the realm of 'normal' without medical reasons.

    You can start with trying to figure out how many people are IR, but the issue there is a lot of people are for years without being diagnosed, because it takes a lot of jumping through hoops and a doctor knowledgeable enough to do the right tests. Most people who are can eat more calories on low carb than calories with carbs, and lose more weight - still at a deficit, but a much smaller one to make the same progress.

    On top of that there are conditions like lipedema, I think it's 1 in 10 women have it, might be higher, but it's abnormal fat deposits in your lower body, and no diet will get rid of them, no matter what the resident know-it-alls out there think. You can be anorexic and eat 300 calories a day, and still have the deposits in your legs, a size 00 on top and a size 18 on the bottom. The only way to get rid of it is through a specific kind of water assisted liposuction, and that only reduces what's already there, won't prevent new deposits from building after. Otherwise, best anyone can do is try to control it, which is usually the same therapies @ythannah and I have to use.

    Ours is lymphedema, the hereditary version, which is 1 in 100k people, while other people have the much more common secondary, which usually happens as a side effect from surgery or cancer treatment. If it's caught early, it can be controlled somewhat, but left undiagnosed and unattended, it can get really bad. Again, I can become anorexic and lose the majority of my body fat, but it doesn't get rid of the accumulated fluid, that requires a whole other protocol of medical treatments that may or may not help.

    There are other conditions with their own quirks that change the CO portion so drastically, the usual whining about it's CICO get over it just sounds clueless. Then factor in that a site like this will have a higher proportion of people with these kinds of medical issues, because people who don't have them are less likely to need a weight loss site to begin with.

    TL;DR: Probably a hell of a lot more than the usual suspects care to acknowledge.
    That's very interesting - especially the Wiki about Lipedema because the stage 1 woman looks a lot like me :/
    But what I was really referring to was how far the range of 'normal' goes - i.e. people with no medical conditions whose bodies don't behave like everyone elses. Is IR insulin resistant? I'm afraid I don't even really know what that means (off to Google...)

    Right, but what I was getting at is first you have to weed out all the people who aren't normal but don't know they're not normal. That question out there about thick legs is a good example. Based on how she phrased her question, specifically fat on her legs, and the fact that lipedema is actually quite common, I'm tempted to ask if she has lipedema ankles. And, I'll bet if I did, the usual suspects would immediately cry foul. It damages their sense of superiority when you can show them an actual medical reason they can be wrong.

    IR is insulin resistance, and it seems to be the most common thing that people don't realize they have until they take the initiative to ask the doctor instead of the doctor figuring it out for them.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok, everyone.... WHICH EXERCISE MACHINE SHOULD I USE AT THE GYM? I'm staying away from the weights for now... thinking about going over there with the bulky guys gives me severe anxiety. What's your favorite cardio machine to use?

    As for a confession... I always work on Sundays. Today I went in and saw someone was already working in my place. Apparently I wasn't on the schedule today, probably by mistake. I definitely was not going to complain, and planned to spend the whole day out in the sun after going back to my apartment and grabbing a book. As soon as I got there, I was overcome with a wave of fatigue and had to fight sleep before practically kicking myself out of my apartment hours later. Now I'm a bit better... but what is up with that? I'm so tired of being sleepy all the time. I waste way too many days... and I'm only 21 years old. How am I going to be in ten years?

    Here's to hoping exercising regularly will help.

    Exercise will definitely help but try taking liquid b12. Someone mentioned it earlier and I can attest that taking it regularly does help with energy. I mostly run on the treadmill. I am one of those people who like the treadmill. I like to watch TV and zone out.
    Thanks! I think I'm going to try it out. I'm just sick of being in a constant state of exhaustion!

    And running on the treadmill while watching TV sounds like it would make working out a lot more fun. I want to invest in getting a treadmill or elliptical to put in my apartment, but I'm scared of annoying my downstairs neighbors. I do have a tiny stationary bike, but it doesn't feel like it works as well as I would like. I don't break out into a sweat until about 30 minutes in! And even then it's barely a sweat! My shirt from the gym today hardly had any dry spots. I feel pretty gross, but I haven't felt this good about myself in a long while. :) I need to make this into a habit.

    If you have downstairs neighbors skip the treadmill. I never lived below anyone before until I bought my condo and I can attest it's really annoying. I swear my upstairs neighbors keep their kids locked up all day and release them periodically to run maniacally over my head. Totally annoying. Thank god I am rarely home at any kind of a decent hour when small kids would be awake. I will never live under anyone again.
    Hahaha, I thought so! The couple above us just moved out, which I'm thankful for... because our bedroom was obviously below theirs and things could be... very... awkward. :confounded:

    Do any of you wax your legs? I bought a waxing kit and I'm hating it and the world. It made me realize that I suppose I don't deal with pain very well. It hurts and it never gets all of the hairs, and now the part of my leg that I waxed is sore and very red. No fun at all. Should I stick with shaving or is there a way to make this better? :(

    I get my arm pits waxed and brazillians I love it they're such life savers!! Legs, just stick to shaving those as I can't afford to have them waxed all the time and there is no way in hell I'd wax myself!

    Haha I got my armpits waxed once. Holy ingrown hairs. Never again... I still get them with shaving, but much less (and yeah that's using scrubbing gloves all the time).

    I keep saying that if I win the lottery the first thing I'll do is laser hair removal... then a tummy tuck. But I can't justify spending $10k for that (and I did spend $3k to have my teeth fixed, but it was getting necessary as food was getting stuck in there all the time). At least nobody seems my horrible belly, well except my husband. I'm not sure I'd like a scar more anyway...

    I'm seriously considering having my armpits lasered. because I can no longer see what I'm shaving in the shower thanks to presbyopia. Or maybe I should just take my reading glasses in there with me? Lol.

    I'd do it if I knew it was absolutely permanent but I've heard that there will sometimes be regrowth years later.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    All this talk about waxing and crap makes me very happy I need not worry about such things, lol

    I have no leg hair, I do not shave them, and you cannot tell. I have no hair anywhere really, even my underarms I only shave them a few times over the summer, and even then it is only for cleanliness due to the amount of swimming I do.....I am sure I am actually the least hairy Italian on planet Earth.....
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »

    I'll add my amazement to that one. And the usual attack crew showed up.
    I do wonder how rare the actual special snowflake is? I mean genuine metabolic differences which make it super hard to either gain or lose weight when on a diet that would cause another body with the same stats to behave 'typically'. I know we always see 'We are all different' on the threads a lot, but actually we're pretty similar on the whole. Slight variations are expected, but I wonder how many people are way out of the realm of 'normal' without medical reasons.

    You can start with trying to figure out how many people are IR, but the issue there is a lot of people are for years without being diagnosed, because it takes a lot of jumping through hoops and a doctor knowledgeable enough to do the right tests. Most people who are can eat more calories on low carb than calories with carbs, and lose more weight - still at a deficit, but a much smaller one to make the same progress.

    On top of that there are conditions like lipedema, I think it's 1 in 10 women have it, might be higher, but it's abnormal fat deposits in your lower body, and no diet will get rid of them, no matter what the resident know-it-alls out there think. You can be anorexic and eat 300 calories a day, and still have the deposits in your legs, a size 00 on top and a size 18 on the bottom. The only way to get rid of it is through a specific kind of water assisted liposuction, and that only reduces what's already there, won't prevent new deposits from building after. Otherwise, best anyone can do is try to control it, which is usually the same therapies @ythannah and I have to use.

    Ours is lymphedema, the hereditary version, which is 1 in 100k people, while other people have the much more common secondary, which usually happens as a side effect from surgery or cancer treatment. If it's caught early, it can be controlled somewhat, but left undiagnosed and unattended, it can get really bad. Again, I can become anorexic and lose the majority of my body fat, but it doesn't get rid of the accumulated fluid, that requires a whole other protocol of medical treatments that may or may not help.

    There are other conditions with their own quirks that change the CO portion so drastically, the usual whining about it's CICO get over it just sounds clueless. Then factor in that a site like this will have a higher proportion of people with these kinds of medical issues, because people who don't have them are less likely to need a weight loss site to begin with.

    TL;DR: Probably a hell of a lot more than the usual suspects care to acknowledge.
    That's very interesting - especially the Wiki about Lipedema because the stage 1 woman looks a lot like me :/
    But what I was really referring to was how far the range of 'normal' goes - i.e. people with no medical conditions whose bodies don't behave like everyone elses. Is IR insulin resistant? I'm afraid I don't even really know what that means (off to Google...)

    Right, but what I was getting at is first you have to weed out all the people who aren't normal but don't know they're not normal. That question out there about thick legs is a good example. Based on how she phrased her question, specifically fat on her legs, and the fact that lipedema is actually quite common, I'm tempted to ask if she has lipedema ankles. And, I'll bet if I did, the usual suspects would immediately cry foul. It damages their sense of superiority when you can show them an actual medical reason they can be wrong.

    IR is insulin resistance, and it seems to be the most common thing that people don't realize they have until they take the initiative to ask the doctor instead of the doctor figuring it out for them.
    What are lipedema ankles? Thick ankles, swelling?
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok, everyone.... WHICH EXERCISE MACHINE SHOULD I USE AT THE GYM? I'm staying away from the weights for now... thinking about going over there with the bulky guys gives me severe anxiety. What's your favorite cardio machine to use?

    As for a confession... I always work on Sundays. Today I went in and saw someone was already working in my place. Apparently I wasn't on the schedule today, probably by mistake. I definitely was not going to complain, and planned to spend the whole day out in the sun after going back to my apartment and grabbing a book. As soon as I got there, I was overcome with a wave of fatigue and had to fight sleep before practically kicking myself out of my apartment hours later. Now I'm a bit better... but what is up with that? I'm so tired of being sleepy all the time. I waste way too many days... and I'm only 21 years old. How am I going to be in ten years?

    Here's to hoping exercising regularly will help.

    Exercise will definitely help but try taking liquid b12. Someone mentioned it earlier and I can attest that taking it regularly does help with energy. I mostly run on the treadmill. I am one of those people who like the treadmill. I like to watch TV and zone out.
    Thanks! I think I'm going to try it out. I'm just sick of being in a constant state of exhaustion!

    And running on the treadmill while watching TV sounds like it would make working out a lot more fun. I want to invest in getting a treadmill or elliptical to put in my apartment, but I'm scared of annoying my downstairs neighbors. I do have a tiny stationary bike, but it doesn't feel like it works as well as I would like. I don't break out into a sweat until about 30 minutes in! And even then it's barely a sweat! My shirt from the gym today hardly had any dry spots. I feel pretty gross, but I haven't felt this good about myself in a long while. :) I need to make this into a habit.

    If you have downstairs neighbors skip the treadmill. I never lived below anyone before until I bought my condo and I can attest it's really annoying. I swear my upstairs neighbors keep their kids locked up all day and release them periodically to run maniacally over my head. Totally annoying. Thank god I am rarely home at any kind of a decent hour when small kids would be awake. I will never live under anyone again.
    Hahaha, I thought so! The couple above us just moved out, which I'm thankful for... because our bedroom was obviously below theirs and things could be... very... awkward. :confounded:

    Do any of you wax your legs? I bought a waxing kit and I'm hating it and the world. It made me realize that I suppose I don't deal with pain very well. It hurts and it never gets all of the hairs, and now the part of my leg that I waxed is sore and very red. No fun at all. Should I stick with shaving or is there a way to make this better? :(

    I get my arm pits waxed and brazillians I love it they're such life savers!! Legs, just stick to shaving those as I can't afford to have them waxed all the time and there is no way in hell I'd wax myself!

    Haha I got my armpits waxed once. Holy ingrown hairs. Never again... I still get them with shaving, but much less (and yeah that's using scrubbing gloves all the time).

    I keep saying that if I win the lottery the first thing I'll do is laser hair removal... then a tummy tuck. But I can't justify spending $10k for that (and I did spend $3k to have my teeth fixed, but it was getting necessary as food was getting stuck in there all the time). At least nobody seems my horrible belly, well except my husband. I'm not sure I'd like a scar more anyway...

    I'm seriously considering having my armpits lasered. because I can no longer see what I'm shaving in the shower thanks to presbyopia. Or maybe I should just take my reading glasses in there with me? Lol.

    I'd do it if I knew it was absolutely permanent but I've heard that there will sometimes be regrowth years later.
    Agreed on the lasering. There are always good Groupons for it, so it's tempting, but I've also heard than you can spend thousands and it may come back at some point.

    I shave my armpits by feel, not by sight!
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    I hate that it's going to rain all day tomorrow. After being cooped up and having to workout indoors all winter, I avoid doing so now unless I absolutely have to.