
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Meg - would you or could you donate the leftover food? We have a "Door of Hope" where low income or homeless people can go for a meal.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Spent the morning in the yard. Dug my potted perennials out from under the sawdust. I really better get them planted in the ground this year!!! Cleaned the dead stuff off my peonies in the lower garden. And took down all the dried hops plant that seems to love the inside of my greenhouse. Then after lunch went and picked my mom up from respite care and took her home - her caregiver was off for the weekend. Stopped at a greenhouse on the way home ..... eeekkkk - empty handed... :( .... just wasn't ready to buy.

    AND after supper - walked my dear dog. He needed a swim..... ha ha !! 10,390 steps YEAH!!! and some muscle building from the gardening!!

    Pooped ... heading for bed!! Good night lovely ladies.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Happy monday folks... Got up early with the husband for his regular bloodwork at the hospital, and I am not a morning person... My roast dinner turned out really good yesterday, and today I had beef soup with the veggies and some hearty toast to dip in. Everyone take care. Tomorrow is swimming so I am happy about that.
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Mary glad you got tested. Waiting is always hard. Yay for making progress w/the house.
    Barbie 19K steps good for you.
    Michelle I am always careful when accepting friend requests from folks With whom I have had no previous interactions, or have no friends in common. I have some single friends that are more open than I am, however they are interested in getting to know new male friends.
    Tntoni your weather sounds so nice. Ours has been good too. I got out to the cottage this Sunday and even did a little gardening.

    Had a surprise text from a friend w/an invite for DH and I to go to dinner at her house. We had a good time. Glad I saved some extra calories and exercised too. It gave me a little more flexibility.

    Had the day off today and did some laundry. I've had a sewing project I started and needed to find some buttons for it. I got out Mom & grandma's stash. I found what I needed and have nearly finished sorting them. When I started I needed something fairly mindless to do. ( I had been working very hard with little time off, and was just mentally and emotionally spent.) Rather than graze on snacks, I thought I would try sorting the buttons. So far so good. However now I'm ready to be done.

    Naiomi2015 on a clear 52F night in Massachusetts
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla, I stopped my Avonex last fall mainly because of my problem with procrastination. At my last visit with my neurologist her and I once again talked about whether I really do have MS. I have been so stable. She only changed me from the probable RRMS to RRMS because of my one episode of optic neuritis. I have had other relapses but they have always been of the same areas that were affected before. So between the two I jsut stopped. Usually when I procrastinate, I have to take a shot a day early to catch up, stupid enough one week to take 2 shots in the same day. So after not taking any for a couple of months, I felt no difference, except my billfold. But as exhausted as I am lately, even after getting a good night's sleep I am wondering if it is MS fatigue. Plus I am having another problem that I have never had so I don't know if it is MS related or not. There is an MS symptom where you bend your neck and a bolt of electricity goes down your spine. Well this isn't exactly like that. When I bend my head down, it pulls on the right side of the spine next to the lower part of my shoulder blade. This pain is so drawing on my energy. I stay on a heating pad most of the time to see if it will loosen up that muscle and am eating Advil. So it is time to call the family doctor. With his office you can get in with one of the nurse practitioners right away. It is making my B/P go up but i am embaresed for them to see my weight. With all that Charlie is going through and this new pain, I am just a wreck. I don't enjoy eating, but I sure do snack.

    One other comment then I am hanging up. Sylvia, I am looking ofrward to seeing how your experience in Spain shows through your pottery.

    Night, night girls, Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Stopping for now. Finished reading page 28. I think when your head hits the keyboard , it is time for sleep.

    Heather - I have Italian CDs that I use going to and from work. Yes, I hope to get there. As for French I have a childhood friend that I still converse with in an odd mix of English, French and our old short speak. In her parents' home we only spoke French once they discovered it was a requirement for my university. French, home made wine, delicious baking and the worst coffee ever. Ah, the stuff of memories.

    Sylvia - 11.19 Miles! I hope your feet got a good soaking.

    Mary in Minnesota - I tested my blood sugar and it's been good. I like the movie "Insurgent" but like usual the books were better.

    Michele - Be very careful. I wouldn't accept that friendship.

    The last few days have been spent pruning and haunting garden centres. I went so far as to unwrap my strawberry planters. I am not putting out any of the new plants until there are no more frost warnings. I hope that is soon. Lots to cut away in the cedars and my arms are showing the battle I did with them. It kind of reminded me of the time a friend convinced me to go pick the ice wine grapes with her. Most miserable job ever! I am excited for when the front and my deck are done up with the new flowers. I could have spent the whole day out at the Broxburn green house.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited May 2015
    Joyce, interesting question about the pottery!
    Am in the train to work; not feeling so well. Will see how long I last today.

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,607 Member
    edited May 2015
    Mary - I'm toasting your new butt! :drinker: !

    Sharon - keep going! Try some internet stuff as well. I had a German friend like that. Good memories!

    Joyce - thinking of you a lot. <3

    Toni - enjoy the cooking classes! I'm looking forward to seeing what they say about spices! :laugh:

    Beth and anyone else who is gaining weight, love you looooaaaads. <3 Can you think of it as an opportunity to learn how to put yourself first? We can only give to others if we give first to ourselves. A happy healthy self is not selfish, it's just logic. I know it's easier said than done. :love:

    Well my SV today is that I didn't gain any weight on holiday! ! ! ! :drinker: Sooooooo delighted! I waited a couple of days to weigh myself, but I am one happy and saintly lady! o:) I walked and walked despite the discomfort (read pain :laugh: ) until my legs were nearly dropping off! ! ! :laugh: I looged both exercise and calories in and knew they should have balanced out, but there is slways the fear when you have both eaten a lot and drunk a bit (!) of alcohol. Just shows the maths does work! ! ! ! ! !

    Yoga today, so a lower calorie expenditure. It's the last dsy of half term so it'll be a visit to the pub afterwards and a nice catch up. I won't stay for lunch as I have some nettle soup waiting for me on the counter top, slowly defrosting. (Remember that ladies?)

    Joan - did you catch that I am an author too. I have written many children's books and recently self published my novel WINDOWS, You can check it out on Amazon. com under Heather Eyles. Adult content alert! If you go to the uk site you can see all my books on my Author Profile page.
    Hope that works! :)

    Lisa - I'm halfway through your book and really getting into it! Yeah!

    Must beautify myself for yoga!

    Hesther in slowly darkening Hampshire UK ( poor DH and his cricket!)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Terri in Milwaukee: I’m happy to share “doofus” with you.

    TNToni: I’m eager to learn the difference between taste and flavor.

    Mary: I hope everything goes your way today—with the doctor and the inspection. Losing the dimples from behind is the best NSV ever! Congratulations!

    Sylvia: Dinner at 9pm? Too late for me. Madrid doesn’t sound as nice as Barcelona.

    Aleta Foreman: Thank you.

    Joyce: You are in my prayers. I hope you sort things out and don’t experience a downturn in your health.

    Heather: Congratulations on your holiday without weight gain! That is one of the best victories, ever!

    The dog got me up in the middle of the night-TWICE. My getting up woke DH up, so here we both are, downstairs in the office at 2 am. I’m not happy with the dog, and I’m going back to bed.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    well now whatever I have I think has turned into a sinus thing :# I dont sound like Darth Vader anymore but my head feels like a heavy balloon..
    we are finally getting a little rain...not enough to do anything ,but we need it badly..
    they took down the upper cabinets yesterday and it looks odd, but less they have to do later..
    DH was cranky last night, he has to just come out and ask me questions instead of being a grump.. geesh
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    :o Katla, Bernie, the cat woke me about 2 AM and just as I thought I had him settled I heard Brandy do the little quiet bark she does when she has to go out so I rushed through getting dressed without the rest of my morning ablutions and took both dogs out.....Brandy did have to go so I'm glad I got up. Now I have all the morning stuff done and will head out again with Brandy, then Sasha, for their regular after breakfast walks. I'll be ready for a nap after lunch.

    <3 Barbie
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning ladies! I really think that I have a bug the way my DH is coming down with the same symptoms which is a very good thing. SL 5x5 then swim with the girls. I hope I get my energy back so I can work on my sale. My DSIL said she would help.

    Lillian- is the water warm enough for your dog to swim in? It's still too cold here.

    Naomi2015- thanks! We feel that we can start packing. When you mentioned buttons and mom I visualized my DMIL sewing machine. She has a piece of cloth wrapped around it with buttons and needles and pins sticking out of it. She also has 90 years of thread... I sorted out her thread one day.

    Sharon - I am feeling like gardening as well. I will have to wait until we move into our new house though.

    Heather- Thanks! I never thought I could change it. Squats! Toast back to you for maintaining! You did so well on Holiday!

    Katla - I hope you were able to go back to sleep!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • tsarahlove
    tsarahlove Posts: 2 Member
    Well it's been a month now I started with this diet (1200) calories some days are better that's when I don't eat my burned calories lol I started at 200 now at 194 it's not much but I'm trying those carbs are hard to avoid but I'm up to 8200 steps a day (up from 5000) at start by the end of may I want a make my target goal 1100 steps and be at 189 so everyone wish me luck god bless you
  • memere101
    memere101 Posts: 461 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning ladies! Hope everyone has a wonderful day today.
    We just returned from a trip to Florida to see my parents. Although I talk to my mom on the phone almost every day, I hadn't actually seen her in over 3 years. It was a nice visit, always hard to leave them. And of course my eating and exercising took a hit while we were there, which is causing a wonderful fibro flare
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Good morning from Georgia where summer showers are making the grass so pretty and green.

    I am planning to drag the hose up on the screened in porch today and try to wash away the pollen. I have black paint that I want to spray on the two rocking chairs and a wicker seat and table. Don't know if I will be able to get them down off the porch to do it. It may rain out my plans.

    Sylvia ~ sounds like you are having a lot of adventures and a good time. I am sorry you are so achy from all the walking.

    Mary ~ glad your home inspection went well and that you are not ill from the tick.

    Lillian ~ you sound like a fantastic gardener. Will you be sharing pics your lovelies come up?


  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    Good tues am all! Im still catching up but read two things from you all lately that really struck me.

    One from Barbie: make a food plan for the day and stick to it no matter what.

    And one from Mary (fancy): her story of losing most of her excess weight over many months and then starting a heavy lift program that did such an amazing job toning.

    Thank u for the real life inspiration ladies!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Mary - my dog is a black lab, they like water.. he is also an outside dog so he has a pretty good winter coat yet. The water is probably really cold, he doesn't spend to much time in there yet. Just in, wade around and have a drink and then out. Run to me and shake - silly dog - thinks I need a shower!!

    Peach/Carol - Yes I most certainly will post pics. So I best learn how to do that!!

    Today - I hope to get my steps in this morning. This afternoon I ride the Big Bike and then I told DMIL that I would take her and her friend grocery shopping and then we would go to the Greenhouse. Then it is off to TOPS this evening.

    I better get my list ready for the greenhouse.... :)

    Take care everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member

    This is my little Granddaughter in her flower girl dress.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Wow ... I didn't realize uploading pictures was so easy!!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Got back from the cruise late Saturday afternoon. We had a marvelous time! Visiting with my friend was just like we had been together the day before and it had been at least 10 years since we had seen each other. It was like a weeklong slumber party, sitting up late at night talking and laughing. The weather was wonderful. We went down to Charleston a day early to let her see the city. We took a horse drawn carriage tour and walked through the market place. My friend got to experience some fried green tomatoes and a spinach dip with pimento cheese. The day we got off the ship, we drove through Folly Beach and Sullivan’s Island. We had a delightful lunch at Poe’s, with some connection to Edgar Allen. We even had time to stop off at the Hammock shops at Pauley’s Island for a little shopping. One store was called Affordable Clothing, but we weren’t sure “who” could afford it? For sure it wasn’t us!
    I have read through many posts but with over 300 that I had missed, there is no way to read them all. I feel like I have missed so much that has been going on with you. I told my friend many stories about you all, like you were my friends right here in the neighborhood. That is how I feel about you ladies. My guest doesn’t leave until Wednesday night so I won’t be able to spend the time to catch up until then. Just know I’m thinking of you and hope your lives are going the way you want.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Congrats on all the victories. I can’t say I’ve had any as eating has not been so good. I did do lots of walking on the cruise but not so good at exercising at home with my guest here.

    I wish you all a happy and healthy day. I've really missed you.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC