Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Hufflepuff



  • knikkiola
    knikkiola Posts: 47 Member
    Last week: 200
    This week: 199!

    Yaaay I haven't been in onederland for 3 years!!!
  • jpeebs88
    jpeebs88 Posts: 81
    CW: 230.4 :)
    -2.4 lbs since last week
  • stayed the same this week :(
  • eeyorelvr09
    eeyorelvr09 Posts: 97 Member
    Last week: 200
    This week: 199!

    Yaaay I haven't been in onederland for 3 years!!!

  • DEgal99
    DEgal99 Posts: 100 Member
    CW: 174.6

    Down 1.4lbs! Woo!
  • eeyorelvr09
    eeyorelvr09 Posts: 97 Member
    Ok so after 3 weeks of struggling on weekends and late night snaking (after 8 p) I have finally lost weight again. I didn't eat after 8 and I rankat least 8 glasses of water. Trying things at my own pace. I only got 5 miles in challenge wise, but exercised for 6 days. Don't mind if I give myself a pat on the back :)

    So without further interruption, here is my weigh in...

    Last week 215
    This week : 212
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Gym did not have a scale and it wouldn't have mattered. I was at work for 6 am and only got back to the hotel most nights after 9pm....and I wasn't in the mood for a quick run at that point. Eating was horrible, water intake worse. No excuses!!! I'm just glad it isn't as bad as it could have been. I'm back on track as of today (my first day home):

    SW: 228.2
    LW: 226.0
    CW: 229.1
    To goal ~14lbs

    Week 3 loss = +3.1
  • LW: 164

    CW: 162.2

    Yay I'm losing again!!! :)
  • darthwein
    darthwein Posts: 37 Member
    LW 238
    This week 236

    Nice work house!
  • vitacat
    vitacat Posts: 81 Member
    Hi everyone

    Last week 183.4
    This week 181.1

    That's 2.3 lbs lost!
  • ashade44
    ashade44 Posts: 27
    I'm stuck... LW: 198.4, CW: 198.4
    How after a whole week does it not budge?? Oh well, at least its not a gain!
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    well done everyone!

    LW: 219
    CW: 216.8 (-2.2lbs) :happy:

    we've lost exactly 19 pounds so far :drinker:
  • lipe44
    lipe44 Posts: 23 Member
    still 148...sorry guys, stupid period.....
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    Hello everyone, looks like we have some great loss this week again.... what do you think, can we take it 3 weeks in a row???

    Well for me I am no help to the house again... I am down to 146.0... at least it is down from last week (146.6) :noway: I just can not get into the 145's... But I must say at least it is not a gain like I did the first week. :bigsmile:

    As for this weeks challenge I did great. I started Chalean so I did weights 3 times this week. I think that is another reason I did not loose (that and the snickers I had twice this week for breakfast :blushing: ) I like the weights but I think I need to add the 30ds in with it so I keep my cardio...

    And the food challenge I started the week making fruity pebbles (hehe very colorful)... I also made some chicken fajitas with onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, jalapeno, lettuce, (all fresh out of the garden) and corn tortillas. Then we also made jalapeno bacon cheese burgers with fresh corn on the cob and sliced cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Check in for today... 134.8 lbs!!!! Officially at pre-kids weight!!

    I've got about 3 more weeks of TurboFire left and then I'll be starting P90X.
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Logging in as a maintain for the week.

    Last weigh-in : 165
    Today's weigh in : 165
  • MEMoggridge
    MEMoggridge Posts: 151 Member
    187.8lb this week that's a 0.8 lb gain due to TOM!!!:sad: :mad:
    Really sorry guys!!! Feel bad I've let u down this week!!! Hope will be better next week!!!
  • MEMoggridge
    MEMoggridge Posts: 151 Member
    Hey everyone. Ok, so people who are my friends will already know this so... short version... my fricking scales were faulty hen I bought them and were weighing 20lbs light!! Yep, 20bs! Thankfully they were weighing accurately (poundage lost) so that is ok. It does however mean that I'm 20lbs back from where I thought I was!

    JD can you adjust my start weight and weigh ins?

    My weight today (I'm weighing in today because I'm away at the weekend) is 222 so that's another 4lb loss for me this week. :)

    My new goal weight for the challenge is 212 by the way.

    I'm really sorry about the f**k up but I just didn't know they were faulty. :( Am gutted but going to carry on regardless and not let it set me back too much.

    Happy Friday and love to all xx
    That's amazing!!! I've just had the same happen to me as I have just bought some body composition scales which should be more accurate than my old scales and have found that they are weighing 9 lbs heavier than my old scales!!! ( why can't they be weighing lighter ever??) I wasn't sure what to do but could you adjust mine too so that they are all exactly 9 lbs more??
    So sorry to be a pain!!! Thanks
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    Food Challenge:
    Seems like some of us have some trouble controlling our cravings so hopefully this challenge will help. Pick one or two foods you know is unhealthy that you tend to binge on (if you have one) and when you feel a craving for that food, take a small serving, put it in a baggie or a bowl and then put the rest away, go in another room and eat it slowly. Really savor the taste and texture of each bite. Hopefully you will find it is more satisfying that way! :)

    Exercise challenge:
    Try some type of exercise you either have never done before, or at least havent done in a long time. Can be anything at all..if its been years since you rode a bike, take a bike ride, or try jumping rope, or horseback riding or a new exercise video or go for a hike in a new location...anything that is a little bit different from what you normall do. Sometimes shaking things up makes your metabolism speed up and makes it more interesting for you! Maybe you will find a type of exercise you really enjoy! :)

    new challenges from this week from Uno!

    MEMo - fixed for you :smile: also, you havent let us down! just by being here and putting the effort in is enough.

    i really think we can make it for the 3rd week running! how did we do for challenges this week? if i remember right, it was getting atleast 4 colours in our meals as often as we could during the week, and doing some strength training. a points system was suggested by one of our members who has a friend (sister maybe? sorry cant remember!) in Ravenclaw, and they are using points aswell as encouragement to keep up with the challenges.

    would that be something you all would be interested in doing? it would work in a way such as, for each day you incorporate the challenge, you receive a point, and there would be a possible 7 points you could get. how about it?
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    As for the challanges, I got in five 25-30 minute weight training sessions, and two ninety minute vinyasa flow classes that incorporate a lot of strength training.

    Not sure exactly sure how many meals had at least four colors, but definatly one a day anyhow. A lot of my eating is "grazing", or snacking every couple hours. So breaking things into nice clean meals isn't always possible.
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