

  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Mmmmm.... cookie dough. I made sour cream cookies not long ago and the raw dough was so much better than the baked cookies. I do love cookies though, especially soft and slightly gooey ones. Harder ones... not so much... but I'LL STILL EAT THEM!

    It's amazing how many people can totally screw up a simple batch of cookies by over-baking them. Umm hello... If they are hard before you even pull them from the oven, do you think they are gonna soften afterwards?!?! Uugh I hate a hard 'fresh baked' cookie. lol

    Great trick for too hard cookies, put them in an airtight container with a slice of fresh white bread. They will soften right up! The cookies will draw the moisture out of the bread and the bread will become hard and cookies will get soft. My grandmother taught me this little trick. If you want them softer after the bread gets hard, replace with a new slice.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    sometimes I'll binge eat like crazy - I'm talking 4 slices of pizza or half a cheesecake - and I won't log it because it's so shameful. I just kind of... pretend it didn't happen.

    When I binge ate, I didn't either. I know I am waaay over so no need to log it. I just brace for the scale reading a few days later.

    Exactly. I already know I'm WAY over for that day. Just have to try again the next day!
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Mmmmm.... cookie dough. I made sour cream cookies not long ago and the raw dough was so much better than the baked cookies. I do love cookies though, especially soft and slightly gooey ones. Harder ones... not so much... but I'LL STILL EAT THEM!

    It's amazing how many people can totally screw up a simple batch of cookies by over-baking them. Umm hello... If they are hard before you even pull them from the oven, do you think they are gonna soften afterwards?!?! Uugh I hate a hard 'fresh baked' cookie. lol

    Great trick for too hard cookies, put them in an airtight container with a slice of fresh white bread. They will soften right up! The cookies will draw the moisture out of the bread and the bread will become hard and cookies will get soft. My grandmother taught me this little trick. If you want them softer after the bread gets hard, replace with a new slice.

    That's awesome!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    I spilled some coffee on my pants earlier this morning and was too lazy to try to clean them here and didn't want to deal with a wet spot on my leg since the weather is cold and rainy so I changed into my workout clothes instead. Been wearing them since noon. Good thing I'm alone in the office today! Quite comfy, though.

    Also, I still keep up with my arm and shoulder exercises every evening, but I'm still slacking on the planks. I do a few when I'm reading the news paper or a magazine, but I'm not tracking the time like I used to. I need to get back to doing that.
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    I am going on a bike ride after my scheduled Fitness Blender workout to have a bigger deficit so I don't feel bad about eating McNuggets for dinner (I am fitting them into my day).
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    I am still back on page 642. I have had entirely too much work the past couple of days to get caught up. I am off work tomorrow and have a ton going on, then we are off to a family reunion long weekend at my families ranch and I will not have phone or internet service on the ranch so unless I drive to town while there I may lose my login stretch, this pains me! I might just have to go for a drive everyday. I am not sure how I will ever catch up with this thread with that much time away though. I have to read each and every post so I won't miss anything! I am addicted to this thread! I may need to seek professional help for this :o
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Mmmmm.... cookie dough. I made sour cream cookies not long ago and the raw dough was so much better than the baked cookies. I do love cookies though, especially soft and slightly gooey ones. Harder ones... not so much... but I'LL STILL EAT THEM!

    It's amazing how many people can totally screw up a simple batch of cookies by over-baking them. Umm hello... If they are hard before you even pull them from the oven, do you think they are gonna soften afterwards?!?! Uugh I hate a hard 'fresh baked' cookie. lol

    Great trick for too hard cookies, put them in an airtight container with a slice of fresh white bread. They will soften right up! The cookies will draw the moisture out of the bread and the bread will become hard and cookies will get soft. My grandmother taught me this little trick. If you want them softer after the bread gets hard, replace with a new slice.

    Very neat and it makes sense, too. Unless they are cooked too long. Can't get rid of that burned-overcooked taste. >_<
  • margfish
    margfish Posts: 41 Member
    I'm the same way with alcohol as I am with food - I just don't know when to say stop. So after a few embarrassing episodes last year I've just tried to not even have any. It saves me money and calories (not just on drinks, but on the inevitable binge that will follow) and I don't miss it. I'm fine with my diet coke when everyone else has a beer! I know it's not that easy for everyone, though.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I used Wal Mart's site to store for the first time this past Christmas and waited for twenty minutes to pick up someone's present, but apparently, the people ahead of me had to wait for at least an hour because there was nobody working in that department for a while.

    Walmart site 2 store is a joke. I did a pickup a month or so ago and had a huge wait. Like 20 minutes with only 2 people in front of me. And of those 2 people, they couldn't find one's order and the lady said she had JUST got the email note to come pick it up. Ooooh talk about MAD! I know I would have shown my azz for sure.

    I hate site to store! I got an awesome deal on a 65in refurbished tv. When I went to pick it up, one end of the box was kinda crinkled, so I had them open it there. Completely destroyed! Their response was basically, that sucks, want your money back? No I want my awesome tv deal! Spent almost two hours in the store fighting with managers and their customer service line. Finally got them to offer me 20% off a new tv, then i convinced the manager to sell me a floor model which got me another 20% off. New tv, 40% off, only cost me an extra $35 over the original deal. It's one of my prouder moments. Lol
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited May 2015
    I spent the whole day watching netflix and I just went over my calories with ice cream. So I'm still 400 over maintenance so far for the week, and Sunday is that cookout... and all I want to do is go to bed.

    I hate being sick.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I used Wal Mart's site to store for the first time this past Christmas and waited for twenty minutes to pick up someone's present, but apparently, the people ahead of me had to wait for at least an hour because there was nobody working in that department for a while.

    Walmart site 2 store is a joke. I did a pickup a month or so ago and had a huge wait. Like 20 minutes with only 2 people in front of me. And of those 2 people, they couldn't find one's order and the lady said she had JUST got the email note to come pick it up. Ooooh talk about MAD! I know I would have shown my azz for sure.

    I hate site to store! I got an awesome deal on a 65in refurbished tv. When I went to pick it up, one end of the box was kinda crinkled, so I had them open it there. Completely destroyed! Their response was basically, that sucks, want your money back? No I want my awesome tv deal! Spent almost two hours in the store fighting with managers and their customer service line. Finally got them to offer me 20% off a new tv, then i convinced the manager to sell me a floor model which got me another 20% off. New tv, 40% off, only cost me an extra $35 over the original deal. It's one of my prouder moments. Lol

    Good for you for getting what you wanted! Lots of people would just get discouraged and give up, which is what they store is counting on. Glad you held them accountable for providing you the product you wanted.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: i drink way too much. way, way too much. it's caused me a lot of issues over the past couple of years (i've wrecked my car, twice; cheated on my boyfriend, which destroyed the relationship), which you would think would slow down my consumption, but instead i'm just drinking more "carefully." for most people these would be the "life changing events" where they have a massive realization that they need to turn their lives around, then everything is a montage of hard work, making amends and going on oprah.

    but i don't have that. and i'm not really sure why. i think some of it might be attributed to the prozac and welbutrin i take. i just mostly feel dead inside.

    Okay, so many of us confessed to this a while ago as well, so no judgment (I have been on and off on this these last few months due to some personal realizations about my drinking as well, and have mostly quit but still not totally much to my disgust) but if you are combining that with Prozac and Welbutrin you are seriously putting your life at risk. Seek help. No matter how bad things are its not worth your life.

    My therapist that originally prescribed them refused to treat me any longer when she found out I was drinking. what still kills me about that is, at my next session after she told me to quit drinking, i had seriously cut back, which for me is actual progress, and I was happy to report that I was getting there and doing better. And she was like nope, I said stop and you didn't, don't come back. It was kinda messed up really....
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I need to say something that will lighten the heavy feeling I have today. The weather is NOT helping either.

    In just over 6 weeks, my husband and I will be jetting down to Florida for a VERY belated honeymoon. I could NOT be more excited if I tried. I am also extremely nervous and anxious about the whole thing. I really don't know what to expect and that's very thrilling and nerve wracking at the same time. I'm excited to wear my new swimsuit and sun hat I just bought this weekend. It's very chic. I just need to get some cute maxi dresses and a cute swimsuit cover up to wear on the beach. I could also use some helpful tips about traveling by plane.

    Excited for you! How long is the flight? Have you never flown before?

    In total, I think the flight is about 6 hours or so. We'll have a 2+ hour layover in Dallas so hopefully we'll have time to do some airport shopping. Is that a thing?! I have no idea. Anyway, I've only flown once when I was five...that was over 30 years ago so I don't really remember it too much. I just remember little packages of peanuts. :smiley:

    1. I was born in Dallas, yay!
    2. Yes airport shopping is a thing- at least I make it one! I'm also a people watcher- I could people watch in an airport all day I love it!
    3. Only once?! I LOVE flying! Growing up I wanted to be a detective or a flight attendant :)

    One time a friend and I had a 5 hour layover at LAX, we found a place to sit in the most high traffic area and picked out people walking by and made up stories about them, we had so much fun! Made the 5 hours go by really fast.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    margfish wrote: »
    I'm the same way with alcohol as I am with food - I just don't know when to say stop. So after a few embarrassing episodes last year I've just tried to not even have any. It saves me money and calories (not just on drinks, but on the inevitable binge that will follow) and I don't miss it. I'm fine with my diet coke when everyone else has a beer! I know it's not that easy for everyone, though.

    Yeah, I lose the ability to say no, to anything, once I get going... bad choices usually ensue.
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: i drink way too much. way, way too much. it's caused me a lot of issues over the past couple of years (i've wrecked my car, twice; cheated on my boyfriend, which destroyed the relationship), which you would think would slow down my consumption, but instead i'm just drinking more "carefully." for most people these would be the "life changing events" where they have a massive realization that they need to turn their lives around, then everything is a montage of hard work, making amends and going on oprah.

    but i don't have that. and i'm not really sure why. i think some of it might be attributed to the prozac and welbutrin i take. i just mostly feel dead inside.

    Everyone is different, but at some point you gotta decide what your "bottom" is. I kept thinking I hit my bottom, but it was more like I was slowly falling down a granite staircase...each bottom was a little lower than the previous one, lol.

    I've been pretty open around here about quitting drinking 3 1/2 years ago. Like pancake's dad, I just quit. No AA, no amends, no cutting ties with my friends. I just said "enough."

    After a 25 year drinking career, sobriety is a pretty good high, actually!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    margfish wrote: »
    I'm the same way with alcohol as I am with food - I just don't know when to say stop. So after a few embarrassing episodes last year I've just tried to not even have any. It saves me money and calories (not just on drinks, but on the inevitable binge that will follow) and I don't miss it. I'm fine with my diet coke when everyone else has a beer! I know it's not that easy for everyone, though.

    Yay for you, I do this too! So nice to know I'm not alone!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I used Wal Mart's site to store for the first time this past Christmas and waited for twenty minutes to pick up someone's present, but apparently, the people ahead of me had to wait for at least an hour because there was nobody working in that department for a while.

    Walmart site 2 store is a joke. I did a pickup a month or so ago and had a huge wait. Like 20 minutes with only 2 people in front of me. And of those 2 people, they couldn't find one's order and the lady said she had JUST got the email note to come pick it up. Ooooh talk about MAD! I know I would have shown my azz for sure.

    I hate site to store! I got an awesome deal on a 65in refurbished tv. When I went to pick it up, one end of the box was kinda crinkled, so I had them open it there. Completely destroyed! Their response was basically, that sucks, want your money back? No I want my awesome tv deal! Spent almost two hours in the store fighting with managers and their customer service line. Finally got them to offer me 20% off a new tv, then i convinced the manager to sell me a floor model which got me another 20% off. New tv, 40% off, only cost me an extra $35 over the original deal. It's one of my prouder moments. Lol

    I've had good experiences site to store. Maybe my store is better?
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I need to say something that will lighten the heavy feeling I have today. The weather is NOT helping either.

    In just over 6 weeks, my husband and I will be jetting down to Florida for a VERY belated honeymoon. I could NOT be more excited if I tried. I am also extremely nervous and anxious about the whole thing. I really don't know what to expect and that's very thrilling and nerve wracking at the same time. I'm excited to wear my new swimsuit and sun hat I just bought this weekend. It's very chic. I just need to get some cute maxi dresses and a cute swimsuit cover up to wear on the beach. I could also use some helpful tips about traveling by plane.

    Excited for you! How long is the flight? Have you never flown before?

    In total, I think the flight is about 6 hours or so. We'll have a 2+ hour layover in Dallas so hopefully we'll have time to do some airport shopping. Is that a thing?! I have no idea. Anyway, I've only flown once when I was five...that was over 30 years ago so I don't really remember it too much. I just remember little packages of peanuts. :smiley:

    1. I was born in Dallas, yay!
    2. Yes airport shopping is a thing- at least I make it one! I'm also a people watcher- I could people watch in an airport all day I love it!
    3. Only once?! I LOVE flying! Growing up I wanted to be a detective or a flight attendant :)

    One time a friend and I had a 5 hour layover at LAX, we found a place to sit in the most high traffic area and picked out people walking by and made up stories about them, we had so much fun! Made the 5 hours go by really fast.

    Haha I love doing this!
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I used Wal Mart's site to store for the first time this past Christmas and waited for twenty minutes to pick up someone's present, but apparently, the people ahead of me had to wait for at least an hour because there was nobody working in that department for a while.

    Walmart site 2 store is a joke. I did a pickup a month or so ago and had a huge wait. Like 20 minutes with only 2 people in front of me. And of those 2 people, they couldn't find one's order and the lady said she had JUST got the email note to come pick it up. Ooooh talk about MAD! I know I would have shown my azz for sure.
    I hate site to store! I got an awesome deal on a 65in refurbished tv. When I went to pick it up, one end of the box was kinda crinkled, so I had them open it there. Completely destroyed! Their response was basically, that sucks, want your money back? No I want my awesome tv deal! Spent almost two hours in the store fighting with managers and their customer service line. Finally got them to offer me 20% off a new tv, then i convinced the manager to sell me a floor model which got me another 20% off. New tv, 40% off, only cost me an extra $35 over the original deal. It's one of my prouder moments. Lol
    Dang, I really did get lucky with my pick up.

    My sister used to order pictures from Wal Mart. The pick ups were fine the first few times, but the wait just kept getting longer and longer until she had to wait for over an hour to hear that the person working in that department had gone home for the day. It just makes me glad that there's a good HEB a few minutes away from there.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    margfish wrote: »
    I'm the same way with alcohol as I am with food - I just don't know when to say stop. So after a few embarrassing episodes last year I've just tried to not even have any. It saves me money and calories (not just on drinks, but on the inevitable binge that will follow) and I don't miss it. I'm fine with my diet coke when everyone else has a beer! I know it's not that easy for everyone, though.

    Yup. As birthday celebray I drank this past Saturday for the first time in several months. Yes I overdrank. Stayed up too late reminiscing and listening to my go to drunk music. Sang. Cried (<wtf). Hungover. It was terrible and fun both but reminded me to keep off the booze because like food, I do not know moderation.

    KylerJaye wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I used Wal Mart's site to store for the first time this past Christmas and waited for twenty minutes to pick up someone's present, but apparently, the people ahead of me had to wait for at least an hour because there was nobody working in that department for a while.

    Walmart site 2 store is a joke. I did a pickup a month or so ago and had a huge wait. Like 20 minutes with only 2 people in front of me. And of those 2 people, they couldn't find one's order and the lady said she had JUST got the email note to come pick it up. Ooooh talk about MAD! I know I would have shown my azz for sure.

    I hate site to store! I got an awesome deal on a 65in refurbished tv. When I went to pick it up, one end of the box was kinda crinkled, so I had them open it there. Completely destroyed! Their response was basically, that sucks, want your money back? No I want my awesome tv deal! Spent almost two hours in the store fighting with managers and their customer service line. Finally got them to offer me 20% off a new tv, then i convinced the manager to sell me a floor model which got me another 20% off. New tv, 40% off, only cost me an extra $35 over the original deal. It's one of my prouder moments. Lol
