

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    eMka11 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    So, we made it to page 666! Shall we do some spooky or evil confessions?! Or should we not take this thread down that road? I'm headed to the gym so I'll miss it if we do. I'll have to log back on later to see what happens!

    I watched The Exorcist when I was 14 and a freshman in high school at a sleepover and 15 years later I STILL have vivid nightmare. I've never watched it again and I probably never will! I couldn't sleep for months after watching it :(

    I confess to be a great coward when it comes to horror movies - anything with ghosts, aliens and other supernatural evil beings scares me to death! I don't like watching these as I find myself too afraid to get up to use toilet during the night and I have to have all lights on around the house... even then if I go downstairs to the kitchen for anything and my husband is upstairs, I run back upstairs as quick as I can looking over my shoulder.
    At the same time I can watch serial killers, murderers,etc without any issues at all

    Not a fan. Watched Nightmare on Elm Street at a slumber party in a basement when I was 13. There was a fireplace down there and the wind whistled down the chimney all night. I don't think I slept!
  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    edited May 2015
    When I was 12 or 13 my best school friend told me you can summon devil by looking in the mirror and calling his name 3 times, then she started to call... I was in tears begging her to stop after she said it for the second time. I was petrified!
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I honestly don't get scared by most entertainment media but I am terrified of things that can actually happen, like someone breaking into the house.

    The lights went out a year or so ago and I just couldn't move.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    I only worked a half day yesterday, so never managed to login from my work computer. I skimmed and mostly caught up.

    Confession: We hosted the "wrap party" for the weight loss competition they had at my better half's office last night (he ended up in fourth with a 9.1% loss in 12 weeks - jerk). I ate way more food than necessary.

    Anti-confession: I'm only up 1.6lb today AND Tuesday TOM is due so it is TOTALLY all sodium and hormones. I probably actually weigh less than I've weighed in the last few days.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    sst036 wrote: »
    Here's a confession: I make the menu for 2 weeks worth of dinners before we go shopping. I do almost all of the cooking - by choice because he would/does just make whatever is easiest rather than something actually nutritious and I'm trying to lose weight here and raise healthy kids, and also because he doesn't get home in time during the week. - but if I have anything on the menu with meatballs, or any other situation where you have to touch the raw meat; I save those dinners for the weekend and ask him to cook them. I cannot do it. If I'm making chicken and it needs to be dipped in something, you better believe I'm using a fork.

    I get grossed out by such textures - cornflour is absolutely the worst though! Even thinking about it while typing this out is making me dry retch. I found that using disposable gloves helped with raw meat/egg when I would cook for my family but I have been known to use chopsticks (lemon chicken) and a sieve. Sadly, I miss cooking for more than myself now that I live alone. I think I'd eat a lot better and with far more variety if I had a partner I could cook for.

    Confession: I hate everything about peanut butter. Smell, texture, taste, sight - it's gross and if I could hate it by sound, I am sure I would. I accidentally picked up two boxes of peanut butter protein bars and didn't realise for two days so I can't go return it and no one will take them from me (can't throw it out because that would be wasteful). I am super bitter and glare at it in the pantry every time I take the fudge flavoured ones out. *kitten*.

    The grass is always greener :). I sometimes feel like I could be more adventurous if I lived alone. My kids go through picky stages, and never at the same time, so there is always someone who won't eat the new dish I made. I'm an eat it or starve mom (for older kids, not babies don't worry), but I don't push my luck too often with new dishes.

    Take them to the food bank!

  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    I honestly don't get scared by most entertainment media but I am terrified of things that can actually happen, like someone breaking into the house.

    The lights went out a year or so ago and I just couldn't move.

    Me too. I was going to give an example, but my example was way too awful for normal consumption. Let's just say that news stories about child abuse and sexual assault are huge triggers for me. I can't watch/read them anymore.
  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    How do you guys reconcile cheat days? I'm pretty much being encouraged on all sides to calm down for a least a day or a weekend with the logging and strict eating and have a cheat meal or two. But having my cals in the red is something I don't particularly enjoy seeing and have only done it once since starting (It was last weekend and I was running a half marathon the next day which is usually a guaranteed 950-1100 kcals burned). But I can't get past myself.

    Do you just log it and move on? Or do you not log it and move on? I haven't had any of my favorites in a long time because of this anxiety. :frowning:

    I try to keep a weekly deficit. But honestly I didn't have many cheat meals while I was actively losing, because it was counter productive. Typically I try to fit what I like in my calories (and again, look at the weekly deficit, not daily).

    I log everything though, even if it's just quick calories.

    I'd say don't stress over it, not healthy, doesn't change anything. I've seen some people say eat to your maintenance level for a day or week (or your goal maintenance). Maybe that would lower your stress. (Edited because sleepy-fingers here posted before I was done typing.) :smiley:

    Ah, see, I am at maintenance. I don't have any more weight to lose. I actually, probably, need to gain weight. But fear and anxiety, those two jerks, are pretty loud. :confused:

    Thanks, though! I'm going to try it out, probably this weekend.
  • dearmrsowl
    dearmrsowl Posts: 151 Member
    Confession: Thanks to the first pride parade of the year most of my calorie intake came from champagne today.
  • Jaxxie1181
    Jaxxie1181 Posts: 138 Member
    I confess that I'm about to go to Starbucks. I have the extra calories, and I'm not sorry LOL
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    I have attempted MFP several times some have lasted as long as a month other times as little as a day. I hope this time I stick to it until I reach my weight loss goal.

    Like most new skills, such as learning Spanish, learning to play the guitar, or learning how to swing a golf club....practice makes perfect. Just stick with it, eventually you'll get the hang of it & pretty soon you'll be impressing yourself!

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    My confession is I wish the gym wouldn't allow kids in the pool. There are so many pools around that people could go to, I just don't understand why private gyms have to allow it too. If there was even one around that didn't it would be a serious factor for me. Today there were lessons in the pool and it was down to 2 lanes. I nearly put my swim off completely when I saw all the kids in the changing rooms, and cut it down from my planned 30 to 20 minutes because it was so loud. I went into the steam room and it was still really loud. Please tell me I'm not the only person who hates this!

    I feel this way too, but I swim in a public swimming pool so I can't complain. I confess I have crashed into a child twice swimming, the first time was unintentional and the second time was intended. They were playing chicken in the designated swimming lanes. The first time I just didn't see him as you are looking down doing front crawl and the second time the same kid clearly didn't learn from the first experience so I just ploughed straight through. When the kid complained to the lifeguard the lifeguard just said, "you know you shouldn't be in there"
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    fr3smyl wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Sorry for anyone I've worried with my absence the last few days.~AOJ

    I’m glad that you are moving on to (hopefully) better things. :) Have a good weekend!

    Dnarules wrote: »
    I just ran my fitbit through the wash. It was facing inward in my front pocket. It appears to be working. It is also showing that I have been pretty active the last hour :) (not).

    Thanks for the laugh!

    Francl27 wrote: »
    I don't think I'd last long as a cashier because I would not be able to hide my irritation if I was at the express line, lol! Let's just say I'm apparently not too good with people, from my experience working with customers in bakeries (but seriously, a lot of them were *kitten**oles). But at least I have stories, right?

    I hated being a cashier. I know I’m not the right person for it. I once got angry with a customer because he dumped out a huge pile of coins on my register and expected me to count it out and give him bills in exchange (I worked at a hardware store...). I told him that he wasn’t at a bank and I refused to do it. Of course management sent him over to customer service for them to take care of it. Ugh…I just get irritated with people who think they are entitled to anything they want.
    Thankfully the head cashier that day was a friend so I didn't get into much trouble.

    When I was I cashier in my younger days (20 years ago) in Maryland. A customer cussed me out for not knowing spanish. They complained to my supervisor saying i looked like I should know spanish (I took French in school).

    Another customer complained to the manager that I was being racist because his check was not clearing (bad check). He said I was hitting a SECRET button to chase his check to be rejected.

    The manager refused to file the complaint on the basis that the gentleman and I were of the same race. But no. I did not hit any secret buttons.

    I was accused of being racist too... We had a line up to the door, someone wanted information on birthday cakes, so I gave her the book with pictures and told her to have a look while I was finishing up with the other customers and that I'd be with her in a few minutes. She complained to my boss and said I was racist. I would have done the same thing with anyone! I'm still pissed off when I think about it. Ugh customer relationships is NOT my thing.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    Confession: Thanks to the first pride parade of the year most of my calorie intake came from champagne today.

    Full of bubbles, no calories! :smiley:
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    Here's a confession: I make the menu for 2 weeks worth of dinners before we go shopping. I do almost all of the cooking - by choice because he would/does just make whatever is easiest rather than something actually nutritious and I'm trying to lose weight here and raise healthy kids, and also because he doesn't get home in time during the week. - but if I have anything on the menu with meatballs, or any other situation where you have to touch the raw meat; I save those dinners for the weekend and ask him to cook them. I cannot do it. If I'm making chicken and it needs to be dipped in something, you better believe I'm using a fork.

    Would it be easier if you bought yourself some non latex gloves, like the food prep people wear? Then you wouldn't actually feel the meat in your hands. I have a stepson that is like that too, but he is getting better about it.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited May 2015
    LH85DC wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am really upset this morning because my degu is dying, I am sure of it now.....he has almost completely stopped eating and now his fur is falling out.....I was up at 4am hand feeding him corn flakes but have to leave for work now and am terrified he is going to die by himself in his cage while I am not home....I can't stop crying......its gonna be a long day, or few days, every time I have to leave the house.....

    That's just heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. Losing a pet, no matter how or when, is always so hard.

    I have an indoor/outdoor (mostly outdoor) cat that I haven't seen in almost 2 weeks. We live in kind of a wooded area so I think an animal got him. I was thinking something happened last week when I didn't see him, but now that almost a whole week has passed and I still haven't seen him, I'm pretty sure he's gone for good. He was my boy and I'm sad I'll probably never get to hold him again. :'(:'(:'(

    So far my little guy is hanging on, but still not really eating anything but hand fed corn flakes.....

    Sorry about your kitty!! That is so hard!

    Glad your little guy is hanging in there. Maybe he just needs to serious TLC that only hand fed corn flakes can provide.

    I was really struggling with Owen being gone yesterday. Every time I'd think about him, I'd bread down in tears. I hope he makes his way back home. That's him in my profile picture.

    Aww... I am so sorry about your cat. That is why all my cats are 100% indoor, I am so paranoid. I am currently courting a feral all black cat on my porch that I have been feeding for about a year now...trying to get him inside eventually. Not that I need 4.

    And speaking of 4... I have a fifth cat that I started feeding on my porch every day too... black and white. Totally friendly. I finally took him to the vet on Monday and he is microchipped! So we are tracking his owners, which I am sure they dumped him, so far we traced him to a shelter in TN, then he was adopted and taken to DE, then surrendered to a shelter near my home, so now we are trying to find out if the shelter readopted him out or if he somehow got free.

    I had to let him loose again (wasn't spending hundreds on a cat that I had to hand over to someone else) and I can't have him in my home until he is tested for feline AIDS And leukemia. So still feeding him on the porch. I am worried something will happen before the vet agrees I can keep him and will treat him. So I may soon have 4 in house, and one on the porch. Then eventually maybe I'll get Porch Kitty into my condo. Then it will be 5. I basically have a Kitty Condo. I swore I would never have more than 3. I am becoming a crazy cat lady.

    This sounds like my family! We have five cats...four were previously strays that we fed off of our porch. They warm up to us over time, we take them in and quarantine them in our basement away from our other cats until they get to the vet to be tested and checked for microchips. It always seems to work out...all the cats end up getting along great, and adjust to indoor-only life just fine!

    yep, I had set up the spare bedroom for him on Monday, but didn't bring him in when I didn't get him tested after we found the microchip. The vet thought it was too risky. I may now though, he keeps begging me to come in (standing at my sliding glass door and crying, running out to meet me when I get home, etc.)

    I would not be able to resist this....I would have ten thousand cats if they each did this, lol.

    Yep hence the about to be 4.

    So update on black and white kitty. Vet confirmed the trail is dead so I can bring him in and claim him. I have a 4 pm appt today. His last known owner surrendered him because they moved to Israel so I am hoping the spraying is not an issue. So unless he has a contagious disease he is about to be cat #4. I am going to decide on a name today. I am feeling guilty about my other 3 cats. I think they already think they don't get enough attention. Oh well. I'll just have to make sure I give each of them some time each day. The 3 I have figured it out and we settled into a routine. Hopefully this will work out.

    That makes me happy. Is he a tuxedo kitty? That's what my Owen is and he was so handsome. Is handsome. Do you have name-names for your kitties or cat names for them? What I mean is, I don't give my pets animal names, I give them people names. Our dogs are Lucy and Otis, the guinea pigs were Ozzy and Jackson (my daughter was a HUGE Hannah Montana fan at the time), there's Owen, and I had a rabbit named Jessica. I think people names are more endearing for pets than animal names, IMHO.

    I always find it so interesting what people name their pets! I've had pets with people names (i.e. my first dog was Sam), but my current pets have 'animal' names - my husky in the photo is Jazz, and my cats are Tadpole and Purranha (long story- started with a cat named Catfish because my dad waded into our creek to 'fish' her out!).

    My mom almost always names her pets animal names, with two exceptions: she had a husky named Nikki when she was in high school/college, and a cat named Delilah for a while (yes, we then had Sam(pson) and Delilah in the same house!)

    I have been through many a pet. My first hamster was Brian after Monty Python's Life of Brian, second Hammy was called Mr.Susan from The Mighty Boosh (Americans may not know this program) then Reggie as in Reggie Bush from the (then) NO Saints and the last one was Sherlock :D

    Edit: when I get my own place I would like a Dachshund named Colin (Black Adder if anyone gets the joke)
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I don't want to accidentally skip over anyone's pet pic, so I thought I'd do a broad post saying thanks for all the wonderful pictures! And for all the stories on pet names.

    I need to learn how to post images. We have a jack Russell named Scooby, named by our daughter who was 2 at the time. Our golden/border collie mix is Xena. We wanted to change her name, but she was the only dog who would come to her name :), so we kept it. Now I like it.
  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    edited May 2015
    Confession: I am watching Eurovision Song Contest with my girls and enjoy it, it reminds me a lot of my childhood when me and my sister would stay up way past our usual bed time to watch it and to have a glimpse of Europe, being raised in Poland in the 80-ies :-)
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    eMka11 wrote: »
    Confession: I am watching Eurovision Song Contest with my girls and enjoy it, it reminds me a lot of my childhood when me and my sister would stay up way past our usual bed time to watch it and to have a glimpse of Europe, being raised in Poland in the 80-ies :-)

    I JUST found out what that was as my boyfriend and some of his friends are watching it and I had to have him explain to me what that was! I feel so cool I know what you're taking about!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    random tidbits:

    NONOELMO is a very old screen name I used when my daughter was very young. Her first words were No! and Elmo. She often repeated the no as no no! Thus nonoelmo is a historic name.

    My dogs are Sorcha and Bruno. Sorcha is a 10 year old blue standard poodle. Bruno is a pound puppy. Bruno was in the pound for four months - owner surrendered. He looks like a giant pug. He has a big body, short legs, a broken short (but not cropped, it is just short) tail. He has 1/4 inch underbite. He sounds a mess and he is the cutest and freaking sweetest squishy dog ever!! He is six. I think he is some combination of pit, boxer, something short legged. The pound described him as a lab mix (good as my insurance would charge for a pit) but I have no idea what he really is. He is colored similar to a buckskin horse - I don't know what that color would be in dog language. Both dogs are awesome and very people friendly. Bruno has such a fan club, though, because he is soooo squishy when you hug his 64 pound frame. Sorcha is a lean 49 pounds of poodle energy. I love standards and think when I'm ready for another dog I'll get a parti-poodle from a breeder.

    I decided to do something off my bucket list. For years I have wanted to backpack through the Steen Mountains in Oregon. That is where the Kiger Mustang population is located and I want to see them in the wild. I am an Oregon native and keep putting off the trip (young kids, busy life, live far away.) Well, I'm going to get my father onboard and plan a trip for next summer. Dad is 70 and in phenomenal shape but I can't put this off too long. SO is excited about it also, and told me I need to get in better shape to keep up with my dad. True. Oddly enough, I've been in better physical fitness shape most of my life than I am now. I fit enough exercise in to keep very healthy but I'm not in shape for hiking in the mountains with a pack on so yes, I need to train for that! My SO is ridiculously fit (marathons and century bike rides) and competitive but my dad made him work to keep up hiking last summer.

    This sounds amazing
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    Confession: Thanks to the first pride parade of the year most of my calorie intake came from champagne today.

    Columbus is nicknamed the gay Capitol of the Midwest and the pride parade is HUGE here, I love it!' It's always such a blast- we still have three weeks to go!