

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    I miss one day because of a sick kiddo and I'm 21 pages behind! WTH? She's fine, just an upset belly and one of those; you can't return to daycare for 24 hours...even though she doesn't have any symptoms.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Leomommy76 wrote: »
    I am pretty new to this site. I am trying to lose 15 pounds. I have never been a healthy eater but I am proud to say that for the past 2 weeks I've really stuck to my guns. I only cheated once with half a Cinnabon with my daughter *She's 14 and is a XC runner so she can obviously afford it! I've stuck to only water (vs my reg Coke daily) and I've baked all my dishes instead of frying. I've switched to vegetables (steamed, roasted and sometimes sauteed) and have really been conscience of what I eat. I haven't seen the results I would like to see :( I've also included exercise such as Zumba and fast pace walking. And I also take the stairs every chance I get.. (I work on the 11th floor and I come up the stairs at least 3 times daily). .... Can anyone suggest anything else I can do :( I get on the scale and feel so disappointed. Since I started, I've only lost 2 pounds. Any help please? thank you all!

    Buy a food scale. Weigh and log what you eat. Make sure to fit in treats, or you will freak out and binge. Are you set at 1200 calories? If you are and that is too hard, bump up to 1400 or 1500 (unless you are under 5 feet tall). You will lose slower, but have more chance of success because you will be less likely to freak out and binge.
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Oh look a double post.

    LOL ;)

    I'm beginning to think that MFP is 'targeting' you with such as its own unique way of 'giving a shout out' to your twins... :)

    (...either that, or the site is somehow engaging in a somewhat random form of tennis-like whatnot 'with' various posts (perhaps as a means by which to render posting a 'sport' of some kind...? (if so, the site would seem to be hellbent on helping you 'turn pro'... lol ;p )))
  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I confess that even though I have very little money to spare this week, I'd very much like to go shopping for some new workout clothes because I know they'll make me feel better about my body and my progress thus far. I'm fully aware of how sad it is that I have to rely on material goods to make me feel better about my progress, but I've been struggling a lot lately.

    Wow, you have made amazing progress! Not sure where you are, but the Xersion brand of workout wear at JC Penny is reasonably priced (look at the clearance racks first) and Danskin at Wal-Mart is also good. Definitely get some form fitting workout gear (such as in your picture) that makes you feel great. You deserve it!

    Thank you! I think my main issue (mentally) is that I thought (stupidly) when I got down to my goal weight I would have this amazing body, which I don't. I'm lifting weights and debating either doing a bulk/cut cycle or doing a recomp, but I'm currently very unhappy with how I look. I think your idea of getting form fitting workout gear might help a bit! Thanks for the tips on where to look!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I am taking my little boy in to the vets in an hour to be put down. I know its the right thing to do, the vet agreed, yet I feel terribly guilty and still am wondering if I am making a mistake....

    I know things like this get better with time, but right now it feels like my heart has been ripped out and stomped and I don't know how I will ever recover...

    R.I.P. little rodent boy

  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I have been asked multiple times if I'm pregnant. I respond, "No, I'm just fat."

    I laugh to play down the comment, but really, it hurts my feelings. I'm trying to lose midsection weight, but it's really hard to do once it's there.

    Next time, just look at them, blank faced, and say, "wow, you must be really embarrassed that you just said that out loud."

    I love that response so much! I wish I were that quick-thinking. I find people lose their intimacy filter in general towards pregnant women. If anyone tries touching my belly uninvited, I will touch theirs back and see how they like it. Or perhaps invite them to fondle my husbands testes, since they also played an important part in this pregnancy.

    (I can't even formulate an addendum-like anything to that, because the completely unexpected thought of such having entered my mind is making me laugh too much (as is the imagined 'response', were you to actually say that to someone... OMG... (*please*, 'fate', have this happen at least once (you saying it to someone, not anyone fondling your husband's testes (LOL)), so you can share the funny anecdote here, afterwards... ;) ))
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    This morning I was able to put on a shirt that previously was tight. I was super stoked that it was loose and hung straight down from my chest without clinging to my hips or rear end. Then I became depressed because it seriously occurred to me that I've been trying to look like Sponge Bob square pants and walk like a robot my whole life. My mother told me that only *kitten* showed their hips and my step-father told me that only fat slutty *kitten* wiggled when they walked.

    I don't wear red either. Even though I love red and I look awesome in red. I am pale skinned, with dark hair and green eyes. I look spectacular in red and I can't wear it because only sluts wear red. I am now upset and pissed off because I know even if I were to buy something that clings in red I probably wouldn't be able to wear it out of the house. I'd be afraid everyone was staring at me for the wrong reasons. I feel pathetic. :/

    I'm thinking you should try to get past this with baby steps... a little splash of colour here and there to start, some mildly wiggle-generating mid-height heels... and work your way up.

    My mother held the odd notion that "only widows wear black" but fortunately that didn't get passed on to me and I wear a lot of black. Oh, and when I was a teen somebody told her that only sluts wear big earrings. That was her one and only piece of advice to me upon starting high school. Lol. (I just put them on after I left the house)

    I've never been much for wearing bright colours or fancy patterns since I've always preferred to fade into the background, but I've slowly been adding more vibrant clothes into my wardrobe.

    Yes, that is pretty much what I do. Pretty much all of my clothing is a shade of black or grey with some blue jeans thrown in.

    I was raised the same way. And talk about double messages - this was in a family where I can guarantee that my mother would collapse into hysterics if she thought I might possibly approach a weight over 100 pounds in high school. This stuff is absolutely freaking psychosis-inducing =P

    I can only say that after gradually shedding a lot of the idiocy that had gotten shoved into my poor brain, I finally came around to firmly believing that every woman should own at least one blazing red dress and a good pair of "f*** me" pumps. And then wear 'em for YOURSELF - without regard to anybody else's dumb beliefs or stereotypes.

    Good lord. I'm surprised sometimes that so many of us get through this life to turn out as basically sane, basically decent human beings - we get so much toxic crap thrown at us.

    Amen! And I'm sorry for all the struggles everyone has endured regarding this topic. One correction, though: ONE pair of f*** pumps?! Oh, honey, I have a closet full of them! Worn with my discreet, professional clothes every day I get lots of use out of all of them and they make me feel fabulous!

    ME TOO! I have nearly 300 pairs of shoes (I have mentioned my shopping addiction right) and have a ton of what I call 'hooker shoes'. I wear them to work all the time. Make me feel fabulous! Again...some things you just have to do for yourself!

    Yes indeed. Glad I'm not alone with this! Although I don't have quite that many shoes - I'm impressed.
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    Apologies for the binge posting, but I am now caught up. I tried doing the multi-quote thing once before, so there was only one post from me, but then i lost all the posts i quoted and replied to before i could hit send.

    Gonna ask you all for a little advice. I go to the gym daily and mostly i tend to do cardio (treadmill) stuff, because i really like the high calorie burns my HRM gives me. But i need to do some strength stuff. I don't really know where to start and i'm too shy to ask. I thought I'd buy the NROLFW and see if i could do that. What do you think? What do you guys do?

    I workout solely with kettlebells, so I get strength training and a little cardio at the same time. It's an awesome workout.
  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    I confess that even though I have very little money to spare this week, I'd very much like to go shopping for some new workout clothes because I know they'll make me feel better about my body and my progress thus far. I'm fully aware of how sad it is that I have to rely on material goods to make me feel better about my progress, but I've been struggling a lot lately.

    I don't see it as being sad, or relying on material goods to make you feel better about your progress... new workout clothes, let alone workout clothes that allow us to engage in activity longer, or to otherwise feel more motivated for a given session, are a factor in the progress that various folks make -- and I know that it is for me... every now and then, I find myself suddenly thinking about the fact that I'm so glad that I have the workout clothes that I do, and am so glad that I spent the time and money to buy the ones that I did, because they truly do make a difference in my workouts, and in several respects...

    For me, personally, I cannot imagine going back to any workout clothing that isn't comprised of wicking fabric, or doesn't have any spandex (it just plain fits 'better' (and feels good)), or which doesn't fit in a way that is optimal for how I move my body when engaged in various specific physical activities, or which risks getting caught up in the pedals when cycling, or which has fabric which makes 'sounds' during movement, etc. (it looks like I could write a freakin' book about this! lol ;) )...

    ...and there is one specific workout 'outer layer' item (that I wear over a thin workout 'inner layer' top) that I hesitated buying, because I felt as though it was a splurge, and I had already spent so much money on workout clothing... but I really liked the look and feel of that specific 'zip-up' top... and I ended up getting it... and initially felt a twinge of 'guilt' for having purchased it (because one could argue that I didn't technically 'need' it, given all of the workout clothing that I already had)... but after working out in it the first time, I loved it... and was so glad that I'd bought it... and it's my favorite 'top layer' item to ever wear in a workout... and my overall mood is actually affected by how fantastic that top feels against my skin, and how well it fits, and how well is 'stretches with me'...

    We use motivating factors where we can find them... and imo, workout clothing is but one potential motivating and/or 'difference-making' factor, when it comes to working out, and making progress... and I consider my workout clothing to be a pivotal aspect of my motivational and physical activity 'engagement' 'arsenal'... and I feel no qualms in admitting that for me, the feel and look of the 'right' workout clothing can be a downright 'pick-me-up' (no pun intended with your username ;) ), and I appreciate the difference that my workout clothing makes (for me, in my journey)...

    ...please don't feel bad about this... or feel that it's 'wrong' -- because it isn't... workout clothing can and does make a difference, and in any of several possible ways (and none of them are bad (and that includes any potential acquisition of such for motivational and/or 'reward' -type purposes))... it's all good! :)

    Thank you! Hopefully I can remember all of this when I try to justify a purchase for myself this weekend. The pants that I lift weights in currently tend to fall down when I lift weights, which is usually not a good thing!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Confession, I have undone my trouser button at work because they are too tight. Subtly undone, but I'm not sure how I will do them back up when I stand up, without someone seeing. :confused:

    I have done this. On multiple occasions.

    I always check the zipper on my jeans or pants- its second nature to me as I'm terrified of walking around with my fly open!

    This is me, like 100 times a day!
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    I wanted to throw my two cents in re GoT. I loved the books and the series does not do it justice. I refused to watch the series for three seasons but then hubby (who hasn't read the books) said it was time. I am livid that story lines are being left out and, in the case of this season, are being changed all together. But I guess you have to make concessions when you are trying to cram a 700 page book into 10 one hour episodes.

    I enjoy the series, but I try to look at it as it's own thing with the same cast of characters, because there are definitely things I'm annoyed by (and some I like more).

    Also, I'm totally holding out for Stoneheart even though everyone is swearing they dropped the storyline. I refuse to accept it!
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    I miss one day because of a sick kiddo and I'm 21 pages behind! WTH? She's fine, just an upset belly and one of those; you can't return to daycare for 24 hours...even though she doesn't have any symptoms.
    Imagine missing several days in a row (like I did, when away for a stretch), and coming back to a NOOOOOOOOOOOO -like number... my internal response seemed kinda like my external response would 'feel' were each of the posts I'd missed turned into a ball of hail, and subsequently 'pelted' at me... LOL ;)

    (...and after being like a deer-in-headlights, in the wake of such, as I wrestled with the indecision of whether to even *begin* trying to catch up on something I new I'd just continue to fall behind in, I entered a kind of post-reading (as in, the reading of posts, and not "after" posting ;) ) 'stasis', in which I did nothing... and after recently resuming posting, I have apparently 'made peace with' the fact that I likely will never truly 'catch-up' on the posts that I missed (which numbered into the 4 digits)...)

    So... one day? -- No prob... ;)
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    This morning I was able to put on a shirt that previously was tight. I was super stoked that it was loose and hung straight down from my chest without clinging to my hips or rear end. Then I became depressed because it seriously occurred to me that I've been trying to look like Sponge Bob square pants and walk like a robot my whole life. My mother told me that only *kitten* showed their hips and my step-father told me that only fat slutty *kitten* wiggled when they walked.

    I don't wear red either. Even though I love red and I look awesome in red. I am pale skinned, with dark hair and green eyes. I look spectacular in red and I can't wear it because only sluts wear red. I am now upset and pissed off because I know even if I were to buy something that clings in red I probably wouldn't be able to wear it out of the house. I'd be afraid everyone was staring at me for the wrong reasons. I feel pathetic. :/

    I'm thinking you should try to get past this with baby steps... a little splash of colour here and there to start, some mildly wiggle-generating mid-height heels... and work your way up.

    My mother held the odd notion that "only widows wear black" but fortunately that didn't get passed on to me and I wear a lot of black. Oh, and when I was a teen somebody told her that only sluts wear big earrings. That was her one and only piece of advice to me upon starting high school. Lol. (I just put them on after I left the house)

    I've never been much for wearing bright colours or fancy patterns since I've always preferred to fade into the background, but I've slowly been adding more vibrant clothes into my wardrobe.

    Yes, that is pretty much what I do. Pretty much all of my clothing is a shade of black or grey with some blue jeans thrown in.

    I was raised the same way. And talk about double messages - this was in a family where I can guarantee that my mother would collapse into hysterics if she thought I might possibly approach a weight over 100 pounds in high school. This stuff is absolutely freaking psychosis-inducing =P

    I can only say that after gradually shedding a lot of the idiocy that had gotten shoved into my poor brain, I finally came around to firmly believing that every woman should own at least one blazing red dress and a good pair of "f*** me" pumps. And then wear 'em for YOURSELF - without regard to anybody else's dumb beliefs or stereotypes.

    Good lord. I'm surprised sometimes that so many of us get through this life to turn out as basically sane, basically decent human beings - we get so much toxic crap thrown at us.

    Amen! And I'm sorry for all the struggles everyone has endured regarding this topic. One correction, though: ONE pair of f*** pumps?! Oh, honey, I have a closet full of them! Worn with my discreet, professional clothes every day I get lots of use out of all of them and they make me feel fabulous!

    I second this! I have a whole collection of beautiful shoes, which, when not on my feet, live in clear plastic boxes, so i can admire them. I have a wall of shoes**. I often wear all black outfits, and set them off with fabulous red shoes (i have about 10 pairs of red ones)

    **i may also have a shoe addiction. Please don't ask about my handbags.

    For the past several years hubby and I were getting out of debt and accumulating savings so shopping for unnecessary items was a no no. My shoe collection consists of two pairs of casual sneakers, one pair of outdoor gym shoes, one pair of indoor gym shoes, one pair of winter boots, one pair of water shoes, one pair of flip flops (which are in my gym bag for showering purposes because shower floors are gross), one pair of steel toes, one pair of black summer sandals, and one pair of slip on Sketchers that have holes in them for gardening. Oh and I have one pair of black flats that are glued together on the bottom at work and one pair of black slip on heals at work which are very worn to the point they should be replaced.

    I just bought my first pair of white sandal heels last week and I got them on sale... I feel so pretty in them.

    I admit that when I was at my heaviest, I didn't have the confidence to wear any pretty clothes so I didn't buy anything nice. Buying those white sandals was so liberating.

    I confess that I don't understand anybody's obsession with hand bags. It is just a bag!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    I am taking my little boy in to the vets in an hour to be put down. I know its the right thing to do, the vet agreed, yet I feel terribly guilty and still am wondering if I am making a mistake....

    I know things like this get better with time, but right now it feels like my heart has been ripped out and stomped and I don't know how I will ever recover...

    R.I.P. little rodent boy

    I'm so sorry. It is the right thing to do for him. Hugs to you both.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    edited June 2015
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »

    Aww! You guys are so cute!
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    I am taking my little boy in to the vets in an hour to be put down. I know its the right thing to do, the vet agreed, yet I feel terribly guilty and still am wondering if I am making a mistake....

    I know things like this get better with time, but right now it feels like my heart has been ripped out and stomped and I don't know how I will ever recover...

    R.I.P. little rodent boy

    No, Italian_Buju, you are not making a mistake... you are experiencing the painful emotions associated with an extremely difficult act of love...

    ...if you were him, you would want your human guardian/companion/family to do this... you are providing a form of pain relief that he would choose for himself if he could -- but he can't, and so the difficult and painful decision is up to you...

    I am so, so sorry that this has happened... and when the fog of this fresh pain lifts enough for you to emotionally 'see' a bit, you'll *know* that you didn't make a mistake...'s completely understandable that you're wrestling with this, and questioning the decision -- but it is the right decision, and with time, you'll come to truly know that...

    Please know that compassionate thoughts and support -- and hugs -- are being extended to you from across the miles, and from all of us...
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    My confessions are:
    1) Flapjacks are my downfall - I can easily scoff down a whole tub (22 pieces) of 'bitesize' flapjacks in one sitting while telling myself that all those oats are good for me. Sometimes they are my entire dinner.
    2) I will happily sit down to watch 'Superfat vs Superskinny' on TV after failing to go to the gym and with a box of chocolates and fully aware of the irony.

    i always thought flapjacks were pancakes.
    then i got a lil packet of flapjacks in a graze snack box. hooked. instantly.

    I get a weekly graze snackbox but have had to swap my subscription to the light box because I used to select 'send soon' on all the flapjack and chocolate snacks. Way too easy to eat. The light box only has snacks that are less than 150 calories so are much easier to fit into my daily allowance.

    i get the flapjack box once a month. it's just a lil too pricey for me with the amount you get. but i can't give it up completely!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    I am taking my little boy in to the vets in an hour to be put down. I know its the right thing to do, the vet agreed, yet I feel terribly guilty and still am wondering if I am making a mistake....

    I know things like this get better with time, but right now it feels like my heart has been ripped out and stomped and I don't know how I will ever recover...

    R.I.P. little rodent boy

    FWIW, I don't think you're making a mistake... in my experience, the most difficult responsibility arising from pet ownership is making THAT awful decision at the end. And we always make it out of kindness, so as not to prolong their suffering.

    Thinking of you.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I just saw a fb post about Sister Act being remade (for what possible reason???), and then it suggested a bunch of videos for songs from the movies, so now I'm running around singing Oh Maria.

    i LOVE sister act! i used to watch it over and over with my grandma. i have a cd of all the songs and every once in a while i just have the need to belt it out as loudly as possible. :)
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I am taking my little boy in to the vets in an hour to be put down. I know its the right thing to do, the vet agreed, yet I feel terribly guilty and still am wondering if I am making a mistake....

    I know things like this get better with time, but right now it feels like my heart has been ripped out and stomped and I don't know how I will ever recover...

    R.I.P. little rodent boy
    Oh, so sorry to hear that. How hard, but sounds like it's the right thing to do.
    Hugs to you and gentle strokes to your little rodent boy.