

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    IamMicah wrote: »
    "Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ME TOO! I'm desperate for some. Also I want a beehive. The latter is allowed where we are, but we don't have a very big yard and I don't think our neighbours would like it much. I also want goats.

    We keep bees on our property and it's pretty awesome. We had a nice honey harvest last year with 4 hives, so we expanded to 8 this year. They're all pretty active; so far, so good!

    I would love to have goats! And chickens!
    I have 4 hives and a Nuc Split this year... My plan was to get a single hive. Now Im collecting swarms and doing a trapout on a friends home. Sadly Ive become more addicted to their incredible beehavior and fascinating daily activities.

    How could one not?! -- they're incredible! :)
    Indeed. Even my wasp-phobic daughter is learning to love bees.
    ETA: 'Git' is kind of English for 'jerk'.
    The wasps around my area are a lot more chill than the carpenter bees to be honest.

    Plus, fig wasps are the only fig pollinators out there. That alone is enough to for wasps to be alright in my book. :wink:
    Twist of irony, hubby works in pest control, can handle just about every type of insect/spider and rodent. He's absolutely terrified of flying bugs (bees, flies, etc), and this is busy season for "bee jobs" and the like. It's absolutely hilarious to see this grown man running around and shrieking at a fly or bee. :laugh:
    To add, he finds it funny too, and laughs at it as well. Just so I'm not sounding like an wife lol.
    Pfft. I'm pretty good at dealing with insects. It gets very annoying having someone scream at you to get rid of a tiny zebra spider before it eats them.

    I can't do spiders. Period. I took kiddo and nephew to the zoo last week and there was a tarantula on exhibit. Naturally, both kids wanted to see it, I had a panic attack! It can be embarrassing, but not as much as my catfish phobia (and I mean the actual fish) lol.

    You should see me at the lake. I am constantly moving my legs, and if something brushes against me I run to the shore so fast... I'm terrified of fish touching me. Any fish.

    So I'm not the only one! I had to write an essay about classical conditioning and phobias in psychology once and I wrote about my catfish phobia. My professor actually told me later he had never heard of that before and thought it funny, but unique haha!

    I have a really strange, but also extremely severe phobia that I'm almost sure nobody else shares, but I'll never ever admit to it in this thread. Very few people even know about it, maybe 4-5 including my sister and husband. :-/

    It took me a while to finally feel comfortable enough to admit it, but now I just embrace it as one of my many quirks. Anyone who goes fishing with me knows that if they catch a catfish to keep it away from me, and I will not look at it. I don't care if it's the size of a toddler, I don't want to see it! Lol!

    Another confession: I've been particularly and irrationally ragey today. I'm going to chalk it up to PMS, although Aunt Flo is now 2 days late. :rage: I've been taking my bitchiness out on those idiotic posts in the forums, just so I don't accidentally take it out on my hubby or kid. I remember once I lost it and screamed at her to "sit the *kitten* down and shut the *kitten* up" and immediately regretted it, and still do. I held her, apologized profusely, and cried for a solid hour afterwards. I seriously need to be on medication again, for my mental issues and I need to see a doctor anyway because we're 99.9% sure I have ADD, but I've never been tested or looked into it. It's messing with my marriage, but it's like no matter what I do, I can't focus on anything! I have lists posted up on every single room in my house to remind me of what housework needs to be done on a specific day, yet I get distracted and forget what I'm supposed to be doing and then we're fighting. No joke, we fight every. single. damned. day. about the same damned thing. I'm afraid it's going to completely ruin my marriage, and I don't want that to happen! :cry:

    Aw I'm sorry don't cry! I'm not married and I'm horribly awful at relationships but I hope things get better and improve for you- hugs your way!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    edited June 2015
    Yasmaynee wrote: »
    Possible Confession: I cant help but buy popcorn and candy at the movies. It takes a truly insane person not to want to eat popcorn and candy at the movies. I'm going to the movies tonight... I'll let you know the outcome of my self control.

    Mmm yum add some extra butter on that popcorn for me please!!

    Edit because I can't type!
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »

    I am so sorry to hear that!!

    When I came home from work, I picked him up and he is so skinny that it looks like he has a waist co-worker came home with me cuz I was scared to come in alone....she is coming home with me tomorrow too.....

    I called the vet to see if I should do something, other than trying to make him comfortable...but she was gone for the day already...if he is the same in the morning, I am gonna call again.....

    I tried to give him a nut, which is the only thing he was still kind of eating, and he just dropped it....I tried other treats, he would not even lift his head.....I put him down on my bed while I changed out of my work clothes, and he just sat there.....anyone that knows degus knows that is not normal....

    I am really sad tonight

    I am going to take a big risk here, and I worry you or others might get mad or think I am a horrible person, but I feel I need to say this. For context, I come from a family with multiple veterinarians, and I worked my way through undergraduate and part of graduate school as a veterinary technician. I guess I needed to provide that context, as I don't want you to think I am saying this next thing with no basis.

    With that said: It seems clear to me that your little guy is in a place where he needs for you to have the courage to show him one more act of love. Ease his way. Please. It's possible that by the time you read this, his suffering will have been lifted. But if not, please do this last thing for him. Our pets depend upon us for everything - including making the kindest final decision even when it breaks our hearts to do so.

    I apologize for being so blunt. I wasn't going to say anything but I haven't been able to let this go - I kept thinking about it all day. So I had to say something. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

    I agree..and I think you said it in a kind way. I never thought I would be able to euthanize any of my pets because it would be too hard to let them go. But after seeing one of our cats struggle with Cancer and trying to put him through Chemo knowing that his chances still wouldn't be that great...we HAD to do it. He was not eating, always hunched over, so thin, and started dripping mucus from his nose. It was absolutely horrifying to see and I'm angry with the emergency vet(happened over a long weekend and our regular vet was closed) for letting us think it could get better. He was clearly suffering. His quality of life was horrible. It was time. Such a hard decision to make..but ultimately keeping him around for ourselves rather than for him was not the right choice.
    ETA that I also hope that I didn't come off in a rude way. I hope that your little guy finds peace soon...however it may be.

    I am just waiting for my vet to open to see what she says.
    I basically have been up holding him abd crying all night. I am so sad.
    I know some people might think 'oh he is just a rodent, not even a cat or dog' but because he was a lone degu he spent tons of time out with me. Sleeping on me, getting rub downs, I even wheel his cage into my bedroom every single night to sleep.
    My heart is broken......

    Your degu is not just rodent. A pet is a pet and you love them no matter what. I am so sorry for what you are going through.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I confess that I went to Giant & Target today to see if they had any of the new food I saw on those enablers. Giant still doesn't have Talenti's Raspberry Cheesecake but I did find some new yogurts to try & bought three packages of Barber Foods Apple & Creme Brie Stuffed Chicken breasts (those are freaking amazing)!

    At Target I was on the lookout for some new food items but struck out there too. I really wanted to find their Cookie Spread ice cream or even their Cinnamon ice cream that comes in a pint & the Auntie Anne's frozen pockets that resemble a Hot Pocket. It wasn't a total bust since I found a few Evol frozen entrees to try, their Monster Cookie Dough ice cream, & a lot of cheap candy bars & Skinny Cow candy that was reduced to get rid of. I was also excited to finally find a pair of gingham short on sale!

    Any chance you've already tried the Monster Cookie Dough ice cream? I'd love to know how it is...

    Yeah I just had a few servings (put it in other days haha since I am out of calories) & it's pretty good. It has a nice peanut butter base with M&M like pieces & cookie dough pieces.

    I was really bummed they didn't have the Cookie Spread ice cream since cinnamon flavored are my favorites. I can rarely ever find Ben & Jerry's Cinnamon Buns anymore.

    Mmm...sounds good. I'll have to go grab some! Thanks! Never had the Ben & Jerry's either...I'll have to check for that one as well.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    And yes someone referred to our thread as rude! >:)
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    IamMicah wrote: »
    "Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ME TOO! I'm desperate for some. Also I want a beehive. The latter is allowed where we are, but we don't have a very big yard and I don't think our neighbours would like it much. I also want goats.

    We keep bees on our property and it's pretty awesome. We had a nice honey harvest last year with 4 hives, so we expanded to 8 this year. They're all pretty active; so far, so good!

    I would love to have goats! And chickens!
    I have 4 hives and a Nuc Split this year... My plan was to get a single hive. Now Im collecting swarms and doing a trapout on a friends home. Sadly Ive become more addicted to their incredible beehavior and fascinating daily activities.

    How could one not?! -- they're incredible! :)
    Indeed. Even my wasp-phobic daughter is learning to love bees.
    ETA: 'Git' is kind of English for 'jerk'.
    The wasps around my area are a lot more chill than the carpenter bees to be honest.

    Plus, fig wasps are the only fig pollinators out there. That alone is enough to for wasps to be alright in my book. :wink:
    Twist of irony, hubby works in pest control, can handle just about every type of insect/spider and rodent. He's absolutely terrified of flying bugs (bees, flies, etc), and this is busy season for "bee jobs" and the like. It's absolutely hilarious to see this grown man running around and shrieking at a fly or bee. :laugh:
    To add, he finds it funny too, and laughs at it as well. Just so I'm not sounding like an *kitten* wife lol.
    Pfft. I'm pretty good at dealing with insects. It gets very annoying having someone scream at you to get rid of a tiny zebra spider before it eats them.

    I can't do spiders. Period. I took kiddo and nephew to the zoo last week and there was a tarantula on exhibit. Naturally, both kids wanted to see it, I had a panic attack! It can be embarrassing, but not as much as my catfish phobia (and I mean the actual fish) lol.

    You should see me at the lake. I am constantly moving my legs, and if something brushes against me I run to the shore so fast... I'm terrified of fish touching me. Any fish.

    So I'm not the only one! I had to write an essay about classical conditioning and phobias in psychology once and I wrote about my catfish phobia. My professor actually told me later he had never heard of that before and thought it funny, but unique haha!

    Catfish are kind of creepy looking. I have at least one other friend who is a nut about fish touching her, and it looks like there is someone else on this thread too so I guess it's not that out there haha. At least fish are fairly easy to avoid!

    Very true lol! Have you ever heard the "grunting" sound a catfish makes when it's out of the water? *shudders* That sound makes me freak out, and hubby used to make that noise on purpose just to see me freak out. He stopped after he got tired of being slapped and cussed out every time lol. :naughty:

    I have to admit that I had no idea catfish made a grunting noise. I'm pretty glad that I've gone so far without hearing it haha.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    AlciaMode wrote: »

    I've always wanted to be like 5'10. I'm so jealous of tall women, so gaining even an inch has me thrilled lol

    Why? I am only 5'7" and it is insanely difficult finding a man of appropriate height (yes i am that shallow). Though I do not think I would want to be shorter... so never mind. Tallk people ftw

    I'm 5'9", and my husband is the first guy I dated that was taller than me. For whatever reason, the only men who were ever interested in me were always shorter than me. ESPECIALLY when I was out dancing!

    I'm 5'9" too, and my husband is 6'7". Many years ago I tried to date a guy who was shorter than me, but I just felt huge next to him and I couldn't imagine taking that feeling into the bedroom. Shut it down.

    5'9" here too! Yeah, I couldn't do the shorter guy thing either. The thought of bending over to kiss him freaks me out! And yes, I realize that's irrational!

    I never personally had a problem with it, I just always found the GUY had a problem with it (consciously or subconsciously). I was told numerous times by various guys that I wasn't "allowed" to wear heels. Uhhhhh excuse me?! I will wear heels if I choose to, mister!

    I think we've gone here before...but my husband is totally cool with me wearing heels. Since I'm already 2+ inches taller than him, I feel gigantic. But if he doesn't care and I don't care, whatever!

    That's fantastic! Only a jerk (like the guys I used to date) would care about it anyway :smiley:

    I managed to get involved with some real winners but they never cared that I was taller in my heels.

    The SO is a full 12" taller and LOVES me in heels, the higher the better as far as he's concerned. When we're out in public it doesn't make him look quite as tall if he's got a 6'2 woman beside him, and he doesn't have to bend over so far to kiss me.
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I've also learned the hard way that the horrible drink they give you for CT scans with contrasts can give you diarrhea for three days (really hoping it's only three days, this is getting old).

    I was on heavy antibiotics for a couple of weeks last summer and apparently digested nothing, judging by my output during that time. Lost 5 lbs. So there may be an upside, lol.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    IamMicah wrote: »
    "Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ME TOO! I'm desperate for some. Also I want a beehive. The latter is allowed where we are, but we don't have a very big yard and I don't think our neighbours would like it much. I also want goats.

    We keep bees on our property and it's pretty awesome. We had a nice honey harvest last year with 4 hives, so we expanded to 8 this year. They're all pretty active; so far, so good!

    I would love to have goats! And chickens!
    I have 4 hives and a Nuc Split this year... My plan was to get a single hive. Now Im collecting swarms and doing a trapout on a friends home. Sadly Ive become more addicted to their incredible beehavior and fascinating daily activities.

    How could one not?! -- they're incredible! :)
    Indeed. Even my wasp-phobic daughter is learning to love bees.
    ETA: 'Git' is kind of English for 'jerk'.
    The wasps around my area are a lot more chill than the carpenter bees to be honest.

    Plus, fig wasps are the only fig pollinators out there. That alone is enough to for wasps to be alright in my book. :wink:
    Twist of irony, hubby works in pest control, can handle just about every type of insect/spider and rodent. He's absolutely terrified of flying bugs (bees, flies, etc), and this is busy season for "bee jobs" and the like. It's absolutely hilarious to see this grown man running around and shrieking at a fly or bee. :laugh:
    To add, he finds it funny too, and laughs at it as well. Just so I'm not sounding like an *kitten* wife lol.
    Pfft. I'm pretty good at dealing with insects. It gets very annoying having someone scream at you to get rid of a tiny zebra spider before it eats them.

    I can't do spiders. Period. I took kiddo and nephew to the zoo last week and there was a tarantula on exhibit. Naturally, both kids wanted to see it, I had a panic attack! It can be embarrassing, but not as much as my catfish phobia (and I mean the actual fish) lol.

    You should see me at the lake. I am constantly moving my legs, and if something brushes against me I run to the shore so fast... I'm terrified of fish touching me. Any fish.

    So I'm not the only one! I had to write an essay about classical conditioning and phobias in psychology once and I wrote about my catfish phobia. My professor actually told me later he had never heard of that before and thought it funny, but unique haha!

    Catfish are kind of creepy looking. I have at least one other friend who is a nut about fish touching her, and it looks like there is someone else on this thread too so I guess it's not that out there haha. At least fish are fairly easy to avoid!

    I was wondering how often one comes in contact with catfish :).

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »

    Woo hoo!!!!

    What does stickied mean?
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    IamMicah wrote: »
    "Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ME TOO! I'm desperate for some. Also I want a beehive. The latter is allowed where we are, but we don't have a very big yard and I don't think our neighbours would like it much. I also want goats.

    We keep bees on our property and it's pretty awesome. We had a nice honey harvest last year with 4 hives, so we expanded to 8 this year. They're all pretty active; so far, so good!

    I would love to have goats! And chickens!
    I have 4 hives and a Nuc Split this year... My plan was to get a single hive. Now Im collecting swarms and doing a trapout on a friends home. Sadly Ive become more addicted to their incredible beehavior and fascinating daily activities.

    How could one not?! -- they're incredible! :)
    Indeed. Even my wasp-phobic daughter is learning to love bees.
    ETA: 'Git' is kind of English for 'jerk'.
    The wasps around my area are a lot more chill than the carpenter bees to be honest.

    Plus, fig wasps are the only fig pollinators out there. That alone is enough to for wasps to be alright in my book. :wink:
    Twist of irony, hubby works in pest control, can handle just about every type of insect/spider and rodent. He's absolutely terrified of flying bugs (bees, flies, etc), and this is busy season for "bee jobs" and the like. It's absolutely hilarious to see this grown man running around and shrieking at a fly or bee. :laugh:
    To add, he finds it funny too, and laughs at it as well. Just so I'm not sounding like an wife lol.
    Pfft. I'm pretty good at dealing with insects. It gets very annoying having someone scream at you to get rid of a tiny zebra spider before it eats them.

    I can't do spiders. Period. I took kiddo and nephew to the zoo last week and there was a tarantula on exhibit. Naturally, both kids wanted to see it, I had a panic attack! It can be embarrassing, but not as much as my catfish phobia (and I mean the actual fish) lol.

    You should see me at the lake. I am constantly moving my legs, and if something brushes against me I run to the shore so fast... I'm terrified of fish touching me. Any fish.

    So I'm not the only one! I had to write an essay about classical conditioning and phobias in psychology once and I wrote about my catfish phobia. My professor actually told me later he had never heard of that before and thought it funny, but unique haha!

    I have a really strange, but also extremely severe phobia that I'm almost sure nobody else shares, but I'll never ever admit to it in this thread. Very few people even know about it, maybe 4-5 including my sister and husband. :-/

    It took me a while to finally feel comfortable enough to admit it, but now I just embrace it as one of my many quirks. Anyone who goes fishing with me knows that if they catch a catfish to keep it away from me, and I will not look at it. I don't care if it's the size of a toddler, I don't want to see it! Lol!

    Another confession: I've been particularly and irrationally ragey today. I'm going to chalk it up to PMS, although Aunt Flo is now 2 days late. :rage: I've been taking my bitchiness out on those idiotic posts in the forums, just so I don't accidentally take it out on my hubby or kid. I remember once I lost it and screamed at her to "sit the *kitten* down and shut the *kitten* up" and immediately regretted it, and still do. I held her, apologized profusely, and cried for a solid hour afterwards. I seriously need to be on medication again, for my mental issues and I need to see a doctor anyway because we're 99.9% sure I have ADD, but I've never been tested or looked into it. It's messing with my marriage, but it's like no matter what I do, I can't focus on anything! I have lists posted up on every single room in my house to remind me of what housework needs to be done on a specific day, yet I get distracted and forget what I'm supposed to be doing and then we're fighting. No joke, we fight every. single. damned. day. about the same damned thing. I'm afraid it's going to completely ruin my marriage, and I don't want that to happen! :cry:

    Aw I'm sorry don't cry! I'm not married and I'm horribly awful at relationships but I hope things get better and improve for you- hugs your way!

    Thank you! I've just got to actually make the appointment, which I will be tomorrow. :smile:
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    IamMicah wrote: »
    "Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ME TOO! I'm desperate for some. Also I want a beehive. The latter is allowed where we are, but we don't have a very big yard and I don't think our neighbours would like it much. I also want goats.

    We keep bees on our property and it's pretty awesome. We had a nice honey harvest last year with 4 hives, so we expanded to 8 this year. They're all pretty active; so far, so good!

    I would love to have goats! And chickens!
    I have 4 hives and a Nuc Split this year... My plan was to get a single hive. Now Im collecting swarms and doing a trapout on a friends home. Sadly Ive become more addicted to their incredible beehavior and fascinating daily activities.

    How could one not?! -- they're incredible! :)
    Indeed. Even my wasp-phobic daughter is learning to love bees.
    ETA: 'Git' is kind of English for 'jerk'.
    The wasps around my area are a lot more chill than the carpenter bees to be honest.

    Plus, fig wasps are the only fig pollinators out there. That alone is enough to for wasps to be alright in my book. :wink:
    Twist of irony, hubby works in pest control, can handle just about every type of insect/spider and rodent. He's absolutely terrified of flying bugs (bees, flies, etc), and this is busy season for "bee jobs" and the like. It's absolutely hilarious to see this grown man running around and shrieking at a fly or bee. :laugh:
    To add, he finds it funny too, and laughs at it as well. Just so I'm not sounding like an *kitten* wife lol.
    Pfft. I'm pretty good at dealing with insects. It gets very annoying having someone scream at you to get rid of a tiny zebra spider before it eats them.

    I can't do spiders. Period. I took kiddo and nephew to the zoo last week and there was a tarantula on exhibit. Naturally, both kids wanted to see it, I had a panic attack! It can be embarrassing, but not as much as my catfish phobia (and I mean the actual fish) lol.

    You should see me at the lake. I am constantly moving my legs, and if something brushes against me I run to the shore so fast... I'm terrified of fish touching me. Any fish.

    So I'm not the only one! I had to write an essay about classical conditioning and phobias in psychology once and I wrote about my catfish phobia. My professor actually told me later he had never heard of that before and thought it funny, but unique haha!

    Catfish are kind of creepy looking. I have at least one other friend who is a nut about fish touching her, and it looks like there is someone else on this thread too so I guess it's not that out there haha. At least fish are fairly easy to avoid!

    Very true lol! Have you ever heard the "grunting" sound a catfish makes when it's out of the water? *shudders* That sound makes me freak out, and hubby used to make that noise on purpose just to see me freak out. He stopped after he got tired of being slapped and cussed out every time lol. :naughty:

    I have to admit that I had no idea catfish made a grunting noise. I'm pretty glad that I've gone so far without hearing it haha.

    It's horrible! If I hear it I start panicking!
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    I am taking my little boy in to the vets in an hour to be put down. I know its the right thing to do, the vet agreed, yet I feel terribly guilty and still am wondering if I am making a mistake....

    I know things like this get better with time, but right now it feels like my heart has been ripped out and stomped and I don't know how I will ever recover...

    R.I.P. little rodent boy

    I am so sorry

  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    What value does this thread bring to General Diet and Weight Loss Help that warrants a sticky status? If page count is a factor, there are plenty of "who wants to see who naked" discussions in Chit Chat that are probably more worthy than this.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    What value does this thread bring to General Diet and Weight Loss Help that warrants a sticky status? If page count is a factor, there are plenty of "who wants to see who naked" discussions in Chit Chat that are probably more worthy than this.
    Lol, I don't think anyone on this thread nominated it.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    What value does this thread bring to General Diet and Weight Loss Help that warrants a sticky status? If page count is a factor, there are plenty of "who wants to see who naked" discussions in Chit Chat that are probably more worthy than this.

    I think it has value. There are a lot of supportive people in here, and asking questions that may seem "dumb" isn't as scary, because no one in here is going to rip you a new one or post sarcastic gifs at you.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    What value does this thread bring to General Diet and Weight Loss Help that warrants a sticky status? If page count is a factor, there are plenty of "who wants to see who naked" discussions in Chit Chat that are probably more worthy than this.

    And you're posting this why? I have to agree with @tubbs216 that no one here nominated it as majority of us probably haven't a clue how to do so, even if we thought it was warranted. It's a helpful nonjudgmental thread that we enjoy and that's all that matters.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    What value does this thread bring to General Diet and Weight Loss Help that warrants a sticky status? If page count is a factor, there are plenty of "who wants to see who naked" discussions in Chit Chat that are probably more worthy than this.

    I think it has value. There are a lot of supportive people in here, and asking questions that may seem "dumb" isn't as scary, because no one in here is going to rip you a new one or post sarcastic gifs at you.
    We post nice things!

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    What value does this thread bring to General Diet and Weight Loss Help that warrants a sticky status? If page count is a factor, there are plenty of "who wants to see who naked" discussions in Chit Chat that are probably more worthy than this.
    Ok, serious answer, after thinking about it a little. Honestly, I believe this thread alone has kept a bunch of us here on MFP - people who may have wandered off, lost their motivation, felt intimidated to ask questions, or unsupported elsewhere. If one person improves their health and wellness by being part of this thread, then, yes, it warrants sticky status.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Confession: Honestly, I'm not happy with the thread being stickied. We'll very likely get an influx of sarcastic, unkind, or snarky people ruining our nice thread mojo. *sniffle* :'(
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    ^^^ I agree- take it off and leave us be!! It's not our fault a lot of people lurking probably love it because we don't judge whatsoever.