

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,679 Member
    Just found my running time for last year on the beach to chowder run I did a 8.32 minute mile in 26.42 minutes. It will b inerestIng to see if I will beat it this year.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Yes! We are going to purchase the house of my dreams! Under 5,000 in immediate projects. Mainly to improve insulation which will save money in the long run.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

    I'm soooo very happy for you!

    Janet...SO- Significant Other

    Chris is MA
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    back again~

    I know where God closes a door he opens a window..

    I am so glad you said that. The thought was going through my head but, I am cautious to speak my mind as I don't want to offend anyone. Sometimes He closes a window and opens a door.

    It is truly hard to let go and let God. Believe me, I know. After being married for 22 years, I had to take my two children (12 and 13) and leave. I had no job, no car and no place to go (we lived my husbands home town). There was no choice for me, I had to trust. God took care of me like no one other than my father ever has! A woman I had taught religious ed with offered me a few rooms in the upper story of her home, temporarily. My dear friend, a religious sister (Catholic) came the very day I left and gave me the keys to a car saying, keep it as long as you need it. I still have the car, only now I own it. Within two weeks, I was working part-time. And today, seven years after, I am the humble owner of my very own house!!! It even has a garage and a big yard. NEVER doubt!!

    Would you help me down from my soapbox now?

    God bless you and keep you!!

    Sondre, South Fork, PA
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Mary ~ congrats on your house and the repair costs.

    Went to several garage sales today. At one the lady had some nice vintage jewelry (that's what I sell) but her prices were sky high. All I ended up with was a calaphon muffin pan which was a good buy for $2.

    Watching cute little movies on the Hallmark Channel.

    Carol - GA
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    Apropos of nothing much, neither advising nor suggesting anything to anyone.... three things had to happen before I left my ex. 1) Told my brother if nothing changed by the time I was 50, I was leaving. He asked what I thought was going to change in the next two years that hadn't changed in 27.... 2) I lost 166 pounds post gastric bypass and found my self esteem. 3) I woke up on January 1st, 2008, looked at him, and thought, "I'd rather die alone than live with you."

    I think none of us know what the others go through behind closed doors...

    Thank you for sharing. I know exactly where you are coming from. I am so much better off and so are you!!

    sondre South Fork, PA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,332 Member
    Mary - glad you are going for it! :flowerforyou: Wrapping up the asbestos sounds good.

    Delicious dinner - sea bream with masses of fresh green veg and a "sauce vierge". The sauce had 2 tblsps of olive oil, but that's one each and I had no carbs. Love it!
    DH picked up fresh apricots today so he has cooked them for dessert. With homemade yoghurt.
    I am one happy woman. :D

    Planted the plants in pots today. Our patio looks great! I love it when my dahlia, which we have had now for four years and every year looks as dead as a doornail when we get it out of storage in the garage, starts putting out healthy shoots! That must be a metaphor for something!

    Lisa - how cool is that! Thanks for posting! :flowerforyou:

    DH watching football tonight. Time to watch my own rubbish. :D

    Heather UK
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    ps and the director of nursing's daughter is the rec director down at the nursing home..
    dont know if you need a degree for that or not...
    at least down there the resident's love me lol

    Does the home need a cook? office worker ? or ? You are known at the home,so maybe chat them up,letting them know what job you would accept.What about working in a school?Have you cosidered pet sitting? DD feeds & walks pets as her main job allows. Very well payed.
    Maybe a pool would have exercise classes? A lot of Sr centers do & all are welcome. Best of luck. Pat

  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    Pip I would love to go to the summer cabin, and no that isnt my hubby, that is actually the local weatherman , ha ha ..
    well this is how I see it my friends..
    He can be very loving most of the time he is a LEO ... but is very anal... not to the point of OCD but pretty close..
    I figure.. I have a roof over my head,food and wonderful friends..
    he takes care of the bills and even though we have 2 homes the Florida one is payed off..the renter her rent pays for most of the upkeep and taxes,
    , I have to go, to Lowes now and pick up switches for the elcetrician, I am the gopher, and the hubby today is pointing out everything I am doing wrong..
    Oh how I would love to run away..
    ta ta for now

    um.... just my two cents. When somebody hands you a problem or what (in their asinine opinion you are doing wrong) hand it back to them with kindness. Example:

    Husband to wife: I really need A,B,C, D from the store. It has to be picked up by 10AM.
    Wife: Well that really is a problem.. Thank you for that information, what time are you going to the store.
    Husband: No!!! I want you to do this!!!
    Wife: I'm sorry I am not available, and my plans are not negotiable.

    Just know that when you respond differently, the other person won't know what to do. Some react like 2 year olds and throw temper tantrums. Some will sulk and some will just keep pushing until you cave in to their demands. Make the decision to take care of yourself 1st!!! Respect yourself, your needs and your time and the folks in your life will eventually be respectful to you.

    As a side note..... Just because a man pays the bills, he doesn't get the right to be disrespectful/hurtful/rude or demeaning. If he paid for all the things you do (cooking/cleaning/laundry/childcare/running errands etc) he would NOT be able to afford your services.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,790 Member
    Hell ya Pip, he couldn't afford me, thats right..
    I have been waiting hand and foot on people all my life and all i get is pooped on.. go figure..
    sometimes it doesnt pay to be nice....
    have a ball at your summer home, I would be in 7th heaven if I were anywhere near a beach as I am a Cancer and the beach soothes me.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,679 Member
    mom216 wrote: »
    Pip I would love to go to the summer cabin, and no that isnt my hubby, that is actually the local weatherman , ha ha ..
    well this is how I see it my friends..
    He can be very loving most of the time he is a LEO ... but is very anal... not to the point of OCD but pretty close..
    I figure.. I have a roof over my head,food and wonderful friends..
    he takes care of the bills and even though we have 2 homes the Florida one is payed off..the renter her rent pays for most of the upkeep and taxes,
    , I have to go, to Lowes now and pick up switches for the elcetrician, I am the gopher, and the hubby today is pointing out everything I am doing wrong..
    Oh how I would love to run away..
    ta ta for now

    um.... just my two cents. When somebody hands you a problem or what (in their asinine opinion you are doing wrong) hand it back to them with kindness. Example:

    Husband to wife: I really need A,B,C, D from the store. It has to be picked up by 10AM.
    Wife: Well that really is a problem.. Thank you for that information, what time are you going to the store.
    Husband: No!!! I want you to do this!!!
    Wife: I'm sorry I am not available, and my plans are not negotiable.

    Just know that when you respond differently, the other person won't know what to do. Some react like 2 year olds and throw temper tantrums. Some will sulk and some will just keep pushing until you cave in to their demands. Make the decision to take care of yourself 1st!!! Respect yourself, your needs and your time and the folks in your life will eventually be respectful to you.

    As a side note..... Just because a man pays the bills, he doesn't get the right to be disrespectful/hurtful/rude or demeaning. If he paid for all the things you do (cooking/cleaning/laundry/childcare/running errands etc) he would NOT be able to afford your services.

    YEAH!!! Could add a lot more but won't
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Mom216 I agree with you about limit setting. I see it in the students I teach all the time. I tell the students who are getting upset about how someone is treating them to not let them have their power.I don't know what it is in human nature but if someone knows they can upset you they will do it again until you change how you react to them. That is why I like the saying" just because you see the hook does not mean you need to bite." It is your reaction that they fed off of you. It is advice I often work on taking myself. I am not perfect about it. Then I remember the saying that is referred to here often DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF GOOD.

    Mary Congratulations! I am happy for you.

    Chris love the idea of doing something for me I enjoy everyday (NSV) even if it just sitting in the backyard for ten minutes and petting my neighbor's dogs.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,790 Member
    Pip~ I don't get offended easy, so rant away...
    electrician will be here until 5, and we are usually early eaters, DH knows I have been a tad bit stressed so we are going down to the shore for dinner after Tony leaves
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,679 Member
    Grandmas lie- doesn't the "d" for dh, isn't that for darling? If so, u should just call him "h" or maybe "a" cuz he doesn't sound very darling at all :0/
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,679 Member
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member


    I am so happy to hear that the sun is shining in Kansas! What a big state. I drove across it 4 yrs ago and I thought it would never end. Have you lived there all your life?

    South Fork, PA[/quote]

    No, I lived here till high school, then we moved to California. After HS I went in the Air Force and my family moved back to Kansas so when I got divorced and discharged I came back where my family was. Much later, I married a wonderful man who teaches at the local university, so now I'm stuck. I really don't like living in Kansas, and am not sure anybody does, but probably will be here forever. It's a big state if you drive east/west, but north/south isn't bad. I can get to Nebraska in a couple of hours, or 10 minutes to get go Missouri or Oklahoma.



    Hi Sylvia!

    I'm not one to look at maps, so I didn't realize the east to west/north to south factor. I am glad to know that you are able to visit other states without spending days traveling. I find it interesting that your take on the state is most would chose not to live there. Driving through I felt that there were few communities and a great amount of farm land. Did you enjoy California? I was in San DiAgo about 5-6 years ago and I thought the climate was perfect.

    Congrats on the wonderful man you married. They are a rare find in this day and age.

    What do you do in your spare time? I like to visit flea markets and auctions.

    Sondre, South Fork, PA
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a good day.Dealing with pain issues from a fall last week,gonna rest today.
    hugs jane
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,679 Member

    Yogi taking a sniff of the air and asks dad, "did u just fart?"
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    mom216 wrote: »
    um.... just my two cents. When somebody hands you a problem or what (in their asinine opinion you are doing wrong) hand it back to them with kindness. Example:

    Husband to wife: I really need A,B,C, D from the store. It has to be picked up by 10AM.
    Wife: Well that really is a problem.. Thank you for that information, what time are you going to the store.
    Husband: No!!! I want you to do this!!!
    Wife: I'm sorry I am not available, and my plans are not negotiable.

    Just know that when you respond differently, the other person won't know what to do. Some react like 2 year olds and throw temper tantrums. Some will sulk and some will just keep pushing until you cave in to their demands. Make the decision to take care of yourself 1st!!! Respect yourself, your needs and your time and the folks in your life will eventually be respectful to you.

    Beautifully said. This applies to all the people in your life, not just husbands. (And no, I do see that the OP did not say or even imply it is only husbands who do this) I shall try this out on the co-worker who expects that because I have volunteered for a project the past 5 years that it automatically means I will do it this year. Um, nope. Time for someone else to step up. If I am the only one who will do it then it must not be that important.

    Mia in MI
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    JanetMMcC wrote: »

    Sondre - re calculating minutes walking, my wristwatch has a "chrono" function that keeps track of laps. So I set it going when I hit the sidewalk, hit it after 5 minutes for my switch from slow to fast, again when I wipe out and have to go back to slow ... I don't know how many laps it can handle, but I haven't hit its limit yet. :) At the end of the walk, I can add up the minutes at my two speeds.
    Oh, and the next time I write an article about the price of sugar, can I call you for a comment? Or would your boss be interested in talking to a reporter?
    You've done a grand job cutting out chocolate under your work circumstances! (I used to put away the occasional box of chocs at a time ...)

    JanetM (New Orleans)

    Hello JanetM,

    I gave up watches some time ago. Everything I did required me to be somewhere at a certain time and I wanted to live a bit more stress free. I could carry my phone, aka my timepiece, and use the stop watch on it.

    You are more than welcome to call on me regarding the price of sugar. The owner of the candy shop I work at is usually open to talking with people, as well. The key to talking with her is not to call at the height of the busy season, ie Valentine's Day, Easter, Christmas.

    Thank you for the uplifting words! Sometimes it is just really hard not to have a piece, especially when it is staring you in the face, or when your coworker asks you to taste test something.

    How do you spend your days? Are you employed outside the home?

    Sondre, South Fork, PA
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Sondre - you won't believe how many times I posted trying to get a picture posted, I always, always messed up. Then I got it figured out. So don't worry one tiny bit. We've all BTDT. Where is South Fork? We lived in PA for many years, and I don't remember that city. What is it near?

    bkrimpet - so serene

    Michele in NC

    Hi Michele in NC,

    Forgive my late reply. To be honest, I didn't realize I could find things that were written to me until I searched my name today :'( I am learning more every day.

    South Fork is just outside Johnstown. We are the home to the Johnstown National Flood Memorial. This is a coal mining area. Of course, so much of central and western PA are. I lived over half my life in Harrisburg. Moved out this way after I married. My (now) ex-husbands family is from this area. So tell me, where in PA did you live? Do you have family here?

    Sondre, South Fork, PA