

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Your sims can die by all kinds of normal things, like old age, or a house fire. If, for whatever reason, you want to kill one off, you can help them along. In the one you quoted, I did it by locking them in a room with no door so they couldn't escape, couldn't eat or bathe. It's not the best way to do it, because it takes forever. After they die, the grim reaper appears, and you have a chance to beg for their life with another sim. If you don't, or if that doesn't work, you end up with a little urn of ashes, or you can place it outside and it turns into a gravestone. After that, the ghost of the dead person will wander around the house at night, which is a good thing if you have sims who want to see ghosts, or a bad thing, if you have a sim who has an anxiety disorder.
    W. T. H. ?!!!


    Holy crap!

    I already found the concept of Sim-dom to be interesting, when I first heard of such, many years ago -- however, this is another freakin' ballgame, I do declare... the aforementioned 'choreographed nightmare' (lol :) ), which offers disturbingly informative clarifying detail (if ever there were a time when being horrified, while simultaneously thanking someone (for the explanation therein), were ever to be relevant, then this would be it! lol :smiley: ), could perhaps be seen as being (and among the so many Sim-specific 'alternate universe' -type incarnations one could concoct) a kind of Sim AfterLife Soap Opera Channel (or so it would seem (and with Lifestyles of the Paranormal thrown in, to boot!)) -- whereby one can be writer, producer, director, and all-out 'puppetmaster'... and of the whole shebang!

    ...Sims with anxiety disorders?! ...Sims who are 'into' ghosts?! ...locking the poor things in a room, and with no means of escape?!

    What have they not thought of?!! (and by they, I'm referring to the Sim creators (as in, the Sim creator-creators (but not creators of actual creators -- but creators of that which the secondary 'creators' will virtually create (how much more convoluted could I make this?! ;) )), and not the player-based Sim creators (as in, orchestrators of virtual horrors :open_mouth: ) )...

    Oh, my... the Nightmare on Elm Street -esque 'rules of engagement' found in the realm of Sim-specific 'realities' could plausibly 'facilitate' the development of a sleep disorder, or some such form of 'reverb' -like negative consequence (or so it would seem), when it comes to being the master of said domain (who would have dreamed that a Seinfeldian reference might happen to 'fall out of nowhere', in a brief bit of commentary about virtual worlds (that's it! that's what *I'll* do! -- I'll recreate Seinfeld episodes in a Sim world! (which now has me wondering -- is there any way to have a Sim character 'enter a room' ala Kramer-from-Seinfeld's bursting-through-a-door-only-to-suddenly-arrest-momentum-and-immediately-engage-in-seemingly-casual-movement-and-interaction-and-as-though-nothing-unusual-had-just-happened -- ? ;) )))...

    Paranormal investigator is one of the available professions (this is all for Sims 3, there's a Sims 4 now and not everything is the same). Your job is to run around and night and catch ghosts in other people's houses. there a Sims police force at play (no pun intended) -- ? -- is there a chance that anyone trying to catch a ghost in someone else's house could be charged with B&E (?)... (I have no idea to what 'limit' the game gets taken, in the context of any of so many potential (and virtualized) 'realities'...)

    JPW1990 wrote: »
    The kidnapping challenge is pretty out there - your goal is to lock up your neighbors in your basement with a door only you are allowed to use (instead of killing them off, you give them a kitchen and bathroom).
    Whoa... (who thinks of this stuff?!)

    JPW1990 wrote: »
    The 100 baby challenge is a lot of social engineering, too.
    Holy crap... I can only imagine...'d also be an unexpected form of 'training' for a '100 Babies and Counting' -type reality show (or so it would seem)... (are there any 'reality shows' in the land of Sims? (and do any Sims have their own Sims (?), such that a 'game within a game' is possible?))...

    Yep, there are police. If you have all of the expansions for Sims 3, these are the available careers:
    *gigantic list removed*

    No reality shows, but they do have a fame system, and when you're famous enough, the paparazzi follow you around. Occasionally they write something scandalous, true or not, and your reputation with the entire town drops. You can then sue for defamation.

    Ha, I didn't know that about the fame system! I never went into that career track.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    arv51862 wrote: »
    Wow, This is a tough one but it will feel good to get the 'secret' off my chest...
    My profile pic, It's not really me...
    Whewwww, I feel better already ! =)

    Your honesty has inspired me... in the interests of full disclosure, I have to share that mine isn't me either.

    I refuse to accept this.

    Same here. I'm friends with a llama with awesome hair and no one can tell me any differently!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KimFergie wrote: »
    Sometimes I eat an entire package of spaghetti, with just salt and margarine. An entire package. SMDH

    Ditto, but with ranch dressing. Sounds gross but it's so good haha!

    My stepdad's one relative put mayonnaise on his spaghetti. Yuck! I think he puts it on pretty much everything.

    When I was younger I would put weird stuff on popcorn like mayonnaise, mustard, & maybe ketchup.

    People think we're weird but my whole family (extended family included) loves potato chips with cottage cheese- such a guilty pleasure snack! When I go home (like I am this weekend) I can be sure to see my family eating it!

    My DH calls it "Heather's fat girl food" (and nope I'm not offended; I laugh every time) but when I was very heavy I used to LOVE nacho cheese doritos with either sour cream or cottage cheese. OMG so good! It's salty, creamy, cheesy goodness.

    I don't eat Doritos anymore because my stomach can't handle them :(

    Dortitos with dill pickle dip.....mmmmmmm

    I am starving right now, we are going to ribfest in an hour....
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Last night I discovered ants in my apartment. I swept the floors and cleaned them all and noticed that most of the ants were gone, but some still remained near the door of our apartment. My boyfriend and I finally investigated outside and saw some coming from a hole in our building, near our neighbor's door. This needs to be brought to the owner's attention, but I can't help but feel glad that it doesn't seem to be MY fault (food on the floor, etc). I was terrified to think that I caused an ant infestation :fearful:

    The ants are horrible this year. I have a contract with a pest company, I basically pay them $4-500/year and they guarantee no insects. Seems like everybody I know has been fighting ants this year.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    edited June 2015
    Last night I discovered ants in my apartment. I swept the floors and cleaned them all and noticed that most of the ants were gone, but some still remained near the door of our apartment. My boyfriend and I finally investigated outside and saw some coming from a hole in our building, near our neighbor's door. This needs to be brought to the owner's attention, but I can't help but feel glad that it doesn't seem to be MY fault (food on the floor, etc). I was terrified to think that I caused an ant infestation :fearful:

    My yard is full of ants this year and it grosses me out. This weekend I am off to buy some ant killer...sorry if that offends anyone that loves ants ;)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I confess I might get a little too excited about my breakfast every morning...and it's the same thing every day. It is just so good that I can't bring myself to have anything else.
    I also confess that I don't mind listening to my son's DJ Shuffle Volume One cd when driving in the car. I actually really enjoy it and sing along to all the songs. I get sad when he wants to switch to a different cd.

    What do you have for breakfast??
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    Also my MFP was not working yesterday. I was able to read everyone's posts but couldn't quote or even reply at all. Got back on this morning and I was 15 pages behind. I'm still behind but getting there.

    Confession: I miss living in Japan. The culture there is so wonderful. And the people are so much more thoughtful and lovely compared to Americans. I am an American, but other Americans disappoint me a great deal. I don't mean to offend anyone. We could learn so much from other cultures. Where we lived there was ZERO crime. You could sleep with your windows and doors wide open, leave your car unlocked. The mailman would actually come into your house and set your mail inside your house. I could go on and on, but that's just one small example.

    Could not agree more.

    Me too. I remember watching some docs about prisons over seas and the violence and crap from inmates was nearly non existent because they are actually treated properly. Some of the prisons had swimming pools and all kinds of crap to keep the inmates healthy. Some allow them to house with family members and friends etc. And most had menus and food of that of a five star hotel. I was amazed and thought it was brilliant.

    Just wondering? Was it for all inmates or the ones who did petty crimes?

    I know you like the ID channel & for all of those who watch it too they're having a special about Ted Bundy on Sunday. I will probably watch it since I have never watched anything based on him before.

    This is one of the cases that stuck with me for a long time. It almost seemed like something out of a movie. I couldn't believe the wife wasn't arrested too.

    I do believe it was all thing I forgot that is a big one too is that guards are expected to treat the inmates with the utmost respect....and amazingly (sarcastic), the inmates treated the guards the same way.

    Treat people like animals, and they will behave as such.....

    I was a corrections officer at an all male prison in Virginia for a year and a half before I moved back here to Ohio. I will say I always treated the offenders like the human beings they are and was treated a lot differently then some of the other staff who treated these men like they were dogs. I understand the majority of the men who were incarcerated and I was around all the time committed some incredibly heinous and horrible crimes but I always kept in mind that they've already been judged and now they're serving their sentence it's not my job to judge them. On the flip side I always kept in the back of my mind the horrible crimes they did commit so I didn't get too close to any of them. You'd be surprised how much manipulation can be worked and how smart a lot of those criminals really are!
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I noticed that there are rare times in the Sims when a character becomes stuck and you can no longer play as them.

    I had a family who was having a lot of kids. One time they had twin girls. In the Sims when you have twins, sometimes the family will put one of the babies down on the floor as they prepare to welcome the second baby. They put the first baby on the floor, alright, and no matter what I tried I couldn't get anyone to pick it up. It became stuck there, like a piece of furniture. While all the kids grew up and moved out, and the parents became grandparents (and eventually died), the baby remained on the floor... just looking around contentedly. It didn't die and it didn't age.

    .... :neutral:
  • heatherlee33
    heatherlee33 Posts: 113 Member
    i once ate 6 krispy kreme donuts. in a row.
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession: I just ate like ten apricots that were freshly picked by my husband's family and sent from their village. I feel a little sick now... But oh my GOSH, they were good. And I'm not even a fruit person!

    I love apricots so much. But it's hard to find good ones, and they are expensive.

    Yup, exactly! It was almost impossible to find nice ones in Oman. I don't think I've ever tasted apricots so good. I wonder if I'm going to leave any for my husband... >:)

    We've booked a holiday to the Dominican Republic next month. One of the things I am most excited about is trying the bananas!! banana cocktails
    Fixed that for you!!

    You are hilarious!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Guys, I think I'm in trouble. I just made these:
    (picture removed)
    ...And I think they're going to be lunch.

    Even though you're younger than me- will you be my mother? I hate baking! I need someone to do it for me! :)

    Consider yourself adopted, if you'll save me from myself by eating my baked goods. I LOVE to bake! But then I end up eating a little too much of what I baked... :p

    YAYY!! I would like some chocolate cake with white whipped cream icing :) Haha that is why I'm glad I hate baking because if I did I wouldn't be able to stop myself from eating everything I made!

    While it isn't chocolate cake, you reminded me of this dessert that I made when I visited family in March:

    It's layered from bottom to top: Digestive biscuits (A bit like graham crackers), vanilla custard, Oreos, chocolate custard, repeat... And the top is real whipped cream (not the stuff in a can). ;)

    THAT LOOKS (and sounds) AMAZING! Could you ship that to the states? :p
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    I started drinking Diet Coke at 10am. That kind of work day.

    I'm craving another half frozen Diet Mtn. Dew, but I don't have one here! Grrrr.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Last night I discovered ants in my apartment. I swept the floors and cleaned them all and noticed that most of the ants were gone, but some still remained near the door of our apartment. My boyfriend and I finally investigated outside and saw some coming from a hole in our building, near our neighbor's door. This needs to be brought to the owner's attention, but I can't help but feel glad that it doesn't seem to be MY fault (food on the floor, etc). I was terrified to think that I caused an ant infestation :fearful:

    The ants are horrible this year. I have a contract with a pest company, I basically pay them $4-500/year and they guarantee no insects. Seems like everybody I know has been fighting ants this year.
    The first time I've ever found them in our apartment! I keep spraying the floor and walls around the door and hoping it keeps those suckers out.
    Last night I discovered ants in my apartment. I swept the floors and cleaned them all and noticed that most of the ants were gone, but some still remained near the door of our apartment. My boyfriend and I finally investigated outside and saw some coming from a hole in our building, near our neighbor's door. This needs to be brought to the owner's attention, but I can't help but feel glad that it doesn't seem to be MY fault (food on the floor, etc). I was terrified to think that I caused an ant infestation :fearful:

    My yard is full of ants this year and it grosses me out. This weekend I am off to buy some ant killer...sorry if that offends anyone that loves ants ;)
    Even though I am terrified of spiders, I feel sad whenever I kill one. I killed quite a few ants last night though and didn't feel much remorse at all :lol: Though my boyfriend did kill the majority.

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I do not play games on my phone or my computer so all this Sims talk and Hay Day and such I have no idea what's going on. Never been big on those kinds of things :/
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession: I just ate like ten apricots that were freshly picked by my husband's family and sent from their village. I feel a little sick now... But oh my GOSH, they were good. And I'm not even a fruit person!

    I love apricots so much. But it's hard to find good ones, and they are expensive.

    Yup, exactly! It was almost impossible to find nice ones in Oman. I don't think I've ever tasted apricots so good. I wonder if I'm going to leave any for my husband... >:)

    We've booked a holiday to the Dominican Republic next month. One of the things I am most excited about is trying the bananas!! banana cocktails
    Fixed that for you!!

    What banana cocktails are there? I was trying to figure this out earlier while talking to my boyfriend and obsessing about amazing, fresh, delicious bananas. I could only think of pina coladas, which obviously are not banana at all.

    Banana Daiquiri - MMMM!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Here I am, 2am, bringing up the rear and finally caught up for today.....

    Tomorrow I am going to ribfest with my daughter.....can't wait, bring on the meat (and funnel cake)!

    Can someone please explain this whole jail profile photo thing? How does it look like the are in jail, and how do they get out??

    I am almost done rewatching the first season of OITNB for the third time, and I have to say, most of the inmates have good qualities even though we are seeing what they did wrong too.....except for Pennsatucky.....I cannot stand her!

    Healy is a super moron too, what is up with his lesbian fetish?

    I am just gonna name some random things since I do not know what else to write about at this time, since I seem to be here all alone...

    Like I said earlier my favorite show ever was Queer As Folk

    I used to love Better Off Ted and was super mad that it got cancelled so early.

    I LOVED LOST until the finale, then I was not impressed.

    I just finished season one of Hannibal and am not sure if I want to go on, I find it kind of confusing.

    I love the movie Brokeback Mountain. It is one of the only romantic movies I like. My heart aches at the end of it, and I never get away without a tear or two. I can watch that movie again and again.

    I love indy movies and foreign films.....some real hidden gems are out there:

    The Separation
    Life Is Beautiful
    The Skin I Live In
    The Stoning of Soraya M.

    I love reading, but am super slow and it takes me forever to finish a book.

    Right now I am reading Unbearable Lightness by Portia de Rossi (Ellen's wife). It is pretty good.

    I love old Stephan King.....Rose Madder was one of the best books he has ever written....right up there with Green Mile.

    Are You There Alone is a great book at Andrea Yates is a sad but amazing story.

    Gone, But Not Forgotten is the best fiction book I have ever read.

    Also, if anyone has not seen the movie Gone Girl, go see it, NOW.

    Same! Better off Ted was hilarious. I was so mad at the last episode of LOST. I watched it on Netflix way after it was over, so I went online to see if I was the only one that was angry LMAO. Nope!

    I have no idea why Better Off Ted didn't do better, I laughed at that show so hard I cried at times!

    As for LOST, I know a lot of super fans were pissed because it seemed like a cop out. During the first season, they kept insisting they were not all dead....and while that was not exactly what it was, it was too close to not feel like a rip off! I complained about it forever!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Guys, I think I'm in trouble. I just made these:
    (picture removed)
    ...And I think they're going to be lunch.

    Even though you're younger than me- will you be my mother? I hate baking! I need someone to do it for me! :)

    Consider yourself adopted, if you'll save me from myself by eating my baked goods. I LOVE to bake! But then I end up eating a little too much of what I baked... :p

    YAYY!! I would like some chocolate cake with white whipped cream icing :) Haha that is why I'm glad I hate baking because if I did I wouldn't be able to stop myself from eating everything I made!

    While it isn't chocolate cake, you reminded me of this dessert that I made when I visited family in March:

    It's layered from bottom to top: Digestive biscuits (A bit like graham crackers), vanilla custard, Oreos, chocolate custard, repeat... And the top is real whipped cream (not the stuff in a can). ;)

    THAT LOOKS (and sounds) AMAZING! Could you ship that to the states? :p

    Of course... I take no responsibility for the way it would look, smell, or taste by the time it gets there, though!

    Anyhow, since I'm feeling like both a loser and a pig today for going over my calorie goal so badly, I'm hoping to justify it by showing everyone my baked goods so they'll know what I'm up against here... And maybe have some people to share in my piggy feeling. So, here goes!

    Nutella & peanut butter cheesecake with an Oreo base:

    Double chocolate chip cookies + peanut butter cookies:

    Fudge brownies:

    Chocolate peanut butter cookies:
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here is a picture of my lovely bruise. My leg is really swollen, it hurts constantly, and my foot keeps falling asleep. I think working out this week was not the best idea, but I'm trying to do all I can before I go on vacation and have to be seen in public in a bikini. Yellow means it's healing, right?!


    Oh wow. That is a big bruise. I hope that you are okay. Hopefully it will be gone by the time you go on vacation (I think it will be).

    Me too. Yes, the yellow means the bruise is healing, but the foot numbness concerns me. If that doesn't go away completely after the bruise fades I'd have it checked out. Could be some nerve damage or something. Be careful!
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Guys, I think I'm in trouble. I just made these:
    (picture removed)
    ...And I think they're going to be lunch.

    Even though you're younger than me- will you be my mother? I hate baking! I need someone to do it for me! :)

    Consider yourself adopted, if you'll save me from myself by eating my baked goods. I LOVE to bake! But then I end up eating a little too much of what I baked... :p

    YAYY!! I would like some chocolate cake with white whipped cream icing :) Haha that is why I'm glad I hate baking because if I did I wouldn't be able to stop myself from eating everything I made!

    While it isn't chocolate cake, you reminded me of this dessert that I made when I visited family in March:

    It's layered from bottom to top: Digestive biscuits (A bit like graham crackers), vanilla custard, Oreos, chocolate custard, repeat... And the top is real whipped cream (not the stuff in a can). ;)

    THAT LOOKS (and sounds) AMAZING! Could you ship that to the states? :p

    Of course... I take no responsibility for the way it would look, smell, or taste by the time it gets there, though!

    Anyhow, since I'm feeling like both a loser and a pig today for going over my calorie goal so badly, I'm hoping to justify it by showing everyone my baked goods so they'll know what I'm up against here... And maybe have some people to share in my piggy feeling. So, here goes!

    Oh my. Are these all in your house right now?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Confession: I hate Facebook. Why does everyone feel the need to emotionally vomit everything they can possibly think of that happens in their life all over the feeds? Does nothing in life remain private anymore? :-/

    Editing to add: I'm obviously not dissing this confession thread--I love this thing. I'm referring to the people who like to air all of their dirty laundry and that of their family in public for all to see. I find it extremely distasteful.

    My "favorite" thing is when someone is fighting with their partner or a specific person and is posting all kinds of passive aggressive and hostile comments about it publicly instead of just messaging that person - or just talking to them in real life - because half the time they are sitting in the same house.