

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    I noticed that there are rare times in the Sims when a character becomes stuck and you can no longer play as them.

    I had a family who was having a lot of kids. One time they had twin girls. In the Sims when you have twins, sometimes the family will put one of the babies down on the floor as they prepare to welcome the second baby. They put the first baby on the floor, alright, and no matter what I tried I couldn't get anyone to pick it up. It became stuck there, like a piece of furniture. While all the kids grew up and moved out, and the parents became grandparents (and eventually died), the baby remained on the floor... just looking around contentedly. It didn't die and it didn't age.

    .... :neutral:

    Now that is creepy!
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    Wow, I've missed so much. I tried catching up but ya'll are just too confession-happy :wink:

    I haven't noticed any ant problems where I'm at, but we did see this creature on our office doors this morning.

    I confess I took an alternate route into the office to avoid it.

    Time to burn down your office.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Wow, I've missed so much. I tried catching up but ya'll are just too confession-happy :wink:

    I haven't noticed any ant problems where I'm at, but we did see this creature on our office doors this morning.

    I confess I took an alternate route into the office to avoid it.

    A demon?! :scream:

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KimFergie wrote: »
    Sometimes I eat an entire package of spaghetti, with just salt and margarine. An entire package. SMDH

    Ditto, but with ranch dressing. Sounds gross but it's so good haha!

    My stepdad's one relative put mayonnaise on his spaghetti. Yuck! I think he puts it on pretty much everything.

    When I was younger I would put weird stuff on popcorn like mayonnaise, mustard, & maybe ketchup.

    People think we're weird but my whole family (extended family included) loves potato chips with cottage cheese- such a guilty pleasure snack! When I go home (like I am this weekend) I can be sure to see my family eating it!

    My DH calls it "Heather's fat girl food" (and nope I'm not offended; I laugh every time) but when I was very heavy I used to LOVE nacho cheese doritos with either sour cream or cottage cheese. OMG so good! It's salty, creamy, cheesy goodness.

    I don't eat Doritos anymore because my stomach can't handle them :(

    Dortitos with dill pickle dip.....mmmmmmm

    I am starving right now, we are going to ribfest in an hour....

    I saw you mention this earlier - what exactly is it?

    It is a food festival where six of the best ribbers in the province get together a different city per weekend and serve BBQ chicken, ribs, pulled pork and corn bread. Then there are other vendors that do like corn, fries/potatoes, and desserts like deep fried cheesecake, funnel cake, fresh doughnuts etc. The ribbers get judged on best sauce, best ribs etc. There is also live bands and vendors selling things like bags or jewelry and whatnot. It is a bit expensive, but so worth it....I have gone three years in a row, this is my daughter's first time, she is really excited and we are both starving lol. So, with that, I am off to shower and go eat some meat!!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    arv51862 wrote: »
    Wow, This is a tough one but it will feel good to get the 'secret' off my chest...
    My profile pic, It's not really me...
    Whewwww, I feel better already ! =)

    Your honesty has inspired me... in the interests of full disclosure, I have to share that mine isn't me either.

    I refuse to accept this.

    Same here. I'm friends with a llama with awesome hair and no one can tell me any differently!

  • partha_pratim
    partha_pratim Posts: 7 Member
    I only record weight loss here, few days I even see weight gain but I never track it here
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    Also my MFP was not working yesterday. I was able to read everyone's posts but couldn't quote or even reply at all. Got back on this morning and I was 15 pages behind. I'm still behind but getting there.

    Confession: I miss living in Japan. The culture there is so wonderful. And the people are so much more thoughtful and lovely compared to Americans. I am an American, but other Americans disappoint me a great deal. I don't mean to offend anyone. We could learn so much from other cultures. Where we lived there was ZERO crime. You could sleep with your windows and doors wide open, leave your car unlocked. The mailman would actually come into your house and set your mail inside your house. I could go on and on, but that's just one small example.

    Could not agree more.

    Me too. I remember watching some docs about prisons over seas and the violence and crap from inmates was nearly non existent because they are actually treated properly. Some of the prisons had swimming pools and all kinds of crap to keep the inmates healthy. Some allow them to house with family members and friends etc. And most had menus and food of that of a five star hotel. I was amazed and thought it was brilliant.

    Just wondering? Was it for all inmates or the ones who did petty crimes?

    I know you like the ID channel & for all of those who watch it too they're having a special about Ted Bundy on Sunday. I will probably watch it since I have never watched anything based on him before.

    This is one of the cases that stuck with me for a long time. It almost seemed like something out of a movie. I couldn't believe the wife wasn't arrested too.

    I do believe it was all thing I forgot that is a big one too is that guards are expected to treat the inmates with the utmost respect....and amazingly (sarcastic), the inmates treated the guards the same way.

    Treat people like animals, and they will behave as such.....

    I was a corrections officer at an all male prison in Virginia for a year and a half before I moved back here to Ohio. I will say I always treated the offenders like the human beings they are and was treated a lot differently then some of the other staff who treated these men like they were dogs. I understand the majority of the men who were incarcerated and I was around all the time committed some incredibly heinous and horrible crimes but I always kept in mind that they've already been judged and now they're serving their sentence it's not my job to judge them. On the flip side I always kept in the back of my mind the horrible crimes they did commit so I didn't get too close to any of them. You'd be surprised how much manipulation can be worked and how smart a lot of those criminals really are!

    Sounds like you did that job properly!
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    Confession: There used to be the an older man who would jog by early in the morning when the sprinklers were on at my apartments and shout - "water wasters! you're wasting water" - every other day or so. He stopped doing it and I havent seen him for a while. My neighbors seem glad, but I thought it was funny and I kind of miss him.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Wow, I've missed so much. I tried catching up but ya'll are just too confession-happy :wink:

    I haven't noticed any ant problems where I'm at, but we did see this creature on our office doors this morning.

    I confess I took an alternate route into the office to avoid it.

    Time to burn down your office.

    :sweat_smile: Yea, apparently this ancient looking creature from the void is called a Dobsonfly and is relatively harmless. See those scary-*kitten* pincers? Those are just to impress the ladies. The females have much smaller ones that can actually bite you!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    festerw wrote: »
    I blew out of work at noon, grilled steak for lunch and now I'm planning on boozing all afternoon while working on the beater Jeep.

    Sounds like a good time, except working on the Jeep part.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KimFergie wrote: »
    Sometimes I eat an entire package of spaghetti, with just salt and margarine. An entire package. SMDH

    Ditto, but with ranch dressing. Sounds gross but it's so good haha!

    My stepdad's one relative put mayonnaise on his spaghetti. Yuck! I think he puts it on pretty much everything.

    When I was younger I would put weird stuff on popcorn like mayonnaise, mustard, & maybe ketchup.

    People think we're weird but my whole family (extended family included) loves potato chips with cottage cheese- such a guilty pleasure snack! When I go home (like I am this weekend) I can be sure to see my family eating it!

    My DH calls it "Heather's fat girl food" (and nope I'm not offended; I laugh every time) but when I was very heavy I used to LOVE nacho cheese doritos with either sour cream or cottage cheese. OMG so good! It's salty, creamy, cheesy goodness.

    I don't eat Doritos anymore because my stomach can't handle them :(

    Dortitos with dill pickle dip.....mmmmmmm

    I am starving right now, we are going to ribfest in an hour....

    I saw you mention this earlier - what exactly is it?

    It is a food festival where six of the best ribbers in the province get together a different city per weekend and serve BBQ chicken, ribs, pulled pork and corn bread. Then there are other vendors that do like corn, fries/potatoes, and desserts like deep fried cheesecake, funnel cake, fresh doughnuts etc. The ribbers get judged on best sauce, best ribs etc. There is also live bands and vendors selling things like bags or jewelry and whatnot. It is a bit expensive, but so worth it....I have gone three years in a row, this is my daughter's first time, she is really excited and we are both starving lol. So, with that, I am off to shower and go eat some meat!!

    That sounds amazing, enjoy!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    clover157 wrote: »
    Wooow... 2000 new comments when I finally get a chance to have a looksie!! Wish I could binge read them all!!
    I confess, I feel like an idiot. I started the C25K last week and made it through the first week easily, pushed myself too hard even when it hurt and now my knees are so freaking sore I haven't run in 5 days. I've been a bit emotional lately, I even cried that I can't run yet today.
    On the plus side, I've found a super delicious vanilla mug cake recipe :DCake makes everything better, right?

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Confession: I hate Facebook. Why does everyone feel the need to emotionally vomit everything they can possibly think of that happens in their life all over the feeds? Does nothing in life remain private anymore? :-/

    Editing to add: I'm obviously not dissing this confession thread--I love this thing. I'm referring to the people who like to air all of their dirty laundry and that of their family in public for all to see. I find it extremely distasteful.

    My "favorite" thing is when someone is fighting with their partner or a specific person and is posting all kinds of passive aggressive and hostile comments about it publicly instead of just messaging that person - or just talking to them in real life - because half the time they are sitting in the same house.

    Exactly! I also especially hate the dramatic "fishing" ones where they say something totally vague like... "I'm so sad..." or "I can't believe this!! Ugh!!" and wait for everyone to ask what's wrong and if they're okay. -_-

    Ugh, my terrible SIL is guilty of both of these. Hence, the "terrible".

    I generally either ignore those, or in one case I texted my friend and asked him what was going on. Only because he and his boyfriend both posted some vague garbage like that at the same time. That was a breakup.

    I'd much rather vaguebooking or attention seeking posts than the racist crap my SIL posts. I've unfollowed her.

    I do not know how you cannot just rip her a new one.....I generally lose my mind if I see something racist or homophobic on facebook

    The ones that irritate me are the can't quite tell if they know what they're actually saying people, like the ones who post Phil Robertson quotes and talk about what an awesome guy he is. I want to ask if they've ever actually listened to or read one of his "sermons," but I don't want to get dragged into it if they actually have and agree with all the hate he spews. It may be they only watch Duck Dynasty and have no clue about the things he says off the show, and then I feel embarrassed for them.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Confession: I hate Facebook. Why does everyone feel the need to emotionally vomit everything they can possibly think of that happens in their life all over the feeds? Does nothing in life remain private anymore? :-/

    Editing to add: I'm obviously not dissing this confession thread--I love this thing. I'm referring to the people who like to air all of their dirty laundry and that of their family in public for all to see. I find it extremely distasteful.

    I have a cousin who posts crap all the time. She's the attention seeker type, so she'll post something like "Worst day ever" or "I'm so done", and then people ask what's wrong and she'll reply "I don't want to talk about it". SOOOOOOO ANNOYING!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here is a picture of my lovely bruise. My leg is really swollen, it hurts constantly, and my foot keeps falling asleep. I think working out this week was not the best idea, but I'm trying to do all I can before I go on vacation and have to be seen in public in a bikini. Yellow means it's healing, right?!


    Oh wow. That is a big bruise. I hope that you are okay. Hopefully it will be gone by the time you go on vacation (I think it will be).

    Me too. Yes, the yellow means the bruise is healing, but the foot numbness concerns me. If that doesn't go away completely after the bruise fades I'd have it checked out. Could be some nerve damage or something. Be careful!

    Duly noted. Thank you.
  • a_bit_2_honest
    a_bit_2_honest Posts: 2 Member
    When I first started I would feel so bad about a binge that one night I grabbed a whole box of little Debby's chewed them up and spit them out. I never swallowed and of it.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    arv51862 wrote: »
    Wow, This is a tough one but it will feel good to get the 'secret' off my chest...
    My profile pic, It's not really me...
    Whewwww, I feel better already ! =)

    Your honesty has inspired me... in the interests of full disclosure, I have to share that mine isn't me either.

    I refuse to accept this.

    Same here. I'm friends with a llama with awesome hair and no one can tell me any differently!


    It doesn't show in the little avatar pic but in the full-size pic you can see bits of grass stuck on its face. Which is remarkably me-like.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Confession: I hate Facebook. Why does everyone feel the need to emotionally vomit everything they can possibly think of that happens in their life all over the feeds? Does nothing in life remain private anymore? :-/

    Editing to add: I'm obviously not dissing this confession thread--I love this thing. I'm referring to the people who like to air all of their dirty laundry and that of their family in public for all to see. I find it extremely distasteful.

    I have a cousin who posts crap all the time. She's the attention seeker type, so she'll post something like "Worst day ever" or "I'm so done", and then people ask what's wrong and she'll reply "I don't want to talk about it". SOOOOOOO ANNOYING!

    I have a couple of those people on my wall. Or they post things like ''I'm so ugly!!'' along with a dozen selfies, and then when someone says ''You're gorgeous!!'' they'll reply with something like ''Yeah right'' or ''Thanks but you don't have to lie.'' Next day, same thing.

  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Confession: I hate Facebook. Why does everyone feel the need to emotionally vomit everything they can possibly think of that happens in their life all over the feeds? Does nothing in life remain private anymore? :-/

    Editing to add: I'm obviously not dissing this confession thread--I love this thing. I'm referring to the people who like to air all of their dirty laundry and that of their family in public for all to see. I find it extremely distasteful.

    I have a cousin who posts crap all the time. She's the attention seeker type, so she'll post something like "Worst day ever" or "I'm so done", and then people ask what's wrong and she'll reply "I don't want to talk about it". SOOOOOOO ANNOYING!

    Are we related? I have a cousin that does the same thing! Only then she'll post something like "I wish people would mind their own business"
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    annette_15 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I confess I might get a little too excited about my breakfast every morning...and it's the same thing every day. It is just so good that I can't bring myself to have anything else.
    I also confess that I don't mind listening to my son's DJ Shuffle Volume One cd when driving in the car. I actually really enjoy it and sing along to all the songs. I get sad when he wants to switch to a different cd.

    What do you eat for breakfast??

    454g (2 cups) of Fage 0% plain greek yogurt, 140g frozen strawberries(defrosted for about 30 still slightly frozen, but soft), 10g(2 tbsp.) of Hersheys Special Dark Unsweetened Cocoa, and a generous amount of sweetener(I use Stevia) to taste. Mix it all up...A LOT of food, very filling, and only 330 calories.
    Sometimes if I'm out of strawberries, I'll use chopped raw apple(about 100g), OR 122g(1/2 cup) of canned pumpkin, and cinnamon in place of the cocoa. Also delicious for the same amount of calories.

    Ahh, yeah that does sound really good!

    I do a 90-minute work out every morning and it's all I think my reward for getting up at 4:00am and busting my butt. It's like a chocolate pudding with strawberries...and so much of it! :) The other ones are good apple pie and pumpkin pie flavored yogurt. Mmmm... now I'm excited for tomorrow morning.