

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DJ - thank you so much. The stats they gave during our pre WLS counseling is that 30% regain the weight or the majority of it. I look at it like this 70% DON'T. :) No pouch aches if I don't over eat or eat too fast.

    THANKS TO ALL OF YOU who had such encouragement for my weight loss. I was trying to answer each one of you individually and was about 3/4 thru when I messed up and lost it all. Too frustrated to start over but know that I appreciate and value the nice words and thots and am glad to be a part of the group.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited June 2015
    Speaking of bathing suits, I remembered to pack mine for the trip to New Hampshire this year. It tends to get forgotten in a place where swimming is only for the brave and the foolhardy. And for people who take dares. A handful of people will swim at the Midsummer party every year. In addition to swimsuits, they usually wear shoes because the water is incredibly cold (about 34°F). Waders immediately lose all sensation in their feet and can hurt themselves badly without realizing it until they come ashore and start to thaw.

    Actually, this being Scandinavia, a swimsuit is optional, and in some cases even prohibited. To become a member of Bear Island Nude Bathing Society (Bjørnøya nakenbadeforening) one is required to immerse one's naked self completely in the Barents Sea, and this must be witnessed by at least one person of the opposite sex. The Society now has over 3000 members, one of whom is my good friend the Lutheran minister. o:) I've never been to Bear Island and will probably never go there either, so I'm safe.

    My own swimsuit is one I bought in India after losing all my luggage. It has two layers of cloth, a rather high neck, and a full skirt that extends a couple inches below the "interesting parts". And we bought the most revealing suit in the entire shop! At least it didn't have full-length sleeves and trousers like most of the "decent" suits.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,087 Member
    edited June 2015
    Janet I like that idea of 15 minutes a day to sort and part. I find if I just get started I often go over.

    Heather I can relate. Yesterday while still trying to recover from my 10 hour car ride. The roses that I am trying to root got tip over in the wind, so I had to reroot some of them, my son put my laundry in the dryer thinking he was helping me, but some of my things shrink if they are put in the dryer, then my other son comes home and says he thinks he might be on the verge of being fired. Then I remembered You Think You are Having a Bad Day and remembered it could be worse. These problems are fixable or can be replaced. Turning around a terminal illness is a whole other matter. Prayers for your friend.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    My grandson near Galveston says so far there is just rain nothing horrible. Thanks for the good thots.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    My grandson near Galveston says so far there is just rain nothing horrible. Thanks for the good thots.
  • ChelleA65
    ChelleA65 Posts: 23 Member
    Good morning, I may be a little late, but so happy to be joining you, if it is ok. You are all quite an inspiration. Needing this right about now. Hope you all have a great day!!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    ChelleA65 - So welcome and glad you found us. Jump right in. If you sign and name and location at the bottom makes it easier for us to respond to your posts.

    Welcome all the newbies from yesterday and today. I'm new myself but already feel so encouraged and cared about.
  • FrancineJM61
    FrancineJM61 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi May i join? I'm from Myrtle Beach SC. I need to lose 86.4 pounds. How do i bookmark this. I clicked on the star and it said I don' have any books marks. TY
  • ChelleA65
    ChelleA65 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks. Just to tell you a little about myself... In the past four years, I have survived both breast and uterine cancer. This took a great toll on me, both physically and emotionally. On top of this, I also have systemic lupus. Believe it or not, I gained almost 60 pounds during this time. I lost my mother to breast cancer at 51, my father to lymphatic cancer at 50, and my sister (45) last October to breast cancer. Forward to today, I am thankful and appreciate life and am trying to get my physical life back in order. It is very important to me to change my lifestyle in hopes to be able to enjoy life. I know what I need to do, but it is the getting it done that is hard. My major goal right now is to be consistent with my eating and exercise routine. Thank you all.

    Machelle, Alabama
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    Machelle and Francine - Welcome! :flowerforyou: Click on the outline star sbove the page numbers. It turns yellow. Then the grey star will bring it up.
    Machelle - I have had breast cancer. I gained a LOT of weight, but have now lost it. I also had a total hysterectomy, though not for cancer, just horribly heavy periods. You are in good company and in the right place.
    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,686 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    i just remembered peeps, i gotta try on my bathing suit to make sure it fits or may need to buy another (might be too big).. yes, it is a 2 piece, wouldn't wear one around here but in a place where i am not known? NO PROBLEM. what happens is that i fake confidence in my body, thinking i look sooo hot when inside myself i REALLY don't think that but the strangers don't know, i fake it pretty good.

    Isn't it funny how we feel that way about wearing a swimsuit if no one knows you! And I always pick out someone on the beach or at the pool who I think is "bigger" than me as my defense! The mental games we play. :)


    I used to do that a lot when I lost a lot of weight, I think I still do because I don't see myself as skinny as other people tell me that I am even though I see the size of clothes that i'm wearing, that STILL doesn't confirm anything for me.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Just saying hi.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    edited June 2015
    Janet that alligator joke was so funny.
    Talking of swimming in the cold, I went to Baniff one year with my BF. They have an open air pool. We went in the winter when there was snow around the pool. The Pool is a hot water spring so was lovely just had to keep your shoulders under otherwise it was freezing.
    Did my 8 mile bike ride today. Extra portion of riding this week (Tuesday group are longer distance than me :() Total for the week today is 12.4miles yay me. Im beginning to wonder if yoga is for me. Second day of non activity lol. So much for the 30days of it. Will try again tomorrow.
    Made scrummy black bean and quorn chilli for my dinner. Made up the recipe and was well pleased with it. First time I had eaten black beans and they will be appearing again in more recipes. I bought some frozen Edamame. No clue as to how to eat them. Do you eat the pod or just shell them? Its part of my try new veg to see what I like.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    janetr7476 – At one of my support group meetings I heard a statistic that 85% of the bariatric patients who follow up on all of their post-operative appointments and attend support group meetings do not regain their lost weight. I think the support and encouragement I get from this group is every bit as good as my monthly bariatric support group. I intend to take advantage of every “tool” that will increase my odds of success.

    HELP!!! I just purchased not one, but two (yikes!) chocolate bars from the vending machine. I got back to my desk and before I opened one I realized that I did this just because I am frustrated with a work problem. I could fit one candy bar into my eating plan for today, but I don’t really want one it was just an old mindless habit rearing its ugly head. Its taking me way longer than 28 days to change this long standing (maybe 55 year old?) habit. Well, the candy bars are now safely tucked away in a desk drawer. Perhaps I should give some thought to giving them away.

    Mia in MI

    June goal - log food every day
    Word of the month – persevere

  • AgnesGrey
    AgnesGrey Posts: 7 Member
    I would like to join this fun group for some needed support. I am 51yo and would like to lose 25#. I have started (and stopped) MFP about 3 times now. I am one of those who want immediate and dramatic results; when I don't get them, I throw in the towel. Also, procrastination and I are good friends. Support and encouragement is always a help. Hope everyone is having a great day. ☀️

    Agnes, WA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Mia in MI - Thanks for the additional stats. I like the sound of that, and of course for me support and back up is essential. I'm with you I'll take all the help I can get. My DH is absolutely the best at it. He's tall and skinny but almost every day calls me skinny mini, I'm not but it makes me feel good.

    On the candy bars. I think knowing they are in the drawer would kill me. I know its hard but I'd consider giving them away, FAST :)
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    edited June 2015
    @Mia in MI Chocolate is easy for me to resist I dont like it. (I heard you all gasp). If you think you are likely to eat it at some point, either put it in the freezer out of temptation where you could break off a piece at a time or give it away.
    @AgnesGrey Welcome, procrastination never burns calories...
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Agnes, WA - So very welcome, you are in the right place. We have all been there, wanting immediate results. In fact when I got to 12 lbs over what I had reached with my weight loss, I cried and said to hubby I used to always say "if I could just wake up skinny in the morning, I promise I will keep it off" and here I am. I lost so quickly with WLS that was almost like over night and here I am gaining it back. Sounds like you have taken that first step, hang in there.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited June 2015
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Mia - back away from the candy bars. They lied to you about making you feel better. They will never learn to not lie, so just don't trust them ever. You are better and stronger than this.

    Becca – I do like the bra I bought, but it is not perfect. My problem is that I sit all day (except for when I get up, stretch, dance, whatever), so the rib cage rolls and digs into me. Even the sports bras she brought me were rolling. The new ones do this much less than usual. When these crazy saggy rolls diminish, I’m sure they will be much more comfortable. Tonight I will sew the boning into the better of my old bras. I would prefer a little bit of a pad, to avoid any “personal texture” to show through my clothes when I’m cold (not that my clothes is tight enough for that, it’s just a personal hang-up of mine). Happy Birthday ! ! ! You crack me up with “purposefully talked with my mouth full”. DH and I do that kind of thing, too.

    DeeDee – It’s okay to laugh at me. And thanks for the Happy Dance. My RA is called Migrating Rheumatoid Arthritis, so it’s normal for me to have only 3 joints on one side of my body that are stiff and swollen. Sometimes heat helps, and sometimes the joint wants ice. Today the “chosen joints” are left ankle, both knees, right hip, and left elbow and wrist. Weird, right? The hardest thing about it is that I try not to baby the swollen joints, and I REALLY try to not limp when I walk. I had to really distract myself to make it 15 minutes on the bike before work, but I did it !

    Mary – thanks for the sympathy with the arthritis. Luckily my hands aren’t too bad, except for my right thumb, but I do physical therapy on them several times a day. I don’t want claws later in life. I will continue to fight this disease.

    Carol – thanks for the compliment about my son. His hair color is natural, from my Mom’s side of the family. He gets teased about it and his name (Payne) a lot, so it’s a good thing he can defend himself. Nice NSV on the youtube video. Keep doing better than yesterday, and you will continue to be ahead. Proud of you!

    Janet – Thanks! Every time I look in the mirror – with my clothes on – it still amazes me that I am looking at me. I hope I can motivate my DD to get started. She put a terrible post on Facebook yesterday, and dozens of friends offered to be her work-out buddy, so I hope she starts with someone easy and soon. I would love to have this same conversation with her some day.

    Janetr – Don’t let them get you down. Head here for support whenever you need. You Can Do This ! ! ! Thanks for sharing your picture. You are beautiful and happy. Yay!

    Katla – Go find your fun!!! // Oh my! I got 90 on that calculator test. I can’ imagine my joints lasting that long. Please put me out of my misery when I also am no longer having fun!

    Elizabeth – yay! Keep up the good work.

    Lisa – Your story about the girls pointing different directions actually made me laugh out loud. Thank you!

    Janet – Love that joke.

    Michele – DS and DH plan on coming to my work for weight lifting today, so I’m going to walk backwards for awhile, too. So happy I’m not alone.

    Heather – Congrats on the NSV of waiting for that drink, especially in the face of turmoil. So Proud !

    Jules – Congrats on your NSV of turning down the donut. So proud of you, too.

    My question for today is: Are there any men out there with filters? The Dr. for whom I work saw my teriyaki-Tofu in the container next to the fridge, asked what it is, picked it up with his fingers, then took a bite. Who does that? He did say that it tasted good, so that was nice, but he didn't ask if he could have a taste. Oh well, he only took 1 piece, so I can still get a few more meals out of what is left.

    DS said he did well at Basketball weight lifting yesterday, so I'm glad I got him started on a heavier program with his Trainer. DS and DH will likely stop at Sonic after lifting tonight, but I will have strong "won't-power", and eat healthy at home. The part of DS being elected to the All Star team that makes me proud is when he was replaced by his best friend, I asked him to NOT tell that boy he got the spot because of DS's bowling tournament, and he said he already planned on not saying anything.

    Now, as I touched on earlier in this post; to try to get through to DD about her weight. She had LOTS of negative comments on Facebook last night. Plenty of people offered to work out with her, so I hope she makes at least a few plans with friends. I also suggested, just for today - eat nothing white. She has always had troubles with limiting her consumption of complex carbs, and I wouldn't want to overwhelm her with longer than 1 day, or details about the white foods that would be healthy, so keeping it simple. Plus, she has the FitBit my Dad and I sent her, so hopefully she can find some motivation within it, too. She has been fat since about age 5, when her Dad got terribly depressed and I had to take a second job. He wouldn't wake up to do anything with her except make food, so she gained 50 pounds that summer. I never told her "the truth", but I guess she is finally starting to understand (20 years later). But I'm not convinced she is ready to make changes, only wants people to tell her how beautful she is inside and out, and start her own pity-party. So, I will keep to my "baby steps" mantra for her, and hope she makes small changes before it is too late (size 24 pants have been too small for many years now, and she's still getting wider). It makes me so sad, and worried for her life. But it is her life, so I can't really do much except be there for her when she is ready, and attempt to be a good role model.

    Thanks for letting me get all that out. Love you all !

    Hugs for Everyone (yes, I have always been a hugger) ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Terri in Milwaukee - Thank you for the encouragement. Actually I now HAVE to keep the weight off to show the sisters lol The one just older than me has never been heavy but now she worries about me weighing less than her. She's very encouraging about my loss but wants to make sure I don't pass her up (or down) lol That's ok it all gives me incentive.

    Hang in there with your daughter. Its so hard to try to help others and I think even more so for our family members.