

  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Peep - I'd say the improved time is more important than the place.

    Nancy - I have no idea which "animal" I am. I couldn't answer most of the questions. The only thing I've noticed about my response to food is that if I eat a lot of sugar (say, a big apple fritter), it puts me to sleep.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Janet, it sounds like Justin has some frontal lobe damage from that stroke. Those are all symptoms of frontal lobe damage. I had a cousin who got encephalitis from a mosquito bite at the age of 2 with severe brain damage. His seizures were so severe and so frequent that when he was 10, doctors removed his left frontal lobe. He sounds just like Justin. He had a memory that was incredible- could give you TV and movie trivia facts or sports statistics to no end, but could not figure out that when he counted semi-trucks by tens, when he got to a thousand it didn't mean he had seen a thousand trucks. No motivation and no empathy and totally self-absorbed. When his parents passed, he moved close to me and I helped him out and then when he got too lonely, he moved in with me. At age 54 he got a brain tumor where the frontal lobe had been removed. He didn't have the usual symptoms since there was no pressure, so when we figured out why he started having balance problems and weakness, it was too late to do anything. Hospice was wonderful and he died in my home.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Pipster - Second always sucks, sorry (apologies to those of you who reassure folks who don't win... I HATE not coming in first, and have a feeling Pip does too... :)) On the flip side... when your eyes are better next year, considering your time is also better year over year, you'll probably kick some wrinkly booty. So rock on with your bad self, and you and Smiling Boy can take 'em all by storm next year. We'll root you on from the sidelines... :wink: My first 5K in more than 20 years is a Powder Run on July 4th... yeep!

    Kari - sorry about your back!

    Penny - thank you for the amazing pictures... such courage when you don't like heights. Proud of you for that, love to surmount those challenges...

    Nancy - I ended up as an Otter - protein-oriented, some veggies, best with low carbs. Which I kind of knew. While I can eat some potatoes now, which is good, since they have lots of vitamins, etc., and are pretty darn low in calories as long as you aren't frying the little buggers, rice, pasta, even whole grain breads are essentially a sleeping pill for me.

    And I take supplements daily because pretty much every vegetable tastes nasty to me. I do eat what I can bear to, but to me they have always been and pretty much will always be foul... unless one dumps a load of cheese or other high calorie sauces on them. Or deep fries them in batter. Ever deep-fried cauliflower? In the right batter, tastes just like chicken. But, of course, this is not an option.smiley-laughing009.gif

    Not necessary to beat me for it or suggest ways to eat the blinking things, I've tried them all. My husband's an amazing cook, and loves vegetables, and cooked or raw it just doesn't matter. He even grew fresh ones this spring. Ick. Still. Then again, if I were perfect, I'd be annoying as all creation.

    Anyway! Wiggly Otter is going to go find some protein and eat it for dinner - pork chops in the crock pot. Small whole golden potatoes for the side. We (OK, my husband will) boil them until barely done, then cut them up and crisp them up in a dry skillet... very yummo... Have good night, folks!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Pip, love the photos! Kirbys earring is great. And the shoes! Do you wear headphones while you are running? Congrats on such a great finish. We are all proud of you! You are such an inspiration! I downloaded the couch to 5k app yesterday, but it's been too hot to try it out. I'm hoping in the morning when it's cooler I'll try.

    Penny, your photos are so beautiful! But do you miss trees? We went to California on sabbatical several years ago and lived in a town in the Mojave desert and we thought we would miss the trees. After a while we came to love it BECAUSE there weren't many trees to obscure the beauty of the desert.

    Kari, I hope you feel better soon!

    Leslie, more hugs!

    We swam our laps this morning, then took the little guy to yet another tball game. They have a few rainouts to make up, so they are cramming them in together. We are out at the lake cabin now. The dogs are all sound asleep. It's REALLY miserably hot outside, and the humidity is very high, so we probably won't be doing much but sitting inside under the a/c and relaxing. We will go walk the dogs across the dam about 8:30 when its a little cooler. At least the rain has stopped for the next week or so.

    Well, I should start thinking about making dinner. I hope you are all having a great Saturday!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy sat.
    hugs jane
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks for all of the gorgeous pictures! Awesome mountains, lakes and beautiful / happy people. :smile:

    Janet R - Congratulations on your 125# weight reduction--and maintenance. That's AWESOME!

    Congratulations to EVERYONE here. Cheers for any and all lbs. and/or inches shed. Hooray for all of us. Even when we plateaued or haven't shed anything, we're becoming healthy and fit for LIFE.

    Welcome Newbies!

    Aubrey yorkie and I just went for a brisk 15 min. walk. We both Loved it! Feels great. My pants are much looser since I started walking 4 hours weekly, beginning on 6/1. Just 2 more lbs. to go and I'll be out of the dreaded obese category and into the overweight BMI category. Working my way back to healthy and fit!

    BTW, to the nice lady who was 5'2 and 125 lbs., that's 22.9 on BMI. You were definitely in the healthy range.

    Thanks to those who have taken the Diet Type quiz and shared your results. Please keep it coming. It's so interesting to see which diet type you are!

    Hugs to All. - Nancy
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Penny~ stunning pictures!!!
    Pip~ love the pictures of you and Kirby!!!
    went down to see the DFIL he kept telling me he missed me the last couple of days :blush: I had to work early yesterday and the the contractor's started thursday.. at least I know he cares .
    going for the blood work monday.. and then back to the Dr on July 22nd, Iam part of a PKD group on facebook and they seem to say not to go crazy worrying that they will get to the bottom of it.. so makes me feel a little better.
    well it is a bit raw here in Ct. have the heated mattress pad on lol. gonna have a cup of tea, and hit the hay early..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Yikes, Poop! A 5 k race on a beach? Does that mean on a boardwalk or gravel track or will you actually be running that far in sand!? My legs scream if I just think about doing that!

    I got some good calorie burning in today. It was a 3-hour walk with my husband and we only covered about 1½ miles, but most of it was either steeply up or giddyingly down. I'll have to get back with a pic or two when I've downloaded them.


    that was on the actual beach, the sand is packed hard but getting on and coming off of the beach, THAT was loose sand and slowed everyone down.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
    edited June 2015
    Pipster - Second always sucks, sorry (apologies to those of you who reassure folks who don't win... I HATE not coming in first, and have a feeling Pip does too... :)) On the flip side... when your eyes are better next year, considering your time is also better year over year, you'll probably kick some wrinkly booty. So rock on with your bad self, and you and Smiling Boy can take 'em all by storm next year. We'll root you on from the sidelines... :wink: My first 5K in more than 20 years is a Powder Run on July 4th... yeep

    Have good night, folks!

    U will do great on your 5k!!!

    I thanks, I'm not gonna lie, does suck a bit coming in 2nd. I knew it was going to happen sometime. Now that it has, doing 10k next year. I have to wait for the results but I think she passed me by seconds, not minutes. I did feel good about that.

    Yes, I do run with music, the headphones on. The Music is the pace I am trying to stay with, that's how I did so good. I played the same song on repeat
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Nancy, I'm afraid I had to guess on that quiz. Honestly, I've never noticed if I get sleepy after a particular meal or if I have more energy in the morning. I'm not really in tune with my body. :s And I haven't had a caffeinated drink in 35 years, so had to guess on that too. My results were Bear though, which kind of feels right somehow.


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here are the jokes for today:


    A young man was trying to park his car between two others.

    He put in reverse, and bang -right into the car behind him.

    He then went forward and bang - right into the car in front.

    A young woman watching the maneuver couldn't contain herself, "Do you always park by ear?" she asked.


    A dog went to a telegram office, took out a blank form and wrote:

    "Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof."

    The clerk examined the paper and politely told the dog, "There are only nine words here. You could send another 'Woof' for the same price."

    The dog replied, "But that would make no sense at all!"

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Pip, the woman who took first...did she run in those shoes? They look like house slippers.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
    edited June 2015
    Pip, the woman who took first...did she run in those shoes? They look like house slippers.

    Those are slippers. What test r u guys taking. She may have gotten first but I like my legs better than hers, especially the quads, take that! :0P
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Agnes - When we went out to dinner two weeks ago, I looked up nutritional values for the restaurant before we left. Knew exactly what I was going to order. It helps to plan ahead. I also like that some of the menus are now including the amount of calories, etc.

    A friend of mine works for an ad agency and they have a large chain restaurant as a client. She works on their menus and told me that there is a new law that requires chain restaurants to post the calorie count on their menu. I don't know if it is a national law or just here in Massachusetts. I also look at the menu before eating out to decide what I am going to have and how I have to adjust the other meals in the day.

    Went bathing suit shopping for upcoming Mexico vacation, it wasn't pretty. Did not buy one, enough said.

    Will catch up later.

    Chris in MA
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Getting on here late today. Woke up and first thing my husband says is : This is what we are doing today! Not too bad though. Painted our second bathroom (2 coats), break for lunch, watched the movie Still Alice (about early onset alzheimer), return movie to Redbox, eat dinner at TGI Friday's, yarn purchase at JoAnn's then home to walk the dog. Phew! Didn't get a fitness walk in today but I figure painting the bathroom used up a ton of calories.

    Cheri- I am a big book reader too! I buy myself about 20 from Hamilton Booksellers (cheap!) for my birthday once a year (no one else gives me any presents). And I am in heaven when they arrive!

    I love, love. love reading! Books are my best friend! Real books, audio books, e-reader books! Always have a few going at the same time.

    Cheri, when I read that your find your DH lack of confidence unsettling, I can’t tell if it truly is bothering you or if you were just making a statement. I hope it doesn’t really give you any stress. I think his support is wonderful! And how nice that when he gets home and mentions a walk, you can say, “I already did it”. *smile* You are doing great so just keep it up.

    Honestly it doesn't stress me out anymore. In the past yes it would get to me but I am in such a better place within myself that I can handle it better. He was diagnosed with Aspergers as an adult and it brought a lot of things in our relationship into focus and relieved a lot of stress about what was going on with his behavior and reaction to my "failing" at "dieting". It's involved but I am good now and so is he. Couldn't have a better supporter in my corner!

    Cheri: Just wondering if there are any better reporting functions in the premium version of MFP that you know of?

    Things you can do with Premium:
    Macronutrients by Gram-Set macronutrient goals by either gram or percentage
    Quick Add Macronutrients-Track grams of fat, protein and carbs, whereas currently you just quick add the calories you can break down the macros for more accurate reporting
    Different Goals by Day-Set custom calorie and macronutrient goals for any day of the week. So for instance if you wanted/needed to consume a higher/lower amount of calories on certain days/weekends you can set this up to reflect that goal.
    Exercise Calorie Settings-Decide whether to increase daily goals when you exercise. You can toggle on or off the exercise calories and you can also assign exercise calories to macronutrients.
    Nutrient Dashboard-Choose a view that best helps you achieve your personal goals:
    Select a summary
    Calories Remaining:Food calories, exercise calories and calories remaining
    Macronutrients Remaining:Carbohydrates, fat, protein and calories remaining
    Heart Healthy:Fat, sodium, cholesterol and calories remaining
    Low Carb:Carbohydrates, sugar, dietary fiber and calories remaining
    Custom Summary:Select any three nutrients you would like to track

    I really do not need to go into such a detailed level with my logging and seeing results at this time so when the beta testing for premium is up I will not be paying for the service.

    @pipcd34 Great job today! Love seeing your smile on that podium!

    @Penny at the Pole Gorgeous pictures! I would not be able to do the height thing either. Once an escalator was too steep for me and my husband had to come back up and escort me down. The kids were younger then and had a good laugh on mom about the whole thing. It was REAL the fear I felt. Don't get me started on elevators and claustrophobia!

    To everyone else-hope your Saturday was a good one. Continuing to keep all those in need in my thoughts and prayers. :)<3

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Sunday here and my scheduled Rest Re-feed and cardio only day.
    SO glad I can post FOOD again and spread sheet redone for Tom's site, geesh
    I did Jeannette's Kick-box party for cardio before breakfast, will go for drive and walk Blaize today
    Had Vitarium Hot chocolate before bed last night and slept at 93% efficiency, MUST remember that.
    Sunday brunch cooked by husband and 2 Carman bars for lunch lol
    My favouriet exercise is Kick-boxing, LOVE it
    So glad daughter is talking again, took her to be ill to reach out
    Lesley in Tassie
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    For all you runners out there, especially if you listen to music while you run: Please be careful and alert to your surroundings. Three days ago, a jogger was hit by a car along the side of the road here in small town Iowa. Five in the morning. She has moderate to severe brain damage, and is still in a coma. PLEASE be careful! There are idiots behind the wheels, messaging, eating and drinking, chatting on the phone, and not paying attention to the road.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
    i'm a bear, but some of those questions didn't qualify for me. i rarely eat pasta n breads. so how can i say how i feel when i eat them. oh well