

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    DJ - "Janetr, I didn’t mean to get on my soapbox when responding to you (sorry). The devil just slipped it underneath me before I knew what happened. I hope you know it was not directed at you but was a general response. Hey, great deal on DH’s ex getting married!!! That was a nice raise. I hope ya’ll sent her a great wedding gift for giving you such a gift? LOL"

    Oh no, I truly appreciate the help. I do lie to myself, rationalize and pin the blame on those around me. One of the exact reasons I've been up and down so much in weight my entire adults life. I tell everyone I have last 1500# and they said WHAT? I really have lost lots and gained it all back and got heavier so many times I can't count. I am here for all the help I can get and I love it. Please "tell me like it is" I do enough "stroking" all by myself. lol

    Janetr OKC

    I'm learning that "Kitty Chow" is low in calories . . . makes a good snack, too! LOL!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Lesley, it took my son being ill to reconnect with me, too. We had been estranged for six years. It's hard not to dwell on the lost time, but it is what it is.

    Pip, your legs are absolutely better! Shapely AND tanned. And your smile was bigger.

    We had a lot of excitement tonight when we went to walk the dogs across the dam. We drove up and parked next to the spillway and I opened my door too soon. Molly slipped her collar and was off like a shot. You don't know panic like the feeling of watching your gray dog streaking down the gray road at dusk with cars coming in both directions. And trying to run and catch her is useless. (did you know they can run 35 mph?). The only thing she likes better than chasing something is BEING chased. So we kept calling to her and pretty soon she came streaking back toward us.

    A lesson I learned the hard way with another whippet is that you don't want to stand in the way of a whippet running full speed. They have no brakes. So she shot past us and got herself a drink from the lake, then ran the other way again. I went to bring the car and when I got back, hubby was watching her where she had run off into the woods. But she wouldn't come to him. He said, the only thing she will come for is a ball, and we don't have a ball. So I grabbed an orange microfiber cloth that I keep in the van and rolled it up into a ball shape and said, here Molly, do you want this ball? She ran right to me, and I grabbed her. Then hubby got the collar back on her. Whew!

    So, we finished our walk, then drove back to the cabin and there was a bunny in the driveway who hopped away. But when I opened the door, Spot got loose and ran into the woods after the bunny. He came back pretty quickly when he was called though, and it wasn't on the road so it wasn't as bad as Molly getting away. Spot is way too dependent on me to let me out of his sight for very long.

    We finally got the dogs safely inside, then hubby and I went back to the dam to look for Venus and Jupiter, who were bright tonight, and close together. That was fun.

    So, the moral of my story is, we need to keep a ball in the van from now on, in case Molly gets loose. She will do absolutely ANYTHING for a ball. Plus, don't open the door until everybody is under control.

    So, now I'm going to bed. Goodnight!


    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @ exermom - usually the afternoon rains we've been getting has kept the temperature of the pool very nicely; this summer, so far, Trey has not had to add any water. I'm sure we splashed out the extra in the pool tonight. Had a great time playing, walking and running in the pool. I'm too tired to stay on computer much; so I will check in with y'all tomorrow some time. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! (eve).
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Did my first HI (High Intensity) treadmill workout tonight on my new exercise plan that's based on my DNA test results. Used to do HI, so it felt very natural today. Did 30 minutes at 70-75% MHR, wearing a heart rate monitor.

    My plan calls for 9 Steady Aerobic (SA) sessions at 50 to 65% MHR, for 60-75 minutes. Plus 1 High Intensity (HI) session at 70-85% MHR every 10th time. They recommend 3-4 x weekly for weight reduction. 2-3 x weekly for maintenance.

    Thankful I get to do 90% SA and only 10% HI. Other people need the opposite (10% SA and 90% HI), meaning steady aerobics doesn't help them lose weight because they need High Intensity workouts to do so. Although it ranges anywhere in between those two ends of the spectrum. Science has now shown that people need different percentages based on their DNA. Fascinating!

    My genes show that I'm actually resistant to weight loss when doing High Intensity work outs. This totally validates why I lost almost NO weight a few years ago doing HI for one hour 6 days/wk. at 85% MHR. Plus briskly walking my yorkie for an additional half hr. 7 days/wk. All while eating only 800 calories daily and tracking everything meticulously. Only lost 5 lbs. in an entire month. All that pain and effort for almost no results. Felt terrible the entire time. Was so tired, unhappy and frustrated that I wanted to scream and cry at the same time. Grrr! Very glad I'm not forcing myself to do something that absolutely does not work for me. Grateful to have finally found something based on science that works great.

    Good thing I followed the recommendation for those who are new or haven't exercised in a while: to do ten 30 minute sessions 3 times a week, walking at a moderate pace (50 to 65% MHR), before adding in a HI session. (Or people can work up to ten 30 min. sessions if needed.) I did a total of four 60 minute sessions instead, totaling 240 minutes (4 hours) weekly. Kept my heart rate at the top end of the recommended range for me, so 65% instead of 50%. This was challenging and felt good. Still over-ambitious, but controlling it now for long-term results and duration.

    My very first SA session was really tough! Felt the strain everywhere. What a shock after previously having been very active during my life. Being an overachiever, I used do the maximum on everything. But ended up too sore and/or exhausted to continue. However, this time, I did it differently. Am determined to continue long-term. This is definitely a lifestyle change for me.

    Even did 15 extra minutes at a steady pace today to ensure I didn't under guess one of my outdoor sessions this week. So, I'll only need 30 minutes SA tomorrow.

    Made great progress this month. Exceeded my exercise goals and shed 9 lbs during the past month!

    Sweet dreams to All. - Nancy
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Sorry to hear that some of you had trouble with the link to the Diet Type quiz. You do need to enter your email address, then click submit. You'll quickly get a link to the quiz in your email and can then take the free quiz.

    I took the quiz a few years ago, so don't have the link anymore. Have never received spam from them.

    If you're still not comfortable or the link you received doesn't work, maybe someone else here can share the email link with you. That way you won't have to enter your email address. I took the quiz a few years ago, so don't have the link anymore.

    Anyway, it will be fun to hear more of your animal Diet Types here! - Nancy
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    My MFP calorie 'keeper upper with' goal keeps changing on me. Driving me crazy - gives me a false sense of security. No rhyme or reason ... just changes mid-day. I can check it for the next day and there is no problem. Had checked it yesterday and goal caloric intake was at what I had set it; then during the day - just changes. Does it know that it is the weekend or something? It's bad enough to overeat as it is on weekends. Tomorrow we are going to Jenn's mother's house for mid-day meal. She'll have enough food to feed 8 armies. A tablespoon of this or that ... will be difficult to track. Maybe I should just drink coffee until we go and then eat my calories up in one fell swoop. I have a measurement translator somewhere ... how many tablespoons are in a cup; etc. I'll figure it out somehow.

    Thanks @Peachstategal - Michael has a long row to hoe because of his injuries; Margaret till be able to rell us more once she goes out there.

    Boy, it is even hard to keep up with the daily postings; this site has become so popular.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Whoo. Hooo, I lost 3.5# this week. YES

    Janet, Oklahoma City


    Yeah!!!! Way to go
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    GritsandSluts - hey and Kitty Chow would be crunchy I'm sure. Might help satisfy a lot of "stuff". Would it make my meow a bit louder Ha!!
  • Shari1011a
    Shari1011a Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All......New Here .... I am 53 and live in Southern California. I have never had a weight issue, even after 5 kids and 60 lb weigh gain with each. about 4 yrs ago, the weight started creeping in and no matter what I did I could not lose!! Dr said, you are fine, just getting older.. hmmm ** anyways, I lost my mother and gallbladder and it seems I even gained MORE.... now I need to lose 37 lbs to feel good in my own skin ( and clothing) I walk/hike 30-40 miles a week.. ( that is easy) hard part is watching my FOOD...I started on June 15th and I am down 4 lbs ( I am sure mostly water weight) :) BUT, I am sticking to my food/calorie goals and I KNOW I can do this.. Nice to meet you all
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Nancy - Made great progress this month. Exceeded my exercise goals and shed 9 lbs during the past month!

    Wow absolutely fantastic. You should be proud of you!! Way to go.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    Whoo. Hooo, I lost 3.5# this week. YES

    Janet, Oklahoma City

    Yeah!!!! Way to go[/quote]

    Thanks so much, Lilly. Truly appreciate the encouragement :)

    Janetr OKC
  • SlenderClassyElegant
    SlenderClassyElegant Posts: 62 Member
    edited June 2015
    Welcome, Shari ! :smiley:
    @miriamwithcats: Your house is so pretty! I love how the colors of your flowers match the purple in your trim.

    ~Jen in California
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Cheri, Loved hearing about the audio books! :smile:
    - Nancy
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Pip, the woman who took first...did she run in those shoes? They look like house slippers.

    Those are slippers. What test r u guys taking. She may have gotten first but I like my legs better than hers, especially the quads, take that! :0P

    Pip I like your legs better too.


    I like Pip's legs better too.!! They look much stronger than the winner

  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Sylvia, Glad your fur babies are safe at home with you and your hubby!
    - Nancy

  • Shari1011a
    Shari1011a Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks guys.. is this just a message board or is there a group link?
  • Shari1011a
    Shari1011a Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome, Shari ! :smiley:
    thank you

  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Michele in NC - I do remember getting glasses. I was about 7, and suddenly trees had leaves!
    Do you use Pill Pockets for the cats' pills? Those worked for a while when we had to give Newt daily pills for cancer. Then he stopped eating those. For a while, we could wrap them in soft treats. But at the end <sigh> we had to wrestle.

    Sylvia - how frightening, gray dog in grey evening on grey highway. She's a beautiful critter.

    Charm - please tell more about the DNA tests.

    GRITS: 3 tsp to a Tbs, 2 Tbs to an ounce, 8 ounces to a cup. 16 Tbs to a cup.

    Shari - welcome to the party!

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Well.... I don't think there will be room in the boat for me tomorrow ....(ah shucks!! NOT really ) The boys are going fishing with their dad.

    Night everyone!

    Lillian in west Central Saskatchewan
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Beautiful, remodeled bathroom. Serene colors. :)