

  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    A girl is to go on said date.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Hope this works! Might be huge..if so, I apologize.

    Cute animals! Unfortunately/Fortunately I'm allergic to cats.
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    What do you want to do? Going on A date isn't a promise for another date, so I say if you want to go out, go out.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    I bike to work every is "Bike to Work Day" in Denver.

    I confess that I call it "Amateur Hour" because all these people clumsily trying to load their bikes on the light rail, rubbing their tires on my pants, riding without helmets, running red lights, riding down the middle of the street & just generally being clueless bicyclists is making me VERY STABBY THIS MORNING

    Yeah, I get that this is to promote cycling more often and it's a good thing, but if you aren't experienced and know what you're doing no sense trying to do it for just one day! And particularly NOT in downtown Denver. I'm with you on that one.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Started the C25k app today because I like having someone tell me when to run and when to walk :)

    I am ready to start that myself. I was hoping that would tell me what to do!!

    I really like it because I'll be going along listening to my music and it'll beep and say start walking then beep start running and I don't have to look at my watch or anything it's great!

    Great news for me. I am working on getting my physical endurance up a bit for a mud run in October.

    Either of you tried the Zombies, run! app? I've heard good reviews about that one.

    That may be one I need to look into since The Walking Dead is my favorite show. Gotta train for the apocalypse!!

    I'm counting on you, @crosbylee and @quiksylver296

    We will be ready!!! Dr Pepper and all!!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »

    Hope this works! Might be huge..if so, I apologize.

    Wow that's a lot of cats (super cute, too)! I forget who else had a bunch, including a pregnant porch kitty, you might might give that person a run for their money in the cat hoarding war ;)

    That would be @pofoster21, if I'm not mistaken. And my family owns 14 cats, so I think they beat everyone. O.o
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    Give it a chance. It could be awesome super great!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Edited because men are men, whatever, but don't make it public, I don't want that visual thanks

    This. This is how I feel. I know most guys are like that but I just don't want to think/hear about it because it makes me feel bad for some reason. Ignorance sometimes really is bliss...

    Edited to add: I'm pretty sure the reason I feel like this is because I imagine my boyfriend being like that and even if I broke up with him, I can imagine the next guy being like that too. That is on me I know but it's just the way I feel.

    No most men aren't like that or at least myself and the guys I know.

    True, most men aren't like that, but men like that are more vocal!

    As a woman myself, I didn't think I could really speak up about it with much surety, but I agree--It's a case of the minority making the majority look nasty. My husband, at the very least, definitely isn't like that. And I doubt there are many men who are nasty/immoral enough to do that kind of thing in a professional setting, no matter what they might do in the privacy of their homes.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    ccourcha wrote: »
    Beat off at work bathroom to thoughts of new reception girl

    I think it's funny that you say this, but on your page your inspirations are

    > Intimidating the boys coming around for my daughters
    > To be the best example to my son that I can be

    that new reception girl is someones daughter too y'know, and I'm not sure that is a good example of being a man now is it?

    STANDS AND GIVES @Lois_1989 A ROUND OF APPLAUSE! (yes, this is worth yelling about!)

    Lois you are SUPER GREAT!!!

    Agree with both of these, and definitely agree with your own post. :)
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    @AngryViking1970 and @WestCoastJo82 Thanks I probably will. An evening that doesn't involve talking about Spongebob , farts or other bodily functions might be nice!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    yesterday afternoon i had plans to take my mom to see jurassic world. yesterday we also had a massive storm that dumped tons of rain. it was still slightly raining when i left the house to meet her at the theater. of course i'm perpetually late for everything and was probably driving a smidge too fast for the road conditions.

    then i started to fishtail on the four lane highway, and i completely can't pull out of it, totally lose control, the car does a full 360 spin across the two lanes of oncoming traffic and i bounce off of the opposing guardrail.

    by some tiny miracle, no one was coming when i crossed lanes. if anyone had been, i probably would have killed them and myself. so i'm on the wrong side of the road facing the wrong direction. see no one coming at me head on, and drive back over to the right side of the road to a stoplight. this dude pulls up in the lane next to me and is like ARE YOU OK?!?!! i'm all shaky and say yeah, i think so. light turns green and i drive on to the theater like everything is fine.

    i meet up with my mom and i'm like, i think i might have just almost died, and explain the whole thing to her and she's like... well maybe you should slow the hell down. and i say no, this was REALLY scary, and she's just like yeah, i've done it before too. slow down.

    thanks mom!

    confession: my mother's total lack of empathy and concern really ticks me off sometimes....

    I confess I might be a lot like your mom.

    THANK YOU! Not to be mean to @KylerJaye at ALL, but I seriously lack empathy. My youngest son is a drama queen, so if you ask him I'm the worst person EVER. He over-dramatizes everything and I'm more of the "suck it up, buttercup!" kind of mom. His dad would take him to the ER when he was little over a bloody nose and I, on the other hand, when he called me in the middle of the night after totaling his truck told him to just drive home. :( In my defense, I'm completely out of it if I'm woken up abruptly and incoherent. Of course, I woke up more and realized what happened and went and got him, but yeah, that's what he's had to deal with. Sorry, child!

    My husband has serious back issues at times, but is also a wimp when it comes to pain. One time he needed me to help him out of bed and called me into the bedroom FOUR separate times saying he was going to get up, but then couldn't do it. Finally, I told him, "It's like ripping off a Band-Aid - just get up already!" Epic lack of empathy.

    OMG, me too. My husband is a worst case scenario expert so every sniffle most certainly means ebola. He was pretty sure my insect bite was Rocky Mountain Spotted fever, too. :p It's exhausting. I just roll my eyes as discreetly as I can and tell him to go to the doctor.

    I think all men are babies when they are sick...such drama queens...(sorry men of the thread)

    Not my husband. He toughs out EVERYTHING, even when he's practically dying. No matter how awful he's feeling, he says he's okay. It should say something that the one time he EVER said he wasn't okay, he collapsed, became delirious, and fainted--and we ended up in the ER. His motto is always, "Pain doesn't matter. As long as it's (Whatever body part being referred to) functional, it's fine."

    ...He's pretty much crazy, but he's my rock. I can always depend on him to be there, even when he's sick or hurt. I really love that man. :)

    So sweet!

  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Started the C25k app today because I like having someone tell me when to run and when to walk :)

    I am ready to start that myself. I was hoping that would tell me what to do!!

    I really like it because I'll be going along listening to my music and it'll beep and say start walking then beep start running and I don't have to look at my watch or anything it's great!

    Great news for me. I am working on getting my physical endurance up a bit for a mud run in October.

    Either of you tried the Zombies, run! app? I've heard good reviews about that one.

    That may be one I need to look into since The Walking Dead is my favorite show. Gotta train for the apocalypse!!

    I'm counting on you, @crosbylee and @quiksylver296

    Like I've said before, I've never watched TWD. But...I think I saw a commercial for a spin-off show. Did anyone see that?

    @MoHousdon remember, we're meeting at Mt. Rushmore. :p

    Yes, the spinoff, prequel type show starts in August. I really am looking forward to it. Strange, I know, but I am hooked. I can pick Mo up on my way through!!
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Started the C25k app today because I like having someone tell me when to run and when to walk :)

    I am ready to start that myself. I was hoping that would tell me what to do!!

    I really like it because I'll be going along listening to my music and it'll beep and say start walking then beep start running and I don't have to look at my watch or anything it's great!

    Great news for me. I am working on getting my physical endurance up a bit for a mud run in October.

    Either of you tried the Zombies, run! app? I've heard good reviews about that one.

    That may be one I need to look into since The Walking Dead is my favorite show. Gotta train for the apocalypse!!

    I'm counting on you, @crosbylee and @quiksylver296

    Like I've said before, I've never watched TWD. But...I think I saw a commercial for a spin-off show. Did anyone see that?

    @MoHousdon remember, we're meeting at Mt. Rushmore. :p

    Yes, the spinoff, prequel type show starts in August. I really am looking forward to it. Strange, I know, but I am hooked. I can pick Mo up on my way through!!

    I'm psyched for Fear the Walking Dead. We're turning the cable back on early just for this. Squeeee!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Yesterday I went to see my boyfriend, and his parents brought us Taco Bell and cherry pie. I only had 200 calories left, but I mean, it would've been rude to refuse... I went about 450 over, but I'm still under for the week lol

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    @AngryViking1970 and @WestCoastJo82 Thanks I probably will. An evening that doesn't involve talking about Spongebob , farts or other bodily functions might be nice!

    Oh my gosh! I LOLed! My son's eleven, and it hasn't got much better.

    Although we did have a fairly lengthy discussion yesterday about the American welfare system. And I was thinking the whole time, "My 11 year old son has an opinion on the welfare system. Is that normal?" For everyone's edification, he's a raging Republican on that issue. :D
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    If it is the time when your son is with his dad, then why not?
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    @AngryViking1970 and @WestCoastJo82 Thanks I probably will. An evening that doesn't involve talking about Spongebob , farts or other bodily functions might be nice!

    Oh my gosh! I LOLed! My son's eleven, and it hasn't got much better.

    Although we did have a fairly lengthy discussion yesterday about the American welfare system. And I was thinking the whole time, "My 11 year old son has an opinion on the welfare system. Is that normal?" For everyone's edification, he's a raging Republican on that issue. :D

    This reminds me. Not long ago I bought a Mad Libs book for my son at the checkout, because I always ALWAYS buy something there and I was in the candy free line. Do you have any idea how seamlessly you can fit the word 'turd' into any part of speech?

    If there was any doubt, I am not having discussions with my 10 year old about politics. LOL
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Can we just cancel today? :unamused:
    As I've mentioned, hubby is out of town, and now just so happens to be the perfect time for Raelynn to get sick. As in, puking all over the bathroom and kitchen sick. She refuses to eat, just wants water, and is currently lying down in her bed watching a movie as that's all she wants to do. Not to mention, the actual act of vomiting was enough to trigger one of her daily multiple anxiety attacks. Needless to say, at this point neither one of us is concerned at all about eating and not really doing much of anything else either. :frowning:
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    1963 Chevy pick up. Matte black with ghost flames and slammed. According to the insurance he's carrying, it's not supposed to be used as a daily driver, so don't tell anyone. :*

    Then it's as old as me, since I'm a 1963 edition as well. By the way, I've been seeing matte paint used more and more these days and I really like the look. SO is a car restoration hobbyist guy so I might be "suggesting" matte finish for some future project.

    And I'm sorry that the stepdaughter is being such a twit. (Insert a different vowel there)

    Since I'm still > 20 pages behind.... @BZAH10 I must have missed the post where you shared about issues with your hubby, that really saddens me since you seem to be such a *kitten*-together handle-anything gal (in other words, he must be a complete tool if things are rocky) and I hope you guys get things sorted out soon. @Susieq_1994 sorry to hear you're struggling right now... but you're such an awesome lady, I'm sure God knows that without a lot of hoop-jumping required... that's my overly-simplistic non-religious view of things anyway.

    I appreciate you saying that, but he's not a bad person. He's almost 11 years older than me and we've been together for 15 years. I've become a completely different person during that time span. He has... not. We've talked about it and he can admit that I have grown and have become a better person and he's basically stagnant. But he also doesn't feel he needs to change and/or improve. (That is his ego talking.) We just want different things in life right now. Not sure what will become of it at this point.

    Also, regarding what you said about quoting posts you respond to, I completely understand what you said because the same thing happens to me.

    @kelly_c_77 your pets are beyond adorable! And you son's comment about "doing weed" is hilarious!

    @Italian_Buju I'm SO sorry for everything going on! Can you replace (or help) replace your son's bike? I'm also very sorry you and your SO haven't spoken for 2 weeks. BTDT. Not a good way to live. However, enjoy every single minute of your solitude this evening!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    Go. Enjoy. Doesn't have to be serious or time consuming. YOU set the boundaries! Give a try. You never know, right?