

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    And lastly before I finally get to bed, I finally checked. 0 spam 0 flags. :)
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited June 2015
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Put down 37 miles over 3 rides today. 7 to work, 13 back home and a 17 mile 'restless evening' ride. Funny thing is I've hardly ate anything today. No breakfast (normal for me) a tiny 220 calorie lunch and at home I had 3 whole wheat fajita tortillas filled with refried beans and some shredded cheese. Same exact goes for yesterday. I feel strong, no soreness and I stay hydrated so until I stall, I am staying the course because it's hard to deny the results.

    Confession... It irritates me when people quote someone that posted a bunch of photos without removing said photos in their reply. Confession 2... IRL I would totally judge some of the decisions people make then whine about. You're an adult and you made an adult decision so deal with the adult consequences and shut up. :naughty: (But I am not judging so I will be like Kermit and sip mah tea)

    Oh and I found my mom (dang her!) left a huge fresh cooked brownie here at my house. I can't deny it as I am powerless against food that somehow made it's way into my safe haven away from temptation. And I am too frugal to throw it out. Whatever... I'm about to eat the thing so it will be gone. (<-adult decision) NO RAGRETS

    So you want us to delete photos... I'll try and figure out how. I don't see what the big deal is frankly I just skip by them but will try in the future. Might screw up quotes but I'll try.

    Good job on the ride.

    Please don't take what I said as a passive personal attack or anything. It's not that big of a deal but IMO it adds clutter to the threads. I try to zoom by them while at work because photos stick out way more than text does.

    Thanks pofoster. I am working up to a century, not sure if it will be this season but I am trying, just need to gain some support by way of riding friends. 4 years of cycling and I've never joined a group or have friends that carry the interest so I guess in the immortal words of the Geico commercial... I am a loner... and a loner's gotta be alone! (I am changing that this season though with the help of a new co-worker that's a board member of the local cycling group RABA)

    The brownie was gooood. :blush: And now it's gone so I can have some peace of mind. lol

    How well I format a quote and respond depends on where I am reading. On a computer - no problem. On my ipad mini, well then it depends. Sometimes the ipad behaves and sometimes it is stubborn. On my phone. Not a chance. Nope, zero. If I reply on my phone with a quote the entire thread of quotes including photos is going to show. I suspect I am not alone in phone ineptness, but I may be. I accept that. I'm good at enough other things I can be phone impaired. :wink:

    I tend to be a lone cyclist too, but my SO is a very social cyclist and I think it helped him improve much more quickly than if he was solo (just my guess). I started out as a group rider in middle school (yikes, 30 years ago) and liked the trips we did. I hope you enjoy the group you join and I am sure you will. Have fun!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 I'm sorry that guy took credit for YOUR work! So frustrating. And I see you as "Doctor Patricia". Is that okay?

    @Tubbs216 give him enough Valium to knock him out. Seriously though, I hope it goes well and that he's not too much of a baby for you!

    I never use the Dr. but yes, feel free! As long as its not Dr. Pat

    I "rarely" use the Dr. but I pull it out once in awhile if it serves a purpose, and once in awhile it does. I don't use it with people I know - I prefer my first name. I use Dr. Lastname just in business type situations.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I rejoined a gym in the last week. There are many gyms in the area but the one I prefer and feel very comfortable taking my kids to workout with me is kind of expensive. I had quit it for a year to catch up on things financially and tried to keep active in many other ways. Recently I decided that my daughter really enjoyed it and I want to support anything she enjoys these days. Tonight we went to a Zumba class at her request. It was 75 minutes of me flailing around as ungainly as possible. Daughter loved it and smiled more in that class than I've seen in a long time. Worth the cost of admission. I did a couple of calculators and based on my weight I think I burned around 500 calories in that time. I know I was pushing myself to stay as high intensity as I could. Is 500 calories for 1.25 hours a reasonable estimate? I'm on the very little side. I don't often log food and I even more rarely log exercise. I also lifted weights (didn't even try to figure that out) and got a decent amount of walking in during the day. I feel that I am keeping my nice slow steady goal of gradually losing another few pounds.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    I tripped and fell during my run this morning. I am thankful that my dog showed geniune concern for me instead of laughing.

    I fall all the time when I run. I don't pick my feet up enough. I have broken several walkman/discman over the years. Thank God for iPods. Although I did break my iPod when it fell off my waistband in a portapotty once. :(

    I have banged my knees up and scraped my hands, but most of the damage was to the portable players.

    I would not have even checked if I dropped it in a portapotty. I would have been all, 'so long iPod, we had some good times didn't we?'

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I rejoined a gym in the last week. There are many gyms in the area but the one I prefer and feel very comfortable taking my kids to workout with me is kind of expensive. I had quit it for a year to catch up on things financially and tried to keep active in many other ways. Recently I decided that my daughter really enjoyed it and I want to support anything she enjoys these days. Tonight we went to a Zumba class at her request. It was 75 minutes of me flailing around as ungainly as possible. Daughter loved it and smiled more in that class than I've seen in a long time. Worth the cost of admission. I did a couple of calculators and based on my weight I think I burned around 500 calories in that time. I know I was pushing myself to stay as high intensity as I could. Is 500 calories for 1.25 hours a reasonable estimate? I'm on the very little side. I don't often log food and I even more rarely log exercise. I also lifted weights (didn't even try to figure that out) and got a decent amount of walking in during the day. I feel that I am keeping my nice slow steady goal of gradually losing another few pounds.

    That sounds a bit high to me for your size, but I'm not sure I can accurately estimate it. I have medical issues that make my CICO weird. I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful. :(
  • ccourcha
    ccourcha Posts: 316 Member
    Bro you need to get alpha, funk beta
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I rejoined a gym in the last week. There are many gyms in the area but the one I prefer and feel very comfortable taking my kids to workout with me is kind of expensive. I had quit it for a year to catch up on things financially and tried to keep active in many other ways. Recently I decided that my daughter really enjoyed it and I want to support anything she enjoys these days. Tonight we went to a Zumba class at her request. It was 75 minutes of me flailing around as ungainly as possible. Daughter loved it and smiled more in that class than I've seen in a long time. Worth the cost of admission. I did a couple of calculators and based on my weight I think I burned around 500 calories in that time. I know I was pushing myself to stay as high intensity as I could. Is 500 calories for 1.25 hours a reasonable estimate? I'm on the very little side. I don't often log food and I even more rarely log exercise. I also lifted weights (didn't even try to figure that out) and got a decent amount of walking in during the day. I feel that I am keeping my nice slow steady goal of gradually losing another few pounds.

    That sounds a bit high to me for your size, but I'm not sure I can accurately estimate it. I have medical issues that make my CICO weird. I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful. :(

    Thanks. That's what I thought too. I don't really care it is just my curiosity asking. It would not change anything else I did or ate today. :smiley:
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    While I like being nude alone or in presence of SO, I am less comfortable being nude around other people. One gym I went to in the mornings had a big open multiple shower in the locker room. I went straight from the gym to work so I showered there. One woman felt no problem showering at the same time and talking up a storm. She was nice but I wanted less talk and more space. She was very athletic and had just missed the olympic team. She had a twin sister. Maybe she was just used to chatting in a locker room shower but I was not used to it.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Confession: I'm seriously considering the intermittent fasting diet. I'm clearly not getting anywhere with the old fashioned calorie counting and I'm actually getting quite desperate now. I want to book a doctors appointment but I think they will say the same thing as my mum "Why don't you join weight watchers or slimming world" Yea, I don't want to pay someone to watch me stand on a scale.

    I'm also considering taking all the money I have saved for a deposit on a house and getting someone to just suck all the fat out of me.

    It's all feeling very hopeless at the moment

    I've done 5:2 intermittently. (that sounds weird, ha ha) I've mentioned before that when he's home my SO does the cooking and that generally results in huge portions of very rich and rather "junky" food -- not at all how I'd choose to eat -- so when he's gone I'll do 5:2 to kind of recalibrate, especially since my IBS is usually in overdrive by the time he leaves (we seriously eat like cr@p).

    I'd say give it a try.

    But keep saving that house money!!!

    Yea, I don't see any harm in trying it for a month or so. It's not something stupid like a teatox. It just involves a bit of forward planning.

    It's ok, the money is still there
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Apparently they don't want newbs to find us! Oh well

    Is this page still on the stickied post? Or did they take the link away?
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Put down 37 miles over 3 rides today. 7 to work, 13 back home and a 17 mile 'restless evening' ride. Funny thing is I've hardly ate anything today. No breakfast (normal for me) a tiny 220 calorie lunch and at home I had 3 whole wheat fajita tortillas filled with refried beans and some shredded cheese. Same exact goes for yesterday. I feel strong, no soreness and I stay hydrated so until I stall, I am staying the course because it's hard to deny the results.

    Confession... It irritates me when people quote someone that posted a bunch of photos without removing said photos in their reply. Confession 2... IRL I would totally judge some of the decisions people make then whine about. You're an adult and you made an adult decision so deal with the adult consequences and shut up. :naughty: (But I am not judging so I will be like Kermit and sip mah tea)

    Oh and I found my mom (dang her!) left a huge fresh cooked brownie here at my house. I can't deny it as I am powerless against food that somehow made it's way into my safe haven away from temptation. And I am too frugal to throw it out. Whatever... I'm about to eat the thing so it will be gone. (<-adult decision) NO RAGRETS

    By the sounds of it you have enough calories left for a whole batch! Savor the flavour!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    I messaged @ShibaEars earlier. She was the one that went to Arizona. She said she was busy doing renovations on the new house and was having a hard time keeping up, but is doing well.

    @ShibaEars - I hope you're having fun in your new housey! Make sure to take pictures so I can pretend I'm moving in with you. :smiley:
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    I bike to work every is "Bike to Work Day" in Denver.

    I confess that I call it "Amateur Hour" because all these people clumsily trying to load their bikes on the light rail, rubbing their tires on my pants, riding without helmets, running red lights, riding down the middle of the street & just generally being clueless bicyclists is making me VERY STABBY THIS MORNING

    I admit I don't know a lot about biking, but I'm trying to figure out how and why people are rubbing their tires on your pants. I just can't picture it without some very strange mental images popping into my head. :o


    When I bike in to work, I'm in my work clothes. It's mostly downhill, so I don't get all sweaty in the mornings.

    I bike about 7 miles, and then take light rail the rest of the way. When you load your bike on light rail, you have to stand with your bike at either end of the car; 2 bikes max per end.

    When you board with a bike & there is someone else there with a bike, you do your best to keep your bike away from the other person, so your tires don't rub against their legs/pants. (It's a kind of bike commuter etiquette thing.)

    When newbs climb aboard, flailing their bike up the stairs, they are completely oblivious to everyone else & inevitably will rub their tires against you, unless you ward them off with your feet. Bike tire grime is about equivalent to engine compartment grime - black & impossible to wipe off.

    After work I change into shorts & a tank, so I can get my sweat on cranking up the hills.

    I know it sounds bizarre...welcome to my world!

    That is way more tame than I was imagining, but it still stinks. I kept picturing someone reaching their tire forward and rubbing it down your leg all while staring at you with the whites of their eyes entirely exposed.

    Omg, I'm dying!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    My son and I were playing outside a little earlier and I noticed just how bad our rose bushes and flower garden have gotten overrun with weeds. I started pulling the weeds and of course, he wanted "to help" I let him toss the pulled weeds into a pile. Anyway, some neighbors walked by and started chatting with him and asked what he was up to. His reply? "Just doing weed with Mama"!! I almost died....and quickly cleared it up that we were WEEDING not doing weed.

    This is so funny!!!

    And I LOVED the furbaby photos!!!

    Haha, thanks! And thank you for the link to the BB thread...I had forgotten that you said it would be in the group..aka The Batcave.
    Also @Kalici, I just saw the "untrusted" part about the Poptart now..little late on that one!
    @raelynnsmama52512, glad the little lady is feeling better AND went potty! And to wanted to cancel the day! ;)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    I tripped and fell during my run this morning. I am thankful that my dog showed geniune concern for me instead of laughing.

    I fall all the time when I run. I don't pick my feet up enough. I have broken several walkman/discman over the years. Thank God for iPods. Although I did break my iPod when it fell off my waistband in a portapotty once. :(

    I have banged my knees up and scraped my hands, but most of the damage was to the portable players.

    I would not have even checked if I dropped it in a portapotty. I would have been all, 'so long iPod, we had some good times didn't we?'

    Sorry to be didn't go in the toilet. It hit the plastic floor by my feet. No, if it had gone in the toilet part the screen probably would have been fine but it would have been bye bye iPod!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    I tripped and fell during my run this morning. I am thankful that my dog showed geniune concern for me instead of laughing.

    I fall all the time when I run. I don't pick my feet up enough. I have broken several walkman/discman over the years. Thank God for iPods. Although I did break my iPod when it fell off my waistband in a portapotty once. :(

    I have banged my knees up and scraped my hands, but most of the damage was to the portable players.

    I would not have even checked if I dropped it in a portapotty. I would have been all, 'so long iPod, we had some good times didn't we?'

    Sorry to be didn't go in the toilet. It hit the plastic floor by my feet. No, if it had gone in the toilet part the screen probably would have been fine but it would have been bye bye iPod!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 I'm sorry that guy took credit for YOUR work! So frustrating. And I see you as "Doctor Patricia". Is that okay?

    @Tubbs216 give him enough Valium to knock him out. Seriously though, I hope it goes well and that he's not too much of a baby for you!

    I never use the Dr. but yes, feel free! As long as its not Dr. Pat

    I "rarely" use the Dr. but I pull it out once in awhile if it serves a purpose, and once in awhile it does. I don't use it with people I know - I prefer my first name. I use Dr. Lastname just in business type situations.

    For what I do for a living the doctorate is irrelevant so I never use it. It would make me feel pretentious as no one else in my broader team has it and it's not necessary in marketing communications. For you I totally understand.

    Although I often think of asking people I don't like at work to call me that. :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited June 2015
    So I went and looked and couldn't even find the thread listed under 'recent'. I have had it bookmarked since day 1 so never had trouble finding it. Weird. I wonder what we did... Or in typical human form someone couldn't resist trying to destroy something nice....

    ETA: I did find it on page 7 in the general diet and weight loss section
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Well, we are still in the recommended thread so they haven't fully banished us.