

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @susieqhusband she needs a Fitbit. Now!

    And I know you are reading this!

    Hahahaahaha - this made me laugh!

    And I agree, get on it Mr. Susie!
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »

    I was going to take you up on this yesterday but every time I tried to post mfp decided it didn't like me.

    Today I'm aiming for:

    7,000 steps (it's low but between Saturday and Sunday I did close to 27,000 which is a new record for me)

    No alcohol

    Get half my long to do list done at work since it's a holiday Wednesday and its month end.

    7,751 steps right now.

    Not quite half my to do list done but the other person in my office got too much sun at camp and called in this morning. Good thing I didn't bet my boss. I figured she'd be sick Thursday and Friday.

    My calories are low today so I'm going to have an ice cream cup instead of a drink.

    So 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    edited June 2015
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Aww, total warm fuzzies! Thank you, guys. :) By the way, does it bother anyone that I'm essentially referring to a group of women as "guys"? Because it's just the way I've always used that word growing up, so I use it automatically. :D

    Yes! I'm very offended! Just kidding! I waver between y'all (living in SC for 17 years) and you guys (grew up in IL) depending on the situation, but prefer you guys!

    I'm also in SC!

    What part?!?! :D


    Greenville looks amazing! Quite randomly for a brit I know quite a few people who live there and it's high on my list of places in the sunshine I'd like to move to!

    ETA: it used to be Aiken after spending a summer there for work, but I was convinced through daily conversations with a guy that lived there that Greenville was more cosmopolitan and a bit less humid. I have actually never been though and would really like to.

    Confession - if I was single and he wasn't married with kids I'd have been even easier to convince that Greenville was where I wanted to be...
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »

    I was going to take you up on this yesterday but every time I tried to post mfp decided it didn't like me.

    Today I'm aiming for:

    7,000 steps (it's low but between Saturday and Sunday I did close to 27,000 which is a new record for me)

    No alcohol

    Get half my long to do list done at work since it's a holiday Wednesday and its month end.

    7,751 steps right now.

    Not quite half my to do list done but the other person in my office got too much sun at camp and called in this morning. Good thing I didn't bet my boss. I figured she'd be sick Thursday and Friday.

    My calories are low today so I'm going to have an ice cream cup instead of a drink.

    So 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

    Yay way to go!!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @riderfangal eee I know the feeling when the guy is nice enough but that spark just isn't there and he keeps trying to touch you haha I hate that! At least you made a new friend and now you don't have to think 'what if' if you hadn't gone!

    Lol yep it was pretty awkward and I am actually glad I went! Thank you all for the positive thoughts this week

    That is so awkward!
    I once went on a date and the guy was really into me, and I just was not feeling we had went out for dinner and then went to a club I frequented....I thought he might have clued in when I kept introducing him as my friend and not my date, but he didn't. Finally, he leans into me and tells me how much he likes me....and I decide to be honest, and tell him he is a great guy but I am just not feeling it, that I will dance with him and such the rest of the night but I did not see it going anywhere.....he seemed fine, bought us another round of drinks, and then went to the bathroom, and NEVER RETURNED. He drove, so I was stranded a city away, at a night club. I was not impressed.....
    That's just terrible. Were you stuck there for a while?


    To tell a little more of the story, one of my best friends was living with me at my mother's house at the time. She went out on a date with a different guy and took my mom's car. I told her I would make sure my date and I ended up at our usual club, and for her to come and check me when she was done, in case things were not going well for me.

    I would say this guy left around 11-midnight. This club closed at 4am. I refused a few rides home from people I knew, figuring my friend would come for me sooner or later, and I was 30 minutes from home and didn't want to put anyone out of their way. So I just danced and had a few drinks etc. The club closed. I took a cab home, at like 5am, and got home like 5:30am. My mother was up at the kitchen table and I came in and asked if my friend was home yet, she was not. I told my mother what happened, and went up to my room, fuming. About half an hour later I heard my friend come in, and my mother told her to tread lightly cuz I was really mad.

    Turns out her and her date decided to go to a club THREE HOURS AWAY, so she never came to check on me because she knew my club would have been well closed by the time they got back to the area. She said she figured I would be fine. I was mad about that for a long time.


    Easier than retyping!

    Uhh yeah, I would have been mad too! Did she at least apologize?

    I think so, lol, that was 22+ years ago so I do not quite remember how the rest of it went, but I do recall I was mad for a long time.....
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Don't judge, but I have a cleaning lady every week, she cleans my house before I get home for the weekend. I justify it by saying I don't have to spend precious Charlie time cleaning, and it's do nice to walk into a clean smelling home in the middle of the night every week. Beds made. Also I have never met the magical woman who looks after my house ( she also cleans for my mum). Also, o work pretty hard and have a full load of responsibilities, so I don't feel guilty.

    I also have a man who walks my dog. But that's because he had to move in with my parents when I went to work in London and it wasn't fair to expect them to do it.

    Susie, I did have an assumption that all Saudi homes had a maid and a driver. I got this from the Jean sassoon/princess sultana series of books. Have you read them?

    I have, but I'm not a fan. :) As an expose of the corruption of the Saudi royalty, the author did a great job; but Islam was displayed in a terrible light, and it wasn't mentioned or highlighted that the corrupt "Shariah" that the royals enforce is NOT the true Islam, so the books honestly just make people hate Muslims even more.

    For others... As a whole, Saudi women aren't nearly as oppressed as the media portrays them. The driving issue is real, but otherwise they're pretty normal as a whole, just like any other woman. Don't believe everything you read. :)
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @susieqhusband she needs a Fitbit. Now!

    And I know you are reading this!

    During iftar, we were talking, and he was like... "Did you see that post?"
    I replied, "What post?"
    He said, "The @SusieQ's husband post!"
    I was like, "No, not yet, I'm not caught up. What was it about?"
    "Apparently the horse lady is demanding that I need to get you a Fitbit right now."


    LOL @ I actually clicked the link to see if that was his profile name.
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Aww, total warm fuzzies! Thank you, guys. :) By the way, does it bother anyone that I'm essentially referring to a group of women as "guys"? Because it's just the way I've always used that word growing up, so I use it automatically. :D

    Yes! I'm very offended! Just kidding! I waver between y'all (living in SC for 17 years) and you guys (grew up in IL) depending on the situation, but prefer you guys!

    I'm also in SC!

    What part?!?! :D


    I'm in Laurens, I'm in Greenville a lot lol!!! :smiley:
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Ladies and gentlemen of the confessions thread, a moment of hush if you will, I have an announcement to make.

    <drum roll>

    This afternoon, in the car park of a slightly up market grocery store, outside a ubiquitous coffee house chain, @girldownsouth and I met up. In honour of this thread, we did not partake of frothy expensive refreshments, but instead meandered many miles along the river, in idyllic English countryside (beside the motorway).

    We (well I did anyway) had a lovely walk in the sunshine, getting to know a new friend. We do intend to do it again.

    I thank you for your attention. Here endeth the announcement. Please return to your regularly scheduled confessions.

    That is awesome and I am completely jealous!!!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Ladies and gentlemen of the confessions thread, a moment of hush if you will, I have an announcement to make.

    <drum roll>

    This afternoon, in the car park of a slightly up market grocery store, outside a ubiquitous coffee house chain, @girldownsouth and I met up. In honour of this thread, we did not partake of frothy expensive refreshments, but instead meandered many miles along the river, in idyllic English countryside (beside the motorway).

    We (well I did anyway) had a lovely walk in the sunshine, getting to know a new friend. We do intend to do it again.

    I thank you for your attention. Here endeth the announcement. Please return to your regularly scheduled confessions.

    ... Major jealousness. It sounds lovely!!
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Aww, total warm fuzzies! Thank you, guys. :) By the way, does it bother anyone that I'm essentially referring to a group of women as "guys"? Because it's just the way I've always used that word growing up, so I use it automatically. :D

    Yes! I'm very offended! Just kidding! I waver between y'all (living in SC for 17 years) and you guys (grew up in IL) depending on the situation, but prefer you guys!

    I'm also in SC!

    What part?!?! :D


    Greenville looks amazing! Quite randomly for a brit I know quite a few people who live there and it's high on my list of places in the sunshine I'd like to move to!

    ETA: it used to be Aiken after spending a summer there for work, but I was convinced through daily conversations with a guy that lived there that Greenville was more cosmopolitan and a bit less humid. I have actually never been though and would really like to.

    Confession - if I was single and he wasn't married with kids I'd have been even easier to convince that Greenville was where I wanted to be...

    I live about an hour away from Greenville, and we do all sorts of things up there lol. Once you get over the traffic and idiot drivers, it's not so bad haha!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    @Italian_Buju , @kelly_c_77 , @LBuehrle8 , @nonoelmo , @Glinda1971 , @lilaclovebird , @kellienw335 , @riderfangal , @orangesmartie , @Susieq_1994 , @pofoster21 , @ythannah , @xLoveLikeWinterx

    Thanks all of you for taking the time to wish me well and offer me advice. I really appreciate it. It's too long, complicated and boring to go into fully but I really appreciate you telling me that it's ok to feel like this. I am a pretty strong (I hate that word!) person but sometimes, it just takes one too many things to tip a person over the edge of happy and I think I am at this stage at the moment. I'm nervous of saying too much in case anyone I know was to read this but I've had so much happen in the last year or so that I feel at the end of my tether.

    - Christmas 2013 my step son was rushed to hospital diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. He was so ill, it was an absolute nightmare, and especially around Christmas time. I'll never forget explaining to him that what was wrong with him couldn't just be cut out after he was crying and telling us he would have any operation needed just to fix it. He's done fantastically well to adapt at 13/14 years old but it was a stressful time.

    - Living in the South of UK house prices are ridiculous. Husband and I are very stressed not being able to afford a home and having to rent. Rental agencies in my experience have been horrendous. We are treated like second class citizens even though we pay more in rent than any of my friends pay for their mortgage. We eventually have been granted a mortgage but that in itself opens up more stress with trying to find a home on our budget.

    - We can't go on holiday (saving for house). We went for one weekend away to Cornwall 2 months ago and came home and our rented house had flooded from top to bottom. It's a town house so all 3 stories are water damaged. 2 months in the works are now due to commence but we have holes in the ceiling and no carpets and living in less than best conditions. Landlord has been excellent, but it's not nice. Work needs to start but now cannot as...

    - ...My husband has a serious injury to his shoulder and has been in constant pain for about 5 months. Operation is scheduled in mid July which we know he needs but we are both nervous about. Living with his pain has been heartbreaking but it means we can't get the house fixed until his 3 or 4 weeks of initial recovery have taken place.

    - At work 3 members of my senior management team are retiring, 2 of which I work directly with. This change is unsettling and means that my work life is very stressful at the moment, along with lots of extra work. Going home is then not relaxing - see above posts.

    - Lastly, and worst - is our infertility. My husband had a reversal just over a year ago, which we paid £3k for and it clearly hasn't worked! We are not completely defined by this but after just having tests done the practitioners (even without the results) are being really negative to us, blaming my husband and saying he shouldn't have had it done in the first place. Ok then, not helpful. He knows this, doesn't need to be told. We are struggling with this coming to terms with the fact I'll never be a mum, and unfortunately this has coincided with 3 of my close friends becoming pregnant pretty much at the same time. I'm so happy for them, but absolutely devastated for myself. They've never made a peep they were even wanting children and I feel like a fool for confiding in 2 of them about my problems, whilst they were 'secretly' pregnant the whole time! I'm so embarrassed, and sad, and feel now I'm being talked about. I feel I don't want to see them because I'm miserable, and don't want to make them feel guilty about being pregnant but by avoiding them I'm probably doing this anyway. It's so hard being happy on one hand and so distraught on the other, I just don't know how to act around them. I know I just need time.

    I have to leave work now - but I'll respond to @xLoveLikeWinterx 's post tonight xx

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @susieqhusband she needs a Fitbit. Now!

    And I know you are reading this!

    During iftar, we were talking, and he was like... "Did you see that post?"
    I replied, "What post?"
    He said, "The @SusieQ's husband post!"
    I was like, "No, not yet, I'm not caught up. What was it about?"
    "Apparently the horse lady is demanding that I need to get you a Fitbit right now."



    I do not think I will ever stop laughing!!
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Aww, total warm fuzzies! Thank you, guys. :) By the way, does it bother anyone that I'm essentially referring to a group of women as "guys"? Because it's just the way I've always used that word growing up, so I use it automatically. :D

    Yes! I'm very offended! Just kidding! I waver between y'all (living in SC for 17 years) and you guys (grew up in IL) depending on the situation, but prefer you guys!

    I'm also in SC!

    What part?!?! :D


    I'm in Laurens, I'm in Greenville a lot lol!!! :smiley:

    You are not far at all from me!!
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Aww, total warm fuzzies! Thank you, guys. :) By the way, does it bother anyone that I'm essentially referring to a group of women as "guys"? Because it's just the way I've always used that word growing up, so I use it automatically. :D

    Yes! I'm very offended! Just kidding! I waver between y'all (living in SC for 17 years) and you guys (grew up in IL) depending on the situation, but prefer you guys!

    I'm also in SC!

    What part?!?! :D


    Greenville looks amazing! Quite randomly for a brit I know quite a few people who live there and it's high on my list of places in the sunshine

    Confession - if I was single and he wasn't married with kids I'd have been even easier to convince that Greenville was where I wanted to be...

    @girldownsouth i absolutely LOVE Greenville. Downtown. Is so much fun. It's a great city!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    @orangesmartie thanks for the idea of the Zombies Run App! I did the first mission in my living room just jogging in place so I could earn some more calories to eat a Pop-tart ice cream sammich.

    Good for you! I love your love for ice cream! :) I tried the Market Pantry Monster Cookie ice cream (I think it was you that told us about it). I loved it! Unfortunately, I ate the whole thing by myself in one sitting! That was one of my high calorie days the other day... :(

    LOL @ I've had a few people tell me I need to go to Ice Cream Rehab.

    Glad to hear you liked it & don't beat yourself up too badly:(. A few months ago I ate a whole carton of the Great Value Cotton Candy ice cream & the sad thing is I didn't even really like it.

    Tried a pack of the seaweed tonight in a spicy flavor & it definitely tasted what I thought seaweed would taste like. I have a few more packs & will only eat them when I have a salty craving.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Ladies and gentlemen of the confessions thread, a moment of hush if you will, I have an announcement to make.

    <drum roll>

    This afternoon, in the car park of a slightly up market grocery store, outside a ubiquitous coffee house chain, @girldownsouth and I met up. In honour of this thread, we did not partake of frothy expensive refreshments, but instead meandered many miles along the river, in idyllic English countryside (beside the motorway).

    We (well I did anyway) had a lovely walk in the sunshine, getting to know a new friend. We do intend to do it again.

    I thank you for your attention. Here endeth the announcement. Please return to your regularly scheduled confessions.

    Seems fairly fitting amongst all this talk of online dating that our Internet meet up was great tonight!

    We both smashed our step goals and I've even picked up a bit of a tan :)
    That sounds like a wonderful meeting. How fun to make a new friend. :smiley:
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Ladies and gentlemen of the confessions thread, a moment of hush if you will, I have an announcement to make.

    <drum roll>

    This afternoon, in the car park of a slightly up market grocery store, outside a ubiquitous coffee house chain, @girldownsouth and I met up. In honour of this thread, we did not partake of frothy expensive refreshments, but instead meandered many miles along the river, in idyllic English countryside (beside the motorway).

    We (well I did anyway) had a lovely walk in the sunshine, getting to know a new friend. We do intend to do it again.

    I thank you for your attention. Here endeth the announcement. Please return to your regularly scheduled confessions.

    This is so awesome!
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    NSV - my waist is smaller than it has been in years. 1.5 inches to go to be at my pre-pregnancy waist size (which I was last at 17-18 years ago.) :wink:

    Great job! That must feel so nice!
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Confession: I've been using my husband being home this week as an excuse not to do any exercise. That's why I haven't sought you all out as Fitbit friends :( My calories aren't too bad, but I don't think I'll lose any weight this week through inactivity.

    Maintaining is also winning, in my opinion. Enjoy your husband time!

    Yep, this :smile: