

  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    At one of our local grocery stores they have a cow on the front of the milk display and the cow moos at you every time you walk by it. I hate that cow. I turned around the other day and said to it.
    " I know right!! But I am working on it so back off!!
    There were 2 elderly ladies standing they and I am sure they were ready to call someone to take me away!

    Ha! That's awesome :)
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    @coastalpath I’m really sorry you are struggling. If you can, try and carve a few minutes out of each day to look after yourself, whether its some deep breathing/meditation, exercise, a solitary cup of coffee. It is also important that you acknowledge your stress and feelings, don’t squash them away because others think you should. Everything you think and feel is valid to you.

    I’m going to check out the fitbit thread in a moment. I’m having a bit of a sucky morning at work.

    Totally randomly, as I drove back from Devon last night, I planned what I might have for my wedding reception. Partly inspired by this thread and partly by a comedienne that was on radio 4 (don’t judge) yesterday. Bear in mind my relationship structure means I will never get married, but still, I planned it…

    So I’d have an afternoon tea, catered by my favourite Torquay café, with made to order sandwiches (guests choose from a small list of fillings); bread is home made white or granary. A variety of home made scones, with cherry, or ginger, or white choc chips in. Lots of different fruit jams. And huge bowls of clotted cream. There may also be cinnamon toast. And lots of different cakes, like Victoria sponge, lemon drizzle, chocolate brownie. All served with either tea, coffee (from starbucks) or something sparkling, probably Prosecco or Asti (I’m actually a cherry lambrini kind of girl). Set to a background of string quartet music.

    And for evening meal I’d have a Chinese buffet, in the style of the Mongolian barbecue restaurant chain (do they have those in the states?) basically, you take your bowl, choose your meat/veg/noodles/cooking sauce, and they cook it on a flat top stove while you wait.

    It will be held in a marquee, on the cliff tops, near where I live (in Devon).

    I spent nearly 200 miles planning this. I have no idea what I’d be wearing, nor what the ceremony would be like.

    Who cares about the ceremony, can I come to your imagined wedding reception for the food? Be a love and make it halal meat, will you? :p

    Done and of course you are invited! the guests will essentially be our families and you guys lolol

    I forgot to mention it's mountain -5 days now!!

    My new waterproof gloves arrived today

    Yay, countdown time! Are you excited? Or just terrified? :D

    Both!! I'm really looking forward to it, I wanna be there and doing it! I think i feel i'm proving something by doing it. I hope i don't let meself down and look like an....donkey.

    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Well. Just got back from the doctors. Saw a different doctor this time. He said NO carbs. Not even yogurt, he said if I don't lose weight on this, we have a serious problem. I asked him if it could be anything else and he said "Well, we could faff around putting you on different diets, but it seems you have put a lot of time and effort into this already so I recommend you go straight to the jugular and cut carbs. It will work, it will always work. It's hard, and it will suck, it will really suck, but you will lose fat." So I went to the nearest bakery, bought myself an apple and raspberry danish (at 9 in the morning) and ate it while driving to work. If I can't have carbs for the next 2 months, I'm going to end it with something amazing. and it was.

    Oh, that really stinks. :( Hope it goes well for you! In his definition of NO carbs, I assume non-starchy veggies are still allowed? I really hope you lose a good amount of weight on this--you've been working SO HARD and not seeing results and I'm sure it's just horribly, awfully frustrating.

    ... I totally would have done that too. I LOVE danishes.

    I don't think they are, he said no root vegetables and no squashes (butternut squash or pumpkin etc). The more I talk about it the harder it becomes. He said no tomato, which pretty much rules out everything. I keep thinking oh well I'll do this and substitute the carbs and then you realise it has a tomato based sauce. It's slowly looking more and more impossible.

    Yikes. :( I couldn't possibly live without tomatoes! So what CAN you eat? :o

    I'm allergic to tomatoes (and strawberries, raspberries and red peppers) so being tomato free is possible, but requires thought, those suckers are in everything!

    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Well. Just got back from the doctors. Saw a different doctor this time. He said NO carbs. Not even yogurt, he said if I don't lose weight on this, we have a serious problem. I asked him if it could be anything else and he said "Well, we could faff around putting you on different diets, but it seems you have put a lot of time and effort into this already so I recommend you go straight to the jugular and cut carbs. It will work, it will always work. It's hard, and it will suck, it will really suck, but you will lose fat." So I went to the nearest bakery, bought myself an apple and raspberry danish (at 9 in the morning) and ate it while driving to work. If I can't have carbs for the next 2 months, I'm going to end it with something amazing. and it was.

    Oh, that really stinks. :( Hope it goes well for you! In his definition of NO carbs, I assume non-starchy veggies are still allowed? I really hope you lose a good amount of weight on this--you've been working SO HARD and not seeing results and I'm sure it's just horribly, awfully frustrating.

    ... I totally would have done that too. I LOVE danishes.

    I don't think they are, he said no root vegetables and no squashes (butternut squash or pumpkin etc). The more I talk about it the harder it becomes. He said no tomato, which pretty much rules out everything. I keep thinking oh well I'll do this and substitute the carbs and then you realise it has a tomato based sauce. It's slowly looking more and more impossible.

    Yikes. :( I couldn't possibly live without tomatoes! So what CAN you eat? :o

    Any meat, fish, salad, vegetables, fruit (but limited) I'm going to have to read up about it. The problem with England is when you go to the doctors, you only get a 10 minute consultation time. (If you're lucky, I know some which are just 5 minutes) so he only had time to explain why I should do it and the science behind it (most of which I can't remember) so when it came to what I can actually eat, I'm not sure. That and I have a stinking cold so I just want to go back to bed right now rather than tackling a whole new eating habit.

    You can book a double appointment with your GP (or anyone in the surgery) so you get longer. Also, most practice nurses are better equipped to deal with nutrition advice.

    Oh are they? I was considering asking for a nurse at first because I always feel like I'm wasting a doctors time crying because I'm fat and I can't get rid of it. I just keep thinking they have more important things to diagnose than explaining to someone how to lose weight.

    sorry to be blunt, but yes they do ;) Most of my job is spent working with primary care clinicians and showing them how to stream line work processes and share workloads with other colleagues to free up their own time. Its about getting the right care, at the time, in the right place, from the right person.

    On the other hand, talking to you about your weight and doing something about it likely to reduce your incidence of diabetes, heart disease, and other weight -induced co-morbidities, so it could be considered 10 minutes very well spent!

    Have a chat with the receptionist at your surgery (they are the font of all knowledge) and they can book you an appointment with the right person, or they will know if there is a community dietetics service you can contact/be referred to.

    Ha ha well at least my feeling are right then. When I said that at work one guy said 'You pay your taxes, might as well get what you've paid for.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    @Italian_Buju , @kelly_c_77 , @LBuehrle8 , @nonoelmo , @Glinda1971 , @lilaclovebird , @kellienw335 , @riderfangal , @orangesmartie , @Susieq_1994 , @pofoster21 , @ythannah , @xLoveLikeWinterx

    Thanks all of you for taking the time to wish me well and offer me advice. I really appreciate it. It's too long, complicated and boring to go into fully but I really appreciate you telling me that it's ok to feel like this. I am a pretty strong (I hate that word!) person but sometimes, it just takes one too many things to tip a person over the edge of happy and I think I am at this stage at the moment. I'm nervous of saying too much in case anyone I know was to read this but I've had so much happen in the last year or so that I feel at the end of my tether.

    - Christmas 2013 my step son was rushed to hospital diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. He was so ill, it was an absolute nightmare, and especially around Christmas time. I'll never forget explaining to him that what was wrong with him couldn't just be cut out after he was crying and telling us he would have any operation needed just to fix it. He's done fantastically well to adapt at 13/14 years old but it was a stressful time.

    - Living in the South of UK house prices are ridiculous. Husband and I are very stressed not being able to afford a home and having to rent. Rental agencies in my experience have been horrendous. We are treated like second class citizens even though we pay more in rent than any of my friends pay for their mortgage. We eventually have been granted a mortgage but that in itself opens up more stress with trying to find a home on our budget.

    - We can't go on holiday (saving for house). We went for one weekend away to Cornwall 2 months ago and came home and our rented house had flooded from top to bottom. It's a town house so all 3 stories are water damaged. 2 months in the works are now due to commence but we have holes in the ceiling and no carpets and living in less than best conditions. Landlord has been excellent, but it's not nice. Work needs to start but now cannot as...

    - ...My husband has a serious injury to his shoulder and has been in constant pain for about 5 months. Operation is scheduled in mid July which we know he needs but we are both nervous about. Living with his pain has been heartbreaking but it means we can't get the house fixed until his 3 or 4 weeks of initial recovery have taken place.

    - At work 3 members of my senior management team are retiring, 2 of which I work directly with. This change is unsettling and means that my work life is very stressful at the moment, along with lots of extra work. Going home is then not relaxing - see above posts.

    - Lastly, and worst - is our infertility. My husband had a reversal just over a year ago, which we paid £3k for and it clearly hasn't worked! We are not completely defined by this but after just having tests done the practitioners (even without the results) are being really negative to us, blaming my husband and saying he shouldn't have had it done in the first place. Ok then, not helpful. He knows this, doesn't need to be told. We are struggling with this coming to terms with the fact I'll never be a mum, and unfortunately this has coincided with 3 of my close friends becoming pregnant pretty much at the same time. I'm so happy for them, but absolutely devastated for myself. They've never made a peep they were even wanting children and I feel like a fool for confiding in 2 of them about my problems, whilst they were 'secretly' pregnant the whole time! I'm so embarrassed, and sad, and feel now I'm being talked about. I feel I don't want to see them because I'm miserable, and don't want to make them feel guilty about being pregnant but by avoiding them I'm probably doing this anyway. It's so hard being happy on one hand and so distraught on the other, I just don't know how to act around them. I know I just need time.

    I have to leave work now - but I'll respond to @xLoveLikeWinterx 's post tonight xx

    I am so sorry you are having such a difficult time. Cry when you need to, laugh when you can and remember you have shoulders you can lean on here with us.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Guys, remember that London Dairy new ice cream flavor I mentioned? The Red Velvet Cheesecake one? IT IS TO DIE FOR. Seriously. It's SO good! It has swirls of ooey gooey red velvet caramel-textured stuff, chunks of a dense, chewy red velvet cake, and generously sized chunks of cheesecake. The ice cream itself has a cream cheese-like taste, similar to cream cheese frosting but not as sweet or rich. SO GOOD.

    The other two are okay. I'm just sad that the cheesecake one is finished because I shared it with my husband (he didn't like the other two). :p

    This was not nice. I want this now.

    Oops. I'm sorry! :( I figured that since you get all the good ice cream in the United States, you'd be able to get this one or at least one like it. :o

    Oh I am sure I can. I just can't. You know? ;)

    Makes sense! ;)
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Okay, no one really took me up on our daily motivation, but I am going to go ahead and share progress anyway.

    Steps: 19, 903 (vs. 25K goal) due to rain and help at barn, as I didn't do quite as much walking as I might normally due as I had help. +
    Never got to my run. I had forgotten my shoes so had clothes but no shoes at barn. So had to come home (kiss of death) and try to motivate myself. Well, after eating, and dealing with a washing machine mess (standing water due to clogged filter from washing bathroom mat that disintegrated) it was 10:00. I just couldn't get myself out then. +
    No alcohol +
    Did not work on dissertation. For the above reasons.

    So not great. Today:

    Flying to Dallas on a 6:40 flight (hence being up so early) for a meeting. So... this is really going to be a challenge but going to try to:

    Walk 10K
    Run 1 hour
    Work in dissertation (I will use the plane trip to read some articles I have lined up for my literature review)
    No alcohol (this will also be challenging as I am going out with some of my team for 'drinks' as I am in Dallas and we don't see each other much.

    So...on 3 hours sleep off I go. I'll probably check in at airport, etc. Have a great day all.

    Way to go POF! I think you did pretty well on your goals, given what life threw (sp? that looks wrong, but I think it's right) at you. Man, three hours of sleep would have me sleeping on the plane rather than dissertating, but way to be a good grad student :)

    I like this - are we going to do this here or in the Batcave? I'm sure I'll find out as I catch up this morning, but I'll contribute, too.

    Yesterday I just *barely* hit my 10K steps. 100+ weather in the northwest, which is crazy hot for us, it should be 75ish. I was supposed to get a good step count in by walking Wilbur, but he was having none of it. Poor delicate 80 pound baby ;) I did a 3 mile run first thing in the morning and then errands/food prep for the rest of the day.

    Today, I've already gotten my SL 5X5 in, and walked to work, will walk home and go to the gym for an Insanity class (supposed to be kickboxing, but swapped out for the month). With Wilbur's mini-walks I should hit about 15K steps.

    Is it such a bad thing that I'm picturing you walking an enormous, fat, pot-bellied pig whenever you say his name? Because I totally do, thanks to Charlotte's Web--Wilbur will always be a pig name for me. :p
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @susieqhusband she needs a Fitbit. Now!

    And I know you are reading this!

    During iftar, we were talking, and he was like... "Did you see that post?"
    I replied, "What post?"
    He said, "The @SusieQ's husband post!"
    I was like, "No, not yet, I'm not caught up. What was it about?"
    "Apparently the horse lady is demanding that I need to get you a Fitbit right now."


    BAHAHAHAH Mr. Susie is funny!

    Yup, he is. I'm constantly laughing at him, so much so that he calls me his gigglebox. :p

    Random and completely off-topic: With all the housekeeper talk, I wondered if anyone here knows how common it is to have a LIVE-IN maid in the Middle East? Almost every family that's middle income or higher has a housemaid living in their house--it's so popular that houses are built with a "maid's room" in the blueprints! In my family, we grew up having them, but I've always hated it SO MUCH because I really treasure my privacy--she was never allowed to come anywhere near my room or my stuff unless I was supervising, and generally I cleaned and cooked for myself, even when I was living at home. I hate the whole idea of it, and completely banished the idea of a live-in maid as soon as I got married, which my husband thankfully agrees with me about.

    Here in Saudi Arabia, since women aren't allowed to drive, almost everyone also has a driver living with them as well--usually in an outdoor room. Driver's rooms are also a very common built-in feature of Saudi Arabian houses.

    I'm just curious if this knowledge is commonly-known, or if it's going to surprise everyone. :D

    I did not know that but I wish I did have a house keeper!
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    I've had an interesting challenge handed to me! :)

    I've been pestering my husband and telling him that I want a Fitbit, because I think it'll motivate me to move around more so I can "win" steps and calories. ;) He thinks it's an unnecessary fitness gadget, and that I should probably just move around more by myself. :p

    So, to motivate me a little (since I've been struggling a lot lately, as you all know, and he's been trying to find ways to help me with it) he gave me a challenge: If I can get my weight down to 65 kg by my birthday, he'll buy me a Fitbit. I'm currently at 69.3, and my birthday is on the eighth of October, which means I have 3.5 months to lose 4.3 kilos--very doable.

    So, by putting it out here, I'm hoping you guys will help me stay accountable so I can win myself a Fitbit for my birthday! ;) (He'd probably buy it for me anyway, but I really want to win this challenge.)

    I always knew we were kindred spirits @Susieq_1994 I'm an October baby as well lol
    Yay, another one! Do we get to mark October as one humongous birthday party now? :D

    As long as we celebrate HALF birthdays! Haha :) My HALF birthday is October 6th o:)

    Mine would be Oct. 5th!

    Oct 14th here. Go Aries babies!
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    I've had an interesting challenge handed to me! :)

    I've been pestering my husband and telling him that I want a Fitbit, because I think it'll motivate me to move around more so I can "win" steps and calories. ;) He thinks it's an unnecessary fitness gadget, and that I should probably just move around more by myself. :p

    So, to motivate me a little (since I've been struggling a lot lately, as you all know, and he's been trying to find ways to help me with it) he gave me a challenge: If I can get my weight down to 65 kg by my birthday, he'll buy me a Fitbit. I'm currently at 69.3, and my birthday is on the eighth of October, which means I have 3.5 months to lose 4.3 kilos--very doable.

    So, by putting it out here, I'm hoping you guys will help me stay accountable so I can win myself a Fitbit for my birthday! ;) (He'd probably buy it for me anyway, but I really want to win this challenge.)

    I always knew we were kindred spirits @Susieq_1994 I'm an October baby as well lol
    Yay, another one! Do we get to mark October as one humongous birthday party now? :D

    As long as we celebrate HALF birthdays! Haha :) My HALF birthday is October 6th o:)

    Mine would be Oct. 5th!

    Also an October half-birthday! The 14th.

    I spoke to soon - yay birthday twins!
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @susieqhusband she needs a Fitbit. Now!

    And I know you are reading this!

    During iftar, we were talking, and he was like... "Did you see that post?"
    I replied, "What post?"
    He said, "The @SusieQ's husband post!"
    I was like, "No, not yet, I'm not caught up. What was it about?"
    "Apparently the horse lady is demanding that I need to get you a Fitbit right now."


    I love it - and I second POFs demand!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @susieqhusband she needs a Fitbit. Now!

    And I know you are reading this!

    During iftar, we were talking, and he was like... "Did you see that post?"
    I replied, "What post?"
    He said, "The @SusieQ's husband post!"
    I was like, "No, not yet, I'm not caught up. What was it about?"
    "Apparently the horse lady is demanding that I need to get you a Fitbit right now."


    But, did he listen to POF?!?
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Way behind again. :( Here are some things I wanted to comment on:
    How are things going with the boyfriend?

    Blah. I am so torn on this still. He keeps saying he wants to try but at the same time he admitted that whenever we fight now he withdraws more and more. He basically wants to start over and take things slow. I've only been seeing him about 3 hours each week. Since I'm a lady, I always think talking things over and working on it makes more sense but that's just me I guess...
    He is still planning on spending the day before my bday and my bday with me Friday and Saturday so I'm curious to see how it goes.

    I'm sick of being so negative and down about everything. I can't wait to be happy again.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    There are some triumphs and happy moments and lots of sadness and I just don't have the time to respond as I would like to each of you. Where is @FroggyBug lately? Did I miss posts (not unlikely). I think of each post way more than I am able to respond! HUGS all around.

    I just posted before you. :) Thanks for thinking of me. That means a lot. I didn't feel well this weekend at all. I slept soooo much.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @coastalpath I’m really sorry you are struggling. If you can, try and carve a few minutes out of each day to look after yourself, whether its some deep breathing/meditation, exercise, a solitary cup of coffee. It is also important that you acknowledge your stress and feelings, don’t squash them away because others think you should. Everything you think and feel is valid to you.

    I’m going to check out the fitbit thread in a moment. I’m having a bit of a sucky morning at work.

    Totally randomly, as I drove back from Devon last night, I planned what I might have for my wedding reception. Partly inspired by this thread and partly by a comedienne that was on radio 4 (don’t judge) yesterday. Bear in mind my relationship structure means I will never get married, but still, I planned it…

    So I’d have an afternoon tea, catered by my favourite Torquay café, with made to order sandwiches (guests choose from a small list of fillings); bread is home made white or granary. A variety of home made scones, with cherry, or ginger, or white choc chips in. Lots of different fruit jams. And huge bowls of clotted cream. There may also be cinnamon toast. And lots of different cakes, like Victoria sponge, lemon drizzle, chocolate brownie. All served with either tea, coffee (from starbucks) or something sparkling, probably Prosecco or Asti (I’m actually a cherry lambrini kind of girl). Set to a background of string quartet music.

    And for evening meal I’d have a Chinese buffet, in the style of the Mongolian barbecue restaurant chain (do they have those in the states?) basically, you take your bowl, choose your meat/veg/noodles/cooking sauce, and they cook it on a flat top stove while you wait.

    It will be held in a marquee, on the cliff tops, near where I live (in Devon).

    I spent nearly 200 miles planning this. I have no idea what I’d be wearing, nor what the ceremony would be like.

    Who cares about the ceremony, can I come to your imagined wedding reception for the food? Be a love and make it halal meat, will you? :p

    Done and of course you are invited! the guests will essentially be our families and you guys lolol

    I forgot to mention it's mountain -5 days now!!

    My new waterproof gloves arrived today

    Yay, countdown time! Are you excited? Or just terrified? :D

    Both!! I'm really looking forward to it, I wanna be there and doing it! I think i feel i'm proving something by doing it. I hope i don't let meself down and look like an....donkey.

    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Well. Just got back from the doctors. Saw a different doctor this time. He said NO carbs. Not even yogurt, he said if I don't lose weight on this, we have a serious problem. I asked him if it could be anything else and he said "Well, we could faff around putting you on different diets, but it seems you have put a lot of time and effort into this already so I recommend you go straight to the jugular and cut carbs. It will work, it will always work. It's hard, and it will suck, it will really suck, but you will lose fat." So I went to the nearest bakery, bought myself an apple and raspberry danish (at 9 in the morning) and ate it while driving to work. If I can't have carbs for the next 2 months, I'm going to end it with something amazing. and it was.

    Oh, that really stinks. :( Hope it goes well for you! In his definition of NO carbs, I assume non-starchy veggies are still allowed? I really hope you lose a good amount of weight on this--you've been working SO HARD and not seeing results and I'm sure it's just horribly, awfully frustrating.

    ... I totally would have done that too. I LOVE danishes.

    I don't think they are, he said no root vegetables and no squashes (butternut squash or pumpkin etc). The more I talk about it the harder it becomes. He said no tomato, which pretty much rules out everything. I keep thinking oh well I'll do this and substitute the carbs and then you realise it has a tomato based sauce. It's slowly looking more and more impossible.

    Yikes. :( I couldn't possibly live without tomatoes! So what CAN you eat? :o

    I'm allergic to tomatoes (and strawberries, raspberries and red peppers) so being tomato free is possible, but requires thought, those suckers are in everything!

    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Well. Just got back from the doctors. Saw a different doctor this time. He said NO carbs. Not even yogurt, he said if I don't lose weight on this, we have a serious problem. I asked him if it could be anything else and he said "Well, we could faff around putting you on different diets, but it seems you have put a lot of time and effort into this already so I recommend you go straight to the jugular and cut carbs. It will work, it will always work. It's hard, and it will suck, it will really suck, but you will lose fat." So I went to the nearest bakery, bought myself an apple and raspberry danish (at 9 in the morning) and ate it while driving to work. If I can't have carbs for the next 2 months, I'm going to end it with something amazing. and it was.

    Oh, that really stinks. :( Hope it goes well for you! In his definition of NO carbs, I assume non-starchy veggies are still allowed? I really hope you lose a good amount of weight on this--you've been working SO HARD and not seeing results and I'm sure it's just horribly, awfully frustrating.

    ... I totally would have done that too. I LOVE danishes.

    I don't think they are, he said no root vegetables and no squashes (butternut squash or pumpkin etc). The more I talk about it the harder it becomes. He said no tomato, which pretty much rules out everything. I keep thinking oh well I'll do this and substitute the carbs and then you realise it has a tomato based sauce. It's slowly looking more and more impossible.

    Yikes. :( I couldn't possibly live without tomatoes! So what CAN you eat? :o

    Any meat, fish, salad, vegetables, fruit (but limited) I'm going to have to read up about it. The problem with England is when you go to the doctors, you only get a 10 minute consultation time. (If you're lucky, I know some which are just 5 minutes) so he only had time to explain why I should do it and the science behind it (most of which I can't remember) so when it came to what I can actually eat, I'm not sure. That and I have a stinking cold so I just want to go back to bed right now rather than tackling a whole new eating habit.

    You can book a double appointment with your GP (or anyone in the surgery) so you get longer. Also, most practice nurses are better equipped to deal with nutrition advice.


    POF: you haven't seen the size of my pack! of course i'm going to look like a donkey carrying all that stuff!!

    Actually, i used donkey rather than a different word in deference to Susie

    Okay that reference makes more sense.

    And I have to thank Susie...I think I am finally cleaning up my language. I keep finding substitute words to use in here and it's translating into life.

    I do giggle everytime I type Oh My Gosh.

    And the effort being made for me is very much appreciated from everyone! :) It makes me feel so much less anxious when reading in here and when checking my feed--my crazy high anxiety about it has faded SO much in the last week or so when approaching MFP and our thread... It's so relieving!

    We want you to be happy! You are the glue in this thread!

    I second that!!

    Aww, total warm fuzzies! Thank you, guys. :) By the way, does it bother anyone that I'm essentially referring to a group of women as "guys"? Because it's just the way I've always used that word growing up, so I use it automatically. :D

    Nope. Guys is technically a gender-neutral term.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Way behind again. :( Here are some things I wanted to comment on:
    How are things going with the boyfriend?

    Blah. I am so torn on this still. He keeps saying he wants to try but at the same time he admitted that whenever we fight now he withdraws more and more. He basically wants to start over and take things slow. I've only been seeing him about 3 hours each week. Since I'm a lady, I always think talking things over and working on it makes more sense but that's just me I guess...
    He is still planning on spending the day before my bday and my bday with me Friday and Saturday so I'm curious to see how it goes.

    I'm sick of being so negative and down about everything. I can't wait to be happy again.

    I am not judging (well him maybe a little) but how do you start over after 11 years?
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member

    Is it such a bad thing that I'm picturing you walking an enormous, fat, pot-bellied pig whenever you say his name? Because I totally do, thanks to Charlotte's Web--Wilbur will always be a pig name for me. :p

    Hehehehe - I had totally forgot about Charlotte's Web when we named him, but I'm fine with him being a pig in your mind. He has a huge barrel chest and is pretty doofy, so a fat pot-bellied pig might be a good spirit animal for him.

    Random and completely off-topic: With all the housekeeper talk, I wondered if anyone here knows how common it is to have a LIVE-IN maid in the Middle East? Almost every family that's middle income or higher has a housemaid living in their house--it's so popular that houses are built with a "maid's room" in the blueprints! In my family, we grew up having them, but I've always hated it SO MUCH because I really treasure my privacy--she was never allowed to come anywhere near my room or my stuff unless I was supervising, and generally I cleaned and cooked for myself, even when I was living at home. I hate the whole idea of it, and completely banished the idea of a live-in maid as soon as I got married, which my husband thankfully agrees with me about.

    Here in Saudi Arabia, since women aren't allowed to drive, almost everyone also has a driver living with them as well--usually in an outdoor room. Driver's rooms are also a very common built-in feature of Saudi Arabian houses.

    I'm just curious if this knowledge is commonly-known, or if it's going to surprise everyone. :D

    Yes, this is totally surprising to me! I'm glad to see all the housekeeper talk. I've wanted to get one and my husband has been super resistant. We both grew up pretty poor, so paying someone to clean our house seems really extravagant (he says: "we're not those type of people". Um, yes, we are two professors, we actually could be those type of people now). Our compromise was getting a roomba - which is awesome and has reduced cleaning time - but I still would love an every-other week cleaner.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Stopping by to say I was totally judging the guy in my left who kept his elbow on the arm rest and ordered a gin at 7 am!!!!

    Just curious because I am not a frequent flyer but are there not a pair of armrests per seat? IE- 2 sets in the middle making the inner set yours and the outer to the folks sitting left & right of you?

    Also, I would totally order a drink @ 7am because if I am on a plane it's for a vacation of some sort. lol

    Not unless you are in 1st class. Otherwise the middle seat shares the arm rest with the window and aisle.

    And I don't think he was on vacation. Starting at 7 would mean I was done by 10...I'd be napping.

    I see.... well in that case, give him the ole stink eye of disapproval. :wink:

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Aww, total warm fuzzies! Thank you, guys. :) By the way, does it bother anyone that I'm essentially referring to a group of women as "guys"? Because it's just the way I've always used that word growing up, so I use it automatically. :D

    Yes! I'm very offended! Just kidding! I waver between y'all (living in SC for 17 years) and you guys (grew up in IL) depending on the situation, but prefer you guys!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member

    Is it such a bad thing that I'm picturing you walking an enormous, fat, pot-bellied pig whenever you say his name? Because I totally do, thanks to Charlotte's Web--Wilbur will always be a pig name for me. :p

    Hehehehe - I had totally forgot about Charlotte's Web when we named him, but I'm fine with him being a pig in your mind. He has a huge barrel chest and is pretty doofy, so a fat pot-bellied pig might be a good spirit animal for him.

    Random and completely off-topic: With all the housekeeper talk, I wondered if anyone here knows how common it is to have a LIVE-IN maid in the Middle East? Almost every family that's middle income or higher has a housemaid living in their house--it's so popular that houses are built with a "maid's room" in the blueprints! In my family, we grew up having them, but I've always hated it SO MUCH because I really treasure my privacy--she was never allowed to come anywhere near my room or my stuff unless I was supervising, and generally I cleaned and cooked for myself, even when I was living at home. I hate the whole idea of it, and completely banished the idea of a live-in maid as soon as I got married, which my husband thankfully agrees with me about.

    Here in Saudi Arabia, since women aren't allowed to drive, almost everyone also has a driver living with them as well--usually in an outdoor room. Driver's rooms are also a very common built-in feature of Saudi Arabian houses.

    I'm just curious if this knowledge is commonly-known, or if it's going to surprise everyone. :D

    Yes, this is totally surprising to me! I'm glad to see all the housekeeper talk. I've wanted to get one and my husband has been super resistant. We both grew up pretty poor, so paying someone to clean our house seems really extravagant (he says: "we're not those type of people". Um, yes, we are two professors, we actually could be those type of people now). Our compromise was getting a roomba - which is awesome and has reduced cleaning time - but I still would love an every-other week cleaner.

    This was my husband, too! But now that we've found someone we trust, it is blissful to come home to a clean house. (We're both cops, so it's not like we're "those types of people" either.)
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member

    Is it such a bad thing that I'm picturing you walking an enormous, fat, pot-bellied pig whenever you say his name? Because I totally do, thanks to Charlotte's Web--Wilbur will always be a pig name for me. :p

    Hehehehe - I had totally forgot about Charlotte's Web when we named him, but I'm fine with him being a pig in your mind. He has a huge barrel chest and is pretty doofy, so a fat pot-bellied pig might be a good spirit animal for him.

    Random and completely off-topic: With all the housekeeper talk, I wondered if anyone here knows how common it is to have a LIVE-IN maid in the Middle East? Almost every family that's middle income or higher has a housemaid living in their house--it's so popular that houses are built with a "maid's room" in the blueprints! In my family, we grew up having them, but I've always hated it SO MUCH because I really treasure my privacy--she was never allowed to come anywhere near my room or my stuff unless I was supervising, and generally I cleaned and cooked for myself, even when I was living at home. I hate the whole idea of it, and completely banished the idea of a live-in maid as soon as I got married, which my husband thankfully agrees with me about.

    Here in Saudi Arabia, since women aren't allowed to drive, almost everyone also has a driver living with them as well--usually in an outdoor room. Driver's rooms are also a very common built-in feature of Saudi Arabian houses.

    I'm just curious if this knowledge is commonly-known, or if it's going to surprise everyone. :D

    Yes, this is totally surprising to me! I'm glad to see all the housekeeper talk. I've wanted to get one and my husband has been super resistant. We both grew up pretty poor, so paying someone to clean our house seems really extravagant (he says: "we're not those type of people". Um, yes, we are two professors, we actually could be those type of people now). Our compromise was getting a roomba - which is awesome and has reduced cleaning time - but I still would love an every-other week cleaner.

    this made me giggle. a lot. :)
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    Confession: I've really been struggling with my depression/anxiety issues lately, and today so far is topping as the worst yet. (Some of you may have seen my status about it.) It's taking all I've got not to tell hubby that he's on his own and going back to bed and secluding myself. Realistically I know I can't do that, because my uncle is bringing me my Mema's vanity this afternoon. :cry:

    Big hugs to you! I hope you get yourself feeling better!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Yes, this is totally surprising to me! I'm glad to see all the housekeeper talk. I've wanted to get one and my husband has been super resistant. We both grew up pretty poor, so paying someone to clean our house seems really extravagant (he says: "we're not those type of people". Um, yes, we are two professors, we actually could be those type of people now). Our compromise was getting a roomba - which is awesome and has reduced cleaning time - but I still would love an every-other week cleaner.

    I was almost embarrassed at first because I , like you, thought that this was extravagant. We both grew up lower middle class and only people with money had someone that cleaned their house. That's just not the case anymore. There are so many people that have someone come in every other week or once a month. If you can afford it, then it is absolutely worth it!

    @Susieq_1994 - I had no idea regarding the maid or the driver.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Alright, I'm now reduced to taking notes so I can respond to posts.... @Coastalpath , @raelynnsmama52512 , @FroggyBug and @xLoveLikeWinterx , I'm so sorry you gals are going through such rough patches right now. :'( In true fix-it style, I wish I had solutions or helpful advice... but all I've got is empathy.

    And @susieqhusband, the bad-hair llama lady also requests that you provide your wife with a Fitbit! Heck, look at the money she's already saved you on all that live-in staff that she doesn't want (and, no, I didn't know that was the norm).

    Most of the time I really enjoy driving. I wouldn't put up with being told I couldn't drive because of my gender. Good thing I live in North America!