

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    This is long so don't expect people to read it - just need to get it out!

    Like a lot of other posters here I am going through lots of life stresses at the moment and the last few days have felt very sad, numb and unmotivated. I am ever so slightly eating my feelings 'grief bacon' but am logging it all so I can see it in black and white. My confession today is that I am fed up with never feeling as though I am allowed to be stressed or upset. Work, home, health are all suffering at the moment, but I am just expected to suck it up. If one more person says to me 'it could be worse' I might scream. I am silently screaming and unfortunately the pain is beginning to show on my face. I know things could be worse, just doesn't mean that because someone somewhere has it worse than me that I just have to 'be fine' all the time.

    Dealing with mixed emotions is so hard - so happy for friends and loved ones who have fantastic things happening, mixed with my grief and sadness for what I am secretly going through. Not wanting to see friends because I don't want to make them miserable mixed with worrying I am not being a good friend by seeing them and sharing in their joys. Or, worse, that I am making them feel guilty for being happy.

    Feels better to 'get it out' but I am so sad at the moment and I just wonder when bad things will stop happening!

    As others have said before me, your feelings are completely REAL and you are ENTITLED to feel them.

    If you don't have one of those friends to vent to who will just listen and make occasional sympathetic noises without judging or minimizing your reality, maybe try journaling. For me, when I can get my stuff down on paper, it's like it's in "safekeeping" there and my head can let go of it.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    @orangesmartie I'm really glad you're feeling better today. I hate that feeling that just sucks you down and you can't seem to pull out of it--that's what I'm going through today.

    Confession: My favorite ice cream brand (London Dairy, as I mentioned before) just came out with three brand new flavors: Lemon Cake, Spicy Cranberry, and Red Velvet Cheesecake. The Lemon Cake flavor reminded me of all the recent talk of lemon flavored ice creams/gelato in this thread, so I HAD to buy it. The confession is that I bought one pint of each...

    I also took a nice big bite out of each to decide whether I liked them. I'm not a big lemon fan, so the Lemon Cake is so-so. The Spicy Cranberry I had serious doubts about, but it's actually pretty awesome, with a spicy kick afterwards. The Red Velvet Cheesecake.. Mmmm.

    The Spicy Cranberry seems interesting. When I looked at your food diary I wasn't sure if it was ice cream or a sauce.

    Today I bought two more ice creams at Giant which was another Yuengling's Buttered Caramel Popcorn & Turkey Hill's Southern Lemon Pie. I am now banning myself from buying more ice cream unless Giant miraculously starts to stock the Talenti Raspberry Cheesecake.

    i picked up the southern lemon pie too!
    i haven't tried it yet....trying to pace myself, plus i hate freezer burn, which i get all the time on everything :|
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Okay, no one really took me up on our daily motivation, but I am going to go ahead and share progress anyway.

    Steps: 19, 903 (vs. 25K goal) due to rain and help at barn, as I didn't do quite as much walking as I might normally due as I had help. +
    Never got to my run. I had forgotten my shoes so had clothes but no shoes at barn. So had to come home (kiss of death) and try to motivate myself. Well, after eating, and dealing with a washing machine mess (standing water due to clogged filter from washing bathroom mat that disintegrated) it was 10:00. I just couldn't get myself out then. +
    No alcohol +
    Did not work on dissertation. For the above reasons.

    So not great. Today:

    Flying to Dallas on a 6:40 flight (hence being up so early) for a meeting. So... this is really going to be a challenge but going to try to:

    Walk 10K
    Run 1 hour
    Work in dissertation (I will use the plane trip to read some articles I have lined up for my literature review)
    No alcohol (this will also be challenging as I am going out with some of my team for 'drinks' as I am in Dallas and we don't see each other much.

    So...on 3 hours sleep off I go. I'll probably check in at airport, etc. Have a great day all.

    Have a safe trip!!

    I was going to take you up on this yesterday but every time I tried to post mfp decided it didn't like me.

    Today I'm aiming for:

    7,000 steps (it's low but between Saturday and Sunday I did close to 27,000 which is a new record for me)

    No alcohol

    Get half my long to do list done at work since it's a holiday Wednesday and its month end.

    @Glinda1971 Are you in finance, by any chance? I week is our month end. And quarter close. I dread it every month.
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    I'm going to have to return the protein shake powder I bought at the weekend aren't I? Dammit, one of them was cookies and cream and I was really looking forward to trying it.

    I lost most of my weight doing low carb. I eat more carbs now as I'm closer to goal weight. I actually didn't find it too hard to do, as I LOVE meat and cheese and salads. Try not to think about the things you can't have, but focus on what you can have...full fat cheese, ranch dressing, butter, eggs, meat...I hope you find things you like and it isn't too hard for you!!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Well. Just got back from the doctors. Saw a different doctor this time. He said NO carbs. Not even yogurt, he said if I don't lose weight on this, we have a serious problem. I asked him if it could be anything else and he said "Well, we could faff around putting you on different diets, but it seems you have put a lot of time and effort into this already so I recommend you go straight to the jugular and cut carbs. It will work, it will always work. It's hard, and it will suck, it will really suck, but you will lose fat." So I went to the nearest bakery, bought myself an apple and raspberry danish (at 9 in the morning) and ate it while driving to work. If I can't have carbs for the next 2 months, I'm going to end it with something amazing. and it was.

    Atta girl!! Good luck and I hope they are able to help you out with this.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

    Are you confessing to secret woodchucking?

    I don't think woodchucking is generally a secret that would garner a confession... Every time we toss out a piece of paper, we're generally chucking wood. :p Maybe he's confessing to wasting too much paper. o:)

    You win the internet today! Bows down and then run away embarrassed.

    lol! Thank you, thank you. ;)
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Guys in case you thought I was dead I am just checking in to say I have to catch up this weekend. Was just to busy the last 2 days. See you tomorrow!

    I did notice that you were gone , but assumed that you were having a busy weekend. :)

    @nonoelmo Those pictures are beautiful! :)
    @orangesmartie You encouraged me yesterday, I'm encouraging you today: You can do this! Think positive thoughts and tell yourself that you've got this and that those biscuits have no power over you. :) I'm sure you'll rock that mountain climb, too!! :smiley: The walk should be a piece of cake after conquering a mountain, right? ;)

    I can have cake after I climb the mountain???

    lol! Yes, you can definitely have cake after climbing the mountain. I'll even bake it for you if you want, but I can't guarantee what it'll look or taste like when it arrives there from Saudi Arabia! :o But I would say that the calorie burn from climbing a mountain would surely buy you an enormous slab of cake. ;)

    Woohoo! *plans cake feast*

    Actually I already have 2 huge cherry cheesecakes on order from an amazing bakery near my grandmother. We pick then up after the climb and have to transport them 400 miles home to our freezer

    Ohhhh man! My favorite!!! Super jealous...
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    Holy smokes, you guys! I thought this thread slowed down on the weekends. LOL I have work to do!!! I also have an interview this afternoon for a promotion here, so if you could spare any extra mojo, I'd appreciate it!

    *slinks off to catch up*

    Good luck at your interview!!!! :)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I've had an interesting challenge handed to me! :)

    I've been pestering my husband and telling him that I want a Fitbit, because I think it'll motivate me to move around more so I can "win" steps and calories. ;) He thinks it's an unnecessary fitness gadget, and that I should probably just move around more by myself. :p

    So, to motivate me a little (since I've been struggling a lot lately, as you all know, and he's been trying to find ways to help me with it) he gave me a challenge: If I can get my weight down to 65 kg by my birthday, he'll buy me a Fitbit. I'm currently at 69.3, and my birthday is on the eighth of October, which means I have 3.5 months to lose 4.3 kilos--very doable.

    So, by putting it out here, I'm hoping you guys will help me stay accountable so I can win myself a Fitbit for my birthday! ;) (He'd probably buy it for me anyway, but I really want to win this challenge.)

    You are totally gonna win that fitbit!!!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Busy week coming up so for the stateside folks, can I get a HELLZ YEAH for this 4 day work week?!?! B)

    HELLZ YEAH!!!!! Planning a trip to either the lake or the beach. Still trying to make up my mind!!
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Busy week coming up so for the stateside folks, can I get a HELLZ YEAH for this 4 day work week?!?! B)


    +1! I NEED a short work week!

    It's only Monday and I absolutely feel this way. I have some vacation days I intend to spend very, very soon. lol
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Busy week coming up so for the stateside folks, can I get a HELLZ YEAH for this 4 day work week?!?! B)

    Well I have Friday booked off because it's SO's Birthday so can I join in on the fun? :smile:

    Oh but of course! *high five*
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Busy week coming up so for the stateside folks, can I get a HELLZ YEAH for this 4 day work week?!?! B)

    HELLZ YEAH!!!!! Planning a trip to either the lake or the beach. Still trying to make up my mind!!

    Sweet! Can't go wrong with either one!

  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    confession: i'm attempting to "date" again...and it's seemingly terrible. i think staying home, getting drunk and dancing around my kitchen with the dogs might be a way better option.

    went out with a dude on saturday evening. went to a local bar for beverages and chatting, and had a really fun time. i'd had a few dates previously that were kinda meh, so i thought ok cool, finally a fun time!

    have some beverages, play a bunch of songs on the jukebox (are they still called that?), lots of fun convo and eventually the evening wears down and it's time to call it a night. and dude's like oh, i'm having such a good time with you, let's go back to your place to "snuggle" for a while. (and yes, he literally said snuggle).
    and he starts to get all huffy about it. and i'm like dude, i had a lot of fun on this FIRST date, but i think there should be a few more before i'm inviting you back to my place. and he starts freaking out, wanting to know how i couldn't trust him, he's such a good guy and just liked being with me so much he didn't see what the big deal was. he just wants to hold me and snuggle for awhile! so we argue back and forth about it for a few minutes and finally i say i'm done, have a good night and leave.

    seriously? yeah because trying to guilt me into letting you come over to my place is an AWESOME first date.

    then i get home and i have all these msg's from him saying he's leaving the dating website he found me on because he just can't handle how ppl are, and what was my problem that i couldn't trust him?!

    well duh, we live in the same area, of course that makes him trustworthy!

    sigh... :s
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Yeah, I'm just a leeetle bit older than you.

    How are you managing with your Ramadan fasting?

    Just an eeny bit, surely we can still be birthday almost-twins. :p So far so good! I've had my period for the last few days, so I haven't had to fast, but I'll start fasting again today since it finished off a few hours ago. :)

    And to answer the question before it gets asked: In Islam, it's prescribed in the Quran and hadith that women who have their periods are excused from fasting, most likely due to weakness and blood loss (I also think it's so we can eat during the day, since we tend to crave like crazy and be super-hungry... ;)); we're also excused from our five daily prayers during our periods. You aren't supposed to make up the prayers (most likely because you'd have like 35 prayers to pray if your period lasted five days!), but you do have to make up the fasts at another time, because it's obligatory to complete the full thirty days of fasting. :)

    You know, I've learned more from you about Islam in the last few months than I have from anyone else anywhere for the last 45 years. LOL

    And that makes me happy! :smiley: The more people learn about what Islam is REALLY about, the less ignorance and hate there will be everywhere. An awesome example is the lady here (sorry, can't remember which one of you it was!) who used my explanations to tell her mother more about Islam--my dawah spreads! :)

    I just want to thank you as well...I have learned SO much from you and look forward to learning more!! :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Guys, remember that London Dairy new ice cream flavor I mentioned? The Red Velvet Cheesecake one? IT IS TO DIE FOR. Seriously. It's SO good! It has swirls of ooey gooey red velvet caramel-textured stuff, chunks of a dense, chewy red velvet cake, and generously sized chunks of cheesecake. The ice cream itself has a cream cheese-like taste, similar to cream cheese frosting but not as sweet or rich. SO GOOD.

    The other two are okay. I'm just sad that the cheesecake one is finished because I shared it with my husband (he didn't like the other two). :p
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: i'm attempting to "date" again...and it's seemingly terrible. i think staying home, getting drunk and dancing around my kitchen with the dogs might be a way better option.

    went out with a dude on saturday evening. went to a local bar for beverages and chatting, and had a really fun time. i'd had a few dates previously that were kinda meh, so i thought ok cool, finally a fun time!

    have some beverages, play a bunch of songs on the jukebox (are they still called that?), lots of fun convo and eventually the evening wears down and it's time to call it a night. and dude's like oh, i'm having such a good time with you, let's go back to your place to "snuggle" for a while. (and yes, he literally said snuggle).
    and he starts to get all huffy about it. and i'm like dude, i had a lot of fun on this FIRST date, but i think there should be a few more before i'm inviting you back to my place. and he starts freaking out, wanting to know how i couldn't trust him, he's such a good guy and just liked being with me so much he didn't see what the big deal was. he just wants to hold me and snuggle for awhile! so we argue back and forth about it for a few minutes and finally i say i'm done, have a good night and leave.

    seriously? yeah because trying to guilt me into letting you come over to my place is an AWESOME first date.

    then i get home and i have all these msg's from him saying he's leaving the dating website he found me on because he just can't handle how ppl are, and what was my problem that i couldn't trust him?!

    well duh, we live in the same area, of course that makes him trustworthy!

    sigh... :s

    Wow, sounds like you did the right thing and just let him go. He sounds a little cra cra if he's gonna act like that on a FIRST date!!
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    This is long so don't expect people to read it - just need to get it out!

    Like a lot of other posters here I am going through lots of life stresses at the moment and the last few days have felt very sad, numb and unmotivated. I am ever so slightly eating my feelings 'grief bacon' but am logging it all so I can see it in black and white. My confession today is that I am fed up with never feeling as though I am allowed to be stressed or upset. Work, home, health are all suffering at the moment, but I am just expected to suck it up. If one more person says to me 'it could be worse' I might scream. I am silently screaming and unfortunately the pain is beginning to show on my face. I know things could be worse, just doesn't mean that because someone somewhere has it worse than me that I just have to 'be fine' all the time.

    Dealing with mixed emotions is so hard - so happy for friends and loved ones who have fantastic things happening, mixed with my grief and sadness for what I am secretly going through. Not wanting to see friends because I don't want to make them miserable mixed with worrying I am not being a good friend by seeing them and sharing in their joys. Or, worse, that I am making them feel guilty for being happy.

    Feels better to 'get it out' but I am so sad at the moment and I just wonder when bad things will stop happening!

    You are allowed to feel all of those emotions. I am sorry you are going through such a tough time. Maybe you could try doing something nice just for yourself. A pedicure or a new hair cut something only for you because you DO deserve it!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited June 2015
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Busy week coming up so for the stateside folks, can I get a HELLZ YEAH for this 4 day work week?!?! B)

    OF COURSE!!! Happy Independance Day on a Saturday so we can get a three-day weekend! Woo Hoo!!!

    And...I took last Friday off - two three day weekends in a row! Yay, me! Then I go on vacation on the 10th. Hee hee, no work for me. LOL
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I've had an interesting challenge handed to me! :)

    I've been pestering my husband and telling him that I want a Fitbit, because I think it'll motivate me to move around more so I can "win" steps and calories. ;) He thinks it's an unnecessary fitness gadget, and that I should probably just move around more by myself. :p

    So, to motivate me a little (since I've been struggling a lot lately, as you all know, and he's been trying to find ways to help me with it) he gave me a challenge: If I can get my weight down to 65 kg by my birthday, he'll buy me a Fitbit. I'm currently at 69.3, and my birthday is on the eighth of October, which means I have 3.5 months to lose 4.3 kilos--very doable.

    So, by putting it out here, I'm hoping you guys will help me stay accountable so I can win myself a Fitbit for my birthday! ;) (He'd probably buy it for me anyway, but I really want to win this challenge.)

    Whoo! You can totally do that:D. We'll be your cheerleaders but everyone better watch out since I have no rhythm.

    Do you have a Fitbit in mind if you win?

    I have the Flex & love that it counts my steps & does motivate me if I find I haven't moved a lot during my workdays (on my days off I can be pretty lazy). I also love that you can set your goal & it shows how many calories my TDEE is for the day & it displays how many I could eat if I wanted to net my goal. I usually eat around 1700-1800 & then on my days off I plan on eating around 2100-2200.

    Now if the Jawbone 3 is more accurate I might spring for that one once it hits the stores.

    I do! I don't remember what name it has, but I know it costs one hundred U.S. dollars and counts your steps as well as altitude (as in, gives you more calories for climbing stairs!). It also gives your TDEE and such, according to the specs I read.

    As an update to how I've done so far this week: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were all at maintenance. I struggled, but I pushed really hard to stay at maintenance so I at least wouldn't gain more. As of Wednesday morning, I weighed 70.8 kg.

    Thursday, Friday, and Saturday were all awesome (calorie-wise, that is) and I kept my deficit (400 calorie deficit) perfectly, and even had ice cream! (It's already Sunday here, almost 2 A.M.) When I weighed in this morning, I was 69.3. :smiley:
    Is it the clip Fitbit? It's called the One and that's the one I have right now. I like it plenty though I do want to "upgrade" and get a ChargeHR to celebrate when I can run again.

    Yes, I think it might be that one. :) I'll need to go and check, but I'm pretty sure that was it.
    I have the One and really like it. I think it's very accurate too, except when I go out when it's really windy - in which case it adds loads of stairs! Apparently it's to do with air pressure.

    I have the One too. I started with the Flex but I developed a rash from fact, a lot of people did. So many that Fitbit actually offered an exchange for a different model or a full refund to anyone who experienced a rash. I didn't want to abandon it altogether so I opted for the exchange for the One. No rash...I'm happy! :)

    I also have the One. Love it.

    Me, too. I clip it in my bra and no one ever sees it.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Hello from page 1100!