Okay...McDonald's...Yes, No, Sometimes?



  • racheln2017
    racheln2017 Posts: 45 Member
    I don't usually go to fast food places (for the sole reason there are none within a 5 mile radius of me, so there's no point in driving for 10 minutes for something not good for me, especially in summer traffic) But I will buy if I'm coming home from say, a doctors appointment and don't have time to cook, I'll stop at Mcdonalds or Wendy's. Personally, I'm a big fan of Five Guys, but I rarely have it. Like she said above me, McDonalds isn't worth the calories (well okay, the Bacon Egg Cheese McGriddle is. Mmm) but Five Guys is.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Absolutely no way until McD's pays their employee's a decent wage. Plus there are so many healthier options out there.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    I try not to because it is easy to go over my calories in one meal. If I have to satisfy the craving I order a kids meal and leave it at that . I love their fries
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sherbog wrote: »
    Absolutely no way until McD's pays their employee's a decent wage. Plus there are so many healthier options out there.

    What's a "decent wage" for working fast food, and if I can fit it into my day it's somehow not making me healthy?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I will never understand why/how people actually enjoy fast food...even in my fat days I avoided it due to it basically being a notch above pig slop. I'm very much admittedly a food snob...but still, the idea of craving something as disgusting as a McDonald"s burger just doesn't compute...I can buy some nice ground beef and make a hell of a burger at home...a McDonald's burger doesn't even really resemble a burger much.

    I will very occasionally eat fast food, but usually only on a road trip or something...and pretty much the only place I'll eat is Wendy's and I either have a salad or a baked potato and a small chili...it's not that great, but it's relatively palatable.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    I don't really eat fast good either unless I absolutely have to. Like if my little sister wants to go after church and that's what she considers to be our bonding moment. Also, fast food is gross. Tastes great.. but yeh.

    How is it gross?

    Lol..probably because it's "fast food".
    When I moved to Chicago I swore I would never eat fast food. The food here in Chi-town is heaven on earth. Who needs ( want ) fast food garbage when there are all these amazing little places to eat in every street corner.
    However, after living here for almost 4 years I have been to McD multiple times.

    Agreed, so many little mom and pop food places. No need for fast food here. I've never even had Dominos or Pizza Hut before.

    What if there aren't many "Mom and Pop" places where you're at? Does it meet your OK then?
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    mcdonalds pays decently enough for a fast food place. they make more than I did at my first retail job.

    I sometimes eat there. but I try and fit it in my calories. yesterday, I had Wendy's new dill chicken sandwich. I want to go there now. and eat another one
  • Keith3481
    Keith3481 Posts: 91 Member
    I have a sausage and egg biscuit and black coffee, no sugar, once a week - on Tuesdays. It's 510 calories and fits into my daily calories just fine so no worries. For me, it helps to throw in a little 'junk food' on a regular basis to keep my diet plan from being a total chore. It keeps me on the plan. I just balance out my calories and macros to adjust for it.
  • kat_princess12
    kat_princess12 Posts: 109 Member
    Fun fact: If you ask, McD's will serve your hamburger on a lettuce leaf in a bowl, no bun. Can help with carbs and overall calorie count :)
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    edited June 2015
    RGv2 wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    I don't really eat fast good either unless I absolutely have to. Like if my little sister wants to go after church and that's what she considers to be our bonding moment. Also, fast food is gross. Tastes great.. but yeh.

    How is it gross?

    Lol..probably because it's "fast food".
    When I moved to Chicago I swore I would never eat fast food. The food here in Chi-town is heaven on earth. Who needs ( want ) fast food garbage when there are all these amazing little places to eat in every street corner.
    However, after living here for almost 4 years I have been to McD multiple times.

    Agreed, so many little mom and pop food places. No need for fast food here. I've never even had Dominos or Pizza Hut before.

    What if there aren't many "Mom and Pop" places where you're at? Does it meet your OK then?

  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    The only reason I'd be mad at myself is because I got McDonald's and not Taco Bell. But that's just because Taco Bell is my favorite!
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    sure and mcdonalds has great salads. the sundaes are yogart and they have GREAT fries./
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I'm jealous of people who say they cut fast food and when they tried it again, it was gross. I didn't eat fast food for six months once, and lemme tell you, that double cheeseburger was AMAZING when I broke down and ate it. *sigh*
  • carakirkey
    carakirkey Posts: 199 Member
    Haven't had mcDonalds in years. Had a happy meal on the weekend because we got free coupons at a parade. Cheeseburger was gross. Kids didn't even really like it. The fries were good, but still not worth it.
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    Angierae75 wrote: »
    I'm jealous of people who say they cut fast food and when they tried it again, it was gross. I didn't eat fast food for six months once, and lemme tell you, that double cheeseburger was AMAZING when I broke down and ate it. *sigh*

    I'm the same way! I envy people who don't crave it.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    That Sausage McMuffin for a dollar is not to be sneered at, 370 calories and 14 g of protein. Might tasty too!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    The McDonalds value menu is a surprisingly good source of reasonably balanced macros, at very cheap prices.
  • limetree683
    limetree683 Posts: 51 Member
    ariamythe wrote: »
    Most items are priced to reflect their quality and the cost it takes to produce them. I'm not trying to say that that the costs of the two items are related, I am saying that it is bizarre that meat can be produced in such an industrial quantity that living creatures can be sold cheaper than common house-hold items.

    McDonald's has built a hugely efficient supply chain, and they sell at a much higher volume than your typical six-pack of Charmin. I'm not saying McDs food is super quality, I'm saying it's false to simply say "It's cheap, so it's bad." Economics are complex.

    Yes, and what I'm saying is that it is ethically wrong (as well as the fact it tastes gross, but that's just my opinion :P) - nutritionally it is not 'bad' depending on if you can eat it in moderation and make it to fit your calorie/health/fitness goals, the supply chain McDonald's has built up relies on destruction of the environment and rearing animals in a cruel environment. Being able to buy something so cheaply means people have expectations of rock-bottom prices which perpetuate the cycle. We already have one poster above who says that if he can't find someone to share his meal with he'll throw half of it in the bin. To me, that's pretty shocking, to throw good food away on a whim. Don't think many people will feel that way about fillet mignon, but a whole meal that costs next to nothing? Sure, it's disposable.

    Sorry to that poster btw! Don't mean to pick on anyone, really, but I'm always surprised how casually food is disposed of in developed nations, and I think a lot of that has to do with how disconnected we've become with how it's produced.

    Aaaaanndd... I've derailed. Sorry x1000, but it's just a topic that interests me as you can see lol

    Um. No, actually.


    But whatever makes you feel smug.

    So terrible, industrial agriculture's role in solving wold hunger and improving animal welfare. Should definitely do something about that.

    Interesting that you assumed I felt smug. I don't. I do however, have facts on my side and not just a woman who can commune with the animals.

    So you mean you know more about it than the world's foremost expert on slaughterhouse construction because you read someone's silly propaganda?


    The time it would take to explain this to you, and the fact it would make not one iota of difference means it's time to stop. OK, you win. I am smug and ignorant :( Thank you for trying to educate me.

  • DaiGerman
    DaiGerman Posts: 3 Member
    I work in McDonald's it's better to avoid food from there all together I will not eat from there at all it isn't even food ...might as well eat play doh even the salads from there contain a lot of salt and other bad chemicals if anything I would try and avoid at all costs
  • penguin_1234
    penguin_1234 Posts: 15 Member
    Can't stand the stuff so not an issue for me, I just don't eat fast food, guess I'm lucky I never got into the habit, it must be hard, if, depending where you are from, it's a common thing to do, it just never was for me.