

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    T minus 4 days and I will be playing on the beach! This week cannot go fast enough! On a related note, my son is leaving today with my parents. They are going to go visit my grandparents for a few days before meeting up with us at the beach house.

    Four nights child-free. Guess what the child-free-nights plan is? Yep, the gym. LOL

    YAY so much to look forward to!!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Patricia. Yup geeky. Chemist writing a haiku to an astrologist (his hobby/passion). He loved them which made me smile because they are so bad as poetry and yet accurate.

    We are a good match :smile:
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Hey there all my lovely peeps! I've missed you all! I took some time off and have been really busy with life stuff, but I'm hoping things will settle down. Needless to say there's no way I'll be able to catch up.

    Wanted to add a personal story to the "scale rules my life" sentiment. I was going through old papers over the weekend and glanced through my food and exercise logs for last year. Last March I was 10 lbs. lighter than I am now (thighs were an inch smaller and my waist was 2 inches smaller). My first thought was, "I've GOT to get back to that size!" Then I kept reading. I keep track of how I'm feeling physically, what's happening in life, and my moods along with my food intake and exercise because I believe it's all tied together. Turns out I was sick a lot, unhappy with some things, and was basically struggling. Today, I feel great. Nope, don't want to go back to that point.

    Long story short: a lighter weight on the scale does NOT equal a happier self!

    I was wondering how you were doing. I miss hearing all your advice, kind words.

    I loved this story though. This makes me want to log my moods/feelings with my food as well. I think I will try this. I would love to look back and see how things change over time. Thanks for the idea!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    T minus 4 days and I will be playing on the beach! This week cannot go fast enough! On a related note, my son is leaving today with my parents. They are going to go visit my grandparents for a few days before meeting up with us at the beach house.

    Four nights child-free. Guess what the child-free-nights plan is? Yep, the gym. LOL

    YAY so much to look forward to!!

    Awesome! Also, @LBuehrle8, has your gym opened back up yet?
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    Confession: Class starts back up on Friday (it feels like it has been SO LONG since I last had homework) and I'm excited to get back to work, but worried that my gym-going (at least during the week) is going to suffer a bit because of it. I know working out isn't going to make or break my progress, but I don't want to fall out of the habit.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    eta: thanks for the guy comment, i'm trying to not get discouraged! going out to meet a dude tonight, let's hope he's not crazy or meh! :)

    I hope it goes better than the last two!

    Chiming in here....your date is probably over already, hope it went well!

    post date update:

    met the dude at a tavern downtown. really super nice guy. had good conversation, were able to laugh and joke a lot, which is awesome. not creepy and not meh (woo!) lol

    issues i'm currently trying to reconcile in my brain: (remember NO JUDGEMENT)
    - if i hadn't met him on a dating website, where orientation is posted, i would NEVER believe this guy is straight. i texted my friend (who is gay) that i was on a date with his straight doppelganger. so many times through out the night in my head i was just like, omg this is frank, i'm on a date with straight frank. boisterous, animated, like that always turned on and ready to take the stage personality.

    - very very talkative. which isn't terrible, but he'd ask me something and half way through my story, he'd being going off on a tangent on something else, and completely cut me off. so like, a 3 minute story would take me like 10 minutes as i'd have to reel him back off the tangent, pick up where i left off and keep going. and the random tangents were funny and he had tons of interesting things to talk about, but seriously talked way more than me. way, way more.

    - he's about an inch taller than me, and has a much more slender build. i'm quite "thick," i have tree trunk thighs that aren't going anywhere. so it's kinda like oh, here's dude and his fat girlfriend. and maybe that's dumb of me to think, but i do.

    he did say he had a really good time and would like to see me again. which i might do to see if maybe he was just nervous/excited on the "first" date?

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Patricia. Yup geeky. Chemist writing a haiku to an astrologist (his hobby/passion). He loved them which made me smile because they are so bad as poetry and yet accurate.

    We are a good match :smile:
    I loved your little poems - glad he did too!
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    hnsaunde wrote: »
    May not be appropriate for @Susieq_1994!

    Confession: I found out last night that a friend I used to work with has just been charged with second-degree murder of his wife, who has been missing since November. I'm having a hard time and am absolutely shocked, and still don't really believe it, even though the police quotes say he's been concealing the body at his home for the past 8 months. It just doesn't seem to compute at all against the person I remember.

    Yikes.... news article link?

    There's been a few, here you go:
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Hi everyone!!! I'm surprised that there are so many pages to catch up on. I'm currently working on it. :)

    I had a good birthday. I actually got a swimming suit and swam for the first time in a LONG time. I swam Friday and Saturday before the storms rolled in. I got to see fireworks Thursday, Friday and Saturday (I love fireworks). I was able to eat bbq, s'mores and had a lot of fun. I'm sad it is over.

    My boyfriend did hang out with me from Thursday to Sunday. We got along well. Last night we decided to take a break and he is going to work on himself. I think it is a good thing. I finally think he understands how hurt my heart was/is. I'm feeling better at least.

    Glad to hear it!

    And super jealous, I am dying to go swimming and today was the only day it would have been hot enough this week and I was stuck at work all day!!

    I seriously hadn't been swimming since about 2007ish so it was a long time. I had to go buy a swimsuit. I was just glad I found a cute one that fit pretty good. I just hate that my hair is all dry now from the chlorine. :|

    I hope you get to go swimming sometime soon. :)
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    edited July 2015
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    eta: thanks for the guy comment, i'm trying to not get discouraged! going out to meet a dude tonight, let's hope he's not crazy or meh! :)

    I hope it goes better than the last two!

    Chiming in here....your date is probably over already, hope it went well!

    post date update:

    met the dude at a tavern downtown. really super nice guy. had good conversation, were able to laugh and joke a lot, which is awesome. not creepy and not meh (woo!) lol

    issues i'm currently trying to reconcile in my brain: (remember NO JUDGEMENT)
    - if i hadn't met him on a dating website, where orientation is posted, i would NEVER believe this guy is straight. i texted my friend (who is gay) that i was on a date with his straight doppelganger. so many times through out the night in my head i was just like, omg this is frank, i'm on a date with straight frank. boisterous, animated, like that always turned on and ready to take the stage personality.

    - very very talkative. which isn't terrible, but he'd ask me something and half way through my story, he'd being going off on a tangent on something else, and completely cut me off. so like, a 3 minute story would take me like 10 minutes as i'd have to reel him back off the tangent, pick up where i left off and keep going. and the random tangents were funny and he had tons of interesting things to talk about, but seriously talked way more than me. way, way more.

    - he's about an inch taller than me, and has a much more slender build. i'm quite "thick," i have tree trunk thighs that aren't going anywhere. so it's kinda like oh, here's dude and his fat girlfriend. and maybe that's dumb of me to think, but i do.

    he did say he had a really good time and would like to see me again. which i might do to see if maybe he was just nervous/excited on the "first" date?
    Interesting! So are you saying that you think he's actually gay but dating women, or that he just reminded you of your gay friend?

    I think you should definitely see him again, if only because you might make a great friend. Unless he talks too much!

    Also, regarding physical differences, just to say that my parents are the same height, but for most of their marriage she's been probably a hundred pounds heavier than him. He's loved her and been attracted to her for 52 years, so try not to stress over that side of things.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Thinking about me as a little kid inspired me to dig these out:
    Past the bald-blob stage but I don't have any of those on my phone unfortunately, haha.
    Anyone have any of themselves?
    What a cutie pie!! I might have some old pictures of me on Facebook. Maybe I can figure out how to get them on here...
    If you right-click them and save the image url, you can just paste it in here like this:
    [ img ] [/ img ]
    but without any spaces.
    You're close! I think I can fix it. Here's @kecmw25:
    You did! How did you fix it? How old are those pictures huh?
    You were like a little doll! And speaking of dolls, I had a similar huge Raggedy Ann too. Kind of scary now, but it's funny how that stuff looks different to us now.
    Aww, thanks! I posted them to show someone how I looked at that age since I post so many pictures of my daughter on Facebook. Confession: I'm one of those moms :)
    I don't think you looked like a blob at all, you were adorable!!
    I love your avatar... need to look at that one. The Hey, you...don't give up, OK?
    I think that is great.

    I was going to make the same comment. Love that avatar!
    P.s. –I hope your knee is okay!

    @Italian_Buju thank you for sharing that. I'm pretty sure I have some tendencies, I do the repeated checking of my bag, I always used to eat all of one thing on my plate, although I have mostly managed now to stop doing that. I actually have a lot of weird things with food, which watching tv discovered a lot were things people with anorexia do, so I'm not sure how come I'm the size I am! I think a lot of mine are checking and ordering things, that I don't really realise I do. My mum knows if I've been round while she's out because if there's a pile of coins on the side it'll have been stacked in height order.
    I think most people have some tendencies that can be considered OCD like.....the main difference is the focus and obsession in doing the task. It is odd though that so many people can have tendencies like that.
    That worries me about the anorexia tendencies, have you talked to someone about that??
    No, I haven't, it's things like eating food in certain orders, and knowing the calories in everything. I can't remember the others, just remember when I watched it realised almost all of them were things I do. But I've never even made it to my goal weight (or even halfway!), so I don't really think it's something to worry about. Although I think that was probably when I started trying not to eat all my food in order.

    I have a lot of food I have to eat in a certain order too. Then there are things like pizza where I have to take all the toppings/cheese off and eat the crust first. Then I eat all the toppings last. I get frustrated because I do this every time and sometimes I just think I need to eat like a normal person. Haha

    I am exactly the same way with pizza and now I notice my son does the same thing haha

    That would be four of us then! I do the same.

    What is with all you guys ruining pizza??? Didnt we already discuss this earlier in the thread with pasta?? THESE ARE SINS AGAINST MY PEOPLE!!! :p

    You are going to hate me. I'm Italian too. I know I'm ashamed of myself. :p
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Thinking about me as a little kid inspired me to dig these out:
    Past the bald-blob stage but I don't have any of those on my phone unfortunately, haha.
    Anyone have any of themselves?
    What a cutie pie!! I might have some old pictures of me on Facebook. Maybe I can figure out how to get them on here...
    If you right-click them and save the image url, you can just paste it in here like this:
    [ img ] [/ img ]
    but without any spaces.
    You're close! I think I can fix it. Here's @kecmw25:
    You did! How did you fix it? How old are those pictures huh?
    You were like a little doll! And speaking of dolls, I had a similar huge Raggedy Ann too. Kind of scary now, but it's funny how that stuff looks different to us now.
    Aww, thanks! I posted them to show someone how I looked at that age since I post so many pictures of my daughter on Facebook. Confession: I'm one of those moms :)
    I don't think you looked like a blob at all, you were adorable!!
    I love your avatar... need to look at that one. The Hey, you...don't give up, OK?
    I think that is great.

    I was going to make the same comment. Love that avatar!
    P.s. –I hope your knee is okay!

    @Italian_Buju thank you for sharing that. I'm pretty sure I have some tendencies, I do the repeated checking of my bag, I always used to eat all of one thing on my plate, although I have mostly managed now to stop doing that. I actually have a lot of weird things with food, which watching tv discovered a lot were things people with anorexia do, so I'm not sure how come I'm the size I am! I think a lot of mine are checking and ordering things, that I don't really realise I do. My mum knows if I've been round while she's out because if there's a pile of coins on the side it'll have been stacked in height order.
    I think most people have some tendencies that can be considered OCD like.....the main difference is the focus and obsession in doing the task. It is odd though that so many people can have tendencies like that.
    That worries me about the anorexia tendencies, have you talked to someone about that??
    No, I haven't, it's things like eating food in certain orders, and knowing the calories in everything. I can't remember the others, just remember when I watched it realised almost all of them were things I do. But I've never even made it to my goal weight (or even halfway!), so I don't really think it's something to worry about. Although I think that was probably when I started trying not to eat all my food in order.

    I have a lot of food I have to eat in a certain order too. Then there are things like pizza where I have to take all the toppings/cheese off and eat the crust first. Then I eat all the toppings last. I get frustrated because I do this every time and sometimes I just think I need to eat like a normal person. Haha

    I am exactly the same way with pizza and now I notice my son does the same thing haha

    That would be four of us then! I do the same.

    What is with all you guys ruining pizza??? Didnt we already discuss this earlier in the thread with pasta?? THESE ARE SINS AGAINST MY PEOPLE!!! :p

    LOL! I would NEVER.

    And, I don't think I mentioned it when we were on the subject of pasta, but I once caught my husband putting olive oil into the spaghetti while it was cooking. I made him start over. And, he claims his mother's family is Italian. Pfffftttt
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    @Susieq_1994 I hope you feel better soon! Stay strong, girl... we all know you're awesome! I wish I could send you some airplane pictures to maybe cheer you up a little.... but unfortunately the clouds were so dark and heavy when I flew to and from Punta Cana that I didn't see anything worth getting. Just a constant blanket of cloud :(

    I've been watching Survivor today after a LONG hiatus away from this show. The thing about shows like these are that they give me huge adrenaline boosts. It's all the excitement, people blind-sighting each other... people I like winning challenges when they thought they were going home, etc. It's the same thing when singers perform really well on The Voice. My boyfriend doesn't understand how these happy adrenaline rushes come out of reality TV :lol: The guy I want to win won an Immunity challenge (the underdog... I usually go for the underdogs...), so I was up out of my seat dancing around. Maybe I'm just a dork.


    Are you watching the last season now? I can't wait for next season!

    Another show that I always say I'm not going to watch but always wind up watching. LOL
    I watched the last season while it was on. I'm sure I'll watch the next season, too. My mom hates it when they bring back people from previous seasons. They already had their chance.

    I sort of like it when they bring back the crazy ones.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    T minus 4 days and I will be playing on the beach! This week cannot go fast enough! On a related note, my son is leaving today with my parents. They are going to go visit my grandparents for a few days before meeting up with us at the beach house.

    Four nights child-free. Guess what the child-free-nights plan is? Yep, the gym. LOL

    YAY so much to look forward to!!

    Awesome! Also, @LBuehrle8, has your gym opened back up yet?

    YES! It FINALLY did last week! It looks like they changed all the flooring and up on the 3rd floor there's no longer a movie theater but looks like another room to hold classes. All in all not much of a change, I was hoping they'd get all new machines and equipment!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    eta: thanks for the guy comment, i'm trying to not get discouraged! going out to meet a dude tonight, let's hope he's not crazy or meh! :)

    I hope it goes better than the last two!

    Chiming in here....your date is probably over already, hope it went well!

    post date update:

    met the dude at a tavern downtown. really super nice guy. had good conversation, were able to laugh and joke a lot, which is awesome. not creepy and not meh (woo!) lol

    issues i'm currently trying to reconcile in my brain: (remember NO JUDGEMENT)
    - if i hadn't met him on a dating website, where orientation is posted, i would NEVER believe this guy is straight. i texted my friend (who is gay) that i was on a date with his straight doppelganger. so many times through out the night in my head i was just like, omg this is frank, i'm on a date with straight frank. boisterous, animated, like that always turned on and ready to take the stage personality.

    - very very talkative. which isn't terrible, but he'd ask me something and half way through my story, he'd being going off on a tangent on something else, and completely cut me off. so like, a 3 minute story would take me like 10 minutes as i'd have to reel him back off the tangent, pick up where i left off and keep going. and the random tangents were funny and he had tons of interesting things to talk about, but seriously talked way more than me. way, way more.

    - he's about an inch taller than me, and has a much more slender build. i'm quite "thick," i have tree trunk thighs that aren't going anywhere. so it's kinda like oh, here's dude and his fat girlfriend. and maybe that's dumb of me to think, but i do.

    he did say he had a really good time and would like to see me again. which i might do to see if maybe he was just nervous/excited on the "first" date?

    That sounds like a possibility. Glad it was better than meh and not creepy!!!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    edited July 2015
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    post date update:

    met the dude at a tavern downtown. really super nice guy. had good conversation, were able to laugh and joke a lot, which is awesome. not creepy and not meh (woo!) lol

    he did say he had a really good time and would like to see me again. which i might do to see if maybe he was just nervous/excited on the "first" date?

    I've been waiting for that all morning! So, here's my 2 cents:
    - The fact that he reminds you of a friend sounds like a good thing! Unless said friend really annoys you.
    - Very talkative can go either way. Sometimes it's fun because they are so outgoing, and sometimes it's annoying because they might not listen.
    - Some guys like thick girls, and you're super great, so please no negative self-talk!
    - The fact that he didn't ask you to snuggle and then freak out when you wouldn't and there seemed to be sparks are all promising signs. Go out with him again and see where it goes!

    ETA: I haven't been on a first date in over 10 years, so maybe I'm living a little vicariously through you!
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    Well, this is totally not a real problem, but pity party commenced. (Warning this is rather lame and I really just need to be told suck it up buttercup).

    I hate how bothered I am by numbers on the scale. I'm recomping currently - which should not include weight gain as I am not attempting to bulk - but I've been over the top number I would like to be at for a couple of weeks now. I know it's probably just DOMS as Stronglifts is kicking my butt and my clothes fit the same if not better, but it really gets to me and I'm considering reducing calories even though I know its a bad idea for recomp progress but I'm letting the scale rule me.

    I don't like how I let the scale rule me in general. On one hand it's good - even though I was using hair ties to extend the buttons on my pants instead of buying a bigger size - it wasn't until I saw 150 on the scale, which meant 25 BMI and officially over weight that I decided to do something about it. It's also great because I don't have to track food, make sure I stay in my 5 pound range and all's well. But then I have days like today and want to throw a giant pity party because the scale says a number I don't like which is actually not a real problem and I need to suck it up.

    Pity party over. Sorry it's a lame pity party.

    Awesome job on recomping & doing strong lifts. I bought the NROLFW & first I am reading the book & then will attempt to start weight lifting. I bought a barbell a few years ago; however, I am thinking I may need to join a gym to do some of the other exercises & perhaps have a trainer spot me on some of them.

    We can start together! I'm joining my boyfriend's gym this weekend and he's going to train me (he's into bodybuilding). I also ordered NROLFW. It is supposed to arrive today!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Just stopping in to post today's shoes....ulq7mbl1xexy.jpg
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So Skye is back to her normal tail chasing, toy playing, furniture scratching, queen diva self. She was running laps up and down the hallway this morning and tackling the (much) bigger male cats. She even ate her dry food without any hesitation. YAY! Thanks for all the well wishes!

    Yay for Skye!!!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Just stopping in to post today's shoes....ulq7mbl1xexy.jpg
    Cute. Love the shoes.
    I wear size 4.5 so I special order them.

    We have nearly the same polish on today. Mine is half a shade lighter.