

  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 I read a good book over the weekend. It is called What She left Behind by Ellen Marie Wiseman. Its about a young woman committed to an insane asylum in the 1930's by her father because she wouldn't marry who he wanted her too. Was so good I was sad when it ended

    I'm going to add that to my Goodreads list. Sounds like it could be up my alley!

    Me, too! I wonder if I order it off Amazon if it would arrive in time for my vacation?

    ETA: I bought it and it's supposed to arrive by tomorrow. I love Amazon Prime! I also bought her other book, The Plum Tree, just because. Can't have too many books for vacation!

    I have the kindle app for my tablet and Amazon has what is called Kindle Unlimited where for $9.95/month you can download up to 10 books at a time for that one price. Best thing ever!!

    I also downloaded the Plum Tree . Going to start that one tonight lol

    I've tried an e-reader. I just prefer real paper books...

    Count me in as a real book reader. I got a kindle for christmas years ago, I just couldn't get into it. I recently signed up with the library in this City, man oh man I am in love all over again. So many books and so little time!

    In the digital age this is an often forgotten resource!

    Yes exactly! The thing is I work in the building with the library, they now rent all sorts of things out. Trying to engage the kiddlets
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    hnsaunde wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    hnsaunde wrote: »
    May not be appropriate for @Susieq_1994!

    Confession: I found out last night that a friend I used to work with has just been charged with second-degree murder of his wife, who has been missing since November. I'm having a hard time and am absolutely shocked, and still don't really believe it, even though the police quotes say he's been concealing the body at his home for the past 8 months. It just doesn't seem to compute at all against the person I remember.

    Yikes.... news article link?

    There's been a few, here you go:

    Wow that's crazy! Goes to show ya just never know about some people.

  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    This is to sooo many people, physically, emotionally, eating, etc. I don't have the time (unfortunately) to give you each an individual reply even though I want to very much.

    Progress, not perfection. It is ok and normal to be less than perfect and look less than great while moving toward our goals. It is ok and normal to fall down (fail, goof up, etc.) just take a deep breath and dust yourself off (figuratively or emotionally) and start again. You CAN do it!!! I got my degree one breath at a time. Really. I got through my biggest heartbreak one little breath at a time. Trust me, if I can do it then you can do it too. I believe in you! (and you and you and you...)

    Seriously, this is beautiful. It made me tear up. :) This is how I'm living at the moment. Just one step/breath/minute at a time.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    So today went pretty well. My kitchen floor is now done, which is good because it had a few bad breaks in it and that was dangerous for my feet!

    I only got about two hours of sleep last night, and have been up since 4:10am, and it is not nearly midnight, so not sure how I am not dead yet, but I plan on sleeping tomorrow until I naturally wake up.

    My Kyrie was super mad at my kids today for keeping her locked in their rooms (they had to so she would not get in the way of the kitchen floor thing), she made sure I knew about it when I came home.

    She is also a giant chicken head kitty and when my daughter tried to bring her out for a bathroom break, and she saw what was happening out here, hid under her bed for the rest of the day until she heard me come in from work (even though the floor was done well before that).

    Now that the floor is done, the stress of the last two weeks of super busy understaffed work, my son's bike saga and my sisters visit is all behind me, I am feeling MUCH better! Well, I will be after some sleep anyway!

    Things with the SO are 'interesting'. We had another discussion about this problem yesterday and while I have eased up on him a bit (I took his call tonight after the third time he called) and I talked to him yesterday, things are still not proper. Thank you @FroggyBug for understanding how frustrating this is. I can appreciate what everyone else chimed in had to say but I cannot just let this go, I am too fed up, and God forbid he does not really get it this year, because if this happens again next year, I might snap and end up widowed. And like I said, he is well aware that I am correct in this situation, so it is not like I am just overreacting or something. And for what it is worth, every one that is aware of this problem in our RL ALL agree with me, even his own male friends, one of them even tried to discuss it with him because he was upset that I was so upset again.

    @pofoster21 - I hope your leg heals quickly, that is a rough spot!

    Ok, I have to be honest and said I am suddenly feeling discouraged from @bkhamill 's I feel a bit like why try if I don't really have a chance to succeed? Losing weight isn't something I have ever been focused on, and it was not until my DR said something that I really thought 'ok, guess I should do this", because I always try and take the best care I can of my health, and follow what my DR says as best I can. But I have heard other people say that they could only do it when they wanted to, so maybe I am wasting my time? I put in a half assed effort a few years ago when a surgeon scared me, but then my current surgeon and my DR told me she was full of it, so that made me not worry. On the other hand I have heard the same thing about smoking, and I had no desire to quit, until my SO said I had to quit if I wanted to have a baby, and I did, before I got pregnant, and never looked back. Maybe this will be the same? It is not like I want to lose 250lbs or anything, she only asked me to lose 50.....although I wonder if I lose that 50 if she will want me to lose another 50 or something......ugh, now I am full of doubt......

    Ok, I now see the fitbit thread has daily goals, will start to post there tomorrow!

    Your Kyrie sounds similar to my Steve (Steve is a black female kitty) and Snowball (male white kitty). We have 4 cats, but nobody that comes to the house would ever know we have more than 2. Scaredy cats.

    50 lbs is doable, no problem. Don't even think about what's going to happen after that. I know that's easier said than done, but any large goal can seem insurmountable if you don't break it up into small chunks.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Hi guys, checking in. I went camping over the weekend and it was pretty nice. It was my kid's first time camping in the actual outdoor woods. I know people do it, but I was very worried about camping with any babies, so this year was the first year I felt comfortable. They loved it, and I'm so glad because I plan on taking them out a lot this summer.

    The thread is messed up for me and I lost my spot. If I missed anything someone said to me, I'm sorry. I haven't heard back from the police about my sister yet. I guess they don't care as much if someone pretends to be you as a witness instead of a criminal.

    Thirdly - I saw someone mention Goodreads. If anyone wants to add me, you can! I love sharing books with friends.

    I added you. :)

    My name is Tammy, and my Siamese kitty Max is my profile pic there.

    Trying to fix so I can link...

    Ok, I created a profile and added you both!

    Hope this works to link to me

    Nice! I think Goodreads gives much better book recommendations than Amazon. Amazon is always recommending books that I bought from them. I already read that!

    I never heard of goodreads, I am going to check it out after I finish catching up. But if we share book recommendations it won't do much to link to me... I mostly read historical romances these days as my poor brain can't handle anything else. :)

    No worries I read those too!!
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Just stopping in to post today's shoes....ulq7mbl1xexy.jpg

    Those are super cute!! I'm hoping after I shift this weight I can wear heels again.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »

    Ok, I have to be honest and said I am suddenly feeling discouraged from @bkhamill 's I feel a bit like why try if I don't really have a chance to succeed? Losing weight isn't something I have ever been focused on, and it was not until my DR said something that I really thought 'ok, guess I should do this", because I always try and take the best care I can of my health, and follow what my DR says as best I can. But I have heard other people say that they could only do it when they wanted to, so maybe I am wasting my time? I put in a half assed effort a few years ago when a surgeon scared me, but then my current surgeon and my DR told me she was full of it, so that made me not worry. On the other hand I have heard the same thing about smoking, and I had no desire to quit, until my SO said I had to quit if I wanted to have a baby, and I did, before I got pregnant, and never looked back. Maybe this will be the same? It is not like I want to lose 250lbs or anything, she only asked me to lose 50.....although I wonder if I lose that 50 if she will want me to lose another 50 or something......ugh, now I am full of doubt......

    Ok, I now see the fitbit thread has daily goals, will start to post there tomorrow!

    Why worry about the "What if's" when you have a concrete goal. Take that 50 pounds, break it into goals that work for you and let us cheer you on. (((HUGS)))

    I just got back out of bed to add something that has been bothering me since I last posted....I want to make it clear that I in NO way thought that @bkhamill 's comment was meant to be discouraging or anything like that. Lots of people say the "you need to do it for YOU' comment about many different things.....that was just where my mind went......that is me, not her.....

    Honestly, do it for whatever reason you want but I think you should do it. Like someone else said earlier, we don't want you to get hurt/die either. Please just take care of yourself so you can be healthier. Find whatever reason you need (or maybe no reason at all-just do it). Don't get too discouraged. It's hard for a lot of people to do this. I know I've stalled out and stopped caring many times but I keep trying anyway just because I know I need to. Just make small changes and hopefully work your way up from there. I believe in you. :) We will be here to help as needed.
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    I weighed myself today...I was scared to since I've been on vacation. I'm actually .2 pounds lower than when I left for vaca!! I guess lifting in the gym helped out!!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Hi guys, checking in. I went camping over the weekend and it was pretty nice. It was my kid's first time camping in the actual outdoor woods. I know people do it, but I was very worried about camping with any babies, so this year was the first year I felt comfortable. They loved it, and I'm so glad because I plan on taking them out a lot this summer.

    The thread is messed up for me and I lost my spot. If I missed anything someone said to me, I'm sorry. I haven't heard back from the police about my sister yet. I guess they don't care as much if someone pretends to be you as a witness instead of a criminal.

    Thirdly - I saw someone mention Goodreads. If anyone wants to add me, you can! I love sharing books with friends.

    I added you. :)

    My name is Tammy, and my Siamese kitty Max is my profile pic there.

    Trying to fix so I can link...

    Ok, I created a profile and added you both!

    Hope this works to link to me

    Nice! I think Goodreads gives much better book recommendations than Amazon. Amazon is always recommending books that I bought from them. I already read that!

    Ugh this happens to me too! Why?! So annoying!

    Because they get idiots like me who keep buying the same book and CDs I already bought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And, THAT is why I have tracked every book on Goodreads for the past few years. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten halfway through a book before realizing I've already read this and know how it's going to end. Now, when somebody recommends a book that sounds like something I'd like, I always add it to my "To Read" list on Goodreads. Occasionally, when I search it on Goodreads, I find that I've already read it. LOL

    Happens with movies, too. I get halfway through and go, "I've seen this."

    And, when my husband and I got married last year and combined our CD libraries and got rid of the duplicates, we found a LOT of CDs that I had multiples.

    You are not alone, @pofoster21 !!
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    eta: thanks for the guy comment, i'm trying to not get discouraged! going out to meet a dude tonight, let's hope he's not crazy or meh! :)

    I hope it goes better than the last two!

    Chiming in here....your date is probably over already, hope it went well!

    post date update:

    met the dude at a tavern downtown. really super nice guy. had good conversation, were able to laugh and joke a lot, which is awesome. not creepy and not meh (woo!) lol

    issues i'm currently trying to reconcile in my brain: (remember NO JUDGEMENT)
    - if i hadn't met him on a dating website, where orientation is posted, i would NEVER believe this guy is straight. i texted my friend (who is gay) that i was on a date with his straight doppelganger. so many times through out the night in my head i was just like, omg this is frank, i'm on a date with straight frank. boisterous, animated, like that always turned on and ready to take the stage personality.

    - very very talkative. which isn't terrible, but he'd ask me something and half way through my story, he'd being going off on a tangent on something else, and completely cut me off. so like, a 3 minute story would take me like 10 minutes as i'd have to reel him back off the tangent, pick up where i left off and keep going. and the random tangents were funny and he had tons of interesting things to talk about, but seriously talked way more than me. way, way more.

    - he's about an inch taller than me, and has a much more slender build. i'm quite "thick," i have tree trunk thighs that aren't going anywhere. so it's kinda like oh, here's dude and his fat girlfriend. and maybe that's dumb of me to think, but i do.

    he did say he had a really good time and would like to see me again. which i might do to see if maybe he was just nervous/excited on the "first" date?
    Interesting! So are you saying that you think he's actually gay but dating women, or that he just reminded you of your gay friend?

    I think you should definitely see him again, if only because you might make a great friend. Unless he talks too much!

    Also, regarding physical differences, just to say that my parents are the same height, but for most of their marriage she's been probably a hundred pounds heavier than him. He's loved her and been attracted to her for 52 years, so try not to stress over that side of things.

    i don't think he's actually gay, but his mannerisms, personality, and the such would give me that impression if i was completely unaware.
    crosbylee wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    eta: thanks for the guy comment, i'm trying to not get discouraged! going out to meet a dude tonight, let's hope he's not crazy or meh! :)

    I hope it goes better than the last two!

    Chiming in here....your date is probably over already, hope it went well!

    post date update:

    met the dude at a tavern downtown. really super nice guy. had good conversation, were able to laugh and joke a lot, which is awesome. not creepy and not meh (woo!) lol

    issues i'm currently trying to reconcile in my brain: (remember NO JUDGEMENT)
    - if i hadn't met him on a dating website, where orientation is posted, i would NEVER believe this guy is straight. i texted my friend (who is gay) that i was on a date with his straight doppelganger. so many times through out the night in my head i was just like, omg this is frank, i'm on a date with straight frank. boisterous, animated, like that always turned on and ready to take the stage personality.

    - very very talkative. which isn't terrible, but he'd ask me something and half way through my story, he'd being going off on a tangent on something else, and completely cut me off. so like, a 3 minute story would take me like 10 minutes as i'd have to reel him back off the tangent, pick up where i left off and keep going. and the random tangents were funny and he had tons of interesting things to talk about, but seriously talked way more than me. way, way more.

    - he's about an inch taller than me, and has a much more slender build. i'm quite "thick," i have tree trunk thighs that aren't going anywhere. so it's kinda like oh, here's dude and his fat girlfriend. and maybe that's dumb of me to think, but i do.

    he did say he had a really good time and would like to see me again. which i might do to see if maybe he was just nervous/excited on the "first" date?

    That sounds like a possibility. Glad it was better than meh and not creepy!!!

    lol, thanks! i think a second date will probably either solidify my first impressions which is he's a bit too overwhelming for me, or, he'll mellow out a bit and we can see where it goes from there.
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    post date update:

    met the dude at a tavern downtown. really super nice guy. had good conversation, were able to laugh and joke a lot, which is awesome. not creepy and not meh (woo!) lol

    he did say he had a really good time and would like to see me again. which i might do to see if maybe he was just nervous/excited on the "first" date?

    I've been waiting for that all morning! So, here's my 2 cents:
    - The fact that he reminds you of a friend sounds like a good thing! Unless said friend really annoys you.
    - Very talkative can go either way. Sometimes it's fun because they are so outgoing, and sometimes it's annoying because they might not listen.
    - Some guys like thick girls, and you're super great, so please no negative self-talk!
    - The fact that he didn't ask you to snuggle and then freak out when you wouldn't and there seemed to be sparks are all promising signs. Go out with him again and see where it goes!

    ETA: I haven't been on a first date in over 10 years, so maybe I'm living a little vicariously through you!

    you are adorable! :)

    i love said friend, but can only take him in doses as he's ALWAYS "on," and it can be very exhausting.
    we actually shared a few okc dating disasters and i told him about snuggle dude, so then randomly through out the night he'd toss in, "but we're totally going to snuggle later, right? how could you not trust me!!" which i thought was cute. :)
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Hi guys, checking in. I went camping over the weekend and it was pretty nice. It was my kid's first time camping in the actual outdoor woods. I know people do it, but I was very worried about camping with any babies, so this year was the first year I felt comfortable. They loved it, and I'm so glad because I plan on taking them out a lot this summer.

    The thread is messed up for me and I lost my spot. If I missed anything someone said to me, I'm sorry. I haven't heard back from the police about my sister yet. I guess they don't care as much if someone pretends to be you as a witness instead of a criminal.

    Thirdly - I saw someone mention Goodreads. If anyone wants to add me, you can! I love sharing books with friends.

    I added you. :)

    My name is Tammy, and my Siamese kitty Max is my profile pic there.

    Trying to fix so I can link...

    Ok, I created a profile and added you both!

    Hope this works to link to me

    Nice! I think Goodreads gives much better book recommendations than Amazon. Amazon is always recommending books that I bought from them. I already read that!

    I never heard of goodreads, I am going to check it out after I finish catching up. But if we share book recommendations it won't do much to link to me... I mostly read historical romances these days as my poor brain can't handle anything else. :)

    I've never heard of it either but I'm going to check it out. I read every night before bed. I'm the same though, I don't know if anything I read will be interesting to anyone else.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    @pofoster21 ohhh that looks evil! Bad spot too as you're always bending your knee and it takes forever to heal.
    Yes. Ouch!!

    It actually ended up being pretty much nothing. I just like to take bloody body wounds from exercising. Its like a badge of honor or something. Here's a fun one from a triathlon last year (for some reason my toenails often cut my feet...they don't end up hurting too badly but bleed through the shoes and cause some pretty spectacular messes on my feet -- note I know cutting the nails super short and rounding them off usually avoids this but sometimes it still happens. Not for the squeamish. :)

    Ouch. You always have the worst wounds!

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    @pofoster21 ohhh that looks evil! Bad spot too as you're always bending your knee and it takes forever to heal.
    Yes. Ouch!!

    It actually ended up being pretty much nothing. I just like to take bloody body wounds from exercising. Its like a badge of honor or something. Here's a fun one from a triathlon last year (for some reason my toenails often cut my feet...they don't end up hurting too badly but bleed through the shoes and cause some pretty spectacular messes on my feet -- note I know cutting the nails super short and rounding them off usually avoids this but sometimes it still happens. Not for the squeamish. :)

    Ouch. You always have the worst best wounds!

    (I'm a wound nerd. I'm the person who's always itching to ask someone how they got their interesting scar!) (I never do though)
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    i love said friend, but can only take him in doses as he's ALWAYS "on," and it can be very exhausting. we actually shared a few okc dating disasters and i told him about snuggle dude, so then randomly through out the night he'd toss in, "but we're totally going to snuggle later, right? how could you not trust me!!" which i thought was cute. :)

    That is totally cute and hilarious!!!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So Skye is back to her normal tail chasing, toy playing, furniture scratching, queen diva self. She was running laps up and down the hallway this morning and tackling the (much) bigger male cats. She even ate her dry food without any hesitation. YAY! Thanks for all the well wishes!

    Yay! Glad to hear it!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    So, bad news: woke up feeling bleurgh today. Currently sitting in Krispy Kreme with a doughnut and a latte. Good news: I bought three, have eaten one, don't want the other two. Sucks to be me: on my way to work :(

    How are things going with the boyfriend? You mentioned that it "imploded" and never went any further.

    Its still broken. We called a truce over the weekend, due to travelling and climbing. But *shrug* we're talking, not sure whats going to happen

    Huge HUGS. I'll hope for the best for you.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    So, bad news: woke up feeling bleurgh today. Currently sitting in Krispy Kreme with a doughnut and a latte. Good news: I bought three, have eaten one, don't want the other two. Sucks to be me: on my way to work :(

    How are things going with the boyfriend? You mentioned that it "imploded" and never went any further.

    Its still broken. We called a truce over the weekend, due to travelling and climbing. But *shrug* we're talking, not sure whats going to happen

    I'm sorry. I hope you guys can work it out. Hugs!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    eta: thanks for the guy comment, i'm trying to not get discouraged! going out to meet a dude tonight, let's hope he's not crazy or meh! :)

    I hope it goes better than the last two!

    Chiming in here....your date is probably over already, hope it went well!

    post date update:

    met the dude at a tavern downtown. really super nice guy. had good conversation, were able to laugh and joke a lot, which is awesome. not creepy and not meh (woo!) lol

    issues i'm currently trying to reconcile in my brain: (remember NO JUDGEMENT)
    - if i hadn't met him on a dating website, where orientation is posted, i would NEVER believe this guy is straight. i texted my friend (who is gay) that i was on a date with his straight doppelganger. so many times through out the night in my head i was just like, omg this is frank, i'm on a date with straight frank. boisterous, animated, like that always turned on and ready to take the stage personality.

    - very very talkative. which isn't terrible, but he'd ask me something and half way through my story, he'd being going off on a tangent on something else, and completely cut me off. so like, a 3 minute story would take me like 10 minutes as i'd have to reel him back off the tangent, pick up where i left off and keep going. and the random tangents were funny and he had tons of interesting things to talk about, but seriously talked way more than me. way, way more.

    - he's about an inch taller than me, and has a much more slender build. i'm quite "thick," i have tree trunk thighs that aren't going anywhere. so it's kinda like oh, here's dude and his fat girlfriend. and maybe that's dumb of me to think, but i do.

    he did say he had a really good time and would like to see me again. which i might do to see if maybe he was just nervous/excited on the "first" date?

    Glad he wasn't crazy.

    I'd go out with him again and see how that goes. He may have been a nervous talker?

    My husband is a little ADHD. He'll tell a story, go off on a tangent, and I have to reel him back in regularly. I've gotten used to that. That point hit home for me. LOL
    I also sometimes have to say, "Can I finish my story?" when he cuts me off. He doesn't even realize he's doing it.

    That's different than somebody who's so stuck on himself that he won't listen to you...
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Love the shoes @pofoster21 !! Gorgeous!!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Hi guys, checking in. I went camping over the weekend and it was pretty nice. It was my kid's first time camping in the actual outdoor woods. I know people do it, but I was very worried about camping with any babies, so this year was the first year I felt comfortable. They loved it, and I'm so glad because I plan on taking them out a lot this summer.

    The thread is messed up for me and I lost my spot. If I missed anything someone said to me, I'm sorry. I haven't heard back from the police about my sister yet. I guess they don't care as much if someone pretends to be you as a witness instead of a criminal.

    Thirdly - I saw someone mention Goodreads. If anyone wants to add me, you can! I love sharing books with friends.

    I added you. :)

    My name is Tammy, and my Siamese kitty Max is my profile pic there.

    Trying to fix so I can link...

    Ok, I created a profile and added you both!

    Hope this works to link to me

    Nice! I think Goodreads gives much better book recommendations than Amazon. Amazon is always recommending books that I bought from them. I already read that!

    I never heard of goodreads, I am going to check it out after I finish catching up. But if we share book recommendations it won't do much to link to me... I mostly read historical romances these days as my poor brain can't handle anything else. :)

    I've never heard of it either but I'm going to check it out. I read every night before bed. I'm the same though, I don't know if anything I read will be interesting to anyone else.

    Well, I'm the same with books as I am with music. I have SUCH a wide variety of books I like, depending on how I'm feeling at the time.