Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    August 1st. The last few months have been a real struggle in so many ways. They have taken their toll on my weight and my habits. When I started the first time, I jumped right in with both feet, and had a lot of success quite quickly. I've really been trying to get my head around this again, and have come to the conclusion that I am going to have to take baby steps this time. Thus my goals for August are to drink my water and log my daily exercise. I'm off to a good start. I had a good walk early this morning, since there are no water aerobics on the weekend. We are in for a few more really hot days, so I will walk early tomorrow, too. Thanks for being here to keep me accountable.
    I'm worried about DH. He is still in lots of pain. His ribs are so sore that he has started sleeping in the recliner. He's been complaining about his legs for the last couple of days. He's having some tingling, limps a lot, and has stumbled nearly falling a couple of times. We have an appointment with his dr on Tuesday. I hope he's okay until then.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Oh drats, and double drats ... I wrote a really terrific grandma talking at you type of message to you @colleen_mairead_xo and then dropped the entire note, must have been that good angel on my shoulder who made me lose the scold I was giving you about feeling like everyone is looking at you .... most likely they are not and if they are looking in your direction they are probably just staring right past you! Good luck, I hope you find the friends you are looking for on here.

    So sorry for all the troubles @grandmakaye44 ... This is the time when you need to lighten up on yourself a bit since you are having such a load to carry. Sending prayers for serenity and strength your way. Good goals for August!

    AFM ...
    @Lauriek70 ...thanks for the suggestion. I checked and I don't think I;m locking my knees. The very low part of my back has been feeling pressure and tension, probably from too much sitting on my lumpy couch. I have to get back in the habit of doing my PT maneuvers again on a regular daily basis. When I was really good about it, I did them 3 times a day, now I rarely remember to do any for even 10 minutes ...

    My August Goals, once again, are to cook my own meals most of the time, drink sufficient water and within 100 of my calorie goal every day, and work on getting my house and grounds to a much better condition than they are currently in ... which is why I need to reinforce that computer time limit that I set previously. I've made up a plan for the first week that is pretty much a To-Do List and am crossing off the things that I've done. I figure if I have a plan to follow, then even if I don't accomplish every item each day I'll still be farther along than I would be if I just coasted along.

    Another thing I have to work on is that I need to break a habit that started after I retired. That is, I go on the computer in the morning with my breakfast coffee and then when I'm ready to start doing my chores I'm already tired. So I need to get in the habit of starting my chores first and going to computer later in the day. That one is the biggie!

    Have a great rest of the weekend everyone. Talk to you on Monday Check-in.
    Follow-through ... or 'get with it'

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    August already, What do we want to do for our challenge this month? A challenge can either be a group thing or individually based. This is optional for participation.

    My run went well this morning and I finished the 5K in 38:57. The temp was 80 and the humidity was increasing. So I am happy with my time and pace. Based on the weather conditions, my time was expected based on the condition. The heat and humidity slow you down and there is a calculator that shows you the projected times based on the temperature.

    I did buy a running skort yesterday but was disappointed with it today. They rode up like crazy, I actually had to stop and pull them down. It was that annoying I will try it again but I am not sure that will help. The next run might be done in tri-shorts instead since they did not ride up last month.

    Kaye- I hope your DH is feeling better and the doctors can figure out what is happening.

    Nikki- if you have too make a list of the daily chores and only allow yourself to go to the computer after you have completed x amount of chores.

    Colleen- Welcome. Training tips for a 5K is your goal to walk it or run? That will influence your training. Walking is a great start.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Hi, grandmother of 6 little kids, retired teacher here. I don't post often, but do love to read this thread. I'm on the road to losing a lot of weight and very confident I will succeed. I've lost 35 lbs. in the last 31/2 months. Still going strong.
  • priscillam31
    priscillam31 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi all, the names Priscilla. Married mother of 3 girls. 2 teens and one tween. I work in a small family practice and see the affects of obesity on a person everyday, I have yoyo'ed for years. Constantly struggling with my weight, losing each time I diet only to get complacent again and regain what I lost and then some. I don't want to end up DMII, heart disease, arthritis, and other preventable diseases. I want to loose weight to feel better physically and mentally, I want to be healthy for my kids, I want to look good for my husband. Any way that's pretty much my story in a nut shell. It's nice to have a forum like this to come to for support, I know I will sure need it along the way!!!
    Good night, gym early in the morning.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Oops. I really did intend to post last week, but got distracted. I'm still dealing with some depression; not as bad as in June, but enough to make an impact. Rededicating myself to self-care this month to get back on track, and accountability is part of the plan!

    Weekly Goals: August 3-9*

    *I'm going to Vegas this weekend, so making some accommodations.

    • Eat at least one serving of a non-starchy vegetable every day
    • Drink 96oz of H2O daily
    • Prepare at least one meal from scratch

    (Can you tell I'm still really struggling with food choices?)

    • Daily yoga - 1/7
    • At least 3 cardio sessions - x/3

    • Miracle Morning - 1/7 (currently on Day 211!!!)
    • Pack for Vegas
    • Wrap Elizabeth's birthday presents
    • Finish decluttering/rearranging bedroom
    • Take old desk to nieces (need to borrow Dad's truck)
    • Follow upon eShakti order - DONE

    • Finalize/approve first issue of magazine (guess what? I'm editing a magazine!)
    • Write P&G draft and send out for review
    • Follow up on USHCC story
    • Get organized for next issue of magazine
    • Edit and submit guest blog post
    • Invoice newspaper
    • Invoice mag publisher
    • Invoice website client #1
    • Check in with website client #2 about updates

    August Goals
    • Miracle Morning daily - 3/31
    • Cardio 3x weekly - x/12
    • Finish client website -
    • Sub 2 days - x/2
    • Invoice $2500 -
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Well, the histamine diet sucks, but it seems to be working. Not only do I feel considerably better, but I lost 6 pounds. It does really suck, though.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Well, the histamine diet sucks, but it seems to be working. Not only do I feel considerably better, but I lost 6 pounds. It does really suck, though.

    I'm sorry. :frowning: I hope it gets easier with time. Hooray for the loss, though! :star:

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Hi all ... Monday Check-in

    I dropped 2 pounds earlier in July and have maintained that loss through this mornings weigh-in. Since my calorie intake as at my resting BMR, I know that the thing I need to do to drop more is to be more active.

    The July goals had a mixed-bag result ...
    80 ounces of water a day ...I get a "A" in this one
    30 minutes of outside activity daily for 5 days ... This one is an "F"
    prepare my meals instead of ordering/eating out ... An "A-" for this
    limit computer time to less than 4 hours a day ... Tried hard, but really, I only get a "C" here.
    Sleep in bed, not on the couch ... Another "A".
    housework for at least 2 hours daily for 5 days ...This needs more effort, I get a "D" here.

    For August the goals have added a "TO-DO" list aspect.
    . . . Plan my menu and Cook my meals.
    . . . Drink sufficient water every day (64-80 oz a day)
    . . . Get the house clean and organized with the major late summer tasks completed
    . . . Keep computer time down to under 4 hours a day
    . . . Do Yoga PT moves for spine and knees.

    Looking forward to reading everyones updates on how they are coming along with their weight loss/maintenance journey and also "what's new with you" updates.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Welcome to the newlings.

    Not much to report here, the weekend was busy with hair cut/color and pedi plus some running around. Its month-end at work, so have that to get done plus other projects that must be done before leaving on vacation Friday. Its super hot here, so definitely looking forward to the cooler temps in Alaska. :smile:

    Have a great week!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Well had another job interview today. I think it went well but I never seem to be a good judge of that. I would really like to get this one. It is working the front desk in a natropathic/chiropractic clinic. I am a big believer in these approaches to health care so it would be great to work somewhere like this. All I can do now is urry up and wait..sigh... I am trying my hands at making quinoa stuffed peppers so hopefully they turn out. I had three peppers that needed to be used so I will have a couple of lunches out of it as well. Okay so just mostly wanted to check in and say hi. I hope you are all doing great. Have a great week :):)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- I hope you survived the storms in Chicago.
    Kelley- Enjoy the cooler weather in Alaska.
    JT- I hope you get the job. I worked for a chiropractor for 10 years and loved it. He is still my chiropractor and he is amazing.

    Toots- Sorry the diet is hard to adjust to but the positive is you are losing weight and feeling better.

    Welcome to the new people.

    A good day overall with some nice exercise that was not to hard today just enough to keep the DOMS away. Tomorrow, I am planning on biking then swimming. I will also be registering for my first and second 10K's. I am making the move to the longer distance so I will see what happens. The first 10K is October 3 and is local benefit for the Crofton VFP. The second one is Nov. 21 and will be huge it is capped at 4000 people. This include a half marathon and the 10K and goes around my hometown of Annapolis. It should be fun if not intimidating.

    Looking forward to the heat breaking and cooler temps arriving.

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @kah68 I've always wanted to go to Alaska. Have you lived there all your life.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Lauriek70 yes, it's definitely worth it.
  • BrittPohler87
    BrittPohler87 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi! I'm new here! Im working on changing my life habits. Moving more/eating less/ being more aware. I currently have around 150 to lose. But setting my goal right now just to get the first 20 off.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm back from Michigan. It was nice to visit with family, but happy to get back home to finish up my projects before school officially starts on the 19th.

    Welcome to all of the new folks who have joined recently. It's great to see some new faces--come back often so we can get to know you.

    @laurie--wow ten 10ks; good for you! I've recently learned that there's actually such a thing as a "5k specialist" in the running world. I've decided to embrace that. LOL I will still run an occasional 8k, but my focus is on increasing my speed at the 5k distance.

    Funny story: last summer I was on the phone with a cousin and I mentioned our trip to NYC. He said, "oh yeah, your mom mentioned you are running the marathon in NY." I corrected him and explained the 5k we were doing, then forgot all about it. Fast forward to this weekend: my mom and I were taking a walk with one of my aunt's neighbors and the neighbor said, "I saw you out running this morning." My mom then piped in, "Oh yes, Karen runs marathons." Again, I corrected her and explained that I run 5ks. Turns out my mom thought all organized races were called "marathons" and has been telling everyone I run them for the past few years. :lol: Isn't that just adorable and hilarious!

    Oh, and also regarding the running shorts riding up. I hate it when that happens! I try to buy men's running shorts b/c they are often longer and don't ride up. Another thing that sometimes works is applying Body Glide on your inner thighs--depending on that shorts, that sometimes works.

    @tammy-- crossing my fingers that you get the job.

    @toots and niki-- congrats on the losses!

    @melifornia-- good to see you back!

    @Melwillbehealthy -- congrats on being down 35 lbs!

    @kaye-- hope you and the DH get some god news at the doctor tomorrow--or at least some ideas to help relieve his discomfort.

    Monday Check-in:
    Well, I didn't even try to post over the weekend. The only technology I had was my cell phone, and it just seemed like more trouble than it was worth. Food wasn't terrible, but a lot of meals out, plus my uncle's homemade baklava = I probably went over Friday and Saturday. Then yesterday we stopped at a cider mill and bought apple cider doughnuts to take to my other aunt's house. So yummy but I don't even want to know how many calories they contain.

    On the plus side, I got up early Saturday and went for a run around my aunt's neighborhood and then mom and I went for a walk Saturday evening, so it wasn't a complete bust fitness-wise.

    I'm going to post my Tuesday goals tonight while they are on my mind.

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Clean off work desk
    2. Take 4 bags of books and binders to school
    3. Drop off donation to GW
    4. Move work desk into other spare room
    5. Clean window treatments
    6. Paint ????

    August Goals:

    Run another 8k (Thanksgiving 2014 8k = 56:49, NYE 2014 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15; 5/9 = 59:16; 6/22 = 59:10)

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--rest day
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + PT
    Wed--walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Sat--walk gunner

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning. Hope everyone is managing to stay cool, I don't know about other areas of the country but the mercury here is rising exponentially! :sweat:

    @tootsanderson~I actually live in Texas (although I would love to live in Alaska), I travel to Alaska to escape the heat! LOL I'm taking my 2nd Alaskan cruise at the end of the week--actually don't get on the ship until Monday, we're spending a few days in San Francisco first. :wink:

    @Tammy~Sending positive vibes that the job works out!

    @Laurie~You're really kicking up the running this summer. Enjoy your bike ride and swimming today.

    @Karen~The trip to the cider mill brings back fond childhood memories--we had one where I grew up. They made candied apples in every flavor imaginable, the most amazing donuts (cinnamon was my favorite), plus other treats. Every year we went there to pick out our pumpkin for Halloween and picked up cider/donuts--traditionally my mom gave us cider and donuts before we went trick-or-treating. There was a playhouse in the back, so saw several plays there too. Cute of your mom thinking of you as running all these marathons. :smile:

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    We saw the dr today. Based on symptoms and previous tests, he doesn't think there is any reason to suspect a spinal injury. We are going in on Friday for an MRI to check for a possible cerebellum injury. He says there is nothing that can be done except wait and see if time heals some of his symptoms.
    Thank you all for your concern and prayers.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Howdy folks, it feels like I've been gone an age.
    @Lauriek70 - Wonderfull on the running. Hopefully I will have some tme soon to put in a few K's myself. I do have one more race planned for this season.

    @jtconst - Hope hubby is all better now. Did he go back yet? Good luck on the job interviews. Hope you land a good one.

    @NK1112 - Good for you for working on your diet. Paying attention will help.

    @grandmakaye44 - Praying for you and hubby.

    @GOINSTD12 - Thinking of you often and wishing I lived near by to help out.

    @Geege29 @priscillam31 @colleen_mairead_xo @CreativeSunflower - Welcome to the thread. This is a very welcoming group of people, post often and tell us a little about yourselves. We would love to see you back.

    @melifornia - Nice to see you checking in.

    @kah68 - SanFrancisco was one of my all time favorite vacations. Enjoy!

    @tootsanderson - Good job on the 6 pounds. I am sure the histamine diet takes some getting used to. Wish you well.

    @Morgori - I miss your posts, please come back!

    AFM - The large hotel job is now done. I will soon claim back some of my weekends. I ended up working 6 weeks in a row with one day off, that was race day for my last triathlon. Not really counting that as a day off.
    Having some dilemas at work with customers. I will sort it out but it really does throw me into a funk when that happens. My stomach gets in knots and I can't sleep.
    Weight lifting is going really well. My trainer has me doing some heavy stuff. Deadlifted 190 this week, squat 155. Never in my dreams did I think that would ever be me.
    The new bike is working out really well. I had a professional fit on Monday and I cannot tell you how much of a difference that makes. I am in heaven when I ride. I am not really a group ride type and like to be out there alone. I saw that giant spill on the Tour de France a couple of weeks ago and now know I will never be doing those types of races. Triathlon has a no drafting rule so you have to keep some distance between bikes.
    I am headed for Boulder, CO the last week in September. I will be driving so if any of you would like to see my shining face and live along that route from WI to CO, I would love to stop by. I am planning a couple of days in Tulsa to see Ellen.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3
    You will get more compliments for working out than sleeping in!
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    It sounds like there are some hubbies on the injured list right now, huh? I hope that all works out soon!

    @cblue315 - LilBro got hooked on cycling a couple of months ago. Bought a bike for cross-country riding (I don't think that's the right term; he mostly does gravel grinding) and never looked back. He attempted his first century last week, but had to have me come pick him up when both tires blew after only 20 miles. Given that he'd put about 750 miles on the bike in 3 months, I'm not surprised the tires gave out!

    Weekly Goals: August 3-9*

    *I'm going to Vegas this weekend, so making some accommodations.

    • Eat at least one serving of a non-starchy vegetable every day - x/7
    • Drink 96oz of H2O daily - 2/7
    • Prepare at least one meal from scratch

    (Can you tell I'm still really struggling with food choices?)

    • Daily yoga - 3/7
    • At least 3 cardio sessions - x/3

    • Miracle Morning - 3/7
    • Take meds daily - 2/7
    • Pack for Vegas
    • Wrap Elizabeth's birthday presents
    • Finish decluttering/rearranging bedroom
    • Take old desk to nieces (need to borrow Dad's truck)
    • Follow up on eShakti order - DONE

    • Finalize/approve first issue of magazine - sooooo close to done
    • Write P&G draft and send out for review
    • Follow up on USHCC story - DONE
    • Get organized for next issue of magazine
    • Edit and submit guest blog post
    • Invoice newspaper - DONE
    • Invoice mag publisher - DONE
    • Invoice website client #1
    • Check in with website client #2 about updates

    August Goals
    • Miracle Morning daily - 5/31
    • Cardio 3x weekly - x/12
    • Finish client website -
    • Sub 2 days - x/2
    • Invoice $2500 - $905/$2500