

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I am holding a conversation with myself. :neutral: It is time for me to get some sleep. Goodnight all!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I am holding a conversation with myself. :neutral: It is time for me to get some sleep. Goodnight all!

    I'm totally here! But I am at work and had to make my rounds. :smiley: I do a little bit more than just sit around all night watching videos on Youtube. :smiley:

    I want to take something difficult but not too hard. Maybe a beginner chemistry course? I've always hoped to understand chemistry. I made the attempt when I was married but my now ex-husband had me signed up for History, Biology, English Literature, and an Algebra refresher course along with Chemistry. I was also working 60+ hours a week I was supposed to do ALL of that and keep the house together while he was unemployed was a little beyond me.

    I think I will start with Math for my first class. I'm good at math and it makes sense to me.
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Except for crayon and coupon (q-pon), I pronounce each of those words interchangeably. I guess it depends on my mood or something.

    I also randomly bust out with a fake British accent. :)

    Doesn't every non-British person? I assume British people will bust out fake American or Canadian accents too.

    Ya, I sometimes like to talk aboat things in a fake Canadian accent eh.

    ETA: @MoHousdon if I do an American accent it's normally southern and involves using y'all at the end of everything and replacing the letter E with I sounds.

    Example? Also, the first bit made me chuckle. That's pretty much how I imagined it would be. :smiley:

    Just like git instead of get.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Haha when I showed SO the list he was like well we'll cross off half the things on that list but I have no idea what a chocolate frog is (he must be the only person I know who hasn't read Harry Potter!) So I had to explain to him that Harry Potter things were mixed into that list, it was hilarious :)

    He's not the only one who hasn't read it.. *raises hand*
    And yeah, what is Marmite?

    I haven't read it either, and don't care to. Nor seen the films.

    Marmite is a disgusting black yeast extract
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    I'm not caught up but just came to complain that traffic and construction made our 3 hr drive into over 5 hours, so by the time we got to the trailhead we wouldn't have finished hiking until 10PM. So...we had to turn around and drive back, which we're still doing. So ten hours of driving for absolutely nothing. Not impressed.

    Aww, that stinks!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Haha when I showed SO the list he was like well we'll cross off half the things on that list but I have no idea what a chocolate frog is (he must be the only person I know who hasn't read Harry Potter!) So I had to explain to him that Harry Potter things were mixed into that list, it was hilarious :)

    He's not the only one who hasn't read it.. *raises hand*
    And yeah, what is Marmite?

    I haven't read it either, and don't care to. Nor seen the films.

    Marmite is a disgusting black yeast extract

    Sounds yummy..... :grimace:
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    @LBuehrle8 Ok, you're off to the UK very soon. Here's your food list! Some Harry Potter related, some just British stuff that you have to try. In no particular order. (And to the Brits: Yes, I know that nobody in the UK eats like this really! Some of these are just things I miss and enjoy when we visit. Feel free to add to Laura's list!)

    Treacle Tart
    Bangers & Mash
    Cream cake from a bakery
    Curry from a proper curry house (ideally at 11pm after the pub closes)
    Sherbert lemons
    Bacon sandwich
    'Full English' breakfast
    Cornish pasty
    Chocolate Frog
    Spotted Dick & custard
    Pork pie
    Cream Tea
    Fish and chips (ideally eaten with fingers on a beach)
    Sunday roast (pubs are good if nobody wants to cook)
    Toad In The Hole
    More curry

    I have a bag of sherbert lemons by my bed! Not sure why, I bought them and some rhubarb and custards for the plane and only took the others. They're unopened, I don't lie in bed and eat them!

    Also, irrelevant to this, but I am right handed, but do a lot with my left hand, and can write legibly with it. I also do my eyeliner on each eye with the corresponding hand. My friends find this really weird.

    Lucky I've always wanted to be ambidextrous when it comes to make up!!! My right eye always looks better than my left :s

    Preach it, Sister. The number 2 reason I don't often wear makeup. The number 1 reason, I prefer sleeping to looking presentable.

    Hells yes!

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    I'm having a good day today. Feeling very chirpy this morning. Had an epic session in the gym last night. (PT session, weights and a spin class). Just waiting for the DOMs to set in!

    And after much too-ing and fro-ing we finally booked our holiday! Who knew coordinating 5 people's diaries and wants would be so difficult, especially when we all say 'oh, i'm easy, i don't mind'. Turns out we do. Anyway, we're having 3 weeks in Cyprus in September. The smarties and I fly out on the 5th and have a few days on our own, then my parents and Charlie come out on the 9th. Mr Smartie flies back on the 15th for work, and the rest of us fly back on the 25th. I can't wait! Its been such a horrible year, we all just need a relaxing sunshine break.

    I am feeling a little narked about having to go into central london for a meeting today and i'll miss my spin class this evening :( but really, its a minor inconvenience, because i love walking round London, looking at the blue plaques and the architecture.

    Hope i can keep things under control for the next few weeks, and get some lbs off before i go!
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    edited August 2015
    @orangesmartie That sounds like a wonderful vacation!

    @peleroja That sucks you didn't get your hike in because of construction season!

    @lilaclovebird School sounds exciting! I went to school 3 times, finishing my last bout at 29. It's never too late. Now I want to go take a course.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    @MelissaPhippsFeagins @nonoelmo @MoHousdon
    Turns out he was just joking. He had NO idea it would hurt my feelings and when we talked, he was about to apologize and I asked him not to. It wasn't his fault I took it the wrong way. He said he knows I'm smart and thinks I'm "young, beautiful, and have a lot of potential." Yeah he used those words. :blush:
    He's encouraging me to go back to school, which is good.

    I keep getting this feeling that he wants me to be happy, not just rich. :wink:

    I wondered if he might have been joking and wondered if he thought it were completely obvious (to him) that he was joking.

    You are smart and beautiful (young too) and you have TONS of potential. Totally get your tucus back in school. The sooner the better. I speak from loads of experience (and others here have taken similar paths) that the sooner you get back into school the better. It does not become easier to return the longer you wait. You can PM me any time if you need extra or specific encouragement but you can do this.

    Step 1: Do you have all the prerequisites out of the way? Do those even one at at time while you are working. Take a FUN class first to get yourself back in the school mode. It can even be a non-credit course just for fun. Do it.)
    Step 2: (this may be step one) fill out a FAFSA and make a note to fill it out again Jan 1 or 2 of next year.
    Step 3: (notice this is NOT at all the first step,) figure out what you want to do, what you want to major in and get in to talk to an academic adviser about what steps are needed. (Repeat this step, often you need to talk to multiple people to get all the answers you need.)
    Step 4: Look at resources and scholarships and other funding sources. When I started back I was in talking to the financial aid advisers, academic advisers, and the women support center. I asked classmates questions, and just kept asking until I figured things out. Look for scholarships. Keep looking. If you go to a community college get great grades and join the honor society (I swear to you this helped me get a $10,000 deans scholarship when I transferred to a four-year college.)
    Step 5: Understand and internalize that you CAN do this. We believe in you. Look to others for inspiration too, I know this amazing talented group of people can offer great insight into their experience and what they did.

    Thumbnail of my experience:
    At age 32 with a medically fragile infant and a 2 year old as a stay at home mom to care for those kids, working graveyard shift, I thought I'd take "one" class a semester and maybe someday earn an associates degree.
    On my 42nd birthday I was conferred a PhD in chemistry.

    I believe in you!!!

    OMG! There IS hope for me!

    I keep thinking at 26 it might be too late. :disappointed:

    I have some prerequisites out of the way but I never made it far because I was always over loaded. Now, I have nothing but time and maybe I could get my friend Alycia back into school and she could get a degree too!

    I work overnights and have lots of time for studying and my Sergeants and Lieutenant all think I should study while working. It would be nice to get a Bachelor's Degree in something. :smiley:

    It's never too late! My brother went back to school at 27! He's graduating this December at the age of 31 and we're all traveling to see him walk across that stage and receive his diploma- NEVER too late to have any kind of education always time to learn more and more!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    @peleroja ugh so sorry about your hiking plans :(
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    @LBuehrle8 Ok, you're off to the UK very soon. Here's your food list! Some Harry Potter related, some just British stuff that you have to try. In no particular order. (And to the Brits: Yes, I know that nobody in the UK eats like this really! Some of these are just things I miss and enjoy when we visit. Feel free to add to Laura's list!)

    Treacle Tart
    Bangers & Mash
    Cream cake from a bakery
    Curry from a proper curry house (ideally at 11pm after the pub closes)
    Sherbert lemons
    Bacon sandwich
    'Full English' breakfast
    Cornish pasty
    Chocolate Frog
    Spotted Dick & custard
    Pork pie
    Cream Tea
    Fish and chips (ideally eaten with fingers on a beach)
    Sunday roast (pubs are good if nobody wants to cook)
    Toad In The Hole
    More curry

    I have a bag of sherbert lemons by my bed! Not sure why, I bought them and some rhubarb and custards for the plane and only took the others. They're unopened, I don't lie in bed and eat them!

    Also, irrelevant to this, but I am right handed, but do a lot with my left hand, and can write legibly with it. I also do my eyeliner on each eye with the corresponding hand. My friends find this really weird.

    Lucky I've always wanted to be ambidextrous when it comes to make up!!! My right eye always looks better than my left :s

    Preach it, Sister. The number 2 reason I don't often wear makeup. The number 1 reason, I prefer sleeping to looking presentable.

    Hells yes!

    What she said!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I'm having a good day today. Feeling very chirpy this morning. Had an epic session in the gym last night. (PT session, weights and a spin class). Just waiting for the DOMs to set in!

    And after much too-ing and fro-ing we finally booked our holiday! Who knew coordinating 5 people's diaries and wants would be so difficult, especially when we all say 'oh, i'm easy, i don't mind'. Turns out we do. Anyway, we're having 3 weeks in Cyprus in September. The smarties and I fly out on the 5th and have a few days on our own, then my parents and Charlie come out on the 9th. Mr Smartie flies back on the 15th for work, and the rest of us fly back on the 25th. I can't wait! Its been such a horrible year, we all just need a relaxing sunshine break.

    I am feeling a little narked about having to go into central london for a meeting today and i'll miss my spin class this evening :( but really, its a minor inconvenience, because i love walking round London, looking at the blue plaques and the architecture.

    Hope i can keep things under control for the next few weeks, and get some lbs off before i go!

    Ooh looked up Cyprus & it looks gorgeous! Are you guys staying at a hotel or a condo?

    Sounds like you're doing awesome at the gym. I hope if you get DOMs they're not too painful.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    @MelissaPhippsFeagins @nonoelmo @MoHousdon
    Turns out he was just joking. He had NO idea it would hurt my feelings and when we talked, he was about to apologize and I asked him not to. It wasn't his fault I took it the wrong way. He said he knows I'm smart and thinks I'm "young, beautiful, and have a lot of potential." Yeah he used those words. :blush:
    He's encouraging me to go back to school, which is good.

    I keep getting this feeling that he wants me to be happy, not just rich. :wink:

    I wondered if he might have been joking and wondered if he thought it were completely obvious (to him) that he was joking.

    You are smart and beautiful (young too) and you have TONS of potential. Totally get your tucus back in school. The sooner the better. I speak from loads of experience (and others here have taken similar paths) that the sooner you get back into school the better. It does not become easier to return the longer you wait. You can PM me any time if you need extra or specific encouragement but you can do this.

    Step 1: Do you have all the prerequisites out of the way? Do those even one at at time while you are working. Take a FUN class first to get yourself back in the school mode. It can even be a non-credit course just for fun. Do it.)
    Step 2: (this may be step one) fill out a FAFSA and make a note to fill it out again Jan 1 or 2 of next year.
    Step 3: (notice this is NOT at all the first step,) figure out what you want to do, what you want to major in and get in to talk to an academic adviser about what steps are needed. (Repeat this step, often you need to talk to multiple people to get all the answers you need.)
    Step 4: Look at resources and scholarships and other funding sources. When I started back I was in talking to the financial aid advisers, academic advisers, and the women support center. I asked classmates questions, and just kept asking until I figured things out. Look for scholarships. Keep looking. If you go to a community college get great grades and join the honor society (I swear to you this helped me get a $10,000 deans scholarship when I transferred to a four-year college.)
    Step 5: Understand and internalize that you CAN do this. We believe in you. Look to others for inspiration too, I know this amazing talented group of people can offer great insight into their experience and what they did.

    Thumbnail of my experience:
    At age 32 with a medically fragile infant and a 2 year old as a stay at home mom to care for those kids, working graveyard shift, I thought I'd take "one" class a semester and maybe someday earn an associates degree.
    On my 42nd birthday I was conferred a PhD in chemistry.

    I believe in you!!!

    OMG! There IS hope for me!

    I keep thinking at 26 it might be too late. :disappointed:

    I have some prerequisites out of the way but I never made it far because I was always over loaded. Now, I have nothing but time and maybe I could get my friend Alycia back into school and she could get a degree too!

    I work overnights and have lots of time for studying and my Sergeants and Lieutenant all think I should study while working. It would be nice to get a Bachelor's Degree in something. :smiley:

    It's never too late! My brother went back to school at 27! He's graduating this December at the age of 31 and we're all traveling to see him walk across that stage and receive his diploma- NEVER too late to have any kind of education always time to learn more and more!

    Thanks! I do enjoy learning new things!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    I'm having a good day today. Feeling very chirpy this morning. Had an epic session in the gym last night. (PT session, weights and a spin class). Just waiting for the DOMs to set in!

    And after much too-ing and fro-ing we finally booked our holiday! Who knew coordinating 5 people's diaries and wants would be so difficult, especially when we all say 'oh, i'm easy, i don't mind'. Turns out we do. Anyway, we're having 3 weeks in Cyprus in September. The smarties and I fly out on the 5th and have a few days on our own, then my parents and Charlie come out on the 9th. Mr Smartie flies back on the 15th for work, and the rest of us fly back on the 25th. I can't wait! Its been such a horrible year, we all just need a relaxing sunshine break.

    I am feeling a little narked about having to go into central london for a meeting today and i'll miss my spin class this evening :( but really, its a minor inconvenience, because i love walking round London, looking at the blue plaques and the architecture.

    Hope i can keep things under control for the next few weeks, and get some lbs off before i go!

    Ooh looked up Cyprus & it looks gorgeous! Are you guys staying at a hotel or a condo?

    Sounds like you're doing awesome at the gym. I hope if you get DOMs they're not too painful.

    We're rented a villa, on the northern part of the island, private pool and gardens, plenty of space for us all and a 3 year old to run around in!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I'm having a good day today. Feeling very chirpy this morning. Had an epic session in the gym last night. (PT session, weights and a spin class). Just waiting for the DOMs to set in!

    And after much too-ing and fro-ing we finally booked our holiday! Who knew coordinating 5 people's diaries and wants would be so difficult, especially when we all say 'oh, i'm easy, i don't mind'. Turns out we do. Anyway, we're having 3 weeks in Cyprus in September. The smarties and I fly out on the 5th and have a few days on our own, then my parents and Charlie come out on the 9th. Mr Smartie flies back on the 15th for work, and the rest of us fly back on the 25th. I can't wait! Its been such a horrible year, we all just need a relaxing sunshine break.

    I am feeling a little narked about having to go into central london for a meeting today and i'll miss my spin class this evening :( but really, its a minor inconvenience, because i love walking round London, looking at the blue plaques and the architecture.

    Hope i can keep things under control for the next few weeks, and get some lbs off before i go!

    Ooh looked up Cyprus & it looks gorgeous! Are you guys staying at a hotel or a condo?

    Sounds like you're doing awesome at the gym. I hope if you get DOMs they're not too painful.

    We're rented a villa, on the northern part of the island, private pool and gardens, plenty of space for us all and a 3 year old to run around in!

    Sounds AWESOME! You will be sure to post pictures in the Batcave right?
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    @orangesmartie, your vacation sounds awesome and just what you deserve!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I am known at work for making really good cakes, usually from scratch. Today one of the guys is leaving to take a job out of state, so they asked me to make him a German chocolate cake. I made it- box mix, can of frosting. Everyone is raving about how good it is. I don't know whether I should be flattered or disappointed.

    ETA: Yay me, I can follow directions!

    German Choc cake is the one I'm the most tempted to do this with. I never make anything out of a box (My kitchen would have to be on fire first lol) but German Choc Cake from scratch tastes almost exactly like a box mix. If anything, scratch made is less sweet and mild chocolate flavor. The cake is a cinch to make, but the frosting is a PITA. Making the caramel base and throwing in the pecans and stirring til your arms hate you on extremely low heat drives me nuts... My mom asks for a GC Cake every year for her birthday and I do it but every year I swear I'm substituting Duncan Hines...Then no matter how cold/cooled off the cake is, even if you do a crumb coat, frosting it is HARD.

    This is the mix I used:

    It is delicious! It has a separate packet of coconut pecan mix to add in before baking. It is super moist! I baked it in a 9 x 13 pan and frosted it with whatever brand of coconut pecan frosting I grabbed first. (Betty Crocker, I think?)
    Edit: because spelling is hard.

    Would I be driven out of the thread if I admitted that I'd most likely HATE German Chocolate cake? I hate nuts in everything (they can only be eaten alone, unless we're talking nut butter), and I really hate coconut in desserts--and in everything else. I can only eat it plain and fresh.
    German chocolate cake has a special place in my heart. My dad used to buy one for everyone on their birthday, thinking it was our favorite cake. The truth is it wasn't the favorite cake of any of us... except for my dad. I think he convinced himself everyone loved it as much as him. Now it always makes me think about him <3

    I also do like German chocolate cake, and I'm not a big cake person. I love coconut!

    Apparently I loved licorice allsorts as a kid. I have no independent recollection of this.

    My father buys me a HUGE tin of them every Christmas as a result.

    I don't much care for them any more. Next tin is going to the office for the vultures to devour.

    I have zero clue what this is.


    I have to admit that I think that looks kind of nasty... :s

    I don't like the bobbly ones but the others are yum!

    The bobbly ones are the only ones I even sort of remotely enjoy... although I could cheerfully live the rest of my life without eating another licorice allsort, of any variety.

    I think it's because the centers are more like a firm jelly than the hard rubbery licorice in the other ones. Or maybe it's because I really like the candy thingies (paillettes??) on the outside, they remind me of sprinkles.

    They're much better on chocolate

    Ha ha I can agree with that :)
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I'm having a good day today. Feeling very chirpy this morning. Had an epic session in the gym last night. (PT session, weights and a spin class). Just waiting for the DOMs to set in!

    And after much too-ing and fro-ing we finally booked our holiday! Who knew coordinating 5 people's diaries and wants would be so difficult, especially when we all say 'oh, i'm easy, i don't mind'. Turns out we do. Anyway, we're having 3 weeks in Cyprus in September. The smarties and I fly out on the 5th and have a few days on our own, then my parents and Charlie come out on the 9th. Mr Smartie flies back on the 15th for work, and the rest of us fly back on the 25th. I can't wait! Its been such a horrible year, we all just need a relaxing sunshine break.

    I am feeling a little narked about having to go into central london for a meeting today and i'll miss my spin class this evening :( but really, its a minor inconvenience, because i love walking round London, looking at the blue plaques and the architecture.

    Hope i can keep things under control for the next few weeks, and get some lbs off before i go!

    Ooh looked up Cyprus & it looks gorgeous! Are you guys staying at a hotel or a condo?

    Sounds like you're doing awesome at the gym. I hope if you get DOMs they're not too painful.

    We're rented a villa, on the northern part of the island, private pool and gardens, plenty of space for us all and a 3 year old to run around in!

    That sounds awesome, I hope you have a blast!!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Okay to all my British pals- asked the SO what marmite is ( I didn't want to tell him y'all had already told me as he likes explaining those kinds of things to me :)) his reponse- "Eugh marmite is some disgusting vegetable spread. It's slogan is you either love it or hit it which tells you a lot!" I cracked up as this was the same response from a lot of you!

    There is a lot of Marmite hate going on in this thread. I may have to disown you all!

    I might have some Marmite on cheese on toast for tea. The tea of kings.