most insensitive gift ever...



  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    My MIL gave me a magazine for Christmas one year. A magazine. Not a subscription, just a magazine. Another year, she gave me 3 forks.

  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    I went with a guy who was not exactly "up to speed" when it came to giving girlfriends gifts. When our 6 month anniversary came around I got him a nice watch and a card, got it all wrapped up nicely and was so excited to give it to him. So, the evening comes around, I get dressed up (because, after all, this is our 6 month anniversary) and walk over to his house (he lived next door to me). Now, mind you, he knew this was coming up because a few days before he had mentioned that it was going to be 6 months and that it was a relationship milestone. So I go to his house, hand him his present and he says "What's this?" and I said "Its for you, happy 6 month anniversary!!" His response: "We're celebrating this?" Talk about stopping someone in their tracks. I said "Um, uh, no, well, um..." and then he says "Oh, but I didn't get anything for you, I'm sorry. I didn't know this was something we were going to celebrate. Tell you what, I'll take you to the bookstore later and get an Uncle John's." :huh: For those of you who don't know what an Uncle John is its a series of books that are totally dedicated to just random facts and bits of history. I love them. BUT I got him a $100 watch and his reply was to get me a $10 book that I could get myself???? Well, that went over like a lead balloon. But I have to say, his gifts have gotten much better. and i married him.
  • corieueber
    corieueber Posts: 72 Member
    thanks for the best thread ever - just waisted my whole afternoon reading all 17 pages and got none of my uni assignments done and kids will be home any minute ........

    I can't think of anything l got that tops what a good friend got from her in-laws for their first christmas after getting married - they got a plot at the cemetery, had us all dropping our jaws
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    thanks for the best thread ever - just waisted my whole afternoon reading all 17 pages and got none of my uni assignments done and kids will be home any minute ........

    I can't think of anything l got that tops what a good friend got from her in-laws for their first christmas after getting married - they got a plot at the cemetery, had us all dropping our jaws

    This reminds me of the joke about the guy who got his mother-in-law a cemetary plot for Christmas. The next year, he didn't get her anything. She asked why not, and he said, "You didn't even use the gift I got you last year."

    Our first year, my husband got me steak knives (I don't even like steak), an extra-large nightie (Ias a medium) and a coat rack. He has gotten much better at gifts since.

    The birthday gift he got me one year that I loved was he took the kids out for the day so I could bake my own cake - it was this complicated spice-pecan thing, there was no way I would ask someone else to make it. Boy, did his friends give him heck for it, though. They thought it was terrible that I made my own cake. But they never factored in that I also had several hours WITHOUT my pre-schoolers.
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    A visiting minister to our church told of the time he bought his wife a camel as a birthday gift. The perfect gift for the lady who has everything, a real live camel. The ultimate 'white elephant' type gift.....
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Bump - I'm only on page 3 and I'm laughing my *kitten* off!!! Can total relate to some of these!
  • bluekitty2201
    bluekitty2201 Posts: 24 Member
    3 days after having my first child my husband bought me anti cellulite cream for my birthday! I almost cried, but I knew he had NO IDEA what he'd done. I made sure he knew after I got over the shock of it.

    That's hilarious and horrifying at the same time.

    Wow I hope you didn't let them buy it!
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    The year I first learned to drive, my partner bought me screenwash for Christmas! He figured it wasn't something I would think of myself. We're still together though (and I still hardly ever remember to buy my own screenwash).

    One year as a penniless student I had the bright idea of buying some pretty Christmassy gift boxes with separate lids, lining them with cling film and then filling them with jelly (or jello for those in the States). I gave these to my college friends as an end of term gift - still not really sure why. Seemed to go down fairly well though
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    *Bumping for later*
    (I have read through every page and its too funny)
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    I got a Mickey Mouse baseball hat for my birthday one year....from Walmart. I hate Mickey Mouse and I don't wear hats. ???

    His mom gave me a size 26 pair of pajama pants for Xmas.....which would have been ok, but at the time I was only a size 10.

    Last year, she bought a 6 pack of knee high sports socks (you know... with the two colored stripes on the top) and gave everyone ONE pair. Priceless.....
  • polybecca
    polybecca Posts: 9
    one year for christmas, i was at an ex's house with his family. I had about 6 gifts to open. They take turns, so it was my turn. I open the first gift... ponytail holders. alright cool, I could use these... next gift... more ponytail holders, and can you guess what was in the remaining wrapped presents? more ponytail holders, all from my ex. his family just sat there and stared. it was so awkward!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    The year I first learned to drive, my partner bought me screenwash for Christmas! He figured it wasn't something I would think of myself. We're still together though (and I still hardly ever remember to buy my own screenwash).

    One year as a penniless student I had the bright idea of buying some pretty Christmassy gift boxes with separate lids, lining them with cling film and then filling them with jelly (or jello for those in the States). I gave these to my college friends as an end of term gift - still not really sure why. Seemed to go down fairly well though
    I have never heard of screen wash!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Oh….how to harness the energy of all these victims!!!! I’ve got it!!! FLASH, a great idea!!! [men have them on rare occasions]

    This husband [learning what NOT to do on this hilarious topic] is needing some marvelous ideas for 20th anniversary late this summer and certain there is plenty of pent up “what would be really nice is a ……”.

    SEND ME AN EMAIL with ideas, if you want, no pressure, did I say email me…hehe, I don’t want to tie up the thread for my gain. I profusely thank you in advance!!!!! I am already working on the themes of China, Platinum, and 20 of anything quirky. Place in your context, of course it all changes with my wife's taste, but I work of ideas. THANK YOU!!!
  • MindyLynn77
    MindyLynn77 Posts: 126
    My MIL gave me a magazine for Christmas one year. A magazine. Not a subscription, just a magazine. Another year, she gave me 3 forks.

    OMG!!! I just laughed SO hard
  • bump
  • MindyLynn77
    MindyLynn77 Posts: 126
    Lets see.........

    One christmas (when I was 30)... I saw a commercial for a pottery wheel on tv.. I told my girlfriend I thought it was cool.. so..... for christmas that year, I got... A pottery wheel from the toy department.. A telescope from the toy department, and a puzzle!

    She got an 800.00 Mossy Oak recliner that year!!!!!
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    I got a can opener from my ex for my 22nd birthday...... I had just had twins 2 weeks before this and I think I needed to be acknowledged as a seperate human being from them. He looks at me and says, it will be easier to open their formula. Ok. No happy birthday just here now you can open their formula easier....I am guessing that this might be why he is on his 5th and I never remarried. LOL
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Bump.... after reading 17 pages I don't wanna lose this thread.
  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    My MIL gave me a magazine for Christmas one year. A magazine. Not a subscription, just a magazine. Another year, she gave me 3 forks.

  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    Wow. 17 pages of crazy laughter. I was laughing so hard at a few points that it was silent and I couldn't
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