most insensitive gift ever...



  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    Wow. 17 pages of crazy laughter. I was laughing so hard at a few points that it was silent and I couldn't
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    a beach chair, a compass and a 1 gallon (used) gasoline can. Sadly, these might have been the better of the gifts from this EX.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
  • MMieure
    MMieure Posts: 48
    My step grandmother used to save the toys that used to come in cereal boxes and give them to my brother and I for Christmas.


    I am a salt-aholic. I have always been one. For Christmas when I was 16 my dad bought me a salt lick. The kind you put out for deer or cows... Gee thanks dad... I guess he was thinking about what I liked...
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Haha that just made me remember one. It wasn't insensitive, since I asked for it, but it was weird.

    Had an obsession with dill pickles for a while when I was a kid. Asked my mom for a huge jar of pickles. So she got me a gallon jar of dill pickles. Awesome birthday. :huh:
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    These had me laughing so hard! I had to have sounded insane! Hehe..

    This past Christmas my present from my MIL was this UGLY little plastic decoration from the dollar store with a little fisherman on it..yes I love fishing decor for my living room but it was not pretty AT ALL..and it was wrapped in used kitchen window curtains..and in a hello kitty bag.
    She gave my 1 year old son a bunch of used toys from goodwill and some dog toys..YET she bought her aunts 2 grandkids from another town those big Little Tikes (or w/e brand) grills brand new!
    She gave my hubby (who is tall and thin) a tank top that I believe was a 2 or 3x..he wears med./large. Also Jingle Boobs that she had bought on clearance the year before, and a pretty fishing decor shadow box(which should have been mine) Yes, he loves fishing, but couldn't care less how the house was decorated.
  • megansmom311
    megansmom311 Posts: 168
    On the first Christmas my husband and I were married, his mother gave me five pair of metallic thong panties, shoved inside a hair coloring box which was wrapped in Superman paper. It was very awkward.

    I *wish* it had been 3 forks. :tongue:
  • heatherdoll40
    heatherdoll40 Posts: 42 Member

    i guess it beats my very FIRST mother's day when HE slept in until 1pm, didn't buy me a card, no gift, no breakfast, no nothing. He needs help. How is he alive?
    I know this one when confronted my husband just looked at me and said "what your not MY MOM" mmmmmhmmmm
  • bridetobe310711
    heeheehee soooooooo funny!!!!
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    My husband (then my fiance) gave me a vibrating bath duck for christmas one year - fine if given in private, but he'd wrapped it up knowing I would be with my family (including my very elderly grandparents) when I opened it, and he'd be safe and sound several hundreds miles out of hitting distance! He found it hilarious. Luckily I managed to pass it off as just a bath duck.
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    The year I first learned to drive, my partner bought me screenwash for Christmas! He figured it wasn't something I would think of myself. We're still together though (and I still hardly ever remember to buy my own screenwash).

    One year as a penniless student I had the bright idea of buying some pretty Christmassy gift boxes with separate lids, lining them with cling film and then filling them with jelly (or jello for those in the States). I gave these to my college friends as an end of term gift - still not really sure why. Seemed to go down fairly well though
    I have never heard of screen wash!

    screenwash is a blue liquid that goes in the car to wash the windscreens - might be called something different outside the UK. You can buy it at the petrol station or supermarketvery cheaply but it works better than plain water apparently
  • barbarajean3
    barbarajean3 Posts: 132 Member
    My ex gave me his old play station 2 for my 21st birthday so he could have room to get the newer one at the time. I don't even play video games.
    Thats 12 kinds of wrong!!
  • barbarajean3
    barbarajean3 Posts: 132 Member
    I got red roses every valentines day for 9 years. Which normally wouldn't be considered insensitive, except every year leading up to Valentine's Day I reminded him that I hate red roses and would much rather get wild flowers, or peonies, or gardenias.

    this is your fault, really. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Just kidding, but men do not listen to the whole sentence. You said "I don't like red roses" he heard, " roses..."
    Thats very true! They only hear what they want to. Did you never ***** about getting the same no thought put in it thing overe and over. I would have feed him roses for dinner:smokin:
  • barbarajean3
    barbarajean3 Posts: 132 Member
    Mine would be the engagement ring my ex gave me.
    It was huge, fake and $25 off of ebay....really?:noway:

    He was even shocked when it turned my finger green...idiot
    Thank goodness hes your ex!
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    I got red roses every valentines day for 9 years. Which normally wouldn't be considered insensitive, except every year leading up to Valentine's Day I reminded him that I hate red roses and would much rather get wild flowers, or peonies, or gardenias.

    this is your fault, really. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Just kidding, but men do not listen to the whole sentence. You said "I don't like red roses" he heard, " roses..."
    Thats very true! They only hear what they want to. Did you never ***** about getting the same no thought put in it thing overe and over. I would have feed him roses for dinner:smokin:

    lol i know a woman who actually has a recipe for Duck a l'rose. fed it to her parents once when they got her roses (again) for her birthday. yes, she used the roses they gave her. it got the point across!
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    My step grandmother used to save the toys that used to come in cereal boxes and give them to my brother and I for Christmas.


    I am a salt-aholic. I have always been one. For Christmas when I was 16 my dad bought me a salt lick. The kind you put out for deer or cows... Gee thanks dad... I guess he was thinking about what I liked...

    LOL! This reminds me of something... One year my grandparents asked my niece what she wanted for Christmas. She jokingly said "pickles!" 'cause she was 12 and was eating a huge dill at the time. She did love pickles. So sure enough, they got her a GIGANTIC jar (not sure the weight but was about 18" tall) of big dill pickles for Christmas! When she opened it she laughed & laughed and thanked them profusely! She was thrilled - and not only ate them all (eventually) but drank the juice too. Weird girl my niece.... lol
  • TNGirlyGirl
    TNGirlyGirl Posts: 337 Member
    First off, I've been laughing for over an hour reading through these... my kids think I'm crazy!! Here's my adds:

    20+ years ago, when I was getting married (the first time) my brother was stationed in Korea, and asked what I wanted for a wedding present. I said, "Matching satin kimonos". My fiance -at-the-time said "find something unique." Brother sent a ginseng root in a bottle (yep, it looked like a potato root). It had a note attached, reading "Ginseng is a fertility root." NOTE: Scarily enough, I ended up having four kids, even though I got rid of the root!!

    17 years later, separated from husband but trying to work things out, he got me a coffee pot for my 40th birthday. I opened the box thinking, maybe there was something else inside... nope. So, in trying to convince me that he really wanted to get back together, he buys me a COFFEE POT???? really???? By the way.............. I DON"T DRINK COFFEE!!!!!!!

    Needless to say....he's now an ex!!
  • lkirchner82
    lkirchner82 Posts: 31 Member
    Most of these are very funny, however, some of you need to get over yourselves! Come on, no one owes you a present!
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    Ok, here's my contribution, one year my husband and I didn't make any plans for Valentines Day until the last minute. He was an hour late getting home, he'd stopped by Walgreens to buy me some chocolate, a light-up rose and valentine-y candle holder. I was a little annoyed because I was hungry and I'd told him earlier I wanted to go out to dinner and of course he was late. I give him my gift, I was pretty proud of it, it was a home-made card...and the glitter and letters hadn't even dried on it yet! :) Needless to say he got to pick the restaurant!

    So, which of you do you think got the worse present here? I'm truly curious. I know I'd much rather get chocolate and some v-day junk than a homemade card.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    The year I first learned to drive, my partner bought me screenwash for Christmas! He figured it wasn't something I would think of myself. We're still together though (and I still hardly ever remember to buy my own screenwash).

    One year as a penniless student I had the bright idea of buying some pretty Christmassy gift boxes with separate lids, lining them with cling film and then filling them with jelly (or jello for those in the States). I gave these to my college friends as an end of term gift - still not really sure why. Seemed to go down fairly well though
    I have never heard of screen wash!

    screenwash is a blue liquid that goes in the car to wash the windscreens - might be called something different outside the UK. You can buy it at the petrol station or supermarketvery cheaply but it works better than plain water apparently

    windshield wiper fluid LOL I love interacting with people from UK and learning new terms :)