

  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I have a question...anyone can answer it, but I'm definitely focusing it towards those who lift...are you finding you're having to eat more? I am hungry all the time now! I'm eating more and not gaining weight which is good, but I feel like I'm scared to eat too much after trying to lose weight. I don't really want to lose any more weight, and I know I need to eat enough to support my lifting goals. Anyone want to share their weight, height, calorie intake, and exercise level??

    Unless anyone thinks this will hijack the thread...if so, I can ask the question in the bat cave!

    If you're eating more and not gaining weight then it sounds like you are doing it correctly! I can't remember if I felt like I needed more food - I've only been doing SL since this summer, but did circuty things for a few years before that.

    5'5", ~135, 2100-2300, and moderately active (~12k steps a day, lifting 2-3 times a week, running a couple times (not lately though), some yoga)

    5'7", 135...I have a desk job but I lift heavy 4 times a week. I've been eating 1600-1700 but some days it just doesn't feel like enough. Keep in mind, lifting is really my only cardio.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I started my fitness journey about 3 weeks ago. My initial weight was 215 lbs. and I am now at 203 lbs. I follow a strict Low-Carb diet ( 1500 calories) and a 25-minute fitness program. I want to reach 160 lbs. in the next 3 months. Any fitness and health advice are welcome and a special person to be my inspiration. :blush:

    Congrats on the weight loss so far.

    A few questions:

    1. Do you have a medical condition to eat low carb?
    2. Why do you want to reach 160 pounds in 3 months?

    My advice is if you don't have a medical condition to eat low carb then don't do it. Most people who eat low carb think they're losing weight since they're limiting their carbs when in reality they're eating less overall than they're burning thus creating a deficit to lose weight. Most once they're down to their desired weight go right back to the way they were eating before & gain weight from eating over their deficit. I always try & tell people to eat in a way that will be sustainable for life. Do you see yourself always limiting carbs once you reach your desired weight?

    Why are you only eating 1,500 calories a day? Do you weigh your food on a food scale? If not then you could be eating way more than you think. Since you're a 34 year old male I am sure you would need a lot more than 1,500 calories a day. You should look up Scooby's accurate calorie calculator & input your numbers in there & see what it tells you to eat.

    Why do you have to reach 160 pounds in 3 months? Event coming up?

    Some people do better on low myself. I feel better, I sleep better...I think everyone is different.

    Ditto. I haven't had pasta, rice or a sandwich in 7-8 weeks and I really don't care. I allow myself some potato every now and then. Some people adapt to low carb quite well, and I do think I could do this for the rest of my life. I miss fruit the most, but once I reach my goal weight I can lift it up to 100-150g carbs a day and easily squeeze in fruit :smile:
    I say don't knock it til you try it.

    Edit, I'm a bit behind on this thread so apologies

    I think I'd miss fruit the most too. I'm happy it's working out so well for you!!

    I get sad when I go food shopping and have to walk past all the bright coloured fruit and just head for the veg. Courgette (zucchini I believe in America?) is my new best friend. :yum:

    Do you like spaghetti squash? Every now & then I will make that & put a little salad dressing on it or chicken.

    I've never heard of this! I've seen spaghetti courgette but not squash. Is it pre-spaghettied or do you have to do it yourself?

    It is a squash that when cooked, comes out of the cut half like spaghetti strands. It is a good replacement for actual spaghetti noodles. I use it quite a bit. The texture is more like al dente spaghetti, a bit crunchy but it works. Google it or if you have Pinterest, look it up.

    Its disgusting Don't do it.

    It's deeeeelicious. Do it.
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I have a question...anyone can answer it, but I'm definitely focusing it towards those who lift...are you finding you're having to eat more? I am hungry all the time now! I'm eating more and not gaining weight which is good, but I feel like I'm scared to eat too much after trying to lose weight. I don't really want to lose any more weight, and I know I need to eat enough to support my lifting goals. Anyone want to share their weight, height, calorie intake, and exercise level??

    Unless anyone thinks this will hijack the thread...if so, I can ask the question in the bat cave!

    If you're eating more and not gaining weight then it sounds like you are doing it correctly! I can't remember if I felt like I needed more food - I've only been doing SL since this summer, but did circuty things for a few years before that.

    5'5", ~135, 2100-2300, and moderately active (~12k steps a day, lifting 2-3 times a week, running a couple times (not lately though), some yoga)

    5'7", 135...I have a desk job but I lift heavy 4 times a week. I've been eating 1600-1700 but some days it just doesn't feel like enough. Keep in mind, lifting is really my only cardio.

    That seems low if you are wanting to recomp not lose, but I do know that everyone is different so maybe that is your real maintenance number. But...I mean, I don't really "cardio" - my 12K steps is mostly because I walk to work and walk the dog. Then I sit at a computer all day, and if I'm good make sure I use the bathroom and water fountain on different floors. Given you have a dog as your profile I assume you also get some movement in a typical day.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I started my fitness journey about 3 weeks ago. My initial weight was 215 lbs. and I am now at 203 lbs. I follow a strict Low-Carb diet ( 1500 calories) and a 25-minute fitness program. I want to reach 160 lbs. in the next 3 months. Any fitness and health advice are welcome and a special person to be my inspiration. :blush:

    Congrats on the weight loss so far.

    A few questions:

    1. Do you have a medical condition to eat low carb?
    2. Why do you want to reach 160 pounds in 3 months?

    My advice is if you don't have a medical condition to eat low carb then don't do it. Most people who eat low carb think they're losing weight since they're limiting their carbs when in reality they're eating less overall than they're burning thus creating a deficit to lose weight. Most once they're down to their desired weight go right back to the way they were eating before & gain weight from eating over their deficit. I always try & tell people to eat in a way that will be sustainable for life. Do you see yourself always limiting carbs once you reach your desired weight?

    Why are you only eating 1,500 calories a day? Do you weigh your food on a food scale? If not then you could be eating way more than you think. Since you're a 34 year old male I am sure you would need a lot more than 1,500 calories a day. You should look up Scooby's accurate calorie calculator & input your numbers in there & see what it tells you to eat.

    Why do you have to reach 160 pounds in 3 months? Event coming up?

    Some people do better on low myself. I feel better, I sleep better...I think everyone is different.

    Ditto. I haven't had pasta, rice or a sandwich in 7-8 weeks and I really don't care. I allow myself some potato every now and then. Some people adapt to low carb quite well, and I do think I could do this for the rest of my life. I miss fruit the most, but once I reach my goal weight I can lift it up to 100-150g carbs a day and easily squeeze in fruit :smile:
    I say don't knock it til you try it.

    Edit, I'm a bit behind on this thread so apologies

    I think I'd miss fruit the most too. I'm happy it's working out so well for you!!

    I get sad when I go food shopping and have to walk past all the bright coloured fruit and just head for the veg. Courgette (zucchini I believe in America?) is my new best friend. :yum:

    Do you like spaghetti squash? Every now & then I will make that & put a little salad dressing on it or chicken.

    I've never heard of this! I've seen spaghetti courgette but not squash. Is it pre-spaghettied or do you have to do it yourself?

    It is a squash that when cooked, comes out of the cut half like spaghetti strands. It is a good replacement for actual spaghetti noodles. I use it quite a bit. The texture is more like al dente spaghetti, a bit crunchy but it works. Google it or if you have Pinterest, look it up.

    I tried it once. I thought it was gross.

    I love it! And it's so easy...I just poke a million holes in it, pop it in the microwave for 5-6 minutes depending on it;s size, cut it open, and scrape it. All I usually put on it is salt, pepper, garlic powder and maybe a bit of parmesan cheese..but not usually. So good!
    Also welcome, @CosmoTI! Don't go back to your rock!! Stay!!!

    Try this recipe:

    It's seriously amazing. I made it twice for my husband and I, and we LOVED it. I wish I could make it more often, but the spaghetti squash here is imported from the United States and you don't even want to KNOW how much those babies cost... Let's just say that our meal cost about as much as a meal at a nice restaurant! ;)
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I have a question...anyone can answer it, but I'm definitely focusing it towards those who lift...are you finding you're having to eat more? I am hungry all the time now! I'm eating more and not gaining weight which is good, but I feel like I'm scared to eat too much after trying to lose weight. I don't really want to lose any more weight, and I know I need to eat enough to support my lifting goals. Anyone want to share their weight, height, calorie intake, and exercise level??

    Unless anyone thinks this will hijack the thread...if so, I can ask the question in the bat cave!

    If you're eating more and not gaining weight then it sounds like you are doing it correctly! I can't remember if I felt like I needed more food - I've only been doing SL since this summer, but did circuty things for a few years before that.

    5'5", ~135, 2100-2300, and moderately active (~12k steps a day, lifting 2-3 times a week, running a couple times (not lately though), some yoga)

    5'7", 135...I have a desk job but I lift heavy 4 times a week. I've been eating 1600-1700 but some days it just doesn't feel like enough. Keep in mind, lifting is really my only cardio.

    That seems low if you are wanting to recomp not lose, but I do know that everyone is different so maybe that is your real maintenance number. But...I mean, I don't really "cardio" - my 12K steps is mostly because I walk to work and walk the dog. Then I sit at a computer all day, and if I'm good make sure I use the bathroom and water fountain on different floors. Given you have a dog as your profile I assume you also get some movement in a typical day.

    Yes, I do...although he is super old and not so active. I say 1600-1700 because that's during the week...on the weekends, I tend to not track and I know I go WAY over that amount, with wine and dinners on weekends. So, I bet on a weekly basis, my calorie intake is much higher than 1600-1700. I'm not gaining any weight even when I eat a ridiculous amount on the weekends. So it may be ok to increase some...
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I started my fitness journey about 3 weeks ago. My initial weight was 215 lbs. and I am now at 203 lbs. I follow a strict Low-Carb diet ( 1500 calories) and a 25-minute fitness program. I want to reach 160 lbs. in the next 3 months. Any fitness and health advice are welcome and a special person to be my inspiration. :blush:

    Congrats on the weight loss so far.

    A few questions:

    1. Do you have a medical condition to eat low carb?
    2. Why do you want to reach 160 pounds in 3 months?

    My advice is if you don't have a medical condition to eat low carb then don't do it. Most people who eat low carb think they're losing weight since they're limiting their carbs when in reality they're eating less overall than they're burning thus creating a deficit to lose weight. Most once they're down to their desired weight go right back to the way they were eating before & gain weight from eating over their deficit. I always try & tell people to eat in a way that will be sustainable for life. Do you see yourself always limiting carbs once you reach your desired weight?

    Why are you only eating 1,500 calories a day? Do you weigh your food on a food scale? If not then you could be eating way more than you think. Since you're a 34 year old male I am sure you would need a lot more than 1,500 calories a day. You should look up Scooby's accurate calorie calculator & input your numbers in there & see what it tells you to eat.

    Why do you have to reach 160 pounds in 3 months? Event coming up?

    Some people do better on low myself. I feel better, I sleep better...I think everyone is different.

    Ditto. I haven't had pasta, rice or a sandwich in 7-8 weeks and I really don't care. I allow myself some potato every now and then. Some people adapt to low carb quite well, and I do think I could do this for the rest of my life. I miss fruit the most, but once I reach my goal weight I can lift it up to 100-150g carbs a day and easily squeeze in fruit :smile:
    I say don't knock it til you try it.

    Edit, I'm a bit behind on this thread so apologies

    I think I'd miss fruit the most too. I'm happy it's working out so well for you!!

    I get sad when I go food shopping and have to walk past all the bright coloured fruit and just head for the veg. Courgette (zucchini I believe in America?) is my new best friend. :yum:

    Do you like spaghetti squash? Every now & then I will make that & put a little salad dressing on it or chicken.

    I've never heard of this! I've seen spaghetti courgette but not squash. Is it pre-spaghettied or do you have to do it yourself?

    It is a squash that when cooked, comes out of the cut half like spaghetti strands. It is a good replacement for actual spaghetti noodles. I use it quite a bit. The texture is more like al dente spaghetti, a bit crunchy but it works. Google it or if you have Pinterest, look it up.

    Its disgusting Don't do it.

    I think Nicci and I are the same person. I agree. It is disgusting. DON'T DO IT. I am going to judge here, I think the only people who like it are people who eat it because they think its healthy. Like people fool themselves into believing zucchini is good for them and tasty. Its an illusion. You are all nuts.

    I never eat things just because they're healthy--I'm way too picky for that. I enjoy zucchini and I LOVE spaghetti squash. SO THERE. ;)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Should I be worried that I have 666 calories left for the day? Am I about to be eternally cursed?

    Better get to those M&Ms, stat!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Banana Update: I had a banana milkshake (with real chunks of banana in it) for lunch today. I blame this thread...I'd have probably had peanut butter if it weren't for the banana talk yesterday.

    shooting update: Raymond (the victim) is still hospitalized and had another surgery yesterday. He isn't out of the woods, but we hope he's more than halfway through them. Shooter *may* be a jealous ex of his wife, which would be awful for her if it turns out to be true. However, that could just be gossip among people looking for an explanation for senseless evil. Newsflash: There is no explanation. There is just real evil on the world.

    So true. I read an article yesterday that sickened and disturbed me so horrifyingly that I still can't get it out of my mind. I thought about sharing it here, but changed my mind because I didn't want to put anyone else through what I felt after reading it. It was the sickest thing I had ever read in my life--and with the news stories I've seen, believe me, that's pretty darn sick.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Should I be worried that I have 666 calories left for the day? Am I about to be eternally damned?
    Looks like it's time to eat back some calories. >:)

    Yes, I would most definitely eat something.

    Done! Sadly it was M&Ms because I didn't post my daily goals today so there was no restriction. Why do I eat these? I don't even really like them... They are just THERE!

    See my above post to you? I'm telepathic. ;)
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Should I be worried that I have 666 calories left for the day? Am I about to be eternally damned?
    Looks like it's time to eat back some calories. >:)

    Yes, I would most definitely eat something.

    Done! Sadly it was M&Ms because I didn't post my daily goals today so there was no restriction. Why do I eat these? I don't even really like them... They are just THERE!

    I tried the Candy Corn M&Ms & while they were pretty tasty they were way too sweet.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Should I be worried that I have 666 calories left for the day? Am I about to be eternally damned?
    Looks like it's time to eat back some calories. >:)

    Yes, I would most definitely eat something.

    Done! Sadly it was M&Ms because I didn't post my daily goals today so there was no restriction. Why do I eat these? I don't even really like them... They are just THERE!

    I tried the Candy Corn M&Ms & while they were pretty tasty they were way too sweet.

    I will just enjoy my plain old candy corn. Just a little of that stuff goes a long way.
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I started my fitness journey about 3 weeks ago. My initial weight was 215 lbs. and I am now at 203 lbs. I follow a strict Low-Carb diet ( 1500 calories) and a 25-minute fitness program. I want to reach 160 lbs. in the next 3 months. Any fitness and health advice are welcome and a special person to be my inspiration. :blush:

    Congrats on the weight loss so far.

    A few questions:

    1. Do you have a medical condition to eat low carb?
    2. Why do you want to reach 160 pounds in 3 months?

    My advice is if you don't have a medical condition to eat low carb then don't do it. Most people who eat low carb think they're losing weight since they're limiting their carbs when in reality they're eating less overall than they're burning thus creating a deficit to lose weight. Most once they're down to their desired weight go right back to the way they were eating before & gain weight from eating over their deficit. I always try & tell people to eat in a way that will be sustainable for life. Do you see yourself always limiting carbs once you reach your desired weight?

    Why are you only eating 1,500 calories a day? Do you weigh your food on a food scale? If not then you could be eating way more than you think. Since you're a 34 year old male I am sure you would need a lot more than 1,500 calories a day. You should look up Scooby's accurate calorie calculator & input your numbers in there & see what it tells you to eat.

    Why do you have to reach 160 pounds in 3 months? Event coming up?

    Some people do better on low myself. I feel better, I sleep better...I think everyone is different.

    Ditto. I haven't had pasta, rice or a sandwich in 7-8 weeks and I really don't care. I allow myself some potato every now and then. Some people adapt to low carb quite well, and I do think I could do this for the rest of my life. I miss fruit the most, but once I reach my goal weight I can lift it up to 100-150g carbs a day and easily squeeze in fruit :smile:
    I say don't knock it til you try it.

    Edit, I'm a bit behind on this thread so apologies

    I think I'd miss fruit the most too. I'm happy it's working out so well for you!!

    I get sad when I go food shopping and have to walk past all the bright coloured fruit and just head for the veg. Courgette (zucchini I believe in America?) is my new best friend. :yum:

    Do you like spaghetti squash? Every now & then I will make that & put a little salad dressing on it or chicken.

    I've never heard of this! I've seen spaghetti courgette but not squash. Is it pre-spaghettied or do you have to do it yourself?

    It is a squash that when cooked, comes out of the cut half like spaghetti strands. It is a good replacement for actual spaghetti noodles. I use it quite a bit. The texture is more like al dente spaghetti, a bit crunchy but it works. Google it or if you have Pinterest, look it up.

    I tried it once. I thought it was gross.

    I love it! And it's so easy...I just poke a million holes in it, pop it in the microwave for 5-6 minutes depending on it;s size, cut it open, and scrape it. All I usually put on it is salt, pepper, garlic powder and maybe a bit of parmesan cheese..but not usually. So good!
    Also welcome, @CosmoTI! Don't go back to your rock!! Stay!!!

    Try this recipe:

    It's seriously amazing. I made it twice for my husband and I, and we LOVED it. I wish I could make it more often, but the spaghetti squash here is imported from the United States and you don't even want to KNOW how much those babies cost... Let's just say that our meal cost about as much as a meal at a nice restaurant! ;)

    That looks pretty tasty!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Should I be worried that I have 666 calories left for the day? Am I about to be eternally damned?
    Looks like it's time to eat back some calories. >:)

    Yes, I would most definitely eat something.

    Done! Sadly it was M&Ms because I didn't post my daily goals today so there was no restriction. Why do I eat these? I don't even really like them... They are just THERE!

    I tried the Candy Corn M&Ms & while they were pretty tasty they were way too sweet.

    I will just enjoy my plain old candy corn. Just a little of that stuff goes a long way.

    I love candy corn. I love to bite each color off individually.

    I can't eat it anymore. The sugar shock issue ....
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Should I be worried that I have 666 calories left for the day? Am I about to be eternally damned?
    Looks like it's time to eat back some calories. >:)

    Yes, I would most definitely eat something.

    Done! Sadly it was M&Ms because I didn't post my daily goals today so there was no restriction. Why do I eat these? I don't even really like them... They are just THERE!

    See my above post to you? I'm telepathic. ;)

    Clearly I am too predictable.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I started my fitness journey about 3 weeks ago. My initial weight was 215 lbs. and I am now at 203 lbs. I follow a strict Low-Carb diet ( 1500 calories) and a 25-minute fitness program. I want to reach 160 lbs. in the next 3 months. Any fitness and health advice are welcome and a special person to be my inspiration. :blush:

    Congrats on the weight loss so far.

    A few questions:

    1. Do you have a medical condition to eat low carb?
    2. Why do you want to reach 160 pounds in 3 months?

    My advice is if you don't have a medical condition to eat low carb then don't do it. Most people who eat low carb think they're losing weight since they're limiting their carbs when in reality they're eating less overall than they're burning thus creating a deficit to lose weight. Most once they're down to their desired weight go right back to the way they were eating before & gain weight from eating over their deficit. I always try & tell people to eat in a way that will be sustainable for life. Do you see yourself always limiting carbs once you reach your desired weight?

    Why are you only eating 1,500 calories a day? Do you weigh your food on a food scale? If not then you could be eating way more than you think. Since you're a 34 year old male I am sure you would need a lot more than 1,500 calories a day. You should look up Scooby's accurate calorie calculator & input your numbers in there & see what it tells you to eat.

    Why do you have to reach 160 pounds in 3 months? Event coming up?

    Some people do better on low myself. I feel better, I sleep better...I think everyone is different.

    Ditto. I haven't had pasta, rice or a sandwich in 7-8 weeks and I really don't care. I allow myself some potato every now and then. Some people adapt to low carb quite well, and I do think I could do this for the rest of my life. I miss fruit the most, but once I reach my goal weight I can lift it up to 100-150g carbs a day and easily squeeze in fruit :smile:
    I say don't knock it til you try it.

    Edit, I'm a bit behind on this thread so apologies

    I think I'd miss fruit the most too. I'm happy it's working out so well for you!!

    I get sad when I go food shopping and have to walk past all the bright coloured fruit and just head for the veg. Courgette (zucchini I believe in America?) is my new best friend. :yum:

    Do you like spaghetti squash? Every now & then I will make that & put a little salad dressing on it or chicken.

    I've never heard of this! I've seen spaghetti courgette but not squash. Is it pre-spaghettied or do you have to do it yourself?

    It is a squash that when cooked, comes out of the cut half like spaghetti strands. It is a good replacement for actual spaghetti noodles. I use it quite a bit. The texture is more like al dente spaghetti, a bit crunchy but it works. Google it or if you have Pinterest, look it up.

    Its disgusting Don't do it.

    I think Nicci and I are the same person. I agree. It is disgusting. DON'T DO IT. I am going to judge here, I think the only people who like it are people who eat it because they think its healthy. Like people fool themselves into believing zucchini is good for them and tasty. Its an illusion. You are all nuts.

    I never eat things just because they're healthy--I'm way too picky for that. I enjoy zucchini and I LOVE spaghetti squash. SO THERE. ;)

    Note my comment about crazy people. Just sayin'
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    edited August 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Should I be worried that I have 666 calories left for the day? Am I about to be eternally damned?
    Looks like it's time to eat back some calories. >:)

    Yes, I would most definitely eat something.

    Done! Sadly it was M&Ms because I didn't post my daily goals today so there was no restriction. Why do I eat these? I don't even really like them... They are just THERE!

    I tried the Candy Corn M&Ms & while they were pretty tasty they were way too sweet.

    I will just enjoy my plain old candy corn. Just a little of that stuff goes a long way.

    I love candy corn. I love to bite each color off individually.

    I can't eat it anymore. The sugar shock issue ....
    I used to eat them like that. XD

    Candy corn pumpkins are my favorite because they're too cute.

    There are different flavored candy corn on The Impulsive Buy and one of the flavors is fruit creme. It sounds disgusting :s

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Should I be worried that I have 666 calories left for the day? Am I about to be eternally damned?
    Looks like it's time to eat back some calories. >:)

    Yes, I would most definitely eat something.

    Done! Sadly it was M&Ms because I didn't post my daily goals today so there was no restriction. Why do I eat these? I don't even really like them... They are just THERE!

    You just inspired a dive into my jelly bean stash ;)

    oops sorry!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Should I be worried that I have 666 calories left for the day? Am I about to be eternally damned?
    Looks like it's time to eat back some calories. >:)

    Yes, I would most definitely eat something.

    Done! Sadly it was M&Ms because I didn't post my daily goals today so there was no restriction. Why do I eat these? I don't even really like them... They are just THERE!

    I tried the Candy Corn M&Ms & while they were pretty tasty they were way too sweet.

    I will just enjoy my plain old candy corn. Just a little of that stuff goes a long way.

    I love candy corn. I love to bite each color off individually.

    I can't eat it anymore. The sugar shock issue ....
    I used to eat them like that. XD

    Candy corn pumpkins are my favorite because they're too cute.

    There are different flavored candy corn on The Impulsive Buy and one of the flavors is fruit creme. It sounds disgusting :s

    I never liked the pumpkins. Only the corn. I think the pumpkins are the wrong shape. The corn shape is perfect for eating each tiny section. It slows you down too! No stuffing a handful of those babies into your mouth!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    So, can anyone tell me what flavour candy corn is supposed to be?

    I've eaten a single piece in my entire lifetime and don't want to repeat the experience, but I'd like to know what it's supposed to taste like, haha.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    For some of my friends who have started running or are interested in running but are afraid to because they think they are too heavy, you should check out this woman:

    I read an article about her in Runner's World magazine, that I am going to send to my MFP friends that I have email addresses for. She is inspiring, clearly vastly intelligent and talented and a dedicated runner who does not let her size define her. You should check it out.

    I seen a heavier girl jogging last night while I was driving home from work & thought "you go girl." I hope she looks up safety while running, because I noticed she was running with the traffic behind her rather than the other way around.
    Yeesh. I have no idea what I'd do if I saw someone in this situation. I'd be afraid of approaching them about it because I'd imagine they'd think I were confronting them BECAUSE they were heavier, but there's no way I'd want anyone to continue this, especially with the drivers in Houston.

    I always want to stop people and ask them if they want to die when they are running with traffic...because they are asking to be killed.

    Edited because I didn't think my first version made total sense.

    I thought I was going to have a heart attack the day a bicyclist was heading straight towards me while I was driving. It was a kid or preteen & I was shocked that they were riding by themselves & no one ever taught them to ride facing away from traffic.