

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Miss you guys! I'm skimming to see what's going on, but am so busy at work. Have a big, big, big case that is getting ready to break wide open. If it makes the news, I'll try to post the link. Hugs to everyone that needs them, and "good jobs" to those who are rocking it!

    We miss you too!! Excited to hear about this case, woo hoo!!

    This does sound exciting!

    I want it to break wide open so we can see what it's all about.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    I did the same thing!! Except instead of water I put dish soap in it. I didn't think drowning it in water would be enough to keep from digging it out of the trash can...

    @MoHousdon, have you gotten BINGO yet?

    I still love when this one shows up. It's my absolute favorite.

    I am surprised no one has quoted the cocoa powder confession for awhile.
  • CosmoTI
    CosmoTI Posts: 42 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    Not sure how active people are in here during my daytime(UK) but after quick advice.
    I'm having one of my periods of not sleeping- basically just because my body refuses to.(I've had about 8 hours over 3 days) I managed to do a (poor) weights workout yesterday but am wondering whether I'm just being a wimp by reconsidering working out today also or if I should just give my body a rest?
    I'm currently feeling very on edge. I'm seriously about 1 snarky comment away from punching someone in work. I was already stressed as a member of senior management is currently undermining all my decisions for what I can only assume is his own personal amusement considering there is no actual business justification for it - but everything seems to be pushing me closer to breaking point today! Not sure if working out would help the stress or kill me..

    And on a completely different note from a few pages back -books, not read Stephen King for years after Insomnia (as in the book not my condition!) put me off, any recommendations anyone?

    I think I would claim a mental health day and not go to work!! Sounds like you need some down time. As for the books, keep reading King. They get better.

    Thanks. I may go home soon considering I have just sent an email meant for my boss to my boyfriend by accident. On the plus least it wasn't the other way round!!!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    clh72569 wrote: »
    I peeled the crayon wrappers off my color blind brothers crayons, so he could not read the colors. Then I would get all the crayons.

    I'm a mean big sister too. My younger brother had a thing whereby he wouldn't eat broken biscuits (cookies). So if he had annoyed me somehow that day, I would get to the biscuit tin a minute before him and snap every single biscuit cleanly in half. Even if you found the two matching halves, he refused to eat them. No biscuits for him.

    He deserved it, he used to eat the ends of my felt tip pens so they wouldn't draw. He'd have green or purple all over his face and deny he'd touched them. I regret nothing.

    Hahahaha that's hilarious! Did he have OCD or just wanted a perfect cookie?
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Confession: Here is my ridiculous confession for today. I was craving something sweet, (pie) and went (via stairs) to 4 different vending machines in the building, until I found it! the glorious Mrs. Bairds Apple Pie! I inserted my dollar, punched the letter/number combo for the pie, and voila!! the machine gives me a roll of pep o mint life savers. (I hit the wrong letter) It was my last one dollar bill!!! It was like my subconscious was keeping me from having that 400 calorie pie. I am not even a fan of the pep o mint life savers!

    Haha frustrating but maybe good at the same time. :) Sorry that you wasted your last dollar!
  • bnhbookworm03
    bnhbookworm03 Posts: 4 Member
    As a person who has suffered from various forms of disordered eating I am terrified of trying to lose the weight again. I know I need to for health reasons but I am literally terrified I am going to take it to the extreme and get obsessed and end up in a very bad mental state. :(
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Thanks all for your kind words. It's frustrating because even if I KNOW I'm not the cause of someone's anger, I am not fully able to convince myself. Just like with any anxiety I suppose :tongue:
    Anyone watch Wayward Pines? I am just watching the first episode now.....
    I just finished watching it with my boyfriend and we both agreed that it was a huge letdown. I especially hated the ending. You might think otherwise, though. Right now I'm watching True Detective and it is brilliantly acted!

    @ShibaEars I'm happy to hear about the rabie-less bat! @raelynnsmama52512 Good news on all fronts! Even if your baby growing up is bittersweet... but she'll always be your baby deep down :blush:

    The 1st season, right? Let me know when you're finished watching it. The acting was amazing!

    ETA: Yay about the no-rabies news. You must be so relieved!
    Yes! I admit I have never been a big fan of Matthew Mcconaughey, mostly because I always want to yell at him to CLOSE HIS MOUTH (I ruined him for my mom and boyfriend after making them notice this)... but he is an amazing actor and is definitely growing on me. I love him in True Detective so far.

    Have you seen Dallas Buyers Club yet? He was great in that! And Jared Leto was AMAZING!!

    Yes to this!!!
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Thanks all for your kind words. It's frustrating because even if I KNOW I'm not the cause of someone's anger, I am not fully able to convince myself. Just like with any anxiety I suppose :tongue:
    Anyone watch Wayward Pines? I am just watching the first episode now.....
    I just finished watching it with my boyfriend and we both agreed that it was a huge letdown. I especially hated the ending. You might think otherwise, though. Right now I'm watching True Detective and it is brilliantly acted!

    @ShibaEars I'm happy to hear about the rabie-less bat! @raelynnsmama52512 Good news on all fronts! Even if your baby growing up is bittersweet... but she'll always be your baby deep down :blush:

    The 1st season, right? Let me know when you're finished watching it. The acting was amazing!

    ETA: Yay about the no-rabies news. You must be so relieved!
    Yes! I admit I have never been a big fan of Matthew Mcconaughey, mostly because I always want to yell at him to CLOSE HIS MOUTH (I ruined him for my mom and boyfriend after making them notice this)... but he is an amazing actor and is definitely growing on me. I love him in True Detective so far.

    Oh. My. God. This is it. This is why I hate him! Thank you. LOL

    I have never noticed that but I'm sure it will be all I notice from now on. Thanks guys!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Confession: I don't know what is wrong with me but today has been a bad food day. I already ate all 10 twinkies from the box I bought this morning.

    I was at my lowest weight before vacation and now I just can't seem to get back to being good with food...

    Tomorrow hopefully.

    I am seriously impressed with the 10 Twinkies. I probably shouldn't admit that in here.

    Haha thanks for the laugh! It was another one of those things where while you are eating them you are thinking, "these aren't even that good." Definitely not like the old twinkies. :) I ate five for breakfast and five for lunch. Haha so embarassing!

    I NEED to eat better. I probably gained like 10 lbs the last couple weeks. I have a co-worker who is about the same size as me who always complains about not being able to lose weight yet eats the free food we have around the site every time (while I almost always pass). She didn't seem to believe that I had lost weight recently. My goal is to lose more weight so that she will know that I'm not lying. Seems silly but I'm hoping it will motivate me to get going on losing weight again.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    clh72569 wrote: »
    I peeled the crayon wrappers off my color blind brothers crayons, so he could not read the colors. Then I would get all the crayons.

    I'm a mean big sister too. My younger brother had a thing whereby he wouldn't eat broken biscuits (cookies). So if he had annoyed me somehow that day, I would get to the biscuit tin a minute before him and snap every single biscuit cleanly in half. Even if you found the two matching halves, he refused to eat them. No biscuits for him.

    He deserved it, he used to eat the ends of my felt tip pens so they wouldn't draw. He'd have green or purple all over his face and deny he'd touched them. I regret nothing.

    Hahahaha that's hilarious! Did he have OCD or just wanted a perfect cookie?

    No OCD, just a funny 4 year old quirk. He grew out of it. He'll eat anything now (including wet cat food to whoever else owned up to that).
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    Not sure how active people are in here during my daytime(UK) but after quick advice.
    I'm having one of my periods of not sleeping- basically just because my body refuses to.(I've had about 8 hours over 3 days) I managed to do a (poor) weights workout yesterday but am wondering whether I'm just being a wimp by reconsidering working out today also or if I should just give my body a rest?
    I'm currently feeling very on edge. I'm seriously about 1 snarky comment away from punching someone in work. I was already stressed as a member of senior management is currently undermining all my decisions for what I can only assume is his own personal amusement considering there is no actual business justification for it - but everything seems to be pushing me closer to breaking point today! Not sure if working out would help the stress or kill me..

    And on a completely different note from a few pages back -books, not read Stephen King for years after Insomnia (as in the book not my condition!) put me off, any recommendations anyone?

    This is very normal if you're sleep-deprived. I'm a fellow insomnia sufferer.

    Sleep has a pretty big impact on my lifting. If I'm on a really bad streak of sleeplessness, I'll deload by 5 lbs and do my regular routine at the slightly lower weight. That way I feel like I'm still getting in a workout but it's not so frustratingly weak.

    I try to keep a conscious awareness that sleep deprivation is affecting my mood and if I feel like giving someone a piece of my mind, I'll definitely postpone it for another day.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited September 2015
    spamarie wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    clh72569 wrote: »
    I peeled the crayon wrappers off my color blind brothers crayons, so he could not read the colors. Then I would get all the crayons.

    I'm a mean big sister too. My younger brother had a thing whereby he wouldn't eat broken biscuits (cookies). So if he had annoyed me somehow that day, I would get to the biscuit tin a minute before him and snap every single biscuit cleanly in half. Even if you found the two matching halves, he refused to eat them. No biscuits for him.

    He deserved it, he used to eat the ends of my felt tip pens so they wouldn't draw. He'd have green or purple all over his face and deny he'd touched them. I regret nothing.

    Hahahaha that's hilarious! Did he have OCD or just wanted a perfect cookie?

    No OCD, just a funny 4 year old quirk. He grew out of it. He'll eat anything now (including wet cat food to whoever else owned up to that).

    I know I was a naughty child & would get into a lot of stuff I shouldn't have. I am pretty sure I drank laundry detergent & my mom said either my sister or I ate a cigarette butt.

    When I was a teenager I would dig into the ice cream & look for all the cookie dough pieces or only take certain parts of the Neapolitan ice cream.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    As a person who has suffered from various forms of disordered eating I am terrified of trying to lose the weight again. I know I need to for health reasons but I am literally terrified I am going to take it to the extreme and get obsessed and end up in a very bad mental state. :(

    Do you think you could talk to a professional & have them help you come up with a healthier lifestyle plan rather than looking at it as a diet?

    My main advice is don't feel like you have to eat completely clean to lose weight & don't completely cut out foods/whole food groups) the only time I would advice that is if you have a medical reason or you find you do better without it).

    Also don't think about it as just a number on a scale. Try to get healthier for your body, mind, soul & maybe come up with somethings you want to improve that aren't food or weight related. If you're into running try to improve your mile time. If you like push-ups try to do different kinds & improve on how many you can do.
  • ejb060793
    ejb060793 Posts: 281 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ejb060793 wrote: »
    Someone sent me a pretty nasty message earlier. In return, I ate 5 pieces of bacon (was going to be a pound but it burnt me and fell on the floor, and as mopey as I was, I won't eat floor bacon), grape juice (I've been drinking water only for quite a while, with the exception of an occasional glass of OJ) a big bowl of cereal (I didn't measure, but I guestimate it was 3 cups), and chicken tenders pan fried with mozzarella cheese. My normal 1000 - 1200 calories is pretty well shot. I tried to exercise to make up for it, but I just didn't want to. I'd rather go play a video game and sleep.

    Was the message from someone in MFP?

    Yeah, it was. I'm over it now, just took some time. The message was basically just saying that I am a "wanna be med student" and a bunch of other stupid crap. It was really rude and hurtful, but I realized that the user knows nothing about me as a person, and likewise I know nothing about them. For all I know, they could have just been having a horribly crappy day. And for anyone who is curious, after soaking in the tub, lady bits felt much better. I will be more cautious in regards to washing my hands after I touch any spicy foods.

  • Sinnister78
    Sinnister78 Posts: 134 Member
    Still doing confessions?

    If so, I drink....a lot.

    Like to the point where I have to save massive amount of weekend calories to get my drink on.


    Yes, we still do confessions. Please just tell me you don't drive drink. And consider asking yourself if you chose not to this weekend, how hard would it be?

    Nope. I drink in the comfort of my own home. Sometimes on my deck enjoying the view.

    This weekend will be easy to cut out. So perhaps.....
  • CosmoTI
    CosmoTI Posts: 42 Member
    ejb060793 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ejb060793 wrote: »
    Someone sent me a pretty nasty message earlier. In return, I ate 5 pieces of bacon (was going to be a pound but it burnt me and fell on the floor, and as mopey as I was, I won't eat floor bacon), grape juice (I've been drinking water only for quite a while, with the exception of an occasional glass of OJ) a big bowl of cereal (I didn't measure, but I guestimate it was 3 cups), and chicken tenders pan fried with mozzarella cheese. My normal 1000 - 1200 calories is pretty well shot. I tried to exercise to make up for it, but I just didn't want to. I'd rather go play a video game and sleep.

    Was the message from someone in MFP?

    Yeah, it was. I'm over it now, just took some time. The message was basically just saying that I am a "wanna be med student" and a bunch of other stupid crap. It was really rude and hurtful, but I realized that the user knows nothing about me as a person, and likewise I know nothing about them. For all I know, they could have just been having a horribly crappy day. And for anyone who is curious, after soaking in the tub, lady bits felt much better. I will be more cautious in regards to washing my hands after I touch any spicy foods.

    I know it's not easy but my advice is to ignore those people. Stupid people used to get to me until I realised how empty their lives must be that they can spare the time to write you a message to insult you. Imagine how sad they are that they sit at their computer all day conjuring up insults for people. Personally I'd rather be out doing positive things than searching for misery. Almost makes you feel sorry for them- if they weren't such 'no marks' (not sure if that's a scouse term or generally known but I think you'll all get the point).

    Despite that we are all allowed to feel sorry for ourselves and binge occasionally. As long as we realise why we are doing it it's progress in my opinion.

    On the other issue, suffice it to say I have done similar and feel your pain....
  • JaimusWilliams
    JaimusWilliams Posts: 84 Member
    Confession, I starve myself as much as I can during the week (mainly all veggies, some protein, etc, probably average 500 cals a day) and go to the gym two hours a day Monday through Friday, so I can drink alcohol and eat more fatty foods on the weekends and still lose weight. By Friday I feel like a zombie but that weekend is well worth it.
  • Sinnister78
    Sinnister78 Posts: 134 Member
    Confession, I starve myself as much as I can during the week (mainly all veggies, some protein, etc, probably average 500 cals a day) and go to the gym two hours a day Monday through Friday, so I can drink alcohol and eat more fatty foods on the weekends and still lose weight. By Friday I feel like a zombie but that weekend is well worth it.

    I've done this. We're probably all a guilty of this at some point in time.

  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    CosmoTI wrote: »
    ejb060793 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ejb060793 wrote: »
    Someone sent me a pretty nasty message earlier. In return, I ate 5 pieces of bacon (was going to be a pound but it burnt me and fell on the floor, and as mopey as I was, I won't eat floor bacon), grape juice (I've been drinking water only for quite a while, with the exception of an occasional glass of OJ) a big bowl of cereal (I didn't measure, but I guestimate it was 3 cups), and chicken tenders pan fried with mozzarella cheese. My normal 1000 - 1200 calories is pretty well shot. I tried to exercise to make up for it, but I just didn't want to. I'd rather go play a video game and sleep.

    Was the message from someone in MFP?

    Yeah, it was. I'm over it now, just took some time. The message was basically just saying that I am a "wanna be med student" and a bunch of other stupid crap. It was really rude and hurtful, but I realized that the user knows nothing about me as a person, and likewise I know nothing about them. For all I know, they could have just been having a horribly crappy day. And for anyone who is curious, after soaking in the tub, lady bits felt much better. I will be more cautious in regards to washing my hands after I touch any spicy foods.

    I know it's not easy but my advice is to ignore those people. Stupid people used to get to me until I realised how empty their lives must be that they can spare the time to write you a message to insult you. Imagine how sad they are that they sit at their computer all day conjuring up insults for people. Personally I'd rather be out doing positive things than searching for misery. Almost makes you feel sorry for them- if they weren't such 'no marks' (not sure if that's a scouse term or generally known but I think you'll all get the point).

    Despite that we are all allowed to feel sorry for ourselves and binge occasionally. As long as we realise why we are doing it it's progress in my opinion.

    On the other issue, suffice it to say I have done similar and feel your pain....

    Welcome fellow Brit. I'll be impressed if most people on here know what a Scouse is, but I understand you. Some people really have sad, little lives that they go to the effort of insulting strangers over the internet. Does it make them feel better I wonder? Who knows. Like you said, I almost pity them...almost. EJB, don't waste your grief bacon on such losers, glad you and your lady bits feel better now!
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Confession: Here is my ridiculous confession for today. I was craving something sweet, (pie) and went (via stairs) to 4 different vending machines in the building, until I found it! the glorious Mrs. Bairds Apple Pie! I inserted my dollar, punched the letter/number combo for the pie, and voila!! the machine gives me a roll of pep o mint life savers. (I hit the wrong letter) It was my last one dollar bill!!! It was like my subconscious was keeping me from having that 400 calorie pie. I am not even a fan of the pep o mint life savers!

    When my head started hurting during court today, I would have paid you a dollar for one Pep-o-mint life saver. I don't know why, but peppermint stops my headaches almost immediately.

    Shame I was not there! I would have given you the whole roll.