

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »

    Wow!!! This chatting really works, look how small you are!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    hey peeps, i don't know if i mentioned, today is the 19th anniversary of the date we met.... time flies!

    janetr, cute pic!!

    nite peeps
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sylvia ... Breathe! You have been doing the best you can with the information you have. Those children have no better advocate than you. Remember that!
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Checking in again after my son's last round of chemotherapy last week. He really struggled on Thursday and Friday and felt so hopeless. It was heartbreaking. I know he's in good hands with his medical team, but I feel so powerless. He was doing better yesterday and today, but had another infusion this afternoon so he's gone to bed early. Poor guy. One more infusion next week, then a new CT scan. Fingers crossed that these last two rounds of chemo were more effective than the first two were.

    The weekend was a little better, but I didn't make the best food choices. The strain wears me down and I gobble up whatever is easiest. I spent the time to write out dinner menus for the week on Saturday, so that is helping me at dinner time. Logging everything I eat is also reminding me of healthier choices I used to make since those are showing up in my list of choices. :-)

    Beautiful weather is helping me get my walking in. I went for two walks today!

    Sylvia, I hope the situation isn't as bad as you fear. And I hope the school psychologist can help you with your granddaughter. As a teacher I have worked with some excellent school counselors and social workers. Like everthing else in life, some are better than others. If she (or he) doesn't seem on target, they ought to be able to put you in touch with someone else who can help. It sounds like you and your son will need some outside help for some length of time.

    Prayers and hugs to you, and to all who need them. Do the best you can in any given moment, and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

    Polly in Virginia
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well I have learned that just because u have a coupon or because it tastes good you buy it... :o I have stuffed myself with junk and sabotaged myself to the point of feeling blimpy and barely fitting in my pants..
    I have to really get back in the game and make it a goal to lose weight and get healthy... I have clothes in my drawers that don't fit,and I will NOT go buy bigger ones...I am a sugar addict and have no willpower over it.
    So this is something I can change and I will.
    Keeping you all in my prayers...
    Love ya all.

    I rarely use coupons because usually the coupon is for a higher priced item that is needing "promoting". I do not shop eye level anymore. The best prices for stuff that I do need is either up way high, or down low. And even if it sounds like a good deal, a smaller size and buying two of them is still cheaper. And yep, my grocery list looks like a nightmare math problem... lol
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I’ve been doing some inner reflection the last couple of days. Many of you on this post have suffered health issues, abuse, issues with children, etc. You are all so strong! I read your stories and I can understand why you turned to food for comfort. The worst tragedy I have suffered in my life was the divorce of my parents when I was 19. And yet, I have let myself focus on every little bad thing in my life rather than all the good. I have used a busy schedule as an excuse to not exercise, and I satisfied my stress and self-pity with food. Well, today, I publicly declaring that my future is going to be filled with gratitude for all that is good in my life. Here is my new mantra.


    I’ve been reading all your posts but haven’t taken notes. There is so much to respond to but I spent all my time reading and no more time to type. Please know that I’m thinking of you all, I admire all of your strength, and I’m thankful to have found this group. <3


    Aw Linda, you are worth more respect than you give yourself friend... You put yourself first, because you have a right to be the best you, you can be. For many years I "settled" for what life gave me. I didn't speak up when I was feeling "invisible" from my husband. I used to be a victim in my own life, and let that negativity create its own power. Along with giving it power, I found out it zapped my energy. Its hard to keep negativity thriving within the body.
    So speak up when life gives you question marks
    Dance to your own drum whatever song it is...its yours and its really special!
    (((hugs)))) and like the mantra!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »

    aw....cute picture!!! Thanks for sharing
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Sylvia - OMG!!! Totally agree with DeeDee, only putting him away is much too light a sentence for me. Then again, by putting him away, he won't be there very long. One thing prisoners will not tolerate is anyone who harms a child. Sending you lots of hugs

    A friend of Vince's who used to work for Vince just caled, he's coming here this weekend. So is Jess. So I think we're going to have a baked ziti casserole on Sat. (she'll get here Fri night) for everyone, I'll have some tofu parm. then Jess will leave Sun and we'll have grilled pork chops. I'll make a chocolate ice water cake (never did that before) and also vanilla cupcakes (another new one for me) only instead of the icing that's called for, I'll probably just open a can (yuk). At least by doing that I can leave a few cupcakes without icing for me.

    DJ - hope your shoulder is better fast

    Becca - I use coupons if its something we use that's on sale, or if it's something that I normally use.

    Michele in NC
    who is watching the debate right now.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Nice TOPS meeting today. I was down 1 lb so I was happy! Came home and fixed a GREAT lunch (look on my food diary). Everyone was civil today, and we even had a new closing meeting song (which I harmonized to, and it was in my brain for the rest of the morning). So kiddos down to 230. I am so close to 220 I can TASTE it!!! Then 210 then onederland....
    the Oregonian that is transforming in front of yer very eyes....lol
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    edited September 2015
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    21,000 steps
    196 minutes of dog walking
    35 minutes on the exercise bike (first time in over two weeks)
    line dance class

    <3 hugs to everyone who is struggling---stay in the moment and take care of yourself

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    I need help with sticking to goals. I am too exhausted at the end of the work day to even think about exercise. I am too tired to think about calories and I sabotage the whole day almost every evening. I am a new empty nester and it is so much easier to stop for fast food than to go home and cook. I am healthy. My breakfast and lunch are nutritious and reasonable calories.
    It seems like everyone on this site loves to exercise and has endless energy.
    Is there anyone else with these issues???
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    well dim4mom I used to have that. Logging on to this site for 100+ days has made me realize that its easier to "settle" and not make yourself a priority. Just start with small goals for the first couple of weeks. For me it was easy stuff
    -logging on here every day and being accountable
    -going to sleep between 9-10pm
    -taking my vitamin every day
    -moving every day...doing something...anything really

    Then I just added more as the weeks went by. Cooking and buying your own food gets into your brain what you have to do, to eat healthy. The process of the chopping, etc can become theraputic actually. Like those cavewomen, we too can be great hunters and gatherer's of our food. When you eat a meal that you know will give you energy not put you to sleep is addictive! My meals are mostly veggies with meats thrown in for flavor. You can do this friend!
    your fan from Oregon!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia, my heart aches for your granddaughter. It sounds very possible that she has been mistreated. You and your son meeting with the school counselor is a great step. I wonder if you will also need legal advice regarding "visitations" with mom. She seems like a danger to her children because of her lifestyle and associates.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hi Friends!
    It’s taken me all week to catch up with you all.

    Katla: Thank you for sharing some of your Colorado time with me. Thoroughly enjoyed meeting your DH, too. Come back soon.

    Mary: Englewood is near where I live in Littleton, so give a shout if you’d like to meet up when you come visit family.

    Mare: Sounds like we’re neighbors. I live off of C-470 and Bowles, close to Red Rocks. Welcome to our friendly online community.

    Lillian: I hope your back heals up quickly. Do you share your salsa recipe?

    Joyce: High five on losing fifteen. Hope Charlie rehabs quickly. Hope you'll have help at home.

    Heather: Glad your DDIL and the baby are okay. DGD in her bunny sweater…precious. You are so courageous to write your memoir, pain points and all.

    CathyMacLain: Welcome. I hope you are a good safe distance away from the NoCal fires.

    Michele: Please wish Vince a quick recovery from me. I agree with all the others who said you have to take care of YOU. Don’t forget about having a vinegar flavored item to curb the cravings for sweets. You taught me that.

    Beth: I’m proud of you for not stress eating. I will pray for your serenity and for your son to get on track to good health.

    Barbie: Sorry about Jake’s daughter. However, I’m jealous over having time alone at home.

    Sylvia: What a horrible scenario to have playing through your mind (shuddering and shaking my head)…I hope the school counselor has good suggestions for next steps to assure the safety of your grandkids.

    Linda: Your mantra is superb! I may borrow it.

    Janet: Great picture. Where is that giant chair?

    DJ: I hope the Vicodin helps you get a pain free, full night’s sleep.

    GodMomKim: Hope to hear from you soon – thinking of you whenever I hear about the fires in NorCal. Hope you are okay.

    Well, it’s past my bedtime, and the four-legged alarm clock will be getting me up at 4:50 tomorrow AM. G'night all. Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
    Goals for September and Progress to Date:
    • Burn 2300 calories per week in the gym – on target
    • Eat mindfully - 50percent
    • Meditate 3x per week – on target
    • Call someone once a week just to check in – failing miserably
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Rori - here is my salsa recipe

    10 cups tomatoes (Roma - cut up or use blender)
    2 green peppers
    2 red pepper
    1 yellow pepper
    1 large onion
    4 gloves garlic (I buy the already crushed in a jar - less mess and saves time.
    I cut and chunk the above stuff, some people put in blender. All depends on if you like chunky or not.

    1/4 cup salt
    1 cup vinegar
    1 tbs chili powder

    then for the heat.... jalapeno peppers, or whichever heat you want.. Cut them up or put in blender, add some of the seeds because that is where the heat comes from. My DIL used habanero peppers, some use banana peppers. If it is too hot then make another batch and blend them.

    Boil down.

    Then add 2 - 3 tbs of cornstarch (mixed with water of course) cook until thick

    I heat my jars and lids - so they seal as everything cools down. I don't put in a canner or pressure cooker. I haven't had any spoil yet.

    Makes 6 pints

    I don't peel my tomatoes - buy the time they are chunked or if put in a blender the skin is ground up too...


    Lillian in west Central Saskatchewan
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Rori - I will let you know what our plans are. I would like to meet you!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    DLM4MOM - Sounds familiar! know what to do and do well during the day but shoot myself in the foot by stress eating when get home. Trying to cut out sugar, but anything that's in the house..... Good about exercising though. Working on getting back to basics, as off track last few weeks.
    Sylvia - Prayers for your DGD, hope it didn't go past grooming.
    Lisa - hope your backside is doing better. There's those cutout cushions to keep the pressure off when you're sitting,??
    Goodnight to all you lovely ladies

    Linda in Calif
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2015
    Sylvia - not sure if I saw your friends booth, we saw so many beautiful things. I'm so sorry to read of the situation with your granddaughter. Unfortunately I too have had close experience with this kind of situation. My grandson was sexually abused by an older neighbor kid starting when he was only seven, it was almost three years before my daughter was aware of it. They live in a different state from me. It is heart breaking and I've cried an ocean of years. I will be praying for her and you and the family. Hang in there. They all will need your strengh and love to get through, but you a ll CAN do it. Biggest (((( hugs)))) ever.

    Janetr OKC still in Branson for a few days
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    6 days… I’m back…. Scanning… been thinking of you!

    Yoga – so I did one day and loved it, the second class was today, I missed it.. dealing with gathering stuff for fire victims, and just could not fit everything in at once…

    So California has been burning – the Valley fire is about 3 hours north of me – 2 friends evacuated – most likely have no home to go back too - the Butte fire is about 2 hours east of me, 4 friends affected – one evacuated and then let back in, 2 on standby to evacuate if needed and one we can’t get a hold of- but that is not really a worry as she rarely is easy to get a hold of. There are lots and lots of folks in evacuation shelters, and many of us are donating cash, food, household goods… there is a huge yard sale (tag sale) happening here to raise money so I have gathered up what I could. I am in a city area so don’t really worry about my own space, but it is hard to have folks who have or could lose everything.

    While some of you are getting ready for fall and winter, this is the worst part of our fire season, in the “average year” we will get rain after Halloween. So there are 6 more weeks of wild fire season. It was cool today(65-70) but is supposed to be above 95 degrees here by Saturday /Sunday and in the same in the fire areas.

    Please send good thoughts to all in the fire areas.

    Mindy – my mom has a joke about going to bed with Ben Gay,

    Tammy – welcome

    Tracie – Congrats on surviving and I too am learning to quilt, but I have the sewing part figured out.

    Linda and others commenting on 9/11 – it is a day that is sad and heart warming, sad for what was lost, and heart warming to see us come together as “family”

    Rita – loved your comment about taking Levi in a carrier, he is 54 lbs of go go go….

    Becca - Hip Hip Hooray on weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Carol – congrats on getting back in your own bed!

    Heather – thinking of you, DS, DDIL and DGC… take care. ***Later Good news and a great pic!

    Computer Backups - So I use a company called Carbonite – It backs up my computer and my external hard drive while I am on the internet. No remembering, no process, it just does it. It costs about $60 usd a year, and is worth every penny. I lost my hard drive once and within a couple of hours of getting a new hard drive everything! Yes everything was restored.

    Carey – wow… sending ((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))

    Rori and Katla – Glad you two could get together!

    Lillian – Pear pie?! Can I have the recipe? Pretty please!

    Pip and Kirby (or Kip as someone typo’d) Great job on the ride, and taking care of each other!

    Terri – great job – the boys needed to see how to go and ask what they could do to help…

    Mindy – Wow what a story you have, and yes I can still be your friend, and feel honored to be considered a friend.

    Margaret – your son has made the first of many big steps. Understanding and accountability are huge!
    Michele – sending good thoughts and hugs to you and Vince! It is amazing to me that hospital food is as bad as it usually is…

    Sylvia – it sounds like your DGD is hiding her feelings, grades, food…hmmm…. Maybe a few visits with a counselor could help? **** Later**** Oh dear! Miriam tagged it, I was hoping she was wrong…

    Lisa – what a whirl wind life you lead, the health issues sound gross, but glad there is help. I feel so sad for Abraham, girlfriend and baby….

    September Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles
    Log everyday –
    Twice a week do floor exercises
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 –
    W2 – went hiking, took a yoga class
    W3 – went hiking
    W4 –
    W5 -
    Kim from N. California
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    I have been keeping up on reading all the posts, just not time to post much. We'll be home some time this weekend. Then I'll need to get all my hospital pre-admission tests done and get ready for my left knee replacement surgery on the 29th of September. I'll be glad when it's over.

    I love this group of terrific ladies, keeping you all in my thoughts. Hang tuff, we can do this together. <3

    Janetr OKC