
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Rori - Silver Dollar City, MO..
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    morning ladies~
    have a load of laundry in and had a banana and a cup of tea.. going for a walk in a bit and then will go see DFIL then have to be back here for the countertop guys...
    Sylvia~ I am with everyone else, hope your son can get help for his daughter and find his ex's scumbag boyfriend and lock his *kitten* up...
    going to try and bake some stuff for the hubby for snacks
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,603 Member
    edited September 2015
    Love all you ladies! :love:

    Michele - I can absolutely understand you being exhausted! Last week just worrying about the coming baby and trying to appear "normal" at the party just knocked me for six. I hope now things will settle down and Vince will gather strength and confidence. You make a great couple. :flowerforyou:

    Becca - you are doing so well on the weight loss. Here's to the fast approaching Onederland! :drinker:

    Rori - Happy travelling! <3

    Janetr - Adore the photo! :flowerforyou: So sorry to hear about your grandson. I must say I would rather have DIED than admit to what was going on with me. The shame is overwhelming. You take it all on yourself. I even went for assessment to Child Guidance as I was stealing and exposing myself at school and he did not detect it. Said it was just because I was "too intelligent" for my age. :o:o:noway: I never told anyone for years.
    GOOD LUCK with the knee op! :flowerforyou:

    Kim - so sorry to hear about your friends and all the other people who are suffering so badly. Awful situation. (((HUGS)))

    Sylvia - (((BIG HUGS ))) :flowerforyou:

    Love to everyone who is struggling and congratulations to all those with victories. :love:

    My victory this morning is to ask DH to take himself to the cricket so my morning routine doesn't get thrown off course and I can get on with my typing. He was a bit put out, but I'm glad I made that choice. Now to my memoir!

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,808 Member
    edited September 2015
    Terri here. My goal for 2015 is to lose 1 lb per week. I am currently on track. I will be 70 in April 2016 and would like to fitter and healthier.

    I live in a seaside town near Belfast in Northern Ireland. @Lagopus is one of my MFP friends, so when I was browsing the threads and saw her name I thought I would like to join y'all.

    My August goals were focused on making sure I was a fit as possible for my proposed hip op in September. It was a hard slog but I did okay. Surprised myself with what I was able to do. Overall since last August I had lost 39 lbs. I have put on some after my surgery, but it is shifting as I become more active.
    • I had previously successfully completed a number of monthly weight loss challenges.
    • I started to pre-plan my daily intake and stepped up my physical activity, especially in Strength and Flexibilty.
    • In July I joined the 10 Week Game of Thrones Challenge. What an eye-opener. I knew my competitive streak would kick in. I was able to complete Weeks 1 - 9 before I was admitted to hospital.
    • I started posting daily goals on Just for Today
    • I took control of my mindless snacking late at night and posted on the No Late Night Snacking in August thread.
    I had no idea how addictive adrenaline could be. I love the accountability and motivation of these challenges.

    My September goals are simple.
    • Recover from my hip operation on 4th September.
    • Continue daily physio sessions
    • Continue to pre-plan menus/stick to plan
    • Drink > 2,000 ml of liquids daily
    • Build up daily steps to > 5000
    • Finish eating at 9 pm weekdays/9.45 pm weekends
    • Weigh < 171 lbs (my weight the day before the op) I put on 10 lbs with water retention etc. have already lost 5 of them.

    I am confident that I will achieve these goals.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,808 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    I have been keeping up on reading all the posts, just not time to post much. We'll be home some time this weekend. Then I'll need to get all my hospital pre-admission tests done and get ready for my left knee replacement surgery on the 29th of September. I'll be glad when it's over.

    I love this group of terrific ladies, keeping you all in my thoughts. Hang tuff, we can do this together. <3

    Janetr OKC

    Good luck with the surgery, Janet. I know I felt very happy to have my surgery done. Just concentrating on rehab now.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Good morning!

    Better start to the day today. Son went to work last night ... Didn't feel well and had a hard time ... But got through it. No push back on the cpap last night, although I haven't checked yet how long he wore it. And he got up without incident this morning and went to school.

    I managed to stay within calorie goals last night but would have liked to have made healthier choices. I always feel better with my own cooking and we ended up eating out.

    Coupons ... Rarely use them anymore except for a few paper/cleaning products. You notice there are never coupons for fresh produce or meat! I purchase very little processed food and when I do it's usually not a name brand.

    Ok ... Why is hospital food bad?? Seriously, of all places to encourage health eating, why is the food horrid? It doesn't have to be. Lisa ... Wanna tackle hospital food service next?

    Lilian ... Thanks for the salsa recipe ... I'm going to try it!

    Well ... A busy day with my OTHER son and his problems....

    Have a good one
  • relater2000
    relater2000 Posts: 43 Member
    terri_mom wrote: »

    Now, to stay on track once I get home. My choices are limited by my prep, but I still don’t have to eat everything in sight just because it is allowed.

    Terri in Milwaukee

    Isn't that the truth! I am seeing progress in my own eating. I am not buying things (like candy bars) so that I can go home and pig out. I am not altogether there yet but I am seeing changes in my own approach. Last night I was at a dinner at church, and even though I ate more than I should, I didn't eat as much as I have in the past. I even left some of my dessert in my bowl...hard for me not to clean out every last drop!!

    Elaine in Lansing
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    NSV- I bought ice cream at the store yesterday, and after having a meat patty and broccoli for dinner forgot that it was in the freezer! Usually ice cream is hard to resist!

    Sylvia, I am so sorry. Your grand-daughter is going to need lots of support and messages that it was NOT HER FAULT! The more she can talk about it, especially while doing activities that use both sides of the body, the less impact it will have. Using both sides of the body gets the thinking side of the brain engaged as well as the emotional side and can help lessen the trauma of abuse. The eye movement therapy using this is the only proven treatment for PTSD. So talking about it while hopping, or tossing a small ball from one hand to the other, does the same with kids. Maybe some of the other survivors here have some other ideas of things that would have helped them. I am just sick for your grand-daughter.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of Amy Bento Kettlebell Power workout. That DVD was just OK. The plan for tomorrow is to do a step aerobics DVD

    Put a load of laundry in before I went downstairs to exercise, when I came up it was ready for the dryer, which is where it is now

    Have to volunteer at the Green Room, then need to stop at CVS to get Loki's med and Vince's. Then I'll go to Aldi and get things for this weekend.

    dlm - Yes, I do like to exercise. But I also find that I usually make my dinners for the next week on the Sunday. This way if the food is already prepared, I don't want to waste it, so I don't feel the need to go to a fast food place. I try to have mostly veggies and just a bit of meat. I'm just not a big fan of red meat. Not that I won't eat it, I'm just not a fan of it.

    Rori - I usually have just vinegar on my salad. I guess I have a salad just about every night. I put whatever I want to use up in that, sometimes okra, mushrooms, cukes, romaine lettuce, egg white (there's just something about the texture of the yolk that I don't care for), avocado, beans sometimes tuna or salmon. But that vinegar does help with the sweet cravings. I sometimes will have my tofu/cocoa mixture just to have something in the evening that also helps with the sugar cravings. Vince was pretty tired yesterday. Totally understandable, not moving much in the hosp and the pressure they did to his heart. But he seems to be doing well. I do think that this probably took care of it.

    Lillian - your salsa recipe sounds delish

    janetr - really hope all goes well with the surgery

    terriR - As you get closer to goal it might be harder to lose that one pound, but DO NOT GIVE UP. We're all there. Welcome! Congrats on your loss so far. Love your goals and achievements. You sound very motivated, I'm sure you'll reach your goals

    Beth - how right you are that there are never coupons for fresh fruit or meats or even veges. Occasionally I do come across a coupon for milk and eggs, but that's about IT. Hey, what a great idea to have Lisa tackle hospital food. At least with her at the helm it'll be edible.

    miriam - good job forgetting that ice cream, but why did you buy it in the first place?

    Becca - many times I find that two of a smaller sized item with my coupon is cheaper than one of the larger size. Crazy, but true. It's especially good if that item is on sale. Yup, the items I want are usually on the higher or lower shelves. And they wonder why there's an obesity epidemic??? I personally think that the price of a fast food should be in correlation to the amount of calories it contains. Higher calories - higher price. Then you'll probably see people eating healthier foods

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :) About hospital food...the cafeteria at our local hospital has such good food that for several years we met a large group of friends there for both Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. Unfortunately,it would be a long drive for any of you to come here for hospital procedures.
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    Same location as my last pic, different day. Love the morning walks!
    Maryann in Michigan
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Michele, kids in the house and one is too skinny (on generic long acting ritalin so no appetite). I am supposed to make her shakes to add weight.
  • LaurelSTX
    LaurelSTX Posts: 4 Member
    Good Morning, Young Ladies. This is Laurel, from the U.S. Virgin Islands. STX is the commonly used abbreviation for St. Croix, so I might use that from time to time. I moved here almost two and a half years ago from Phoenix, Arizona, which is why my user name is "LaurelinAZ" (Laurel in AZ).

    I lost my routine yesterday because of a handy man being in the house, and among other things, I didn't do my zumba practice in the livingroom. At 2pm I suddenly realized I hadn't had a single glass of water, and my lovely gallon pitcher of cold ginger-lime water was untouched. I proceeded to drink the gallon of water between 2pm and 11pm, then went to bed. Can anyone guess what I did all night? Haha!

    I have nothing to feed my family for supper tonight, so at some point I'll have to go on a scavenger hunt. There is a local farmer who raises grass-fed Senepol cattle, and they have a little shop out near the rainforest. On the way there is my regular farm stand, but because we've had a terrible drought in the Caribbean this year, the local produce hasn't been great. I prefer not to use the larger grocery stores, because their produce tends to be old. The suppliers are under investigation right now for possibly passing off "seconds" to the consumers. It is fun living here, but there are also some really quirky aspects, too.

    I hope you all have a beautiful day, and meet all your goals.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    waiting on the countertop people supposed to be here between 8:30-9 and its almost 10... gee isnt that unusual.... :| going to try and post a few pictures of the kitchen so far...ko0mli20pdg1.jpg
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    sorry not the ones with countertops ,but you get the idea...
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I didn't feel well yesterday and just read 100 posts to catch up. I'm going to respond only to two this time because the subjects are so close to me.

    Beth - You know that I went through similar struggles with my son all through high school (except his was stomach issues). After doing my best to advocate for him for those years and making sure that he graduated on time, his health issues suddenly "disappeared" after he got to college. He even had the audacity to tell me that we (meaning me, teachers, counselors, etc.) babied him through high school and that it was making him struggle with classes at college. If I had it to do over again, I may have let him fail and live with the consequences. It is such a struggle and there reaches a point where they do have to make their own choices. Maybe you could ask him if he'd like for you to continue to treat him like a child and monitor his every move with the appropriate consequences of not being allowed to drive, go out with friends, keeping his door open at night for you to check on the cpap, etc, or would he like to take responsibility for himself in preparation for being on his own next year. If not wearing the cpap is truly causing his migraines, then he should learn pretty quickly that being compliant with health dictations will only make him feel better. Just my two cents worth...

    Sylvia - I was sexually abused by multiple males as a child/teenager. Even if this man has not touched her sexually, he may have said things to her that caused damage. If he has done/said something, he has threatened someone she loves; that may be the first thing everyone needs to reassure her of is that the adults around her who love her will make sure he can't get to her or to anyone else to cause more harm. Police should definitely be involved regardless of whether he actually did anything or not. I think the laws are pretty much the same across the country about convicted sex offenders being in proximity to children. (Also, it proves the mother is just as incompetent as you've claimed.) The inappropriate clothing could be a sign that she is trying to be "sexy" because it gets attention and/or that is all she feels she is worth. Overeating, as someone else said, is an attempt at self comfort and to make herself unattractive. My first thought about her wanting to be alone in the apartment was that she had food or other contraband hidden that she wanted to get to, or that she just needed a moment alone to breathe instead of putting on a "happy face" for everyone. As far as BO, that's sort of normal for that age group in a way. Although I do remember pretending to take a shower when I was around that age. As a grandmother who obviously loves these children beyond infinity, my biggest advice is to take it seriously and reassure her of your love and acceptance of her no matter what she does AND, get her into some sort of counseling; many places will offer discounted rates--especially for children. I sit here with tears for her and for you. Again, my two cents worth from experience and teaching others to prevent and detect abuse in children... Oh, and be careful about accusing her of lying about anything because it can make her feel that you already think she is a liar and you won't believe her if she tells the truth. Arrrrggghhhh!!!! Why are humans so despicable?!

    A very worried Carol in NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    edited September 2015
    Allison, love the kitchen! I like the way some cabinets go all the way to the ceiling and some don't. I especially like that cabinet to the right of the fridge. Pantry? The floors look a lot like mine. The color and design are very practical for not showing dirt. Can't wait to see the countertops.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    I have been keeping up on reading all the posts, just not time to post much. We'll be home some time this weekend. Then I'll need to get all my hospital pre-admission tests done and get ready for my left knee replacement surgery on the 29th of September. I'll be glad when it's over.

    I love this group of terrific ladies, keeping you all in my thoughts. Hang tuff, we can do this together. <3

    Janetr OKC

    Good luck with the surgery, Janet. I know I felt very happy to have my surgery done. Just concentrating on rehab now.

    Thanks so much Terri. I had the right knee replaced the end of January and I did great. So just looking forward to the left doing the same. Hope rehab continues well with your hip.

    Janetr OKC
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member