

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Pip and Janetr (happy birthday) – you are healing nicely. Common to look worse before it looks better. Keep up the healthy and strong attitudes.

    Lisa – thanks for the chicken crock pot recipe. I will try that next week for sure (already have taco fixings for this week).

    – nice shopping trip. I went to Goodwill Friday evening and raked it in, too. 2 tanks and 2 pairs of black pants for DS, 7 polo shirts for both of us (he’s between a M and L, I like mine XL, but he chose by style or name brand, not size), then a cute pair of pink Nike’s for me. All for $73 total.

    – Every time I see about the floods on the news I think about you and everyone else who live in those areas. I’m glad you are not affected. Hugs and prayers for further protection.

    – The line dancing cartoon is SO cute. Hugs that things keep getting better for both you and Charlie.

    Becca – Thanks for being mushy. I’m honored to be a part of your life. Keep taking care !

    Beth – I agree about early morning football. I also can’t believe it took over Thursday evenings. I rarely have time to relax in front of the TV, and there is so much football. Same at my house with baseball and basketball, so not like I’m surprised. But it was nice to hear the England National Anthem; she was a good singer.

    Katla – thanks for the laugh about “Custody” of you. When the schizophrenia kicked in strong with my middle sister, my DD and younger sister and I used to text “Tag, you’re it” to each other, trying to decide who would be her next caretaker. They both won; she never left my house. // Hugs and luck for the traffic.

    Lillian – when I lived in the “boonies” in Minnesota for about a year, I kept small rocks in my laundry room and in my car, just in case a raccoon or something was blocking my walk from house to car (they never seemed afraid of the horn). I hope you make the decision that is right for you.

    Heather - so sorry about being hacked. It is such a pain to get everything fixed. Hugs !

    - I look forward to hearing about the Royal Horse Gala.

    Mary – Hugs for your family !

    Allison – Hugs for your day Sunday. If that were my mother or grandmother I would want someone to bring that to the attention of someone who can make a difference. It sounds to me like he is looking for reason’s to complain. I’m proud of how strong you were to him. Keep taking care of you ! ! !

    Becca – I believe there is a difference between demanding respect and commanding respect. I believe you command it more often than demand. I am the same way, except I make it visible to my husband by wearing the tiara. A few years ago he pulled away from me, and I allowed it to happen, then I caught him “just in time”, so he never fully crossed the line of no return. Now, when I see him moving away from me, I tell him what is he or is not doing, and start behaving like a goddess or princess or whatever you want to call me, and he starts treating me like a wife again instead of like a roommate. It’s tough, but it sometimes needs to be done. I like a Pam Tillis song “Shake the Sugar Tree”.

    Maryann – Congrats on your walk-a-thon !

    Joyce – ? do the ones that are like underwear tear-off to contain the mess as opposed to dragging it down the legs? Whatever he finds most comfortable would be my best guess. When my grandpa needed them only the tabs were available. // when the microwave situation happened to my sister I scrubbed it with baking soda, and stored wet baking soda in it overnight. Good luck !

    – many hugs for your day. Just keep doing the best that you can right now.

    DH and I purchased a new mattress a few years ago. We decided on the memory foam. It sometimes get warm, but not too bad to be bothersome. We can rarely notice each other getting in or out, or rolling over. I also love our flannel sheets year round.

    I guess my 4 deep fried mushrooms yesterday should be considered an NSV, because this time last year I would have eaten the entire basket, plus had my share of cheese curds. I just wish I had the foresight to have brought my own coffee or tea, instead of drinking the Mountain Dew. Well, lesson learned, because I really had limited calories for supper.

    Today I rode the bike for 15 minutes before work and 10 minutes during lunch. I am also taking the long way around the office to get places, and not using my phone to record those steps. I can see the difference in the mirror, and a co-worker noticed that the arms of my shirts look too big, so I am re-energizing my enthusiasm. Yay !!!

    My Dad and I each won 2 more tickets for the Natalie Cole Christmas Concert, so I can take both of my co-workers (maybe even all 3, we'll have to see how many people my Dad wants to invite).

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • nadler64
    nadler64 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi gang - lurk a lot but rarely post. You're all an inspiration! :)

    I must be nuts: for some extra motivation, I just signed up for a virtual Ironman in November. It's for a fundraiser. Basically you do the equivalent of an Ironman triathlon, but you spread it out over a month (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run or walk). I can fit the swim and run/walk in easily, but I have to ramp up my biking over the next few weeks so I have the legs (and time) to do 112 miles. Wish me luck...

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well last night was a strange one. I had a great day, eating well. Then I went to bed at 10pm, but couldn't fall asleep. Just thinking about all I wish to clean but not having the gumtion(sp?) to do it. Then since I had drunk..(ok that sounds wrong), all my water, I was peeing alot during the night. Then SINCE I was up my pre-mentalpausal self would flash from head to toe. Its like a FUZZY HEAT like I have just stepped into a sauna. It makes me get a headache! Oh the joy of my female plumbing shutting down....*long sigh*. Well I thought it might be because I was hungry...(my belly was talking to me). So I got up at 12 PM and had a bowl of cereal. Then I watched some Natl. Geographic show on phosphorus areas in the ocean...the size of Conn! Mindless dribble at midnight!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Heather feel your pain we were hacked this summer. DH decided after hacking needed to go on Windows 10. Now I deal with computer freeze when I use our main computer.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    With a houseful of cats, I cannot do traditional jigsaws, but I do one or more of these a day. Note that you can set the number of pieces on the puzzle you choose.

    h2616.gif Miriam, the last time I did a real jigsaw puzzle was at an RV rally with friends....you are right that doing a puzzle in a house with cats is impossible....I checked out the site. It looks great
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Becca in Oregon – When I read about your soup I indulged in a pleasant little fantasy where you lived closer to me so that I could buy a CSA and give you the excess veggies. Occasionally I would toss in a chicken and you would then make soup and give me a portion or 2 to take to work and keep the rest as your “pay” for cooking. You can even come over to my house and do your laundry while cooking. I’m sure we can work out a fair exchange.

    How exciting to have all of the “kids” home at one time. Have a wonderful visit.

    Chris in MA -
    Mia, great job at the Salvation Army store, or Sally's as we affectionately call it here. Don't you just love it went you get home and empty all those bags and see how little you spent for so much? I got my winter coat there the end of last winter when they had a sale. Spent $15 on a brand new reversable coat. Gotta love it!

    Oooo. What a great bargain on the coat. Yup, I love seeing my new to me clothes and knowing I didn’t spend a fortune on them. Give me money for indulgences rather than clothes.

    Mia in MI

    October goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Weigh and measure all food that I prepare at home
    Get at least 15 min per day of aerobic exercise
    64 oz. water (or what counts as water for my program) daily

    Word for the month - PERSEVERE

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @miakoda40 I HAVE that fantasy tooo... heehee... I would love to all live next to you all!!! We could have sidewalks put in from house to house, when we have walker races... To live in a community that the barter system works like clockwork, heaven! The neighbor I lived with did that. I would make banana bread and come over to their place with two huge slices for one of their tomatoes. :-) Thanks for the offer to use your washer and dryer. I used to have a washer and dryer in the rental house we had in CA. I will never under appreciate those machines EVER.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Teresa from AZ and other newbies: Welcome!

    Irish Terri: My Dad served in the South Pacific in WW2, but his brother was stationed somewhere in England. I knew the Blitzkrieg targeted London. Did the Nazis also have other targets? I wasn't aware of the long period of rationing after the war. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: I take Centrum Silver for Women plus Citracal and Vitamin D3. Citracal and D3 are intended to help keep me away from osteoporosis, but my last bone scan showed increased osteopenea, which is the precursor to osteoporosis. I read medical articles on the net, most of which were from NIH, and adjusted doses. What I'm taking now includes loads more D3 and less Citracal than I was taking before. I sent the info off to my doctor and she hasn't sent back any dire warnings. No news, however, is no news. It will be a year or two before the next bone scan. :ohwell: I hope this makes a difference in the right direction. :flowerforyou:

    DJ: I agree with your advice to Joyce SD, "I hear you about trying to lose weight and ending up heavier than when you started. The thing for me is when I did that it was because I went on a diet. When I reached my goal, I’d go off my diet and here came the weight. This time I am not on a diet but a new lifelong journey. When I reach my goal I will continue the journey and just make small adjustments until I find the right was to eat and maintain. I have never been able to lose 60 pounds on a diet but have done it with this new healthy lifestyle. And I’m not finished yet. We can do this so for sure, don’t give up." :flowerforyou:

    terri_mom: I spent the night at DS's house trying out his memory foam mattress. I guess I've never slept on one before and I found the lack of motion when I moved to be quite different from anything else I've tried. I slept well and woke up without a backache. It is a possible next choice for us. :flowerforyou:

    LPN: Good luck with your Iron-woman competition. I think it is a great idea to spread it out over a month's time. That will be healthier for most of us than the all at once torture event. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: "Pre-mentalpausal!" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I LOVE your sense of humor. :heart:

    DD has decided her resignation date and will be moving in with her DMIL & DFIL in Illinois this fall. She would like me to take a road trip with her from CO to IL, and visit fun places along the way. The time for this trip would be the end of October. I am trying to figure out whether I can manage it personally and financially. My heart is breaking that she will be moving even farther away from our home, and I worry about the long term outcomes of this decision. I don't have the room in my home to make a similar offer and the only thing I can do is come to terms with the situation. I would appreciate wisdom and advice, including practical advice on possible weather and travel conditions.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    Stats for the day:
    Spin- 47min 97ar, 100aw, 9-10g alternate every other song 22.5mi = 422c
    walk dome 2 hm- 39.36min, 3.8mph pace 106ahr, 131mhr = 263c
    Total cal 685
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    WOW When the hell did it become Monday??? I thought it was just Friday! How do the days go by so quickly?

    I didn't get here all weekend, we were crazy busy.

    Something happened to the bad knee today, I went to step down on it and something in the back of it snapped and down I went to the ground. The pain was intense, but after about 10 minutes, was mostly gone so I did my 10 minute morning walk....very gingerly. I got another 10 minute walk in, but that was all I could manage today, so this will have to be my one "day off" exercise during the week.

    Well high fives all around and hugs to those who need them. I do think of you every day even if I don't get here! Striving to meet my 9000 step goal; I'm getting up during ads while I make the grocery list and half-listen to the football game. Take care all, Meg from fall-ish Omaha.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Carol/crose0056, Welcome. Good for you on starting over and your loss. This time when you get to your goal, change your diet but don’t go back to your old ways of eating.  Please tell us a bit about yourself to help us get to know you. If you would, please post a location or Initial with your name as we have another Carol. Come often and join right in.

    Beth, yes please use a step ladder this year and be careful. I wonder where yannie is too.

    Heather, I hope the worry sessions help you both get over all the hub bub.

    , good for you in being the wearer of the crown! Sometimes we do have to command the respect that we deserve. Congrats on winning more tickets. You are the bomb!!!

    LPN, way to go on singing up for the Iron Man. Good luck, lady!!!

    MNMargaret, do you think the Windows 10 is causing the freeze up? I still haven’t downloaded it.

    Becca, you mentioned a washer and dryer. I just talked to my DD who moved to Oregon a year and a half ago. She has not had a washer and dryer but has ordered one that is being delivered tomorrow. Yeah! It’s been so long since I had to use a laundromat that I can’t even imagine.

    Katla, my DD moved all the way across the country to Oregon over a year and a half ago. She has always been very independent but has also always lived within a couple of hours of us. I miss her terribly. We talked today about her visiting sometime around the holidays or in January or February. I did drive with her to the west coast and it was a memorable trip. I hope you can make the drive with your daughter. I’d think you would be safe in October but you never know?

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I made a pot of chili late yesterday and had some for lunch today. Yum. I hope I have some left to take with me on Thursday when I check in an ocean front hotel for a convention. We have a kitchenette so I take food for all but one meal that will be in the restaurant. It seems like the rain is pretty much over or at least the heavy stuff. Gosh I feel for all the people who had water in their homes. By the end of the week it might even be beach weather, but we did get lots of erosion with the weather.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    DD has decided her resignation date and will be moving in with her DMIL & DFIL in Illinois this fall. She would like me to take a road trip with her from CO to IL, and visit fun places along the way. The time for this trip would be the end of October. I am trying to figure out whether I can manage it personally and financially. My heart is breaking that she will be moving even farther away from our home, and I worry about the long term outcomes of this decision. I don't have the room in my home to make a similar offer and the only thing I can do is come to terms with the situation. I would appreciate wisdom and advice, including practical advice on possible weather and travel conditions.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
    <3 Katla, I have no personal experience with what you are going through but I am going to share the spiritual principles that have helped me through some life experiences that were possibly as painful as what is going on with your daughter.
    *be grateful for what is right in her life and yours and that she has found a solution for a major problem
    *come from a place of love--let her know about your love and support for her at this difficult time
    *stay in the moment--don't lapse into fear about the future, just take care of what you need to for today
    *do your homework--check your finances and other factors about taking the trip with her
    *don't take things personally--she has put other factors ahead of your desire to have her near you, but that isn't a dismissal of you
    *it is what it is---start with accepting that this is happening so you can be balanced in your next steps

    <3 Barbie
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good night, everyone!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Meg I am not sure could be other things too. I am just frustrated because we have had so much going on here and I asked DH to wait because I did not want to deal with another thing I had to adjust to. He did not listen. Getting to the photos I want to post is not as straight forward as Windows 7 and other minor irritating things. He says in the long run we will be better off. We"ll see.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member

    So, I rode my little girl yesterday because no one ever rides her. She was insane. We jogged and trotted and galloped, everything but a walk. She was on fire. She was a blast. I had so many steps recorded on my fitbit after the ride and it felt like I'd actually walked them. Since my calorie count was so low for the last two days, and because of all the steps I'd had (real steps) I decided to weigh myself even though I'd just weighed myself 2 days ago. I was shocked that I'd lost another 2.4 pounds. I was hoping to be down to 180 by Saturday, and now I think like the kids say, "I've got this." I was 181 today. Hard to believe that 26 days ago I was 194.6. In fact, today I rode her again and my calorie count was down again - - - but I will not weigh myself until Thursday. That will be the end of my 30 days of Dr. Phil's 20/20 diet.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Will try to be quick. Not feeling good today. It has been good till afternoon. Learning to live with diabetes.

    DJ. It was My fitness Pal that assigned me that number.

    I am going to bed early. Wish everyone a good evening.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2015
    Oh goodness, a bit of a rough day. Apparently, due to having a gastric bypass about two years ago, my body is not processing the pain meds properly. So working with the surgeon on pain management.

    Therefore, if in a drugged stupor, I told any one (DJ?) that today is my birthday, it is not. My birthday is November 5th. However, It IS my 6th wedding anniversary. I got beautiful red roses from the greatest husband ever, Jack. He has shown and given me love that I had began to believe did not really exist other than in the movies or fairytales.

    Thank you all for the wonderful non-birthday wishes. I will look forward to them again next month. However, I do draw the line at adding two years on to my age in the space of one month. Ha!

    Janetr OKC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    Katla49 wrote: »

    DD has decided her resignation date and will be moving in with her DMIL & DFIL in Illinois this fall. She would like me to take a road trip with her from CO to IL, and visit fun places along the way. The time for this trip would be the end of October. I am trying to figure out whether I can manage it personally and financially. My heart is breaking that she will be moving even farther away from our home, and I worry about the long term outcomes of this decision. I don't have the room in my home to make a similar offer and the only thing I can do is come to terms with the situation. I would appreciate wisdom and advice, including practical advice on possible weather and travel conditions.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
    <3 Katla, I have no personal experience with what you are going through but I am going to share the spiritual principles that have helped me through some life experiences that were possibly as painful as what is going on with your daughter.
    *be grateful for what is right in her life and yours and that she has found a solution for a major problem
    *come from a place of love--let her know about your love and support for her at this difficult time
    *stay in the moment--don't lapse into fear about the future, just take care of what you need to for today
    *do your homework--check your finances and other factors about taking the trip with her
    *don't take things personally--she has put other factors ahead of your desire to have her near you, but that isn't a dismissal of you
    *it is what it is---start with accepting that this is happening so you can be balanced in your next steps

    <3 Barbie

    I loved this so much I copied it and put it in a safe place where I can read it as often as needed. Thank you for the clear thinking and kind advice.
