Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @barb-- Yeah, I tend to quit when I eat something that's not easily searchable in the database or when I eat out at a restaurant that doesn't have nutrition info. However, I can still do my best to find something close when that happens. Fortunately, with most of the holiday gatherings out of the way, I should be able to stay on track. I've also gotten through all of the holiday treats, so nothing in the house to tempt me.

    @niki-- I like your walking challenge. My walking goal is to not let the frigid weather keep me from taking gunner on our daily walks. He's put on a few pounds over the holidays as well, so he probably needs it just as much as me.

    Given that we are all at different fitness levels with varying physical capabilities, should we each make a personal fitness challenge for January and post our progress here?

    Also, any thoughts about a nutrition challenge? Maybe we could each pick one food-related goal to post as well--personalized for our needs? Some suggestions = log everything or stay under calorie goal for a certain number of days for the month, or meet a particular macro goal--lower carbs, higher protein, lower sodium, etc.

    Saturday Success:
    I went to the gym and completed some core/weights plus a 2 mile tempo run, and I walked gunner even though it's freezing cold here. I also graded 4 more AP essays.

    On the other hand, I did not end up getting my car in for maintenance. They don't take appointments for oil changes, and when I tried calling this morning to see how busy they were, no one would pick up in the service dept. I took that as a sign that they were exceptionally busy, and will go another day.

    Running Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week.
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks.
    I will run an 8k twice.

    You vs Year Challenge:
    3k done/ 997k to go

    Grading Goals:
    1. 9/40 AP essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sun-- rest day
    Mon-- walk gunner
    Tues-- walk gunner + gym
    Wed-- walk gunner
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2016
    A little Sunday motivation.

    A dream written down with a
    becomes a goal. A goal broken down into
    becomes a plan. A plan backed by
    makes your dreams come true.
    Greg S. Reid
  • x3beckaboo
    x3beckaboo Posts: 5 Member
    New to this and would love to watch this thread for continuous motivation. Ready to start this journey!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sunday Share ... I was browsing around the message board today and came across an interesting article that I'd like to share ... this is the full link for it ...

    It has some links in the post that take you to more information that is very helpful ... but he gyst of it is this:
    a) people underestimate how many calories they eat
    b) people overestimate how many calories they burn through activity

    AFM ... I'm still on my quest to bake that first really good loaf of sourdough bread. Today was another less than stellar result. However, I have another batch of dough sitting in the fridge made out of fresher flour and with a slightly different method.

    @Karen... I will be posting my calories <=> MFP target for the days like we did in the past. It has to be within 100 calories either way to count as a day. I will also post my 'Steps walked" results.

    One other thing I want to go back to doing is using my weight scale instead of measuring cups/spoons for anything that is not liquid. That was brought home to me today as important after reading/viewing from the discussion link I posted above.

    @Kelley... I like your quote from Greg S. Reid. True words, those.

    Follow Through on Consistent Focus
    (God that's a mouthful of a motto)

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    edited January 2016
    Well tomorrow is back to work and I am not ready. The freezing temps are arriving tomorrow. I have spent the past couple of days fighting a cold. Starting to feel better and luckily I have managed to keep moving through not as intense as normal.

    My goals for 2016 will be broken down into 9 week segments
    First 9 weeks is back to basics- starting with measurements tomorrow with trainer
    Fitness and flexibility levels for several areas
    Lose 9 pounds- I will be happy with 6 pounds.
    Start running again to prep for the Shamrock Shuffle
    Do something everyday even if is just for 15-30 minutes. It can be a walk, run, weights, stairs etc but I need to be active before settling down for the night.

    My overall goal is to lose the last 20-30 pounds this year. It is time to say goodbye to the extra weight and get into a healthy BMI.

    Motto- The time is now to make the change. Keep moving with no excuses.

    Welcome to the new people, hope you come back often so you get to know us.
    Kelley- Love the poem and it is so true.

    Karen-I like the idea of a personal fitness challenge and a nutrition challenge.

    Jan 1 to 3- walked everyday at least 3 miles, weights and ellipitical.
    Monday- Trainer
    Tuesday- walk
    Wednesday- run
    Thursday- weights
    Friday- Climb
    Saturday- swim? or gym
    Sunday-swim? or gym walk

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited January 2016
    @x3beckaboo -welcome - if you really want support you need to come back daily and post your own situation so you get to know us.

    @Kah-kelley - did you get much of the storms? it was hard to follow the coverage - it seemed so bad everywhere all at once and now I worry for all the great cities along the Mississippi! :'(

    @Niki - I enjoyed your breakdown and your analytical ways. I'll bet your one of us who's books are balance tidely at the end of the month (Yes, I know yours are too, Kelley.......)
    Anythewhoo - the Walking Challenge - well, slap me with a glove - I'll take it! Don't have a pedometer - I'm in @Barb's territory - I'll just count my steps, or - I'll make it to a landmark, and then further. OKey-dokey
    and @Skinny - yep lets have everyone put up their personal Challenge great ideas all.
  • Sora4ever
    Sora4ever Posts: 98 Member
    Sunday - Sharing

    Hello, I'm new to this thread and I think it's a great idea so far! I starred it. :)
    I don't know where my sudden motivation to lose weight came from, but all of a sudden I am determined to lose weight. This time around feels so different....I can't explain it but in the past, I'd start logging and exercising and would quit after a while....Like there was no passion. But now, it feels like something I want to do, rather than something I have to do. Does that make sense? I think this time will be it.

    I've been counting everything and exercising every day. I've been able to lose weight in the past, but over the last couple of years, I have let myself go....not too bad where it's nearly impossible to reverse. But bad enough to feel the difference. Like achy joints when I climb a set of stairs. Or embarrassment when meeting up with old friends who knew me at a lower weight. I'm just tired and want to change, so I'm making the necessary changes to make it a reality.

    I look forward to meeting everyone on here.


    P.S: I just started logging and exercising on DEC 27. My first goal is to lose 5 lbs in the month of JAN.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @sarah & becka-- welcome!!

    @robin-- great plan to track your walking progress. When I first started running that's exactly how I did it. I would pick a landmark and run that far, then walk a bit and pick another. As I built endurance I would try to get a little further.

    @laurie-- I'm also not ready for school to resume tomorrow, Fortunately, we have only one full week, then next week is MLK day, 3 days of final exams, and an institute day. We have similar goals (not surprising given our doppelganger journey on MFP :smile: ) as I also want to lose the last 30 lbs this year. My immediate goal is to lose the 10 I gained over the past few months; I do NOT like the way my jeans are fitting. Sorry you are getting our freezing temps; they stink. :(

    @niki-- thanks for the link! Sidesteel (who that article references) is another great source for sound fitness advice in the forums. I followed a lot of his threads when I first started MFP and they really helped me figure out how to set calorie goals, etc. I also am back to using the food scale on a regular basis.

    @kelley-- great motivation!

    Sunday Share:
    As I mentioned above to laurie, we've had some really frigid temps the past few days. Although I love Chicago, and living in a climate with four seasons, I've increasingly come to the decision that I want to retire someplace warmer. I just can't imagine being 75 or 80 and trying to deal with the snow, ice, and cold. DH and I have had a few semi-serious conversations about it, and I know he's on board (he's always hated the cold). That's actually one of the reasons I'm set on getting debt paid down and focusing on saving for retirement.

    I set up my fitness goals for the month. I'm keeping the nutrition goal simple to start. To make tracking easier, I will just make the weeks run Saturday through Friday. This week shouldn't be too difficult to stick to calorie plan. The only odd days will be Friday when we have DH's holiday party and Saturday when I have a holiday get together with some friends. I will eat light throughout the day Friday to allow for some extra calories that evening. On Saturday, I will go to the gym to earn some extra calories for the evening. I've got this. :)

    Fitness Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week. Week 1 = 1/3 runs; x/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks.
    I will run an 8k twice.

    Nutrition Goal for January:
    Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days each week.

    You vs Year Challenge:
    3k done/ 997k to go

    Grading Goals:
    1. 15/40 AP essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sun-- rest day
    Mon-- walk gunner
    Tues-- walk gunner + gym
    Wed-- walk gunner
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    edited January 2016
    @Nikion901 -- Niki, I don't know how much sourdough you've done but it is very much easier to make nice bread if you use at least 60% white flour in your mixes. It can also take a super long time to rise. I use Peter Reinhart's books; I think they're great. My favourite bread of all is his pain au levain.

    @skinnyjeanzbound -- Karen, we have had no flooding here thank goodness, but there are plenty of scary stories from up North. Our Christmas food is all finished now I think; leftover Christmas treats do us no favours!

    @kah68 -- Kelley, tornadoes are so scary! I'm glad you and yours are all well.

    @Lauriek70 -- Laurie, there's a piece of research linking mortality in middle-aged women to the number of additional limbs they need to use to get themselves off the floor. I always think of it whenever I use both hands to stand up! But you're right that there could be a lot of other things going on, and I am sure they weren't testing primarily on women who do lots of regular exercise like you do.

    @RobinsEgg -- Robin, I am so glad to be back, and thank you for the kind words. i feel like it's the first step, even though I might have to invest a lot of time and energy in this, it feels like the right time to start again.

    @cblue315 -- Lori, your goals are so inspiring! Olympic triathlon, that's amazing!

    @zcb94 -- Zoe, it's so hard to find fitness goals when walking's not an option. I have Wii boxing games that can be set to measure hand movements only, and I can work up a sweat with those sitting on my sofa. Is something like that an option for you? Or do you have a set of physiotherapy exercises that are hard to fit into your day? I think 'not going bonkers' is a great goal for us all, honestly; we all have such varied challenges.

    Thank you to everyone for your New Year updates -- I love to hear about what you're all doing!

    To all the lovely newlings -- this is a great community, and what's more it's a permanent community! For people like me who've fallen off the wagon, it's here when I come back and nobody judges.

    So, I said "I'm back", and then my Internet died which was a bit of a shock (house internet not mobile but I was very restricted in what I could do), and then we went off for the new year to a house with almost no internet, but more importantly All the Pies. Even as I ate and drank far too much, I knew that I was doing my future self no favours. Silly me.

    But I'm back properly now. Thinking of everyone who's battling inclement weather, horrible post-holiday lurgies, or those odd extra holiday pounds that just creep on.

    2016 goals -- For January they're going to be easy, and then I'll look again in February.

    Fitness -- I am desperately unfit right now, so my fitness goals for January are:

    1. 15 minutes of something, 6 days per week.
    2. Be ready for a slightly harder goal come February first.

    Nutrition -- again, not in a good state!

    1. Come here and chart.

    Personal -- lots here:

    1. I'm going to get rid of loads of things in my house that don't bring me joy, using the "1 thing on the 1st, 2 things on the 2nd..." system.
    2. I'm going to be calmer and kinder to my family.
    3. I'm going to make some money, but not in a way that conflicts with the other goals.

    Hope you're all enjoying the start of another year! Back to work day for lots of people here in the UK, and back to school day for lots of kids. Always a shock after those lovely lazy winter days.

    -- Alison

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good Morning Everyone.

    So hard to come back to work after an extended weekend, terrible traffic this morning so had an hour commute—not fun. :rage: The joys of living in a big city.

    @Robin~ Yes, we had terrible storms/tornados here on December 26th. Luckily, my neighborhood didn’t get brunt of it, but people just a few miles from me are still picking up the pieces. A former co-worker lost her house. I can’t even look at FB right now, there are still so many displaced pets at the animal shelters or with people that took them in—it’s heartbreaking. :heartbreak::cry: I think FEMA is here now to help with clean-up/rebuilding and displaced families.

    Welcome to Becka and Sarah!

    AFM~Zoe woke me a couple of times last night, needing snuggles. So of course, when my phone went off at 5am she was sound asleep and had the nerve to meow at me when I needed to get up! :confounded: She’s lucky she is so darn cute. :lol: It’s month-end/year-end so work will be unbearable this week into next and then auditors arrive a week from today for our annual financial statements audit. I hate January! :frowning:

    I don't make New Year's Resolutions so last week I posted about choosing a word for the year—my word for 2016 is purpose. There are some personal things I hope to achieve in 2016 that I can’t post on a public forum but are directly correlated with this word, so it’s fitting.

    I’ll try and check in when I can this week.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday Check-in ... The scale was down today ... and I think it is a good weigh-in as I've been hopping on it daily 9I know I'm not doing myself a favor by doing that) and it's been coming down fractions every day. Thus, this first Monday of the 2016 shows a solid 2.6 pound loss ... more than what I want to lose in a week, but probably mostly water weight.

    For the period Jan 1 - Jan 3
    Walk Challenge 3/3
    Steps goal reached:1600 steps (I don't have a pedometer, I count the steps as I take them)
    Total Exercise minutes: 105
    Total Exercise calories: 434
    Food Logging: 3/3
    Calories Goal: 3/3

    Goal for this week:
    Walk Challenge steps to reach: 5900 steps
    House cleaning ... with furniture moving and deep scrubbing

    @BohemianCoast ... Alison, I am brand spanking new to trying my hand at sourdough bread. I got some starter from the priest at my church who makes sourdough for his soup kitchen and also sells loaves at $5.00 per to fund the soup kitchen. He has turned out lovely white, rye, and pumpernickel sourdough. I baked my third loaf yesterday and it is a bit better than my first two attempts, but nothing anyone but I would be interested in actually eating. As I only consume a one-pound loaf in a week, it will take time to 'get it'. The first loaf was mostly whole wheat flour and this last one was all-purpose unbleached flour on half Whole-Wheat starter. Thanks for your tip.

    @RobinsEgg .... I learned my 'balance the books' lesson early on and they are now always spot on! I am looking forward to reading your report on your and @mountmary84 walking challenge!

    Follow-through on Consistent Focus
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I am up 6.8 lbs. from before the Holidays. I am going to start back and try to lose some of the extra 60 lbs. I would to.
    Hope you are well and getting back to getting healthy!

    Happy National Weigh-In Day!
    The Special K® Brand Marks January 2 National Weigh-in Day
    Brand Releases Survey Results to Help Change Women's Conversations about Weight Management
    BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Jan. 2, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- A recent survey by the Special K® brand indicates that weight loss is often top-of-mind at the beginning of the New Year, with 67 percent(1) of women saying it is the ideal time to begin a weight-loss plan. Now, in an effort to change the way women think and talk about weight loss, the Special K brand has marked Jan. 2 as National Weigh-In Day and is inviting women to "weigh in" on the topic of weight management.
    According to the survey, 62 percent of women fixate on the number of pounds they hope to lose, which often derails them from their weight-loss plan. The Special K brand wants to make stepping on the scale fun for women. Rather than focusing on the numbers that appear, the Special K brand wants women to imagine what they will gain emotionally when they lose.
    "As 2012 rings in, we all know people all over the world will be making New Year's resolutions to lose weight," says Yuvraj Arora, Kellogg Company senior director of Special K. "We hope that we can use this resolution moment to help women focus on the positive gains and feelings of accomplishment they foresee in the New Year."
    Special K Offers New Tools to Help Women Stay on Track
    The Special K survey also found that 75 percent of women said they aim to gain confidence by managing their weight in the New Year. At the same time, more than 63 percent of women find that personalized meal plans or tracking tools make weight loss programs easier to follow. In addition, 64 percent find a lack of support the reason for getting off track from a weight loss plan.
    Recognizing women need flexibility in their plans and tools at their fingertips, the Special K brand is offering new ways to keep women on track. features tracking tools, peer inspiration and motivation that make it a potential alternative to best-in-class weight loss communities. In addition to the tracking tools and communities, the site now allows women to design a plan just for them.
    The Special K plans are also customizable to women's lifestyles. There are on-the-go options for busy lifestyles and adventurous recipes for "foodies," plus vegetarian recipes. After selecting their meal plan and activity level, women are given a personalized Special K plan that is unique to their needs and goals. Women can easily track their progress online via their mobile device.
    Women also can take advantage of National Weigh-In Day to share their goals. The Special K brand is encouraging women to share what they hope to gain via social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and their own personal blogs on National Weigh-In Day, which also marks the launch of the Special K brand's Twitter handle, @SpecialKUS.
    Women living in the New York City and Los Angeles areas are invited to live events on National Weigh-In Day, where they can step on a scale and see messages about the emotional benefits they can gain from achieving their weight-management goals.
    The Special K brand will use its Twitter feed not only to provide updates of local events, but also to empower Special K consumers to share content and spread positive words of encouragement to impact the conversation around weight loss.
    For more information, visit the Special K Facebook page or

    ” If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.” ~Elbert Hubbard


  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy 2016!!! I don't even know where to start, but I've truly missed you guys beyond words. My last login was back in late October when things on the relationship side spiraled out of control. This dating stuff STINKS! Needless to say, I've learned a lot about life, relationships (good and bad), some not so honest people, my insecurities, what Susan truly wants and the list goes on and on. Due to the holidays, work was out of control and it seemed like my life in general was out of sorts. I had to pretty much disconnect. I'm friends with a few of you on Facebook so I know there were some updates and great keeping up with you there too. I'm going to go back a few pages just to read about your life and what's been happening, but I'm sorry I haven't been around to support and encourage.

    Regarding me, I pretty much have yo-yo'ed back and forth 30 pounds all year. I did a weigh in this morning and this is my starting point at 305. Always tough to admit, but you're my friends and you understand unconditionally. I was over 330 at one point so glad to see the number back down. I was still battling the tendinitis and could barely walk some days so exercise has been pretty much nonexistent. Perhaps with the weight going down the ankles are feeling a little better so I'm going to start very slowly and just do some good old walking. Eating is pretty much on track too. I haven't logged, but started back today.

    This year is going to be ALL ABOUT ME!!! It's time I finally take care of myself. Health and well being emotionally, physically, spiritually - everything!! No more serious relationships, but as Cyndi Lauper sings "Girls just wanna have fun!!" and that's me. I'm going to date multiple men, go out and have fun. Whoever makes me laugh, challenges me, has similar work ethics and doesn't want to marry me tomorrow gets a vote!!! Seriously. LOL!!!
  • beckyboo8504
    beckyboo8504 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi! I'm new here, but sadly not new to the journey. I am a single mom and I have had a really rough couple of years. About 4 years ago I had gone from nearly 300 lbs to 170, I was the happiest I had ever been. I wasn't happy because of my weight, but shedding the weight did help me feel freer in a sense. I had more confidence and wasn't so afraid to go out and do the things I wanted to do. It was wonderful as I had been overweight since I was a child.

    Then I got together with the wrong guy three years ago, and we were together for about 6 months. We were madly in love, or course. With him I developed a pretty serious drinking problem, and dropped all of my college classes. I was on an all together downward spiral with him. He left when he found out I was pregnant. He not just left me, but he left the state. I live in Kansas, and he moved to Pennsylvania. So I went into grieving, and boy did I grieve. Being an emotional eater, this did not bode well for my weight. In a small part to the pregnancy and a supersize part to the depression I gained it all the weight back plus some. I completely stopped caring about myself, my health, my appearance, none of it mattered to me. And I definitely didn't weigh because I knew I was gaining why give it a quantifiable number to increase my depression? So here I am, stepping on the scale, and wow was I shocked. 332 lbs.

    My mother was always 300+ lbs as I grew up (and eventually 400+), and I don't want my daughter to have to live that life. I'm not saying I was embarrassed of my mother, because I wasn't. But she was embarrassed of herself, and that meant missing out on a lot of things because she didn't want to have to go out and do those things. I don't want to hold my daughter back because of my weight. So this is for me, and for her.

    Over the holidays I think I finally figured out how to forgive someone who will never ask for it. I figured out how to let go of the anger and the hurt. I figured out a way to stop blaming; be it myself or him. Blame has never solved a problem. I finally felt that heavy darkness lifting, and I am finally ready to get my life back. In order to do that I really need a sense of community. I realize now that I cannot do this alone, and I can't do it with people that don't know what it feels like to have to lose a significant amount of weight. So here I am!

    I did the weigh in, but haven't gotten around to the measurements. I think I will try to do that tonight when my daughter goes to bed. But to make sure I'm not overwhelmed I am starting with small goals. For this month, my goal is simply to log everything I eat. I'm also trying to drink a gallon of water of day (and hopefully phase out soda) but my main goal is tracking the food.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @beckyboo8504 - Hey Becky!! Welcome!!! I just sent you a friend request. I was reading your post and it hit home in so many ways. Now I've got about 17 years on you as I'm 47, but I'm also a single mom too. My son is 13 though. Years ago I was under 200 pounds twice, but didn't lose it a healthy way or was not mentally ready so of course I gained it back and then some. I've been all over the place with my weight loss, but this group has truly helped me when I've fallen down to pick me back up. My highest was 332 and I was down to 275 last, but have gained some back. I started back today at 305, shared the number, started logging again and ready to DO ME!!!

    I was married for 10 years, but divorced my son's father when he was just turning 2. I had to break a cycle and give my son a better chance at being a REAL man, father, husband and productive adult. Unfortunately, his father was none of these things. He's not in his life and see's him once a year if that. We saw him at Christmas and he hasn't given him a birthday or Christmas gift in probably 5 years. It's pretty pathetic because we live in the same city, Atlanta. Seriously. Total deadbeat dad. Sigh.

    With that said, after my divorce, I elected to stay single to focus on my career since I didn't really have one. Knowing I was going to become a single parent I needed to improve myself so I could provide for me and my son. I have not dated for 11 years. Was I lonely at times? Absolutely. I just did not want to bring just anyone into my son's life. This was just the best decision for me. I'm not judging or putting other people down who want to be in a relationship I was just not ready. Never thought it would take 11 years, but we are in such a good place. Life is good. Career has flourished. My son is amazing. With my son being older, I have started to date again and it STINKS! I was seeing someone for 6 months and he really hurt me bad. I've tried seeing a few other guys and it just hasn't been good. There's been so much hurt along the way, but I have learned so much about myself. I deserve so much better. I deserve to be treated with the same respect that I'm giving to them. I deserve affection just as much as I'm willing to give. We are WORTH it and DO NOT let anyone tell you any differently.

    You know what you need to do first and foremost for yourself, but also that beautiful little girl. Teach her what it means to be a strong woman who can take care of herself. I don't need a man. I just want one. LOL!!! Please check in regularly as this group will support you the whole way. Welcome!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    edited January 2016
    As I was catching up on the past pages, I was reading everyone's 2016 goals. I had been working on mine and doing some fine tuning. I may tweak them as the month goes along, but these are definitely some of the areas I want to focus on this year. Thank you again for your friendship and support. You guys are truly the best!!!

    Susan’s 2016 Goals
    January 4, 2016

    Health & Fitness Goals:

    •Sleep is critical. I need to try for at least 7 hours. Lucky if I get 5-6 right now.
    •Drink more water than any other liquid, i.e. Diet Coke, Crystal Light, etc. . .
    •Try to get 100 grams of protein daily. I know my body reacts so much better to higher protein intake.
    •Continue eating clean with shopping outside aisles & limiting as many processed foods as possible. Less eating out too will help.
    •Get in some form of exercise 5x per week. No excuses. I need this as a meeting on my calendar. It’s just as important as any other business meeting.
    •If I do the above goals, the weight will come off. Not setting hard number.

    Personal Goals:

    •Do ME!!!
    •Laugh more. Be happy. Be kind. Be grateful.
    •Date honest, FUN, respectful, and successful men who treat me just like I would treat them
    •Continue to eliminate negativity from my life including toxic relationships
    •Connect & build “real” relationships
    •Meet with financial adviser to discuss current retirement goals & what each one means. I have different things going on, but can’t really tell you what they all mean.
    •Less eating out to save $$
    •Tackle personal debt – freeze credit cards – cash only.
    •Save $$ out of every paycheck no matter how small

    2016 Word: Contentment
    •According to Wikipedia, “Contentment is a mental or emotional state of satisfaction drawn from being at ease in one’s situation, body and mind. Contentment is a state of having accepted one’s situation and is a form of happiness.”
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    "Stay strong and keep moving on" is the motto I chose for 2016, it may need some tweaking but is still a good one.
    Today is Monday, and so far I have met some of my goals:
    1) Walking - missed the breaks, but fixing to go walk for lunch, so that will be 25 minutes of steady walking.
    2) Logging - have logged all my food for the day and am under my goal. Need to add a goal to what I previously listed: No more AMS (After Midnight Snacking) - hard to do since I don't get home from work until after 1am, but unless I've already worked it into my calorie allowance for the day, I will not eat anything after I get home. My day goes from about 12 noon until around 5 am, so that's 4-ish hours I have to avoid snacking. I will try 2 things to help me with this - 1) drink 8 oz of water instead of snacking and 2) get up and do stretches every time my feet try to head to the fridge.

    Good to see everyone here, including the newbies. I'm going to give up on this typing thing, I'm wearing a thumb brace (possible bone spur or arthritis) and it makes it really hard to type!
    Tracy (TX)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--good to see you back! Love your nutrition goals; I have a lot of similar ones (more sleep, more water, more protein), but decided to just list the calorie goal for now. Baby steps for me to get back on track. :smile:

    @becky-- welcome!

    @tom-- good to see you back as well! Hope you and Amy had pleasant holidays-- your profile pic suggests you did. ;)

    @niki-- great job with the loss! Also, there's nothing wrong with weighing in every day (unless it creates anxiety or is discouraging to you personally). Studies show people who do so tend to maintain a healthier weight and stave off weight gain better than those who only weigh themselves periodically.

    @kelley-- yes, returning to work after break; the struggle is real. LOL And don't even get me started about how often gunner climbs on top of me at 5 am and then gets disgruntled when I have to "disturb" him to get up for work an hour late. #spoiledpets

    @alison-- Yes, I've seen a lot of coverage of the flooding up north. My sister still has some friends in Manchester from when she attended university there, and it's just been a mess for them-- and from what I've seen, Manchester doesn't seem to even have gotten the worst of it. Are you still doing your dancing?

    Monday Check-in:
    Well, my Jan 1st weigh in was 196.6 and today I'm down to 193.2, so the scale is moving in the right direction. I suspect about half of the 10 lbs I'm up is water weight, so hope to see a couple more pounds drop quickly. Then the challenge to lose real weight begins.

    So far, I've been under calorie goal each day and have stuck to my exercise goals; pretty easy today, since it was just to walk gunner. Tomorrow will reveal my true commitment b/c I have the gym scheduled.

    Fitness Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week. Week 1 = 1/3 runs; x/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks.
    I will run an 8k twice.

    Nutrition Goal for January:
    Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days each week.
    Week 1 = 3/7

    You vs Year Challenge:
    3k done/ 997k to go

    Grading Goals:
    1. 17/40 AP essays
    2. x/41 AP journals
    3. x/15 SOS Speeches

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sun-- rest day
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner + gym
    Wed-- walk gunner
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
  • Sora4ever
    Sora4ever Posts: 98 Member
    @beckyboo8504 and @susan2396 -- Though I don't have children, I can relate to both your stories. Dating the wrong people can have major long-lasting implications in life. I haven't dated in years because of distrust I have developed against relationships. I feel lonely at times too, but it doesn't outweigh the fear I feel when thinking of dating someone. I prefer to be single. I've been able to lose weight twice in the past, and now I'm at a point where I've nearly gained all of it back. I'm glad for this supportive community, and thank you for sharing!

    Monday check in:
    It was pretty slow at work today so I spent most of my time researching grad schools. I'm still undecided about programs and universities, but every day I get closer to deciding. I did pretty good logging my foods, exercising during my lunch break, and staying under my calorie goal.

    Goals for this week is to walk more every day. I'm going to weigh myself on Wednesday and hopefully it'll be a better number than in the past. On the 12th, I will take measurements again to see if I've lost inches. If I haven't lost weight by then, I'll need to watch my micro's better...I suspect I've been eating high sodium foods.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Wow! I'm behind on my check ins this week. Sorry guys! :blush:
    Yesterday, "how are you doing?" could be described as "bleh, sick." Today, my Tuesday Goal is to get rid of more of this stinking congestion!