Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Bird Day!
    Tuesday, January 5, 2016
    Why National Bird Day?
    • The beauty, songs, and flight of birds have long been sources of human inspiration.
    • Today, nearly 12 percent of the world's 9,800 bird species may face extinction within the next century, including nearly one-third of the world's 330 parrot species.
    • Birds are sentinel species whose plight serves as barometer of ecosystem health and alert system for detecting global environmental ills.
    • Many of the world's parrots and songbirds are threatened with extinction due to pressures from the illegal pet trade, disease, and habitat loss.
    • Public awareness and education about the physical and behavioral needs of birds can go far in improving the welfare of the millions of birds kept in captivity.
    • The survival and well-being of the world's birds depends upon public education and support for conservation.

    ” Life is not happening to you. Life is responding to you." ~Author Unknown


  • capturethememories
    capturethememories Posts: 39 Member
    Hello! My name is Linda and I have about 130 pounds that I need to exercise away... Just joined in December and asked for a bike for Christmas... Which i did get! Lol. So now to ride it more then 10 minutes!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. I am so happy to see Susan, Alison, Holly, Tom, and others who have been missing. I shouldn't have started naming names. Now I can't remember them all. Please don't be offended! It takes everyone to make this work. I need all of you.
    Welcome, Newcomers, as well. I won't be friend requesting because all of my activity is on Robin's Thread. I'm hear daily to get strength and cheer everyone on.
    My goals were being thwarted by leftover treats from the holidays. Yesterday I posted on Facebook that I had leftover homemade candy to give a way. A friend came by and took all if it. This morning I sent my small crockpot and the leftover wassail with Nicole to school. She said she would put it in the teachers' room at the middle school. It is a relief to have all of that gone.
    I have 30# to lose to reach my goal. I want to make a huge dent in that starting with the weight I gained over the holidays.
    I am also working on uncluttering my life. I'm starting with the physical clutter. There are closets and cupboards in the this house that are just way too full of "stuff". At Thanksgiving I had the grandkids go through my game cupboard and take the games they would like to have. Yesterday I finished organizing it. Now I can start moving things from other cupboards and getting rid of stuff from them. Some will be donate, but most of it will by throw away. Getting rid of the physical clutter will also help clean up the mental and spiritual clutter in my life.
    I had been thinking that we would have to sell our home since DH injuries, but I've talked to family, and we are going to try to figure out things so that I can keep it. If we get a fair settlement from the insurance, I should be able to finish paying off the mortgage. The small bathroom off of the master bedroom is desperately in need of updating. I am going to try to get that done this winter. I already feel some of pressure lifting, just knowing that I don't have to sell the house.
    Well, that's enough rambling for me today. It helps to be able to "talk" to you. Sometimes that's the best way to sort things out and ease stress.
    Have a great day.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RopinC
    RopinC Posts: 10 Member
    Hello all, I am trying to get back on track and have a long way to go so for now I have a few goals.

    1) Exercise 30 mins everyday, part of this goal is making the promise to myself I will at least get into my workout close everyday. Usually if I can get myself that far the workout is the easy part. :)
    2) Track everything I eat
    3) Clean up my diet as a phase II process so as not to overwhelm myself

    I hope to keep in contact and good luck on your journey!
  • skhoy0815
    skhoy0815 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm trying to get started... AGAIN.
    Adjusted my goals on here and hopefully ready to do this!

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Tuesday Everyone!!!! So far so good. Of course, I forgot about a cheese vendor this morning and was sampling various cheeses. YUM! Luckily, they were little cubes, but still tried to keep count the best I could. Plus, a couple were made from yogurt so hopefully those were even better for me. LOL!!! At least it’s not a chocolate cutting again. No more of those planned any time soon. Thank goodness!!

    Eating has been on track and I feel OK. I’m starting to track my sugars too because if I keep my carbs down the sugar should stay down too. I know I’ll lose consistently if I keep those two numbers under and monitored more closely. Still no exercise, but I will soon. I promise.

    Cyrus goes back to school tomorrow. Thank God!! That boy needs to get back on a schedule and fast. Vacation, video games, etc. . . are DONE!!!

    I’ve got a cooking date with a friend Saturday night. We’ve been chatting for a little while and had lunch together already. He makes me laugh and looking for just a casual friendship for now. Thank goodness!! Another guy who was starting to get a bit more serious really wants us exclusive. Not sure if I’m ready for that yet and I told him baby steps. This dating is NOT easy at any age, but especially at 47. Lord have mercy!!! LOL!!

    @GOINSTD12 – Great motto Tracy! If we stay strong, everything should keep moving along. Tweaking is OK too. Every day is not the same so our goals/motto’s, etc. . . may need to be tweaked as we move ahead, which is life. Your work schedule is crazy, but you have a plan or a couple of things to help. Great ideas!!

    @Skinnyjeanz – Hey Karen!! It’s good to be back too. I’ve been thinking about you guys the whole time and kept telling myself to get back. Just a bit overwhelmed with life, but I’m taking deep breaths and getting refocused. Always love your list. Great accountability.

    @Sora4ever – Thanks for the note! There’s nothing wrong with being single that’s for sure. Like I said, after my divorce I elected to be single for 11 years. I didn’t date once. I was totally focused on building a career and being mom to a 2-year old. He’s now 13 and I’m now ready. My GF said it’s like finding the right pair of shoes. You have to try on a LOT of shoes before that perfect fit. LOL!! I need to have a goal of walking more every day too. Baby steps getting back on track, but it feels good. I look forward to getting to know you more and supporting each other’s journey.

    @zcb94 – I’m sorry you’re feeling under the weather. I was battling sinus pressure too. It was awful! I look forward to getting to know you as well.

    @GrandmaKaye – It’s so good to see you too. I’ve missed you as well. Woo Hoo! The leftover candy is gone, which is great. 30#’s until goal? You’ve got this!!! I was always so proud of you and how far you have come especially at your age and I’m not saying this in a mean way. It’s soooo hard the older we get and yet you’ve done it! When you posted your 4+ mile walks I was always so impressed. I know you’ve got your crazy winter season ahead, but you will be right back on track very soon.

    @capturethem, @ropinC. @skhoy0815 – Welcome!!! This is a great group whose been around awhile. If you need support, they’re here for you. Check back daily if you can.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited January 2016
    Excuse me but there's 20 posts to read and comment on and I don't know what time amount I have at the moment so I'm gonna talk about my progress and surprise today.

    I went to the rheumatologist to get my Prolia shot (Builds bones) and got weighed and I was down 11 pounds which blew me away! This was with clothes and shoes. I made her check twice!
    I was definitely up at the top after Christmas so that was pretty fast. I'm not really sure why I lost so much. Maybe its my mouth problem - I still can't eat anything spicy or crispy so I did miss out on some of the Christmas treats - lots of cookies are crisp and I couldn't eat them.
    So I'm on a high - walking these last couple of days are counted in hallways - and I'm doing one lap of my floor entirely so thats 3 wings of hallways for me - using a cane and ankle braces. I got to learn to hold my head up.
    Thursday I see the knee doc and we'll sort out what to do with all the pieces and parts that need surgery.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Today was the day I intended to post goals and start tracking, exercising etc. ....but, morning dawned, DH was having chest pains and I took him to ER. He is resting comfortably, no apparent heart attack, but they kept him for observation and a stress test in the AM. We will see where this leads. Somehow, my plans got lost in the excitement, but I will get to this. Probably didn't do too badly today in that regard as the hosp has decent food, a huge beautiful salad bar etc. Still, I didn't count or add anything up.

    Good to see so many back and so many new people here. I of course had comments for all of you, but don't remember what I was going to say so I will say it sounds like everyone is off to a good start. Keep up the good work.

  • Sora4ever
    Sora4ever Posts: 98 Member
    @RobinsEgg and @mountmary84 -- It sounds like you both have medical issues but I love how you both have persevered! I wish you guys well and hope things look up from here.

    Tuesday -- Goals

    My goals are the same as they have ever been. Eat right, lose the same amount of weight, and exercise more. I didn't get to walk today because of the weather. It's been cold, windy, rainy, and miserable to spend any time at all outside. It's times like this that make me miss the warm sunny summers. If I'm not able to exercise then I'll just have to watch what I eat. A goal can be more self control. I want to continue what I've been doing for one more week (until next Tuesday) before updating my goals. I want to see if what I've been doing is working or not. We'll see!
  • rosie711
    rosie711 Posts: 9 Member
    This is my first time posting, even though I've read this thread for quite some time. As an emotional disability teacher I ask my students every day, "what can you do TODAY that will make you the best person you can be?" Well, my point is that I guess I forget to answer that question myself...

    What goal can I set? How will I get there? Who can I look to for the motivation and support??? After some time of reflecting I can honestly answer all those questions :)

    So I guess my Tuesday (weekly goal) would be to remind myself that I can lose the last 60 pounds, and that I deserve it. I will take my gym shoes to work to motivate me to take the time in the morning and the end of the day to put forth that extra effort to reach my end goal.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Wow, so many posts in just one day--it's great to see the thread so active with both longtimers and the newlings.

    I'm going to skip personals tonight because it's already getting late and i still need to finish some work stuff.

    Tuesday Goals:
    Well, I made some serious progress on my running goals. I went to the gym with the intention of doing a short run a little faster than my comfort pace of 5.5 mph. But then I managed to keep going at 5.7 for over 20 minutes. At that point I was so close to meeting my goal of running a 5k straight through, that I just dialed it down to 5.5 and finished 3.1 miles in about 34 minutes--close to a PB for me!! I don't know what was fueling me today, but I just felt really good the whole time.

    I've made less progress on grading goals due to many people (students, colleagues, admin) needing my attention. Between emails and face to face meetings, I think I spent more time dealing with issues than I have teaching the past 2 days. Ugh! Someone make it stop please. Fortunately, tomorrow my juniors are testing so that will be 2 class periods that I can focus on grading journals. I was hoping to have the AP essays done by Friday, but it's not looking promising.

    Fitness Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week. Week 1 = 2/3 runs; 1/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks. DONE
    I will run an 8k twice.

    Nutrition Goal for January:
    Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days each week.
    Week 1 = 4/7

    You vs Year Challenge:
    8k done/ 992k to go

    Grading Goals:
    1. 17/40 AP essays
    2. 10/41 AP journals
    3. 5/15 SOS Speeches

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Sun-- rest day
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
  • GraceWyatt91
    GraceWyatt91 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey I'm Grace. Not wanting to crash the party but would be nice to have someone to talk to through the journey you know. I don't have 100 pounds to lose but I'm 5'4" and weigh 235 my goal weight is 170 for now. I guess that's all...
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Hey I'm Grace. Not wanting to crash the party but would be nice to have someone to talk to through the journey you know. I don't have 100 pounds to lose but I'm 5'4" and weigh 235 my goal weight is 170 for now. I guess that's all...
    No problem, Grace! Welcome aboard. Everyone is welcome to this here party! This is a safe place to post almost anything on your mind. If you find yourself facing Writer's Block, feel free to use the suggested (not at all mandatory) daily topics (Monday Check-In, Tuesday Goal, etc.) as a guide. I hope we can help you through this amazing journey called health! :smile:
  • GraceWyatt91
    GraceWyatt91 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks zcb94...
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @nikin901 -- Niki, keep trying with the bread, it takes practice. I think daily weighing is the best way, though I understand that it can be demoralising when the needle goes up.
    @morgori -- Tom, thanks for the information about National Weigh-In Day! Though I wouldn't wish Special K on my worst enemy, horrid stuff, and I hate the way their advertising is gendered.
    @susan2396 -- the great thing about starting the year at 305 is that you'll have a great boost when you're back in the 200s! As someone who's been dating the same man for 20 years at this point I will look forward to your tales of fun times! fun times!
    @beckyboo8504 -- hang in there. I'm back this week having regained all the weight I lost (which was a lot). Do I feel like an idiot? Yes I do. Did I make poor choices? Yes I did. Am I going to get back on track? Yes I am. And you can too. And on letting go... one of my favourite quotes (I do quotes a lot) is Anne Lamott -- "never forgiving is like drinking rat poison and waiting for the rat to die".
    @skinnyjeanzbound -- Karen, we're still dancing, but I'm so heavy at the moment I'm not enjoying it much and I'm bad at it. All these things make that depressive spiral worse.
    @grandmakaye44 -- Kaye, I'm so glad to be back with you all! 2016 is going to be a great year! I am so glad you aren't going to have to sell the house, that must be a great weight off your mind.

    I did start to post yesterday but then my daughter (who doesn't return to Uni till the weekend) distracted me by asking for help with her work. At present I'm doing zero of my stuff and loads of hers.

    Big treat tonight (for daughter's birthday, which is next week but she won't be here) -- we're off to see Matilda the Musical. It was quite the hot ticket when it was first out, but we're seeing it on cheap January discount tickets. I love seeing West End shows but it's expensive when there's four of you.

    I don't know if I learnt it here, but I keep reminding myself of this. The secret of success isn't getting what you want, it's wanting what you get. Hope you're all getting a wonderful Wednesday!

    -- Alison

  • beckyboo8504
    beckyboo8504 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks everyone for your kind words and welcomes :smile: I forgot to check in on this thread yesterday, but one of my goals is to walk more, but it's been pretty cold out there as of late. So yesterday I walked around the office for 10 minutes. It wasn't much, but it was 10 minutes. I know I drove the people in the office crazy haha!

    As far as what I wish, I honestly don't know. I suppose for now my wish is to win the lottery haha! I only work very part time so that I can take care of my mom and get to spend my days with my daughter. I started an 8-5 job this week (to help my mom at her job) and that requires the little one going to a babysitter all day, which has been hard. If I won the lottery, I'd never have to take her to a babysitter again. I could spend every second with her until she's old enouch to tell me I'm smothering her haha!

    I've never really been much of a wisher I guess :smile: I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
  • GraceWyatt91
    GraceWyatt91 Posts: 14 Member
    Good morning everyone I want to wish everyone good luck this morning on whatever you choose to do...
  • GraceWyatt91
    GraceWyatt91 Posts: 14 Member
    I wish being overweight, obesity, and stuff like that didn't exist...
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day!
    After all the fabulous food, the non-stop shopping and the get-togethers, the hustle-and-bustle of the holiday season is o-v-e-r. But before we can get back to a "normal" routine, there is one more thing we need to do. While the halls have been decked, the drummers are done drumming and Santa has settled down for a long winter’s nap, it’s time to tackle all those balls, un-tangle the bright lights and the granddaddy of ‘em all – the ole’ Christmas tree.
    When is the best time to take down the tree? Just as there are no tried-and-true rules for putting up the Christmas tree, taking it down is often a personal preference. One man has left his tree up for 40 years! According to a Mirror report published on Dec. 27, Neil Olson put up his Christmas tree in 1974 and is not taking it down until all his six sons come home.
    Although most of us won’t wait decades, many Americans ditch the tree the day after Christmas while others wait until New Year’s Day or the day after. For some people, the actual condition of the tree dictates when the tree will be taken down. Others wait until they have a day off work or when they have a few extra hands to help out. But some folks follow a more traditional path. The official holiday season ends on Jan. 6 (Epiphany) – following the 12 days of Christmas, which officially begins on the evening of Dec. 25. In keeping with tradition, Jan. 6 is National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day, an annual holiday created by the Queen of Holidays.
    While putting up the tree and decorating the inside and outside of the home is often a merry event, taking down the tree and the decorations can be downright depressing. In honor of National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day, why not make it a fun event and have a de-clutter and de-tree party? Gather up the family or a few BFFs, whip up a few tasty appetizers and one or two refreshing cocktails, and you are good to go. It’s time to toss the tree and give it the old heave-ho. But just in case you’re feeling a little blue – no worries. Depending when you read this article, next Christmas is less than 362 days away! (Please don't forget the birds this holiday season. If you put up a real tree this year, recycled trees can provide much-needed shelter for our feathered-friends.)

    ” Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching?” ~Dennis and Wendy Mannering


  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm BACKKKKKK! lol Been awhile since I've posted in here. Good to see so many new people. I fell off plan with a resounding PLOP for the last 4 months or so. Restarted on the 1st and have been doing great since. I think I'm going to do it this time though. I have a better mindset and the determination is back! yay! My ultimate goal is to be in a bikini for the 2017 summer season! I'm stoked!

    How is everyone doing this cold but beautiful day?